Apo essays for Aug 2018

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/lucy-steigerwald-plans-to-memorialize.html#comment-form

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Real Christianity Must Arise Over satanic Disease
(Apollonian, 16 Aug 18)

We know u're just another fool (see below-copied) when u say, "JUST QUIT. Because if no one signs up there will be no more war."

For humans are SINNERS, subject to HUBRIS; always have been; always will be, and they'll always find something to fight about and over.

Another of ur problems is to observing and then naming the aggravating factors of (a) HUBRIS, (b) satanism, and (c) Jews (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo).

For though it's true Jews don't CAUSE the initial HUBRIS, then satanism, Jews are satanists themselves (see citations given), most sublime practitioners, and they consolidate, dominate, and manipulate that satanism in the final stage of it in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

For satanism is extreme subjectivism, idea reality is "created" by consciousness/mentality, making subject God, the creator.

Jews then are most consummate, sublime COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists (specifically, "midrash"), most effective at "group-think," making themselves as whole, quite literally, according to their filthy Talmud, to be co-equal w. God, the purpose of God's existence, God now merely their slave who mass-murders for them, this mass-murder celebrated on Passover and Purim. Just observe treatment given to Palestinians, who are made into "Amalek," but which "Amalek" is really ALL GENTILES, never doubt.

Hubris begins w. idea of MORALIST "good" (and "evil") which doesn't and can't exist, and this obsession for moralism and "good" becomes satanism, as moralism is SUBJECTIVE, as is "good," but which "good and evil" doesn't and couldn't exist in reality.

Thus the impossible quest for "good" becomes psychotic obsession w. subjectivism, and as the "successful," "prosperous," and "victorious" empire/civilization ages and matures, the hubristic corruption and decadence festers and inevitably reaches a satanic "critical mass," always succumbing to Jews, most practical, most organized, cohesive, and SUCCESSFUL satanists, who now consolidate the cultural disease, as we plainly see, Jews the masters of central banking--see Mises.org for expo on central-banking, literally legalized counterfeiting.

Thus the culture becomes THOROUGHLY, totally corrupt in blatant, outright satanism, all led by Jews, as we see, the Israeli terror-state lead instigators and perpetrators as we see fm EVERY disaster, terror-incident (like 9/11--see Bollyn.com), and war.

Thus the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics among false "Christians" arise, and Christian establishment is satanified--observe present "Vatican," so fanatically now involved in wide-spread child-molestation, etc., so closely allied w. Israel and Jews, pushing "globalism," and "migrant"-invasions, etc.

Thus the only effective counter-CYCLIC antidote MUST be anti-satanic, hence anti-semitic--the REAL Christianity, featuring worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against lies (JOHN 8:44), real Christianity featuring OBJECTIVE reality against satanism and Jews, objectivity necessary basis of any real, practical TRUTH.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Alison August 15, 2018 at 2:31 PM

The authors of this article are absolutely right that we must cease glorifying war, including honoring veterans at every turn to the exclusion of anything else.

What I have started doing when I see people in military garb is to ask them to please QUIT THE MILITARY. JUST QUIT. Because if no one signs up there will be no more war.

Unfortunately, the way the government has set it up, you can't even get a job anymore without military service in your past.

I attended a festival on Labor Day in Cincinnati, on the Ohio River, where idiot radio announcers on loudspeakers kept urging us to salute our veterans. Didn't understand that the holiday is about honoring the working man and woman. They extended no invitations to applaud those who were supposed to be the focus of this holiday!

I, too, want to see NO MORE MEMORIALS TO WAR at any time, in any place.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/vivian-lee-in-solidarity-with-alex.html#comment-form

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Fetzer Misses Forest For Trees, Mere Details--Corsi Is satanic
(Apollonian, 16 Aug 18)

Fetzer: as always, u and people like u, diverted by mere DETAILS, fail to consider the central-bank putting-out literal OCEANS of "currency," not real money (see Mises.org for expo)--their primary satanic WEAPON by which they hire armies of lawyers against u (a), (b) bribing and extorting all judges and politicians, and (c) then funding flacks and hacks fm Jews-media and public edjumacation (ur own little racket, eh?) to mis- and dis-inform, lie, and slander such as u, Tracy, now Eowyn, ad infinitum. WHEN will u learn?

And there's simply NOTHING to be done once this central-bank is established--it can now only wear itself out (reduction-ad-absurdum) in the coming, inevitable HYPER-inflation whence they'll start a war (or several of them, as we see) to cover things up, confusing the issues, etc.

U need a larger, overall movement, Fetzer, like the original Christianity which stood and stands for TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), this TRUTH then necessarily founded upon the OBJECTIVE reality--against Jew and satanic subjectivism (JOHN 8:44).

U and people like u must face fact real Christianity is (a) anti-satanic, hence (b) anti-semitic--Christianity is about TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH FIRST AND MOST--not not not mere, idiot "love"--or non-existent "good," or "peace" which peace only comes as something personal and psychologic.

For all ur pretended "philosophic knowledge," u and so many others have forgotten the real Christianity upholds the philosophic concept of OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of truth--hence determinist universe, Jack. There's no, could be no "good-evil," which is for children and dogs.

Jerome Corsi is notorious, gross, hereticalist Judeo-Christian (JC--oxymoron)--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo on JCs--who is TOTAL SLAVE of Israel-first, is paid by Israel (and/or their agents), and will see to it that all ur info is sent straight to the garbage. Get a clue, and get a brain, to save ur life and soul.

----------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Fetzer--------

Jim Fetzer August 16, 2018 at 6:32 AM

Yes. For some time know, I have forwarded one proof after another to several of his closest contacts, including Jerry Corsi and his attorney, with the expectation they are going to use it to blow the case out of the water.

The plaintiffs are committing fraud upon the Courts by falsely identifying themselves and by claiming to have lost children at Sandy Hook. The defense ought to make that their first demand in Court.

Their first legal obligation out to be to prove they lost children at Sandy Hook, which they could only attempt on the basis of fabricated evidence, since that claim is provably false.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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What Gives With Fetzer?
(Apollonian, 17 Aug 18)

This material, by Pressly, is just more, stunning, INDUCTIVE evidence, Fetzer. Sure looks like those are same people playing "mom" at Sandy hoax, and the more recent Charlottesville.

But what's ur problem for my inductive arguments and simple formulations on ur other blog-article ("Vivian Lee") regarding Jew identities of "jjis" and "Goldstein"? Was there some problem for the exposition?--if so, why then didn't u just analyze it out? So u decided to be like Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, and just deleted it, eh?--but WHY?

Did it offend ur trained, internal response-mechanism, fm all ur B.F. Skinner-type programming regarding Jews?--why are u such obedient slave? Aren't u just another part of the larger cultural problem?

So Jews are truly immune to all dangers--including science and inductive logic, aren't they?--and on WHAT grounds?--is it "moralism"?--ho ho ho hoh o ho ho. Suddenly, we see Fetzer is willing to throw all science and induction to the winds in favor of "moralism," right? And who benefits?--Jews for one, eh?

And what magical thing is this mystic moralism, anyway? Can Fetzer explain this amazing moralism?--I don't think so, but he doesn't want to admit it, eh Fetzer?--tell us all about it.

So observe, Fetzer: the rational society, featuring especially science and logic is utterly destroyed w. ur willing co-operation by means of--what?--"moralism" or "morality"?--and WHAT is that?--u don't know, and u won't say, and u won't even admit to any of it, eh?

