Apo essays for Aug 2018


Guest Columnist
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/vips-to-trump-fabricated-intel-on-iran.html#comment-form

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satanic Culture Must Be De-Activated By REAL Christianity, Etc.
(Apollonian, 1 Aug 18)

What's this?--a mere "catastrophe" is in the making?--by Jews?--well, Jews don't care--except for maybe a few, but only because they calculate it would be bad for kikes, eh? See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on satanic Talmud and Judaism.

For we live in satanic times, suckers, "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, and Trump is TOTAL CAPTIVE to Jews, and Jews will do what's good for Jews.

And as things are DETERMINED in accord w. strict cause-effect, not any idiot (God-like) "free" will, one must simply look at circumstances to calculate what's most likely to happen.

For note economy is on brink of collapse, despite usual Jew lies about health and rising GDP numbers--well known to be all lies--there's still 20% un-employment, suckers, and int. rates are still abnormally low, Trump budget deficit as bad if not worse than Obola's.

Long as Jews are happy it doesn't bode well for us goyim. Jews should be depressed and terrorized--only THEN do u know things are good for humanity, hoh oh o ho ho.

So if Jews think they can keep getting away w. some more, neato false-flags (a), and (b) if they think goyim will still suck-along w. them, like the Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) scum, heretics, and traitors, they won't hesitate--anymore than they did w. 9/11 (see Bollyn.com), ho ho oho ho.

So Christian patriots must continue to fan flames of anti-semitism, and anti-satanism (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), hence the REAL Christianity, worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), to know they're on right track.

For satanism and hubris is the larger context in which Jew monsters thrive, satanism being extreme subjectivism by which mind/consciousness is held to be creator of reality, making the subject God.

Further, Christians and patriots must continue to work to de-activate central-bank criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org; use their site search-engine.

Finally, patriots must de-centralize Jew S A politically, by means of states-rights and -sovereignty, including nullification, etc.--see TenthAmendmentCenter.com.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/noam-chomsky-russian-interference-isnt.html#comment-form

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We Just Need Some REAL Christianity, Hence Real Anti-Semitism
(Apollonian, 1 Aug 18)

The author, above, quotes R. Waters, who says these cowardly, scummy puke among the goyim are "scared sh*tless," ho ho ho ho ho--gee whiz, but I wonder why and how? But everyone knows this about scummy puke being sooooo "scared"--it's obvious truth.

Well, observe we see Jews, leaders of satanism (extreme subjectivism) so much in positions of power, CEOs and CFOs of the big corp.s and banks, etc., 4 kikes sitting on Sup. Ct. bench (Sotomayor's mother's name is Baez, Jew name). See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews and Talmudism.

So HOW did these satanic monsters, kikes, achieve such power?--well, consider, for one thing, about half of "evangelical" Christians are such strong supporters of terror-state of Israel, and they say such stupid things as "Christ was Jew." See also Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo on Judeo-Christians and "Christian Zionists."

But Jews aren't same as Judeans, Jews defined as followers of Pharisees/Talmud, Pharisaic party (composed of middle-class) only leading about 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ.

And all establishment Christian churches are followers, supporters, and servants of kikes. So we see right there (establishment Christianity) there's great potential for recruits and converts for real TRUTH--which is Christianity is anti-Pharisaic--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) upholding original Torah against Judaic heretics--see Gosp. MATT entire ch. 23.

And if u're NOT anti-semitic, then u aren't and couldn't be Christian, suckers--this is the demonstrable fact--get a clue. So u see it's really so simple: we only need a REAL Christian REVIVAL just among Christians--should be easy, eh?
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/matt-taibbi-beware-slippery-slope-of.html

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It's satanic Monopolization Vs. Freedom And Rule-Of-Law
(Apollonian, 3 Aug 18)

Ok Fetzer, fair enough, as u say, but Taibbi is a liar and deliberately confuses things, failing for basic definitions, pushing dis-info--he's not just "ignorant"--he's a deliberate liar. Note Taibbi gives no citations for his lies regarding what Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) says about Sandy hoax. U're PROFESSOR?--u'd have given this moron a big ol' F for research paper. We're looking at a gross BREAK-DOWN in basic civilization here regarding Taibbi's lies and lying--not to mention the problem he pretends to discussing.

