Really looks like Biden, et al., are TRYING to lose election--to put in Israel firster traitor


Guest Columnist
Folks: these are absolute idiots, Biden and Demon-rats, and they're TRYING to lose the election--in order to put in an Israel-first traitor, Trump, to start a big war, like against Iran, all for Israel and Jews--Jews controlling Jew S A and the election, Jews behind both Demon-rats and Republicans.

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Breaking: Biden/Harris Campaign Calls For National Mandatory Face Mask Mandate

‘Let’s institute a mask mandate nationwide, starting immediately’ - August 13, 2020 60 Comments


Just one day after announcing Kamala Harris will be his vice presidential running mate, Joe Biden declared his administration would call for a “nationwide mask mandate” if elected.

“This is not about Democrat, Republican or Independent,” Biden claimed. “It’s about saving Americans’ lives. So, let’s institute a mask mandate nationwide, starting immediately, and we will save lives. The estimate is that we will save over 40,000 lives in the next three months if that is done.”

BREAKING: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris call for a “nationwide face mask mandate” without explaining the specifics of how that would work.

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) August 13, 2020
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris call for a nationwide mandatory mask order; Trump slaps down the suggestion

17 hrs ago-
1 minute
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The presumed Democratic presidential candidates called for a federal order for mandatory mask mandate that would apply to all Americans nationwide.

Former Vice President Joe Biden made the demand on Thursday and California Sen. Kamala Harris endorsed the policy.

"Every American should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months at a minimum," Biden told reporters in a media briefing in Wilmington, Delaware.

"Let's institute a mask mandate nationwide starting immediately and we will save lives. The estimates are we will save over 40,000 lives in the next three months if that is done," Biden added.

Harris approved of Biden's statement.

"That's what real leadership looks like," Harris said. "We just witnessed real leadership."

The announcement was made only a day after Harris was announced as Biden's vice presidential pick.

Federal vs. local control

President Donald Trump has resisted calls for a federal mask mandate and has instead left it up to state and local governments to determine their own policies on enforcing social distancing guidelines.

When asked to respond to the suggestion from Biden and Harris, he gave a characteristically dismissive response.

"We do not need to bring the full wait of the government down on law-abiding Americans to accomplish this goal. Americans must have their freedoms, and I trust the American people and their governors very much," President Trump said in his media briefing.

"I trust the American people and the governors want to do the right thing to make the smart decisions and Joe doesn't. Joe doesn't, Joe doesn't, know too much," he continued.

"Unlike the Biden approach, our approach is guided by science," he added. "Sleepy Joe rejects the scientific approach in favor of locking all Americans in their basements for months on end!"

The president went on to accused Biden of wanting to "shut down our economy" and "grind society to a halt" through a federal mandate.

A poll in June found that 76% of Americans thought the lockdown was appropriate or didn't go far enough, while 80% of Americans said that they looked favorably at people who wore masks to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

The U.S. has seen more than 5.2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the country, and the death toll in the U.S. is at more than 166,000 people.
Luongo: With Harris Pick, Democrats Cede Election To Trump


by Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/15/2020 - 13:15
Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog,

We haven’t even reached the DNC convention in Milwaukee next week and the election season is already over. Former Vice President and (presumptive) Democratic Party Nominee Joe Biden picked Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate.

She is the first non-white woman to be so ‘honored.’

But that’s not a pick designed to win an election, that’s a white flag of surrender.

Harris ran one of the worst primary campaigns in recent memory, trying desperately to be the ‘black’ Hillary Clinton. She crashed out in spectacular fashion. If there is a better example of being tone-deaf to what voters want in a woman candidate, I really can’t think of one.

What does Harris bring to the ticket? She’s a former prosecutor of black men from California. Were the Democrats so worried about that state that they felt it necessary to lock it down?

No, obviously, I’m being facetious.

Harris was simply the only choice they could make after Biden announced his running mate would be a ‘woman of color’ and there was little chance he’d choose party gadfly Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) since he’s as globalist, empire-defender as everyone else in charge at the DNC.