So u see, Fetzer: we true Christians are foremost to admitting Jews are NOT NOT NOT the original, initial, beginning cause of societal corruption, hubris, etc.--"Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Because, as in ur case, we see Jews couldn't accomplish anything without the willing co-operation of the goyim, right?--and u're outstanding, splendid case-in-pt., aren't u? Tell us all about it, such paragon of moralism u obviously are.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/democrat-memo-demands-complete-takeover.html#comment-form

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"Powers And Principalities" Rule The World, Suckers--U Idiots Need A Serious Clue
(Apollonian, 18 Aug 18)

Mike Adams (see below-copied) is just ANOTHER Jew-friendly, Jew-serving "neo-con" (Israel-first) crony of Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), Adams having appeared on Jewns' show numerous times, sometimes regularly, almost every day, esp. just before Jewns got censored, a couple weeks ago.

Thus JEwns and Adams are HEAVILY dependent upon the Jew neo-cons and Israel-first supporters, never doubt. Any contrary word fm those Israel-first sources will result in INSTANT censorship by Jewns and Adams, most obedient henchmen, sycophants to Jews ("neo-cons").

What u brainless morons need to figure-out (though u never do, even after pictures are drawn for u) is the ABSOLUTE RULING POWER of the central-bank criminal enterprise(s) (see Mises.org for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, putting-out the nearly endless fiat-currency--these central bank organizations are PRIVATELY owned--hence MONOPOLIES--get a clue, fools.

So the "deep-state" absolute dictatorship is simply, at root, these private banking powers behind the privately-owned central-banks, these all KNOWN to be especially Rothschild associated--along w. other prominent families too, all of them Jew-friendly, -oriented, and -serving, including esp. terror-state of Israel.

Most prominent political charade set-up by these Jew-oriented powers features the phony "left vs. right," the "left" consisting of and led by the atheist Jews of "globalist" style and "socialist"-type gov., and the "right" consisting of the usual "Evangelical" (or "fundamentalist") -associated "Christian" hereticalists ("Judeo-Christians"--JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo), who most loudly support terror-state of Israel.

So to successfully attack the top monopolistic ("banking") powers, one must address the central-banking which forces people to accept intrinsically worthless currency by means of "legal-tender" laws, which is difficult to do, the subject of MONEY being actually rather abstract, hence inaccessible to most people who simply cannot think past their noses, are easily confused and bewildered, and cannot figure-out the diff. btwn real MONEY and mere currency.

So what will happen now is continued degeneration and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the economy of nations steadily degraded, the people evermore oppressed by the absolute state upholding the MONOPOLIES, headed by the central-banks.

And the central banks will continue absolute dominance until their fiat-currency systems fail--which failure is actually beginning (but still only beginning) to happen presently, though seems capable of being put-off for several years yet.

U idiots are DOOMED; u can't even observe the people of the world are to be treated evermore like Palestinians, scheduled for extermination, in accord w. Agendas -21 and -2030, being killed-off steadily by such as the poison glyphosates in weed-killer, poison GMO food, poison drugs, poison vaccines, poison "chem-trails," etc.

That's why the ONLY real chance people will have for human survival is REVIVAL and resurrection of the real Christianity--against these JC hereticalist traitors--Christ = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), thus necessarily founded upon the OBJECTIVE reality--against the subjectivist (satanic) Jews (JOHN 8:44) who follow the Talmud (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Talmud), who lead the over-populated goons, morons, scum, filth, and suckers who accept the fiat-currency and suicidally enforce rule of the central-banks, etc.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Joseph Olson August 18, 2018 at 8:58 AM

Mike Adams at Natural News is a science poser and Lukewarmist gatekeeper. Every comment I have made at Nat News describing CORRECT Radiation Physics and Thermodynamics has been deleted without ever posting. I sent him URL to my Fetzer interview

"Unmasking Climaclownology" for post, or comment

We will see how much Free Speech Adams allows.
Here's a great dialectic I'm having, below-copied submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/james-tracy-in-solidarity-with-alex.html

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Bolwell Exposed Definitively For satanic Lies, Lying
(Apollonian, 19 Aug 18)

Billy-boy (see below-copied), as I've noted, ur TREASON against humanity, in favor of Jews, foremost satanists and enemies of humanity (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) cannot and WILL NOT be tolerated.

At the very best, ur tripe u recite is mere idiot cliché's and platitudes hrd many times before, eh?

But here's where u LIE, Billy-boy, and u're NOT going to get away w. it. How do u know what's in or "out of context"?--u're a lying liar who lies. Talmud is DEFINITIVE for Jews, NOT Torah (first five books, Old Test.). Jews are required by rabbis (who are definitive) to follow Talmud NOT Torah. To Jews, Torah ONLY MEANS WHAT RABBIS AND TALMUD SAYS IT MEANS.

And Talmud explicitly cites all-out, ever-lasting war of Jews against gentiles, PERIOD. In fact, Talmud itself is simply a war-plan and -strategy against gentiles, against everything human, rational, against God.

And it was Christ who pt'd this (above-noted) out in New Test. about Jews, calling them "vipers" and "serpents" (see Gosp. MATT, ch. 23, all 39 verses) and who denounced their filthy Oral Law "Tradition" (Gosp. MARK 7:13) which pretended and purported to "re-interpret" Torah Law of Moses by means of their satanic "MIDRASH" (interpretation).

All ur moronic lies and tripe about Jews is admission on ur part u're mere dupe and fool working upon wishful thinking. Ur treason and crime is u pretending to KNOW what u lie about.

And as Christ pt'd out, which somehow just goes right past u, Jews are satanists--AND THEIR "RELIGION" IS SATANISM (again, see Gosp. JOHN 8:44)--there's no justification for it at all, in any way, ever. Thus while other humans sin and err, Jews are ALWAYS wrong, about everything, anti-Christs and anti-human, rightly hated by all humanity, all throughout hist.

Jews are gross, satanic heretics, and Christ totally owned them, all throughout New Test., which is a gem of literature, presenting a sublime dialectic btwn truth (= Chirst) and satanic liars (Jews/Pharisees) and that's why Jews conspired to kill Christ (= truth), as satanists they hate truth. Hatred of truth (= Christ) is Jew religion, which is un-forgiveable under any/all circumstances.

U see, Billy-boy, ur treason and great sin is (a) u're really a grossly ignorant fool, at best, who knows nothing, but regardless, (b) u pretending to KNOW as u posture and lie in ur pushy, moronic, idiot fashion.

In fact, Billy-boy, I now suspect u're actually a Jew urself, though u lied earlier and pretended u tried to be Christian--that was just another lie on ur part. But it really doesn't matter, does it?--u're a satanist and a satanic liar as we now see. U better start praying hard for ur filthy soul, buddy.

-----------------above by ap in response to below---------------------

Bill Bolwell August 18, 2018 at 6:15 PM

As I said go shoot yourself if you want to eliminate all goons. You are no different to the israelis who treat the Palestinians badly, you want to kill people too. There plenty of good Jewish people who disagree with the way Israel acts. I have met them, and seen them on the internet. You follow this Talmud thing is a comentary taken out of context. There are people like you who blame the Jews for everything. That are 'scapegoating' the Jews , scapegoats are part of the Jewish religion. We are all human, we are all flawed. We all do good and evil, no matter what race or religion. Some try to improve, but people like you rest in their own filth. You should realise this deep down. You have a conscience and intellect hidden smewhere, they are god given, try using them sometime, you may awaken from your old fart retarded manner. As a matter of fact, I basically don't drink grog, I realised it many moons ago. Just like I realised people like you have not grown in their understanding.

Bill Bolwell August 18, 2018 at 6:47 PM

I believe in god and the golden rule as espoused by jesus. This appximates what confucius was saying , there is a heaven, and do not do to others what uou do not want done to you, 700 years before jesus, it is really only common sense. There must be a creator because there is a creation. Cause and effect. And we should all "kum ba ya". The best reason I can find for an omnipresent omninicient omnipotent god allowing evil is a shakespeare type answer. I think you need a villain to have a good story, or play. "A rose by any othger name would smell as sweet".