So what is the real problem culturally?--THE DESTRUCTION OF RULE-OF-LAW. Instead of the Christian republic, upholding the objective reality (hence rule-of-law), we have a Jew/satanist -dominated rule of SUBJECTIVISM as the ideal/principle--whatever is good for Jews, upheld by "Israel-first" Trump, who's angling for a big hit on Iran, for one thing, and is setting-up for the typical, usual false-flag, as he's done before, Las Vegas last October being just the latest example of a fiasco. Parkland Fl. was another but just not quite as obvious a fiasco, ho ho ho ho.

See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jew subjectivism--"midrash."

Thus we have Fake-book and Jewgle which are government/tax-payer funded acting and pretending now they're "privately-owned"--nothing but a HUGE, big-lie. They're (fake-book and Jewgle) really and literally just glorified UTILITIES (gov.-sponsored monopolies) and shouldn't be allowed, by law, to censor anybody or anything at all, whatsoever--like it was in the beginning (with exceptions for such as child-porn, for example, which however was another matter of special law).

So u see, Fetzer: u have a country and thus the whole world in grip of MONOPOLIST corp.s--beginning w. the central-banks who have a literal monopoly on issuance of currency, NOT real money, this currency being practically INFINITE in amount, the continued issuances by this central-banking monopoly steadily defrauding and draining away the value of the currency already in circulation ("inflation"). See Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine.

U literally thus have criminal enterprise(s) ruling the culture/society--a satanic situation w. DEATH and genocide as the only possible outcome and end, demonstrated explicitly in Agenda-21 and -2030, "pop.-reduction."

So the connection is DIRECT and quite plain and apparent for Fakebook and Jewgle, these literally just agents for the very same MONOPOLY headed by central-banks, afore-mentioned, satanic and Jew-serving, no less than "big pharma" presently poisoning and mass-murdering the people, along w. Monsatan corp. and monopolized agriculture w. the poison GMO foods, poison herbicides, and food additives, etc.

Thus "tyranny" is the ONLY possible outcome of such criminal monopolization presently in-our-face, beginning w. the central-bank(s). And death and genocide is the PURPOSE, also in-our-face. Such is Satanism (Judaism), deliberately and openly applied.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/matt-taibbi-beware-slippery-slope-of.html#comment-form

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It's No "Slippery-Slope," Suckers--It's Gross, Criminal Fraud And Treason
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 18)

Title of this moronic article by Taibbi has "slippery slope" in it, when actually it's simply a deliberate fraud and deprivation of rights by criminal conspiracy involving use of tax-payers funds to building a MONOPOLY, then using that monopoly for criminal purposes against the tax-payers and citizenry, as we plainly see.

And this treasonous conspiracy simply follows fm the first, beginning conspiracy of central-banking featuring fiat currency, not real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking, etc., use site search-engine.

Why can't the stupid puke, called "the people," figure-out the central-bank scam featuring nearly INFINITE currency? Because the brainless scum actually imagine the infinite nature of potential amount of currency is a good thing--when the fact is the continuing issuances of more and evermore currency obviously debases and devalues the currency already circulating.

But before the currency becomes utterly worthless, in the meantime, the monopolists behind and around the central-bank--the "deep-state," literally--is found to have bought-up and owning everything and everybody, beginning of course, w. the politicians, judges, and Jews-media, which Jews-media now the I-net is made to be mere subservient part.

Don't forget, the central-bank can issue practically any amount of currency it takes to out-bid anyone else.

And this very problem about the fraudulent, criminal central-banking was quite explicitly noted by Jefferson against the arch-criminal and imperialist, Alexander Hamilton, then later by Andrew Jackson who made the central-bank issue prominent part of his 1832 electoral campaign against the famous criminal shyster, Henry Clay, hero of mass-murderer, Abe Lincoln.