The other possibilities were not serious. And Susan Rice has two real strikes against her. One, she has no name recognition. And two, she may wind up being indicted by John Durham before the election.

In fact, if you read between the lines, Rice not being the choice is a signal that the DNC’s legal troubles are a lot more serious than anyone is willing to let on.

The far better choice for the DNC strategically would have been Elizabeth Warren. Now, while Warren is just as much an unlikeable harpy as Harris is, she’s also more of a true moderate who could campaign to bring the party back from the brink.

Moreover, since she is one, she would have shored up the so-called ‘Karen Vote’ which is a core Democratic constituency far better than Harris can.

In an election cycle where the straw man arguments about Republican Bogeymen taking away the right of women to murder their unborn children is strangely absent, that voting block is more precious to the DNC than ever before, especially after they openly backed the race riots and urban violence that has dominated the news cycle for the past three months.

The only way I think this pick works for them is that they try to claw back their support for BLM and Antifa by putting the strong authoritarian Harris at the top of the ticket. As Gabbard pointed out in the debates last year, no California Attorney General put more black men in prison than Harris.

Since Biden skillfully avoided backing the rioting, he and Harris will now pivot in the most disingenuous way to being the ‘law and order’ ticket accusing President Trump of allowing our cities to burn and mishandling everything from the economy, to COVID-19, to the CHAZ in Seattle.

You can see the script they’ve written in their strategy sessions at the DNC. It’s the classic Alinsky play of fomenting a problem, nurturing it and coddling it and then attacking your opponent for being weak on handling that which you’ve been doing.

They’ve done this completely with all of the main issues of 2020 to date. And now at the convention in Milwaukee, the Democrats will try to argue, in Straussian fashion that they are the synthesis between an incompetent President Trump (thesis) and a failing America which he alone created (antithesis).

The only problem is it won’t work.

At all.

Trump has weathered these three storms about as well as someone with his level of competence can. And over the weekend he took the fight directly to the Democrats over stimulus and relief, crafting four executive orders which strike at the heart of their usual talking points. I covered them in a recent blog post.

1.Defer Payroll Tax Collection — Here Trump is doing at least two things. First, he’s a Republican lowering taxes on the poor and middle class. Second, he lowers the cost of U.S. labor, cuts away red tape and makes it easier for businesses in a cash flow crunch to stay open not having to worry about paying monthly/quarterly tax payments. This attacks a core Democrat talking point, “Republicans don’t care about the little guy, we do!”

2.Extend Student Loan deferments – This is one step closer to debt jubilee on debt that, again, freezes people in place, dealing with debt servicing rather than creating demand in the real economy for goods and services. This also attacks the banks who made these predatory loans, which most student loan debt is, which undermines the “Occupy Wall. St.” talking point that all the money goes to the banks.

3.Extend Renter and Mortgage Eviction Moratorium – Again Trump hits the banks where they live by stopping the eviction of people whose income the Federal and State governments destroyed with their COVID-19 lockdown orders. This is a direct attack on the DNC’s plan to see the banks throwing millions of people out of their homes during the height of the election campaign. Restates the argument that the GOP is only for the rich vulture capitalists.

4.Lower and extend Unemployment Assistance — Trump’s no dummy. At this point the budget deficit is ludicrous. Lowering the assistance through the election season, again, says he’s helping and they are obstructing. It’s not perfect, but it extends the fiscal cliff people are facing until after the election allowing him to make more sweeping changes to the tax code while keeping people in their homes, fed and capable of maintaining some semblance of normality. Trump claims the ‘I care about you’ moral high ground.

At this point in time all Trump has to do to counter this pivot by Biden and Harris is to stand his ground on relief for the lower and middle classes, defend the police as “Blue Lives Matter” rallies spring up all around the country and reassure all those shiny new gun-owning soccer moms in the suburbs that Antifa isn’t coming to their neighborhoods on his watch.

The strategy to oust Trump has been to attack the three main pillars of the middle class, the safety of their health (COVID-19), their wealth (financial crisis) and their homes (rioting). Trump’s approval rating has held up during all of this because he hasn’t panicked.