I found this on the internet:
A story, much favoured by tour guides and as such highly suspect, is that in this line Shakespeare was also making a joke at the expense of the Rose Theatre. The Rose was a local rival to his Globe Theatre and is reputed to have had less than effective sanitary arrangements. The story goes that this was a coy joke about the smell. This certainly has the whiff of folk etymology about it, but it might just be true.

------------------------earlier, I'd said this, below-copied----------------------

apsterian August 18, 2018 at 8:25 AM

Bill Bolwell: Gullible, Half-Baked Old Loser
(Apollonian, 18 Aug 18)

Bill: I'm not going to expostulate for u too much more, buddy. U seem to be rather old and somewhat senile, and to indulge in the drink on top of all that, eh?

We KNOW u're not too bright as u admit u depend upon Jews for what satanic Talmud is all about. And of course, u'll now delete ur admission for such dependence, eh?

"Jews" are not same as Judeans--"Jews" are defined, by Jews themselves, as descendents of PHARISEES who wrote the Talmud, the Pharisees only representing the middle-class party in Judea at time of Christ, who made up maybe 5% of the pop.

Note further, the "Jews"--followers of Talmud--hold Talmud to be DEFINITIVE--the Torah (Old Test.) means ONLY what Talmud and other rabbinic writings say.

"Golden rule" for kikes is only meant to apply to fellow kikes--this also is primary ruling and tenet of Talmud. Gentiles are mere cattle ("goy") whom Jews barely tolerate.

U're soooo grossly lacking in basic intelligence that u don't even bother to observe how the Jews treat the Palestinians--as example of how they treat gentiles. Take good care, Billy-boy, as u don't seem to have too many working brain-cells left in ur old noggin. U should understand no one wants to waste too much time w. such as u.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

Bill Bolwell August 18, 2018 at 4:06 AM

If goons are to be eliminated, shoot yourself.

Bill Bolwell August 18, 2018 at 3:29 AM

Once again I must tell you , you are delusional. I do not belong to your unknown cause, so I am not a traitor.

What is your cause and what are your plans?

I would like you to say what you are on about. You crticise people and threaten them. What are you utopian ideas? If you claim to be a christain, you have missed the mark. The golden rule is to treat others the way you want to be treated, that sums up the jewish old testament, as it is recorded in the new testament.

Ther are catholic italian mafia, and there are russian jewish maffia, and there are hells angels, etc etc, you can't blame the jews for everything. It is not that simple.

Bill Bolwell August 18, 2018 at 3:08 AM

I am not ignorant of Christianity ie new testament, nor the am I ignorant of the old Testament which was for jews.

The talmud is just a commentary on the old testament, I have asked jews and looked up the tulmud verses people criticise, they are OK in context.

After many years of trying to be a good christain I became aware the jesus was a wise and good man, as far as I can work out. But he was not god. I know there is a god, I can see his creation. The Romans took over the religion, just like henry the eighth did later for his pschop in england. Religions are pschops. But if you follow them eg golden rule or ten commandments you will be a good person, which matters.

If you were a christian you would not act the way you do. You are just a nut case.

Bill Bolwell August 18, 2018 at 2:57 AM

Do not insult me or threaten me. You are a moron. You are a nut case.

I have no choice. If I go and throw the tenant out , I am a criminal and get arrested. I can only evict a tenant through the court. They owe four months rent.

In the other case I had to go to court and defend myself. It was a building matter, which I won.

What sort of idiot are you, Santa Claus?

-----------these, above, by Billy-boy, in response to mine, below---------

apsterian August 17, 2018 at 2:27 AM

Goons MUST Be Removed, Eliminated
(Apollonian, 17 Aug 18)

What?--so the court screws u, in-ur-face, and now u're going to continue legitimizing the court and its actions?

And if u knew how the court operates and what it does, WHY would u continue to put urself at risk, depending upon such corrupt institution?

And if court takes "criminal's side," then that's treason, and cause for righteous rebellion.

This, above, is in addition to ur gross, crass ignorance of basic Christianity and Judaism, u just babbling cliché's Jews taught u--there's a word for that, isn't there?

U're just PERFECT example of the inferior sort of weakling who is presently over-populated in our society, and u must be dealt with, as I noted. Ur sort of ignorance and treason must not, will not be tolerated.

---------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

Bill Bolwell August 16, 2018 at 6:00 PM

It seems anything these crooks do is sacred. Supposedly it is a crime to criticise their lies.

They shoukd all be in jail.

It is like a guy who owes me money, he complains when I ask for it. I can't do much except take him to court. The court makes it difficult to do, it takes the criminal's side. They threw out the case on a technicality the first time, so have to do it again.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/wordpresscoms-lip-service-to.html#comment-form

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Spenglerian "Decline of West" Now Approaching End-Game Phase
(Apollonian, 19 Aug 18)

What's next? (see below-copied)--what's NOT next? Are u aware of Agendas -21 and -2030 population-reduction?--it means mass exterminations and genocide, a program also of Jew "Zohar" ("Cabala") since middle ages. And this extermination has actually been going on w. poison drugs and vaccines, poison GMO foods, etc., by means of the other Jew monopolies, like Monsatan, etc.

Observe how it works, so simply: I-net was built using tax-payers' money, got favorable legislation and regulation fm gov., and the various large corporations were then sold-off to Jewwy oligarchs, who now pretend it's all "private-property," get it?

Note first the ruling MONOPOLY at top of culture, controlling everything else, the central-bank criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo; use site search engine), also a monopoly which pretends to being "privately owned." Do u see a pattern here?

What's next?--same as it's always been, continuing monopolization--which succeeds as the people are just stupid, brainless scum, many if not most of them, anyway, and so it's as much a matter of affecting these dumb, brainless puke, called the "people," as it is actually opposing the satanic criminals who work by means of LIES (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) and psy-ops, as we see.

Thus history indicates once the central-banks get going, they cannot be stopped UNTIL their fiat-currency finally collapses after having reached HYPER-inflation stage, serious turmoil and warfare ensuing, the over-populated morons, called "the people" thus losing track of what happened, who was responsible, etc.

What's needed is another Christian, hence anti-satanic, hence anti-semitic revolution (Christ = TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) as of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent. Roman empire--which opposes the present satanic dictatorship, which worships LIES (JOHN 8:44), including present satanic, Jew-controlled "Christian" establishment which supports terror-state of Israel, etc.

So it looks like things now just have to keep getting worse in order to (a) eliminate the very weakest of the over-population which has brought about present satanist-dominated, satanified society, (b) combined w. a significant section of remnant survivors of the population who, now united, at least somewhat, can successfully oppose the corrupt, satanic oligarchy, (c) the oligarchs themselves rather dis-abled as they're divided, now in-fighting against one another, much as possible, upon principle of "no honor among thieves."

Christian revolution of 4th cent. is best inspiration, original Christian philosophy embedded within New Test. literature, best model, advice, guidance.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Roger Pack August 19, 2018 at 6:23 AM

Sandy Hook deniers censored
911 censored
Holocaust censored
War's censored
Speech is censored

What's Next ??
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/james-tracy-in-solidarity-with-alex_19.html#comment-form

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Frauds Like Sandy Hoax Only Succeed Within satanic Circumstances--Take Heed
(Apollonian, 20 Aug 18)

People need to face-up to facts about the satanic society/culture--WHAT would it be like? Well, it would be ruled by a criminal enterprise/conspiracy at the very top--the central-bank putting-out nearly infinite currency, not real money, real money commodity-based, like gold/silver, which is limited in amount, thus not capable of being (easily) counterfeited--which (legalized) counterfeiting is what is done w. currency--DELIBERATELY. See Mises.org for expo on such central-banking; use their search-engine.

