Muslim Prayer Position No. 1 - 2013

"Educated" Saudi Physician Goes Kamikazee On Wonderful MUSLIM Brothers

Regardless of assurances, education, treaties, or oath, a GD MUSLIM will judge the infidel on their terms-real or imagined-and rob, rape, or murder as they decide to do.
Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace

"He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause"
-Mohammad, murdering hunk of $hit child-molesting false "prophet" of Islam-may he be tormented forever in the eternal hellfires prepared for Satan along with ALL of his evil followers.

2013.11.20 (Miranshah, Pakistan) - Seven people are killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber rams their car.
2013.11.20 (al-Arish, Egypt) - Islamic militants detonate a car bomb that leaves ten Egyptians dead.
2013.11.19 (Beledweyne, Somalia) - Twenty people are disassembled by Religion of Peace suicide bombers.
2013.11.19 (Beirut, Lebanon) - An al-Qaeda suicide blast at the Iranian embassy leaves two dozen people dead.
2013.11.18 (Paktika, Afghanistan) - Holy Warriors take out seven children playing in the road.
2013.11.17 (Tuz Khormato, Iraq) - Twenty-one innocent people are sent to Allah by suicide bombers at a popular market.

"We love Death more than you love Life." - Convicted Murdering MUSLIM Coward U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan, M.D.
Ass Hole Norwegian Leftists: We Deserve To Get Attacked By MUSLIMS

The Norwegians describe in the book the thoughts and feelings that went through their minds in the aftermath of their violation of safety.

Their biggest concern after being beaten and robbed by Muslim foreigners was that they would end up turning into racists. They were also concerned that their neighbors might suspect that they had turned into racists. This is what motivated them to write the book. The book was a way for them to exonerate themselves of anybody’s misconceptions that they had turned into racists.

The left has turned racism into a mortal sin. They’ve brainwashed people into believing that racism itself—mere opinions!—are harmful, rather than the actions that can stem from those opinions.

And murdered, too...