He waited until his opposition overcommitted themselves to a strategy that turned a majority of the country against them. The polls today have been structured to bring to life the fiction of a Biden victory, but the state map has Biden in real trouble in the states he needs to win to even have a chance at victory.

In 2016 I never doubted that Trump would beat Hillary. The polls are not there to measure voter opinions but to shape them. And if this map is the best they can muster after systematically destroying the U.S. economy then, honestly, I expect Trump to win in an electoral college walk in November.

There’s a lot of time between now and the election and I suspect the pressure on Trump will only rise. But if we’re truly honest about the messaging of the Democrats and the way they are positioning themselves for this election they are expecting to lose and steal the election through ballot harvesting and contesting state results to sow further discord.

What we’ve seen so far in 2020 is the ultimate form of political blackmail from the elites through their mouthpieces in the media and the Democratic Party’s election strategy. They are telling voters to dump Trump and restore them to power or they will tear down the United States and burn down your homes.

I don’t think that’s a winning strategy, nor do I think Kamala Harris can make a dent in Trump’s rising approval ratings with black and Hispanic voters. Everything I’m seeing from them tells me they know they are going to lose but they have to put up a fight because the future of the party depends on it.
Here's creepy Joe Biden making speech for Demon-rat convention, babbling incoherently like a senile old fool. Imagine the morons of Jew S A actually voting for this pathetic idiot.

Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top

By Monica Showalter


Kamala Harris, that vaunted self-righteous feminist candidate who's using her 'year of the woman' chops to challenge President Trump in 2020, has a little problem: She slept her way to the top.

You know, the mistress thing, not exactly moving on up based on hard work or merit, that little advantage of good looks (President Obama called her the 'best-looking' state attorney general), employed to their optimal practical use. Her political patron, former lawyer to pimps, Mayor of San Francisco, and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, admitted he helped her get her political start, writing in his bloggy San Francisco Chronicle column:

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

"And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians."

Now you know where we get these people from. Somehow Harris, who was in her late 20s or at most 30 when she dated the 60-year-old married Brown around 1994 did so because he was just so very irresistable. Here's how the San Francisco Chronicle reported it on Twitter:

WILLIE BROWN: "I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my 'relationship' with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Yes, we dated."
— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) January 26, 2019

That of course, was in exchange for certain kinds of favors. Her rival, Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren got her start playing fake Indian. Kamala went the old fashioned way, sleeping her way to the top. Democrats have some pool of candidates here in this 'it's our turn' year of the woman and out to Get Trump offerings.

Willie Brown, of course, was California's most powerful politician, which might have had something to do with why Harris was out 'dating' the married man twice her age. And it's interesting because Brown, a former attorney for pimps in his pre-political days, seems to have a taste for the kind of women often seen in a positive light by pimps, such as this one - who represents Brown's taste in women. Not that it mattered that he was married, he's always had a girlfriend in the picture, according to the article. And well, Kamala was one of them.

Other reports say that once Kamala got the office she wanted from Brown, she dumped him. Brown made a cutesy reference to Kamala saying she was going to ticket him for jaywalking, which sounds like overkill, probably the kind of statement someone with a guilty conscience would make, not wanting anyone to know about how she got her office. What's more, Harris has kept virtually all references to Brown out of her numerous memoirs on the market.

Some feminist she is. She slept her way to the top and now it's out. It's actually not the first time it's been out, but since it's coming out now so early in the campaign, perhaps it was an inoculation shot, the way that candidate Donald Trump's team must have released the Melania Trump nude modelling shots to the New York Post to make it 'old news' so as to assure it would not become a campaign issue the day before the election.

All the same, it's disgusting, and while Trump is no angel on the love front, at least he never offered sex for political favors, either to women or from women. He never cheated on someone's spouse to get himself some political power the way she did. So now that Harris is presented as a role model and antidote-to-Trump these days, is she going to encourage all the little girls out there by saying that getting a politically strong boyfriend is the way to make it big in politics now? One wonders.