Only thus by means of such criminal central-banking, legalized counterfeiting, and practically infinite funding, would such a far-reaching, all-encompassing fraud like Sandy hoax be possible and, further, to be maintained as it is by means of bought-and-paid-for lawyers, judges, and politicians, for just one example.

Yet other means by which the various frauds of satanism are enabled is the totally bought-and-paid-for Jews-media. The public edjumacation system is another--all of these enabled by the central-bank, don't forget.

People, most of them, don't understand what money is and must be--they don't know the difference btwn real money and mere "currency" which "currency" is only feasible by means of dictatorship, like "legal-tender" laws, forcing the people to accept the otherwise worthless currency for payment for goods and svcs. Thus the people are steadily impoverished by the continuing, never-ending issuances of the steadily devaluated currency for evermore deficit-spending.

Thus we see the satanic society is ruled by LIES, beginning w. the central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting, at the very top, which enables everything else about the satanic culture, esp. for the funding of practically endless wars and financing of the ever-expanding empire in all the various ways, not only against "enemies," but also the people themselves, the people losing rights and freedom as their currency becomes evermore worthless.

To be sure, many people do understand and grasp the gross fraudulent nature of Sandy hoax despite all the horrendous lying that's been done about the various topics, including defamation of the truth-speakers.

But remember: the satanic society only advances and occurs especially in the degenerate phase of CYCLIC history and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, when the mass cultural HUBRIS has affected so many people who are desperate and obsessed w. pretending they're "good"--which "good and evil" doesn't and couldn't exist in the objective reality.

Thus disasters and catastrophes compound and increase as the cultural "decline" continues and speeds up against the people already confused and terrorized--such is the design of the satanist masterminds who have to keep people ignorant, distracted, diverted, and un-aware, much as possible.

Meantime observe, along w. the increasing warfare, the people are further beset and afflicted by means of poison drugs, poison vaccines, poison GMO foods, poison radiation, both nuclear and lately also electro-magnetic, and including poison in the atmosphere by means of "chem-trails"--all in accord w. Agendas -21 and 2030, don't forget.

So Sandy hoax needs be understood in CONTEXT of the larger cultural satanism and worship of lies (on pretext of non-existent "good") by so many. Don't forget it isn't first time for infliction of gigantic hoax--think about 9/11 (see Bollyn.com) and JFK assassination conspiracy including the hoax of Lee H. Oswald as supposed "lone gunman."

None of these gross hoaxes could have obtained as they have without the big, ruling hoax at the top regarding "currency" now having replaced real money, putting the very worst mass-murdering criminals in charge, in power, ruling everything. People have to get a clue to saving their very lives--and because they don't and can't disasters must and will continue, suckers. Excessively stupid people, who are now over-populated worshipping lies, pretending to non-existent "good," must be killed-off, evidently.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/carl-herman-in-solidarity-with-alex.html#comment-form

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People Must Generalize (Induction) From Specific Facts
(Apollonian, 21 Aug 18)

Find out what central-banking is, what fiat-currency is--see Mises.org; use their search-engine. Central-banking is literally legalized counterfeiting, gross fraud and criminal enterprise, forcing the people (dictatorship) to use fiat CURRENCY rather than real money, by means of illegal and un-Constitutional "legal tender" laws.

It's this central-bank which is basis of criminal, treasonous "deep-state" which controls Jew S A, used to be USA.

Life sucks, and life is war, and only the strong have possibility of surviving, sucker--this is the truth and reality; get a clue.

Only satanists, who are small minority, seriously want to maintain this central-bank criminal enterprise which dominates present satanic Jew S A. MOST of the people are simply mindless goons who barely know which way is up, who merely "go-along" passively w. the satanists and their lies and lying (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

And the only effective opposition to satanists, satanists always led by Jews, Jews being most active, most effective, most collectivistic and organized satanists (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo), is Christianity, the real thing, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

"Game-changing," u say?--I don't think so, as u, and others like u, still haven't a clue beyond mere details, as of Sandy hoax. U've got to start getting a brain, buddy--to saving ur pathetic life--same goes for these fools and goons, called "the people."

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Carl Herman August 20, 2018 at 7:57 AM

Thank you, Professor Fetzer, for this great article series revealing the literal dozens of "Emperor's New Clothes" game-changing facts that refute the "official story."

Thank you, readers, for your attention, words, and actions for final truth and justice to end our .01% lying and illegal US rogue state empire.

Thank you to all working for solutions so our planet can be the beautiful and inspiring place possible for all inhabitants.

Step-by-step forward we go.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/stephen-francis-qualified-support-for.html#comment-form

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Basic Principles Properly Organize Mere Details, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 22 Aug 18)

Problem w. this article here, by Stephen Francis, is it bogs down in mere details, even if much of it is true, and thus loses sight of basic principles which folks need to grasp and understand MOST.

So what are the "basic principles"?--well we're steadily falling evermore under dictatorship of MONOPOLY and then subsidiary, particular monopolies, as of Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube which are actually "common-carrier" utilities, pretending they're "privately-owned," though they were all built in first place w. tax-payer funds, getting favorable legislation and regulation.

Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) is NOTHING but a diversionary shill for a faction of the Jew oligarchs at the top, Ajax working for the Israel-first, "neo-con" section, these Jews playing the game, "good-Jew vs. bad-Jew," the "bad-Jews" being the atheistic-styled "globalists" of the pretended "left."

Key, topmost MONOPOLY is the central-bank making use of CURRENCY, not real money, real money commodity-based, like gold/silver. Thus currency is potentially INFINITE in amount, and the continued issuances of this fraudulent currency steadily DEVALUATES the currency already in circulation ("inflation"), defrauding and impoverishing the people, eventually destroying them utterly--as such currency ALWAYS has done throughout history. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine.

Note the issues of central-bank being private or state-owned, and question of "usury"--charging of interest--are all side-issues and inessential to the basic principle of real money necessarily being commodity-based, thus LIMITED in amount, not easily capable of being counterfeited.

Thus the poor, stupid people, over-populated, confused, distracted, and demoralized by the Jews-media, just another of the subsidiary monopolies, don't grasp simple diff. btwn currency and real money.

So what's going to happen?--just more disaster, horror, and catastrophe, fools--what do u expect? For reality is objective (Aristotle) and determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, and hist. is CYCLIC in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, Western culture now crumbling in corruption, HUBRIS, and over-population of fools, suckers, and goons too easily persuaded that stupidity and hubris are "progressive."

Thus people--too many of them, still--are hopelessly addicted w. TV, football games, and "bread and circuses" in general, and things just have to get worse till (a) some are killed-off (as is actually happening on significant scale, by means of poison drugs, poison vaccines, poison, GMO foods, etc., all in accord w. Agendas -21 and -2030 planned genocide, "de-population"), and (b) the remnant begin to get smart to the gross, horrific satanism (extreme subjectivism, making mind/consciousness creator of reality, the subject now become God) which dominates the culture, people pretending to perfectly "free," God-like will by which they imagine they can be "good."

To verify the satanism of Judaism/Talmud, Jews most organized and collectivistic of satanists, see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/tony-mead-in-solidarity-with-alex-jones.html#comment-form

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Predicament Of Humanity In Inexorable Course Of History And "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 22 Aug 18)

Indeed, these are excellent and pertinent details gathered here by Mead, but they can be generalized and summarized even more succinctly, and yet keeping the basic accuracy so that folks understand best.

USA is now simply Jew S A, mere hubristic, satanified group and gaggle of over-populated, corrupt, hubristc scum, filth, morons, fools, goons, and suckers--even if there are still SOME who heed to TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) first, last, most.

Such pathetic group, gaggle, and collective of Jew S A is now thoroughly addicted to mere "bread and circuses" in a corrupt and degenerate empire in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, Jew S A mere "dog" being wagged by Jew/satanic "tail."