Let's hope she has to answer some questions about it from the Trump camp in what's sure to be a pious and hectoring political campaign.
‘THE BIDENING’: Trump Campaign Releases 5 Devastating Ads Hitting Biden

1 hour ago-
3 minute
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[see at least 4 of these vids at site link, above]

Former vice president and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden uses a tissue as he meets with clergy members and community activists during a visit to Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Delaware on June 1, 2020. - Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden visited the scene of an anti-racism protest in the state of Delaware on May 31, 2020, saying that the United States was "in pain". "We are a nation in pain right now, but we must not allow this pain to destroy us," Biden wrote in Twitter, posting a picture of him speaking with a black family at the cordoned-off site where a protesters had gathered on Saturday night.

The Trump campaign released five new ads on Monday targeting Democratic nominee Joe Biden over a variety issues, ranging from questions about his mental fitness to recent racially insensitive remarks he has made on the campaign trail.

One of the ads suggested that Biden’s cognitive abilities have dramatically declined over the last four years. The ad shows footage of Biden talking from just a few years ago and compares it with recent clips of Biden on the campaign trail.

“Biden’s wife, Jill Biden, recently had to go on Fox News to defend her husband from the criticisms. It’s worth noting that numerous Democrats, progressives, and left-wing publications have also questioned Biden’s mental fitness for office,” The Daily Wire reported. “Biden, who said a couple of months ago that he was ‘constantly tested’ for cognitive decline, walked those claims back last week, denying that he had been tested for cognitive decline and saying, ‘Why the hell would I take a test?'”

WATCH:The next video mocked Biden by highlighting some of the strange comments he has made, such as calling a girl a “lying dog-faced pony soldier.”

The video opens up with wording that says, “This November Comes A Tale Of Horror Inspired By Actual Events,” then cuts to a clip of Biden snapping at a black reporter who had asked him if he had taken a cognitive test, asking him if he was a “junkie.”

The ad then cuts in video of Biden and uses special effects to show him transition into the same room as the black journalist, where he then sneaks up behind him and starts sniffing his hair.

The video also features numerous audio soundbites of Biden, including one where Biden struggled to say that Americans should judge his mental fitness.

“…American public judge my physical and mental fil- my physical as well as my mental fil- fitness,” Biden said.

The next video highlighted numerous comments that Biden has made on the campaign trail and in the past that many have panned as racist.

“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community,” Biden said. “If you have a problem figuring out whether your for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” Biden continued. “My Democratic colleagues don’t like me saying this, I think the two party system is good for the South and good for the Negro, good for the black.”

“And other than the fact that they still call me ‘boy,’ I don’t think they’ve, I think they’ve changed their mind a little bit,” Biden said. “They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.”

The video also features audio from Biden’s running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) slamming Biden last year for saying good things about two Democratic senators who were segregationists.


The next video highlights the violent riots that have plagued America’s streets in predominately Democrat-controlled cities over the past couple of months.

The video shows top Democrats, including Biden and Harris, claiming that the so-called protests were peaceful while footage plays in the background showing violent rioting from far-left extremists.


The last video highlights many of the far-left positions that Biden has taken on a variety of political issues. The video is titled, “Don’t Let The Radical Left Takeover.”

The Daily Wire highlighted the Biden policy stances that were featured in the campaign ad in an in-depth piece last fall:

Economy: Biden is best described as a Keynesian who believes in the purported economic benefits of large-scale government investments and deficit spending. Along with then-President Obama, Biden shepherded through a massive fiscal stimulus package in the duo’s first year in office, oversaw the passing of the regulation-heavy Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, dramatically expanded the national debt, and hiked income taxes on the wealthy. Biden has long been supportive of a greater federal role in infrastructure spending. On the issue of trade, Biden voted for NAFTA in 1993. Biden has opposed the privatization of Social Security.

Immigration: Biden voted for the George W. Bush-era Secure Fence Act of 2006, but has also consistently supported amnesty policies throughout his career — including the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 and the failed “Gang of Eight” immigration bill in 2013. Biden served as vice president when Obama issued two major unilateral executive amnesties, DACA in 2012 and DAPA in 2014 — each of which has been fiercely opposed by conservatives and has been challenged in high-profile lawsuits.