Never doubt, we don't insist it's only Jews responsible for the sad, satanic circumstances--satanism essentially being extreme subjectivism, idea that mind/consciousness is creator of reality, esp. for non-existent "good-evil" which is driving obsession for far too many, if not most of the over-populated, addicted goons, scum, and filth, who in their horrific stupidity and hubris have essentially activated and promoted the Jews for their present dictatorship, Jews running the ruling criminal-enterprise, the central-bank (see Mises.org for expo on such central-bank; use their site search-engine).

Historically, our dear Christianity, worship of TRUTH (hence OBJECTIVE [Aristotelian] reality, necessary criterion for such truth), above all, was antidote to the Jew and satanic disease which served for nearly two thousand yrs. But observe now, especially, the "evangelical," "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics who dominate, aside fm the entirely co-opted false Christian establishment, Prot. and Cath. who suck-along w. Jew masterminds at top of "deep-state," running the central-bank, their primary instrument/weapon. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jew satanism, Jews simply most collectivist, best organized among satanists, giving them dominance and leadership of satanism.

Thus the satanic, criminal central-bank features fiat currency, enforced by dictatorship of "legal-tender," forcing the people to accepting intrinsically WORTHLESS currency which is practically INFINITE in amount--against real MONEY which is necessarily LIMITED in amount, commodity-based, like gold/silver, which such real money protects the people for their wealth and value.

Thus the continuing issuances ("inflation") of this corrupt and fraudulent currency steadily devalues the currency already in circulation, defrauding, impoverishing, and destroying the people, the poor, brainless fools--they imagining the "infinite" nature of such fraudulent currency is a good thing, the pathetic, stupid scum.

And now NOTHING can be done, given the invincible stupidity and hubris of over-populated addicts to "bread and circuses," TV, and morons' football games.

The ONLY solution then is the mass-death of so many over-populated scum, filth, goons, and suckers--it's inevitable and necessary. Additionally, we can only hope the topmost masterminds falling-out w. one another upon principle of "no honor among thieves." And the remnant of survivors then can only hope to picking-up pieces and starting civilization anew.

So note then Sandy hoax and censorship is mere SYMPTOM of the more basic disease of HUBRIS and satanism which grip the degenerate culture of DEATH (ck Agenda-21 and -2030) of degenerate, over-populated scum, puke, and suckers, called "people." It's all mere sociologic trend in inevitable course of CYCLIC, determined hist. in objective reality.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/michael-thomas-in-solidarity-with-alex.html#comment-form

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Remember, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) Serves Purpose: Legitimizing satanism, Subjectivism, Jews
(Apollonian, 23 Aug 18)

Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) is NOTHING but a shill/flack for Israel-first "neo-cons," pretending there are "good" Jews like there are "good" psychopaths, holding-up false "left-right" charade, "good-kikes," Israel-first, "neo-cons" on the "right" vs. leftist, atheist, "globalist" "bad-kikes"--though Ajax, the lying liar, won't admit they're kikes, led by kikes.

Notice also, Ajax follows perfectly the program prescribed by Jews who offered to heavily fund Nick Griffin, as he testifies, of Brit. National Party (BNP), whence they (BNP) could say anything they pleased, but to esp. hit the Islamists (a), and (b) don't mention the banking system. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYR8OXVCX2w.

So it's true Ajax is selectively censored on the monopolist common-carriers, Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, but u can still easily ck his web-site, and he's still the same old ignorant, brainless hill-billy moron, running his stupid mouth, yelling and raving like a fool--only now he's down to saying basically the same things over and over, the novelty of his act getting a bit rather stale, like old Rush Limbaugh.

The conspiracy is really quite clear: u have the central-bank criminals (see Mises.org for expo on central-banking scam; use their site search-engine) at the top, putting-out their practically INFINITE fiat-currency, which steadily destroys the value of the currency, hence the savings and wealth of the people, till the end phase, hyper-inflation, when they'll get us into war--as we see Trump and Israel setting-up as we speak.

But we still can't blame Ajax that people of Jew S A are soooo stupid, cowardly, weak, and grossly foolish, sated w. "bread and circuses," TV and idiot football-games. For it's all part of satanic "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, whence a high culture rises, but then degenerates, the over-populated people horribly affected by, and addicted to HUBRIS, pretending they're God, including that satanic extreme subjectivism, holding mind/consciousness creates reality--esp. in way of pretending to non-existent "good-evil."

For reality, as it's objective (Aristotle), necessary basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), is determined according to strict cause-effect, and thus history is CYCLIC.

Gross, horrific disaster must now take place, removing fm the living a mass of miserable weaklings and inferiors, allowing surviving remnant to start-over for civilization.

After all, satanism (extreme subjectivism) and worship of lies and death (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) is the choice, effectively, of the people in all their HUBRIS, and they're going to get what they've wished-for in huge doses now, un-fortunately as it may seem; such is justice. God help us all. Amen.

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Chris Calo August 23, 2018 at 7:49 AM

Jones is doing more harm than good,it comes across as he wavers about if anybody died at sandyhook.You can see that Jones is a Zionist gatekeeper,If anything he has hurt some of the good work Jim Fetzer,Jim Tracy,Wolfgang Halbig and many others have done
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/tony-mead-in-solidarity-with-alex-jones.html

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Proper Philosophy Presents "Big Picture" Along With Some Details
(Apollonian, 23 Aug 18)

Alison: don't forget Fetzer is actually quite a blundering dunderhead, typical product of public edjumacation whence he imagines there are "good Jews" like there are good psychopaths, good child-molesters, and mass-murderers w. hearts of gold. Fetzer admits he voted for both Obola and Clinton twice each. Like a child, Fetzer too "believes in" non-existent "good-evil" even as he denigrates and fails to grasp purpose of religion for people and society.

Fetzer recites all these details and factoids about JFK, 9/11, and Sandy hoax, but he doesn't know diff. btwn "currency" and real money--yet he pretends to being "philosophical"--and a "teacher" who knows anything about the subject(!).

Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) is simply a known flack/shill for Israel-first, like Trump himself--u had to know this when hitlery explicitly puffed and mentioned him by name in one of her speeches--this is all just big set-up and psy-ops.

Ajax is just the new Rush Limbaugh, flunky for Israel-first, upholding same old "good-Jews" on neo-con "right" vs. "bad-Jews" of atheist, "globalist" "left" charade.

Thus u have the monopolist, totally Jew-controlled criminal enterprise of central-banking (see Mises.org for expo) at the very top of the culture, putting-out the legalistically counterfeited "currency," enforced by dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws upon the people, the currency practically infinite in amount, which continued issuances necessarily de-value currency already existing ("inflation") which steadily defrauds, impoverishes, and destroys the people--as all history demonstrates.

BUT people can't figure it out, even to saving their very lives, the pathetic, stupid scum--because they too cannot imagine the big diff. btwn real money and mere currency.

So as reality is objective (Aristotle), basis for TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect (no perfectly "free" will), thus hist. is CYCLIC, and every once successful, victorious, "prosperous" culture soon enough degenerates in culture-wide HUBRIS, the culture becoming satanic, as we now see, totally dominated by the central-bank criminal enterprise and Jews who are most effective, collectivists, best organized of the satanists, natural leaders and manipulators. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

And just as Jew Zohar ("Cabala") requires extermination of gentiles, it should come as no surprise UN Agenda-21 and -2030 feature "population-reduction."

Thus satanist masterminds run a literal, veritable MONOPOLY, mere criminal enterprise, pretending to "private property," owning and controlling everything, now pulling blatant power-play in everyone's face--and now getting away w. it all w. such as Ajax providing distraction/diversion, all the goons, scum, suckers, fools, and morons now looking-on, jaws-agape, not knowing what to do, geeee whiz.

Thus as the currency steadily collapses into HYPER-inflation, they'll take us into war, no doubt several of them. People must either wake-up or they will perish--it's simple as that. But people need motivation; that's why a bunch of them have to die, many others suffering fm sudden impoverishment, evidently--such is CYCLE of hist. in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

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Alison August 23, 2018 at 7:05 AM

I just want to point out that the real target of the crackdown I believe is Wolfgang Halbig. Alex Jones's people have not done much investigation of their own. What they have done is featured Wolf's findings, and Wolf has come up with much that is significant. He has been dogged.

While I deplore the shutdown of Infowars' youtube videos, Facebook page, and whatnot, Jones, who is a co-defendant with Wolfgang Halbig in the lawsuit brought by several Sandy Hook families, has defended in large part by taking swipes at Halbig, saying, "It's all his fault." So, loyalty to Alex Jones at this juncture looks a lot like you approve of him throwing Halbig under the bus.

Since Halbig took his own website down three years ago, because of threats to him and his family, they have nothing left of his to shut down, however.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/michael-thomas-in-solidarity-with-alex.html#comment-form

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"Goldstein" Makes Us Think, Truly, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 24 Aug 18)

Ho ho hoho, what about the "revelation of method" (see below-copied) of know-it-all kike, "Goldstein"? Goldstein gives no ref.s for his declarations, like about "rev. of method." Of course, Goldstein the Jews is an oracle.

Then "Goldstein" the Jew mentions 9/11 and "morons who flew the planes," but Goldstein the all-knowing kike--HOW do u even know there were planes that "flew" into the bldgs.?--there are no vids that aren't obviously phony as we look back upon them in critical analysis today.

Newsflash: planes just couldn't melt into the bldgs. as the vids pretend to show.

For the planes, made of aluminum, would have mostly crashed against the steel sides of the bldgs. and much of the debris then falling to the ground--they couldn't have just flown into the bldgs. like the "vids" show--the "vids" were concocted--I wonder by who? And then HOW did those phony vids get on the Jew-tube, the vids transmitted by the Jewwy TV and TV studios, owned, controlled, and dominated by Jews?

HOW did the Jew, Silverstein, get insurance for condemned bldgs.?--bldgs. which were essentially heaps of junk?--WHY did he even bother to buy them in the first place?--WHO would have sold them to Silverstein?

Looking back, we now see the whole, entire 9/11 travesty was such a farce fm the very beginning. Only now do we see such amazing, stark anomalies, like the phony vids of planes just gliding into bldgs. like through butter.

The only sure, consistent thing was the great effort to blame the muzzies and Arabs, then Bin Laden in order to begin the war in Afgan., later in Iraq.

So obviously 9/11 was first of all a huge propaganda event, and WHO, but Jews, controls such prop.?--ONLY JEWS and associated satanist goyim.

Indeed, a very large and significant part of the staged farce was the concocted moral outrage and controversy regarding the parts played by Jews, whence it was so deplored that anyone would even to begin suspecting or blaming Jews--HOW DARE THEY?--ho ho hoho o ho ho.

And all throughout, the top analysts always knew that ONLY Jews could have organized, financed, and co-ordinated all the parts of this carefully staged farce. And Chris Bollyn (Bollyn.com) most effectively lays it all out in his great work, "Solving 9/11."

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Dr. Goldstein August 24, 2018 at 5:52 AM

The Revelation of Method is essentially when you show your victim what you have done and can do to them and they are so traumatized already that they will do nothing to stop you or even consciously acknowledge it.

Is there a Revelation of Method of the 9/11/2001 attacks? Indeed there is and very few of you will even seriously consider it and then only a brief time if you do. The perpetrators behind the morons who flew the planes into the buildings have revealed what they did to the World Trade Center towers. It’s illustrated in detail in a little known book titled Where Did The Towers Go? by Judy Wood, PhD. Look at that book and ignore the noise of derision you might hear about the author and the book’s contents.

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/john-kass-while-we-focus-on-trump-left.html#comment-form

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Kass Under-Estimates Enormity And Full Implications Of Deep-State Narrative
(Apollonian, 25 Aug 18)

Problem of John Kass for this article of his is he doesn't seem to grasp the half of the fraud and psy-ops that's being perpetrated by "deep-state," and real implications of things he talks about here, otherwise rather creditably.

See, the electronic voting is well-known to be totally fraudulent, controlled, and RIGGED--get a clue. So all this idiot "emotion" that Kass talks about is actually mere part of a narrative being set-up to later justify and complement the rigged, fraudulent voting.

For now, after the rigged, fraudulent voting the "deep-state" will present the lies and propaganda preceding it as something that's actually factual, now providing predicate, setting, and premise for the rigged vote, trying to make it seem more likely and realistic. The stupid people, so many of them, will accept the fraud as it all seems to make sense when all put together for CONSISTENCY.

Remember further, the rigged electronic voting isn't the only fraud being perpetrated on regular basis. There are other sorts of frauds being committed by the parties and the deep-state behind everything.

So this false narrative being so consistently pushed and repeated by deep-state is important, integral part of the larger satanic society and its corrupt mentality imposed upon the stupid, hubristic, corrupt people.

Further, when one considers the psychotic and criminal mentality of Brennan, former head of the CIA and fanatic "globalist," he surely, genuinely considers Trump to being a "traitor," given his satanic premises in which he believes most intensively. Brennan isn't just joking around, and he ought to be taken seriously and most realistically--for there IS a serious, genuine problem at issue which we'd be fools to ignore or over-look.

So when everything is taken into consideration, this leftist propaganda and lying is truly telling and revealing for deep-state mentality and what they're trying to project upon the people. Kass only suspects the half of it.

For if nothing else, this sort of madness on part of Brennan is way of encouraging the "faithful" and "committed" among the partisans and "true-believers" of the "deep-state" and their sacred vision of globalist dictatorship.

And of course, the prop. and narrative pushed by deep-state is what's the real TREASON against the nation, people, their rights, rule-of-law, etc., and it's good evidence and basis for dealing w. these people on practical basis--they should be prosecuted for treason and sedition. I suspect Kass doesn't take these issues seriously enough and that he's being more than a little patronizing about it all, letting himself be played for fool.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/michael-snyder-executives-from-major.html#comment-form

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WHY, Wherefore This Persistent Disaster?--Too Many Scum, Too Stupid, In CYCLIC History
(Apollonian, 25 Aug 18)

These I-net monopolists and criminal traitors all should be simply arrested to be put on trial for treason, then promptly executed--only such prompt and PUBLIC executions will suffice for proper suppression to this treason, esp. within the minds of "the people."

Sure, there would be the usual, typical hue and cry fm the usual suspects whom everyone already knows are liars, like the Jews-media, but no one will pay attn. but for the usual traitors and satanists who are always mere small minority, Jews and satanist goyim fellow travelers.

Of course, such proper and necessary arrests, etc., aren't going to happen, why?--because it would fly in face of topmost, ruling monopoly presently holding world and Jew S A in its grip, the central-bank establishment (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine).

These subsidiary monopolies of big-tech, I-net, are mere CREATURES of the topmost monopoly and conspiracy of central-bank which issues nearly INFINITE currency, NOT real money, commodity-based, which real money then, like gold/silver, is necessarily LIMITED in amount, thus protecting the people's wealth, savings, and value.

Alas, but the poor, stupid "people" can't figure it all out about such criminal conspiracies and monopolies, so such stupidity always has its necessary price: DEATH.

These stupid scummy puke, called "the people"--not all of them, of course, but too many now in this utterly corrupt stage of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--actually think INFINITE funding of this corrupt "currency" is a "good" thing, and it's really this idea then of non-existent "good" which is the heart of all the corruption, the people imagining "good" exists if only they insist it does, these satanic scum imagining they're like God, w. perfectly "free" will, creating reality.