WATCH: [ck site link, above]
Tucker Exposes DNC Lunatics: “Mermaid Queen-King” Wants To Abolish Cops & Prisons

‘Why can’t folks imagine a world without prisons?’

[see vid at site link, above]

Kelen McBreen | - August 20, 2020 21 Comments


During Wednesday night’s Tucker Carlson Tonight broadcast, the Fox host exposed the radical left stances the DNC is promoting during their daytime programming.

While the primetime portion of the DNC gets all the attention, Carlson directed his viewers’ attention toward the parts of the event most people didn’t see.

“Most of the actual convention events take place during daytime hours. The networks don’t cover them. You have no idea they ever happened. There’s a reason for that, obviously,” he explained. “If you saw what they were saying during the day, you would never turn into primetime again. In fact, you might flee the country.”

The first part of the DNC Carlson focused on was a prayer led by Pastor Frederick Haynes where viewers were literally told they will “go to Hell” if they don’t let immigrants flood the country.

Next, Tucker played a segment of the convention where a man reciting the Pledge of Allegiance said, “With liberty and justice for all… someday.”

“This could be a good country someday if we’re in charge. Otherwise, it’s an awful place,” Carlson said, mocking the DNC guest.

A transgender activist called Linda Labeija told DNC viewers she/he had “never felt American” and doesn’t “know the Pledge of Allegiance,” because those “are not her systems” and Trump is not her president.

Another transgender speaker at the DNC is a self-described “Black-Vietnamese, transgender nonbinary/gender transcendent mermaid Queen-King currently living out their ever-evolving truths in Winston, Salem,” according to their Wake Forest University staff bio.

“Why can’t folks imagine a world without the cops? Why can’t folks imagine a world without prisons? Why can’t people expand their imaginations to include community care, to include an abolitionist future?” Mai asked.

The “transcendent mermaid Queen-King” continued, “I’m talking about like for real, for real abolition, not this watered-down DNC version of abolition.”

“We’re talking about abolishing the police, we’re talking about abolishing ICE, we’re talking about abolishing prisons,” J Mai added.

After playing the DNC segment, Tucker told his audience, “You’re starting to get some sense why they’re not putting this stuff on TV.”

He went on to explain that Democrats and their media lapdogs have been telling Americans the radical left’s insane agenda isn’t real and that Democrats don’t want to take the cops away despite voting to do so in many major cities.

“But now,” Carlson said, “J Mai shows up and lets an entire animal shelter of cats out of the DNC’s bag and lets you know that yes, all your fears are true. We’re doing exactly what you think we’re doing. The gender transcendent mermaid Queen-Kings are here and it’s a whole new deal now. Get psyched!”

The DNC’s next transgender guest, Marisa Richmond, attacked “transphobia in schools.”

Richmond claimed state legislators are “targeting trans youth by denying them access to the right to play sports.”

If you thought the convention couldn’t get worse than advocating biological males dominate female sports, think again.

An aspiring economist speaking at the DNC called for “the destruction of colonization, white supremacy and capitalism.”

To top off the daytime DNC extravaganza, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called for free healthcare and college for everyone, including illegal immigrants.

She then ended her short speech by declaring support for Bernie Sanders, instead of Joe Biden.

With a clown show so flooded with far-left garbage, it’s no wonder the majority of the event has been kept from national television.
DNC “Impactful Community Leader” A Convicted Rapist, Murderer

Speaker ‘squeezed victim’s testicles with pliers’ & shoved a three-foot metal bar up his rear

Kelen McBreen | - August 20, 2020 20 Comments


The Democratic National Convention invited a woman convicted of kidnapping, raping, torturing and murdering a man in the 1980s to speak to their constituents as an “impactful community leader.”

The Dem convention website brags, “Tonight, the 2020 Democratic National Convention was officially called to order with some of America’s most impactful community leaders reading the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, in a new video titled ‘We the People.’”

One of the “impactful community leaders” who spoke on behalf of the Democratic Party on Monday was Donna Hylton.

Watch Hilton’s appearance in the DNC “We the People” video below:

Before starring in an advertisement for the Democratic Party, Hylton was convicted for the 1986 kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder of a 62-year-old Long Island real estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo.