Such is satanism--extreme subjectivism, idea that reality is creation of consciousness/mentality, by which the subject effectively becomes God the creator, pretext for this always and typically being non-existent "good-evil" which bedevils the children who insist it has to be true--because they "BELEEEEEEEEEV" it's true; therefore it MUST be true.

For such is the horrific hubris and inevitable corruption of the at first successful culture which inexorably becomes corrupt after success, victory, and "prosperity": the people begin to imagine, in all their HUBRIS, they have perfectly "free" will, capable of changing and creating reality--Satanism, which steadily grows within the culture and society evermore like horrific cancer.

Thus we observe the IRONY this satanism flourishes within that institution designed to protect people fm satanism, like the present, corrupt (false) "Christian" establishment which pushes this satanic "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" above everything else, including above TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) itself.

Thus it's no wonder the "Vatican," just for an example case in pt., is such satanic institution as we see its incessant addiction to child-molesting, over and over and over, ad infinitum. But the morons, called "people," refuse to heed, failing to getting the clue(s).

Thus we can only hope the consequent DEATH necessarily following hubris and satanism will be as little and few in number as possible before the stupid scum, called "people," can begin to figuring things out, getting the sufficient leadership, as fm REAL Christianity, true worship of TRUTH, not "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Regardless, DEATH is what's going to happen until the scum, filth, puke, suckers, and goons, called "people," those who survive, anyway, finally begin to getting the clue, the stupid, hubristic fools.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/sterling-harwood-in-solidarity-with_25.html#comment-form

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Trump Perfectly Safe Sucking-Up To Israeli Terror-State
(Apollonian, 26 Aug 18)

U forget (see below-copied) simple thing: Trump WORKS FOR ISRAEL-first. So long as Trump sucks-along w. Israel, continuing to plot war against Iran, for example, putting US Embassy in Jerusalem, etc., he's quite safe. Jews rule Jew S A, and Israel dominates all. "We Jews control America, and the Americans know it" -Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, Oct 3, 2001; https://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/01/11/burying-sharon/

The "left" vs. "right" is a highly-managed and staged charade designed to keep stupid goyim distracted/diverted. Thus u have "neo-con" Jews who support Israel-first on the phony "right," along w. millions of "evangelical" Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) suckers and heretics. And on phony "left" u have the atheist corporations and "globalists," who can only marshall queers, "antifa" thugs, and some Jews, w. very few others who will go along--but they have plenty of money.

KEY instrument of sociologic/political control and power is the CENTRAL-BANK which literally puts-out oceans of endless "CURRENCY," not real MONEY, which real money must be commodity-based, like gold/silver, and which is FINITE in amount, thus protecting people's wealth, savings, value. See Mises.org for expo on central-bank, fiat-currency, etc.; use their site search-engine.

Issuance of currency in substitution of real money is fraud upon people, enforced by dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws, the constant new issuances ("inflation") necessarily devaluating currency already in existence--the PURPOSE of central-banking, though stupid scum, called "people" refuse to comprehend.

The stupid people of Jew S A, wagged by Israeli "tail," must suffer serious casualties and hardship before they begin to getting necessary clues about real nature of satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding mind/consciousness creates reality, etc.) and Jews who are simply leading, most collectivistic, best organized satanists. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Judaism and their sort of satanism/subjectivism.

Gentiles of Jew S A must get serious about the real Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which is anti-satanic and anti-semitic (JOHN 8:44) which establishment Christianity covers-up, establishment TOTALLY owned and controlled by Jews, by means of the central-bank.

Unfortunately, people are only motivated and "inspired" by disaster, hardship, starvation, and catastrophe, and hence, as things are still tooo good in Jew S A, will have to suffer quite a bit more before they ever begin to start seriously thinking. Jew S A is still in midst of hubristic, historic, CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Anonymous August 25, 2018 at 10:42 AM

If Drumpf ends up being thrown out, what happens to all these letter writers who wrote very convincing letters? Does the movement die? The POTUS is in deep and dire straits, who knows if he will be mortally wounded?

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Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/wolfgang-halbig-in-solidarity-with-alex.html#comment-form

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Trump Is Pefectly Safe Long As He Continues Sucking-Along W. Israel-First
(Apollonian, 26 Aug 18)

Trump is NOT "up to his neck in trouble," my friend (see below-copied)--not as long as he continues to suck-along w. Israel-first, plotting war against Iran, keeping the American Embassy in Jerusalem, etc. Don't kid urself. Jew S A is totally controlled by Jews: "We Jews control America, and the Americans know it." -Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, Oct 3, 2001; see https://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/01/11/burying-sharon/

Why do u think hitlery is so safe?--because she also sucks-along w. Israel-first, and has an even longer record than Trump to prove it when she and slick Willy were running things, 1993-2001, hitlery persecuting all slick Willy's bimbos, ho ho ho hoho.

Key instrument to Jew control over Jew S A?--the central-bank, a criminal-enterprise, putting-out nearly endless CURRENCY, not real money, which real money is commodity-based, hence FINITE in amount, like gold/silver, which protects people's wealth, savings, and value--though the stupid scum, called "people," can't figure it out. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine.

Fiat-currency, like present Fed. Reserve note, is nearly endless in amount, which continued issuances necessarily defraud the people, devaluating currency already existing, but enriching the bankers at the top.

What Jew S A needs is simply another true Christian, hence anti-satanic, anti-semitic, revolution as of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent. But such revolution is not likely till the over-populated scum, called "people," start seriously suffering, which hasn't happened yet. Things have to get like it is in Venezuela, evidently, before the goons, suckers, scum, and filth, called "people," start thinking.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

Anonymous August 26, 2018 at 12:40 PM

The perps in Connecticut continue their ruse.No easy way to flush 'em out,either.Trump is up to his neck in trouble, no time to read these letters. So far,Hillary is unprosecuted and laughing her butt off.Thanks CNN for all you've done for Americans.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/caitlin-johnstone-john-mccain-warmonger.html#comment-form

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McCain: One Of Most Perfect Tools For Jews, Ever
(Apollonian, 27 Aug 18)

I kept clicking the FOX News shows yest. and today, and it's NON-STOP praise McCain at the beginning of every show--goes to show what a reliable servant for Israel-first was McCain--aside fm all his other faults.

Further, all this McCain adulation demonstrates who runs and rules Jew S A--Jews, who else? But now then, HOW and why do Jews so dominate? Because Jews are topmost satanists, satanism being basically extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making the subject to be God the creator.

Jews then are simply most COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, hence most practical, realistic, and successful of satanists, Jews most organized, most cohesive, "thick as thieves." Thus Jews naturally lead the satanists who dominate a culture in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, that culture now submerged in gross HUBRIS and corruption. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo on Judaism and their filthy, satanic Talmud.

McCain was thoroughly corrupt little POS even before he graduated fm Annapolis near bottom of his class. McCain was such a stupid punk he started a fire aboard the USS Forrestal Aircraft Carrier in 1967 which nearly sank the ship. Then when he was captured by N Vietnam, he sang like a canary--the perfect candidate to now go and lead the "conservatives" in USA during his ensuing political career--all for benefit of "deep-state," globalists, Jews, and Israeli terror-state.

And don't forget McCain married the daughter of one of the very top and richest Jew criminals in Arizona history, Jim Hensley.

Jews and "deep-state" used McCain for all he was worth, and they're very gratified as we can all see, McCain getting so much praise fm Jews-media now--for note Jews-media aren't finished; they have to continue such idiotic praise in order to make and complete the McCain narrative and now legend look and feel good for the fools, suckers, and scum among the goyim who are legion in present Jew S A.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/wolfgang-halbig-in-solidarity-with-alex.html

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"Goldstein" Just Part Of "Web" Of Deceit And Psy-Ops Incessantly "Weaved"
(Apollonian 27 Aug 18)

Ho ho ho ho ho, "Goldstein," the Jewwy liar, says (see below-copied): "n front of the school board, you acknowledged that the school was occupied and that children died there that day." "Goldstein," Jewwy liar, goes on and says, "...yet you and Halbig changed your story to say that yes, children died and they conceded that the school was operational."