According to The American Thinker, “Donna Hylton and her gang of prostitutes had drugged real estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo, brought him to their Harlem apartment, and subjected him to a three week torture session which included starvation, beatings, burnings, and various forms of sexual torture leading to a gruesome murder. Hylton had raped Vigliarolo with a three-foot metal rod, later laughing it off, quipping ‘he was a homo anyway.’”

The group demanded a ransom from one of Vigliarolo’s friends, and Hylton planned on spending her money on photos to help launch her modeling career.

However, the delinquents were caught and she served 26 years in prison for the gruesome crime before being released in 2012.

Soon after being set free, Donna became a Democrat activist and joined the Coalition for Women Prisoners.

Besides the 2020 DNC appearance, Hylton was also a featured speaker at the 2017 Women’s March and was once interviewed by China’s propaganda network CGTN.

She went on CGTN to claim minorities are discriminated against, saying, “The majority of prisons and jail are crowded with black and brown women because of their dehumanization. We are criminalized for our color; we are criminalized and sexualized.”

The DNC cameo may have only been a stepping stone for Hylton as her biography A Little Piece Of Light is now set to be adapted into a Hollywood film starring Rosario Dawson.

Why does the left have an infatuation with promoting the most degenerate individuals possible?
DNC Used Deported Woman To Attack Trump. She Was Deported Under Clinton, Flagged Under Obama.


August 21, 2020

The deported illegal alien that the Democrat National Convention used this week to attack President Donald Trump was previously deported under Democrat President Bill Clinton and was flagged under former Democrat President Barack Obama to be deported after she illegally re-entered the United States.

“Alejandra Juarez first sneaked into the U.S. in 1998. She was caught at the border and deported back to Mexico,” The Washington Times reported. “She quickly sneaked back into the U.S. — a ‘felony act’ — and remained in the shadows until a traffic stop in 2013 when she appeared on the radar of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”

“Experts said an Obama-era initiative expanding the use of local police fingerprint checks to aid deportations likely flagged Mrs. Juarez for ICE,” The Washington Times added. “At that point, the Obama Homeland Security Department had a choice. It could have shown leniency but instead reinstated her deportation order from 1998, putting her on the path to deportation that the Trump Homeland Security Department carried out in 2018.”

Democrats used Alejandra Juarez’s daughter, 11-year-old Estela Juarez, as a weapon against the president during the DNC this week when she read an emotional letter that tried to portray the president as a cold person who was ripping families apart.

The ad video in which Democrats featured Estela Juarez also falsely misrepresented comments that Trump has made during his presidency.

The video shows Trump making four comments on four separate occasions, and makes it seem as though he was talking about illegal aliens. The four comments were:

“We will begin moving them out day one.”
“These aren’t people.”
“I don’t want them in our country.”
“They’re animals.”

In each of those statements, Trump was referring to violent criminals, including the hyper-violent MS-13 street gang, not people who were simply in the U.S. illegally.

Full context of each remark below [portion of quote used by DNC highlighted in bold]:

Trump said during a 2016 campaign event: “According to federal data, there are at least two million, two million, think of it, criminal aliens now inside of our country, two million people criminal aliens. We will begin moving them out day one. As soon as I take office. Day one. In joint operation with local, state, and federal law enforcement.” (Source)

Trump made his “these aren’t people” remark in response to a comment from a sheriff at a White House round table event on May 16, 2018, who said: “There could be an MS-13 member I know about — if they don’t reach a certain threshold, I cannot tell ICE about it.” Trump responded by saying: “We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals. And we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It’s crazy.”

Trump said on November 1, 2018: “There’s nothing political about a caravan of thousands of people, and now others forming, pouring up into our country. We have no idea who they are. All we know is they’re pretty tough people when they can blast through the Mexican military and Mexican police. They’re pretty tough people. Even Mexico said, ‘Wow, these are tough people.’ I don’t want them in our country. And women don’t want them in our country.