But obviously, neither Wolfgang nor Fetzer were giving any testimony, they merely concluding tentatively fm false and questionable information given by Sandy hoax conspirators, as premises for their own questions and statements at the hearing.

There was no "story," except by the Sandy hoax conspirators which "story" was being examined by Wolfgang and Fetzer.

And any "claim" that "no one died," as by Fetzer and others, as in Fetzer's book is actually mere conclusion based upon evidence--which conclusion is obviously correct and justified given the evidence.

The only "liar" is obviously "Goldstein" the Jew here, folks. And not only is it moronic, brainless Jewwy lies, as usual fm "Goldstein," but the lies are actually quite comical for the idiot intent, "Goldstein" pretending it's Wolfgang and Fetzer attempting to perpetrate fraud, not only in the conclusion(s) but in the premises and purported "evidence." For again, it isn't Wolfgang and Fetzer giving testimony, but rather them commenting and concluding upon the testimony already given by fraudulent parties.

So WHO is "Goldstein" attempting to kid? one must ask, ho ho ho ho ho.

Is "Goldstein" psychotic?--he (or she) must be, as not only is Sandy hoax proven fraud in numerous ways, demonstrated over and again, but given the larger context of "school" and other type of "shootings" false-flags--like at 2016 "Pulse" nightclub in Orlando, Fla., and lately Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Hotel, and Parkland, Fla.--the false-flag fraud and psy-ops campaign by "deep-state" is un-deniable.

So keep it up, "Goldstein," Jew liar, by all means. At this pt., ur psychotic lying and moronic babbling only confirms the shill nature of ur postings, sucker. "Deep-state" can't stop for lies and shill campaign in their ever-lasting, on-going psy-ops, ho ho ho ho ho ho.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Dr. Goldstein August 27, 2018 at 3:42 AM

It's a crime for a citizen to lie to the government or its members. You have repeatedly claimed that “nobody died” at Sandy Hook, EXCEPT when you were in front of the school board. In front of the school board, you acknowledged that the school was occupied and that children died there that day. Now, why would you change your story ONLY to the school board, and then switch back after that meeting? Perhaps it has something to do with your lawyer’s advice or your personal knowledge to not lie to government employees? Halbig was apparently given the same advice. Neither he nor you told the school board that no children were killed or that the school was not operational. Here you were, in front of employees of the government (school board) yet you and Halbig changed your story to say that yes, children died and they conceded that the school was operational.

Newtown School Board Meeting 5/6/14
Halbig 00:00 to 03:16 - Fetzer 06:33 to 08:48

Minutes of the Board of Education meeting on May 6, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 3 Primrose Street.

http://newtown.schooldesk.net/Porta...Minutes 2013-2014/5-6-14 minutes.appr.att.pdf

See Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code, which prohibits knowingly and willfully making false or fraudulent statements, or concealing information

(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;

(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or

(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement.

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/james-fetzer-in-solidarity-with-alex_28.html#comment-form

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Trump Is Flunky For Israel-First, Never Forget
(Apollonian, 29 Aug 18)

Good gravy, Fetzer, but why don't u knock-off w. all this idiot, "dear Mr. Pres.," crap?--Trump is Israel-first flunky, sucker--Trump is integral part of all these false-flags, including Sandy hoax--and including the Jew-tube, Jew-book, Jewgle censorship, along w. Ajax Jewns, InfoWars.com.

For if u seriously oppose this Jew-tech censorship, u're opposing MONOPOLIZATION--of everything, including I-net--for that's what dictatorship is--MONOPOLIZATION, don't u get it?

And then what's SOURCE of the monopolization?--it has to be the central-bank monopoly (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine) which issues the CURRENCY, not real money, like gold/silver, which real money seriously, genuinely protects people's wealth, savings, and value--which commodity-based real money doesn't need gov. regulation and dictatorship, like "legal-tender" laws--can't u figure it out?

And this MONOPOLIST dictatorship is run by satanists, Fetzer--(extreme) subjectivists who hold reality is created by mind/consciousness, making themselves God--and it includes present FAKE "Christian" establishment (see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org) which is totally controlled by satanists (like "Vatican"), who support terror-state of Israel, which is behind all the censorship and monopolization of everything.

And WHO/what is behind satanism?--that's where the kikes come in, Fetzer--u need to getting a clue, buddy, u and billions of other OVER-POPULATED suckers, goons, and fools. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

But, oh well, suckers, goons, and fools must pretend and insist as they do, eh?--like that the real Christianity (worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is just a version of Judaism (see JOHN 8:44), eh?

But over-populated scum, morons, goons, suckers, and fools are what fouls things up, and they need being removed, don't they?--even the satanists understand, according to their Agenda-21 and -2030 ("de-population") programs.

And so that's what's going on: CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, truth vs. lies; Life vs. death; objective (Aristotle) reality, basis of any truth, vs. subjectivism and satanism, built on lies, and WHO is being treated like Palestinians? Get a clue, morons--to save ur idiot lives, before it's too late.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/thierry-meyssan-open-letter-to.html#comment-form

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9/11 Was ANOTHER False-Flag Terror Strike By Only Possible Culprits--satanists, Jews
(Apollonian, 29 Aug 18)

Thanks to the Frenchy guy telling us what is already well-known. Indeed, Chris Bollyn (see Bollyn.com) does the best job regarding exposing 9/11 conspiracy in his book, "Solving 9/11."

Inductive logic/technique requires identifying most likely culprits--Jews and satanic cohorts--and requiring them to dis-prove they were/are responsible, which they can't do--which is why they keep on w. distractions, Jews-media lies, false-flags, etc.

Note NO OTHER group or faction of criminals or satanists could possibly have done 9/11--Jews wouldn't ever have allowed it--it was their show, Jews/Israel, all the way--NECESSARILY.

It was "Jews, stupid," as always (regarding 9/11), Jews foremost leaders of satanism and organized crime, Jews now having their own nation, no less, terror-state of Israel. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com to find-out what satanic Talmud is really all about--satanic warfare against mankind, reason, truth, reality, God, Jews holding they're co-equal w. God, God merely their servant who mass-murders for them, such mass-murder celebrated on Jew Holy-days of "Passover" and "Purim."

The old USA is now Jew S A, the "dog" being wagged by the "tail," Jews having co-opted establishment Christianty, the real Christianity being worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44).

What happened?--well goyim morons of West and Jew S A suffer gross, horrific HUBRIS, pretending to "good-evil," in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, which allows Jews to enter and now dominate w. central-bank instrument (see Mises.org for expo on central-bank; use their site search-engine), literally legalized counterfeiting, featuring practically endless fiat-currency which quite predictably, and typically, destroys peoples' savings, wealth, and value, as all history attests and verifies.

Thus West and humanity requires revived, resurrected, REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH, hence OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) reality, necessary basis of truth, against satanist/Jew lies and subjectivism.

Of course, corrupted, hubristic, satanist West and Jew S A is still too over-populated w. goons, suckers, fools, inferiors, and weaklings who are used and played by Jew/satanist masterminds, like, for example, the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics who say Christ was Jew and support Israeli terror-state, etc.

So West and Jew S A must yet go through a period of serious "tribulation" to get rid of a certain number of these traitorous goons and suckers among goyim. Meantime, real, true Christians must adopt real money, gold/silver, and reinstate STATES-RIGHTS, nullification, and secession as necessary and appropriate. Amen.