Women want security. Men don’t want them in our country. But the women do not want them. Women want security. You look at what the women are looking for. They want to have security. They don’t want to have these people in our country. And they’re not going to be in our country. It’s a very big thing.”

Trump said during an August 2018 rally: “Anything I want, they want to oppose. You know, I just figured out how to do the wall: I’ll say I don’t want to build the wall and they’ll insist on building it. I just figured that out right now. So Bob Casey doesn’t mind MS-13 coming in. These are the slicers. They slice people up and they’re – and remember I called them animal and Nancy Pelosi scolded me, ‘How dare he call another human being an animal?’ They’re animals.“

Below is the transcript and the video that the DNC used to attack Trump:

Dear Donald Trump,

My name is Estella. I am 11-years-old.

My mom is my best friend. She came to America as a teenager over 20 years ago without papers in search of a better life. She married my dad, who served our country as a Marine in South America, Africa, and Iraq.

My mom worked hard and paid taxes, and the Obama administration told her she could stay.

My dad thought you would protect military families, so he voted for you in 2016, Mr. President. He says he won’t vote for you again after what you did to our family. Instead of protecting us, you tore our world apart. Now, my mom is gone, and she’s been taken from us for no reason at all. Every day that passes, you deport more moms and dads and take them away from kids like me.

You separated thousands of children from their parents, and you put them in cages. Some of those kids are now orphans because of you.

Mr. President, my mom is the wife of a proud American Marine and a mother of two American children. We are American families. We need a president who will bring people together, not tear them apart.
‘The Spectacle No One Saw’: Democratic Convention Ratings A ‘Disappointing Flop’ Featured

Written by BlabberBuzz | August 21, 2020 07:52 AM


About 22 percent fewer American viewers tuned in on the second night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) compared to the same period in 2016, according to Nielsen, a data analytics and measurement company.

The drop in viewership for Tuesday's event, which compared to 24.7 million in 2016, drew 19.2 million viewers across 10 television networks and showed Vice President Joe Biden receiving the formal nomination to run for president as Democrat, followed a similar drop of about 24 percent in DNC's first-night viewership compared to four years ago.

Monday's event drew 19.7 million viewers, while the first night of 2016 had an audience of 26 million.

Nielsen figures only include traditional television broadcasts and not online and streaming broadcasts, which are becoming increasingly popular forms of content consumption by US audiences, and may be a factor in the decline of the audience.

Other assumptions include the fact that the convention was held virtually due to the coronavirus outbreak and thus lacked prior coverage in venues, which typically pique interest from the public.

Biden, a six-term senator and a two-time unsuccessful presidential candidate, is to deliver his acceptance speech Thursday night in a nearly empty convention hall near his home in Delaware.

On Tuesday, Biden's wife of more than 40 years, Jill Biden, spoke of her husband in deeply personal terms, describing the longtime politician as a man of empathy and resilience.

"There are times when I can't imagine how he did it, how he put one foot in front of the other and moved on," she said. But I always understood why he did it. He does it for you.”

Obama endorsed Biden in April and helped raise money for his campaign. Before the endorsement, Biden often referred to Obama on the campaign trail.

The Republican convention will be held next week, President Donald Trump told the New York Post that the event will likely include speeches outside the White House.

“I will probably give my speech at the White House because it is a great place. It's a place that makes me feel good, makes the country feel good, "Trump told reporters.

"We will possibly do it outside in one of the gardens, we have several gardens, so we could do it outside considering the Chinese virus" the president continued, referring to the origin of the coronavirus and the social distancing measures that are in place to fight the potentially deadly bug.

“We could have a good group of people. It is very large, a very large garden. We could have a great group of people,” he added when asked if there would be a large number of supporters when Trump formally accepts the Republican nomination.

The latest survey made by Rasmussen Reports shows Biden with a 4 point lead over Trump, at 49 percent versus 45 percent.
BUSTED: Joe Biden Delivered the Same Speech in 2020 He Gave in 2008 – Same Old Lies in Rehashed Speech (VIDEO)

17:47 - News


This is remarkable.
Sleepy Joe gave the same speech in 2020 as he did in 2008.

This is just uncanny.

Via Power Tie:

No wonder he was comfortable.

Sad. Joe rehashed their old lies in new speech.
Dissecting Obama’s Delusional DNC Speech

By PatriotRising -
August 22, 2020


obama crap
Barack Obama’s speech at the DNC’s misbegotten cyber-convention worked only for those Americans, including most in the media, who paid no serious attention to the eight years of Obama’s presidency. As I document in my book Unmasking Obama, I and scores of other journalists, many of them unsalaried, did pay attention. What follows are some of the riffs that I, and likely they, found most entertaining.

Obama began by telling us the Constitution “wasn’t a perfect document,” implying that he would have done better had he been there. Its redeeming quality was that it established “a system of representative government — a democracy — through which we could better realize our highest ideals.”

As late as March 2011, Obama seemed to believe this, saying, “With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed.”

In 2012, with re-election looming, Obama unilaterally decided he could suspend deportations through executive orders. He gave out a million or so work authorizations while he was at it, arguing that he personally could make laws that were “more fair, more efficient, and more just” than Congress. Curiously, that is almost exactly what Stalin told the Politburo when he forcibly collectivized Ukrainian farms.

Said Obama at the DNC: “Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t. And the consequences of that failure are severe. One hundred seventy thousand Americans dead. Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever.”

To blame Trump for the COVID dead is disgraceful, pure demagoguery. Trump resisted the urge to nationalize the response and allowed each state to respond to local conditions. As a result, perhaps a third of American deaths occurred in just three of our bluest states — New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. A much higher percentage of people died of COVID in the U.K. Was Trump responsible for those? As to “those at the top” who profited — people like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos — they are almost all Obama-supporters.

“For eight years,” said Obama, “Joe [Biden] was the last one in the room whenever I faced a big decision.” Biden was certainly in the room on January 5, 2017. So were Comey, Brennan, Rice, Clapper, and Sally Yates. The “big decision” here was how best to tie Trump to Russia and subvert his presidency, “by the book,” of course.

In speaking of the Biden-Harris ticket, Obama told the DNC, “They’ll expand health care to more Americans, like Joe and I did ten years ago when he helped craft the Affordable Care Act and nail down the votes to make it the law.”

The DNC might have invited Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber to explain how those votes were really nailed down. Said Gruber when he thought no one was looking, “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.”

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber continued. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

Biden and Harris, said Obama at the DNC, would “rescue the economy, like Joe helped me do after the Great Recession.” Rescue? Was this a laugh line? As Louis Woodhill noted in a May 2012 Forbes article, “nder Obama, the worst recession since the 1930s has been followed by the slowest economic recovery in the history of the republic. In a very real sense, there has been no recovery at all — things are still getting worse.”

Here was one of my favorite Obama lines: “Joe knows the world, and the world knows him.” No one denies that, especially not the Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs. In February 2009, Biden was the first to say, “It is time to press the reset button and to revisit the many areas where we can and should be working together with Russia.”

During a 2011 speech, Biden boasted of visiting a high-tech hub on the outskirts of Moscow. With a proven talent for taking care of those close to him, a talent he would hone in China and the Ukraine, Biden encouraged American venture capitalists to invest there. By the way, yes, this is the same evil Russia that Trump allegedly colluded with.

According to Obama, Biden and Harris “believe that no one — including the president — is above the law, and that no public official — including the president — should use their office to enrich themselves or their supporters.”

At the time Obama ran for U.S. Senate in 2004, he was still struggling to pay his student debts. Today, the Obamas have a net worth north of $40 million, almost as much as the Clintons and slightly more than Hunter Biden.

Biden and Harris, Obama insisted, understand that the military ought not to be used “against peaceful protesters on our own soil.” Obama actually said “peaceful,” and no one apparently laughed.

Biden and Harris also understand that “political opponents aren’t ‘un-American’ just because they disagree with you.” Catherine Engelbrecht had to chuckle at that one. Engelbrecht faced twenty-three distinct audits or inquiries for daring to organize a Tea Party in Texas. The IRS stalled or rejected the applicants of hundreds, if not thousands, of comparable groups as well.

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