So anyway, one thus sees the utterly worthless, ignorant, and incompetent nature of the so-called "journalism" of Matt Taibbi, who lies and mis-characterizes, and most of all leaves-out the necessary hist. CONTEXT of this criminal fraud and monopolization, fake-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle being mere particular and recent manifestations.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/how-covert-agents-infiltrate-internet_5.html#comment-form

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Greenwald: Jewwy Chicken-Little
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 18)

Don't forget Greenwald is self-admitted Jew and homosexual, so his info is most likely fairly worthless. Still, one can easily deal w. his info given here on its own terms since it isn't too voluminous.

For as long as u have an I-net without censorship then u have what u need and can't ask anything more.

For people have a right to lie and speak opinions which often aren't founded in the OBJECTIVE reality; problem then for them is less people, over time, tend to listen to them--like in Greenwald's case, no doubt.

Greenwald says, "I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself."

So foregoing assertion by Greenwald is just another lie by the Jewwy homo. Only thing which destroys usefulness of I-net is the coercive censorship as of monopolies by Jew-controlled entities like fake-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle--then it's all lies all the time, and the only "truths" are put in place to set-up the lies.

Otherwise, Greenwald's screeching is pretty meaningless--"people are lying and "ATTEMPTING" to lie and control, manipulate...," etc.--well, Greenwald, u Jews always and always have been trying to do that (why people hate u so), but it only reflects on u, no one and nothing else.

Thus fake-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle lose their customers in face of honest competition--which competition only the typical Jew-sponsored dictatorship can try to over-come by coercive measures which is evidently what Greenwald is aiming for as he bleats like the typical Jew liar that because there's lying, it discredits the I-net. No Jew, it only discredits liars and Jews like u.

For it's simply our human responsibility to have to deal w. lies and information as we go through life. Thus one learns to dealing w. lies and liars--that's why our Western civilization, and indeed, all civilizations, have hated and discriminated against Jews, for example. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on satanic Jew religion of warfare against mankind.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/in-solidarity-with-alex-jones-how-we.html#comment-form

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Inductive Evidence Is OVERWHELMING For Sandy Hoax--And Growing Larger With Time
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 18)

I Believe that was "ALAN" Powell, not "William," for the photo credit on the Conn St. police.

And I'd say it's pretty conclusive for PROOF of the hoax, the photo w. intact class-room windows, the rest of the farce plainly being set-up--one can't ask for any more.

Of course, there is and was quite a lot of other neat stuff, including "sloppy sniper," Dave Wheeler, playing two roles, pretend aggrieved "father," and fake FBI sniper or rifle-man, whatever, moronically carrying two rifles at one pt., and walking along, holding the AR-15 by the ammo magazine, which no real, trained, professional FBI agent would do.

Then there is all the great info by Wolfgang Halbig who asked for and was denied info on the company which supplied the portable rest-rooms, and whose witnesses at the school-board hearings were told not to show-up by the corrupt Jew lawyer, etc.

The perpetrators of the hoax are now in position of "protesting too much." For if everything was true as they allege, then they wouldn't complain so desperately and hysterically as they plainly and comically do, going to all the ridiculous lengths as they do, like "Lenny Posner"/Reuben Vabner.

And don't forget all other INDUCTIVE circumstances--like all the other false-flags and hoaxes done for literally dozens and dozens of other fake shooting, like the Orlando "Pulse" nightclub for faggots, a couple yrs ago, etc., etc.

Never forget the JFK assassination which wasn't a hoax, but which was certainly heavily and intensively affected w. gov. and other dis-info, lies, prop., etc., not to mention actual murder of witnesses.

And so the NECESSARY conclusion regarding Sandy hoax is WHY WOULDN'T the gov. and "deep-state" lie and defraud the public as they ALWAYS DO, and always have done?--there being such a long history of such lying, fraud, and hoax. After all, these are the satanic criminals who run the central-banking scam which actually rules our country and world, central-banking the biggest criminal enterprise of all, legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org for expo.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/in-solidarity-with-alex-jones-how-we.html#comment-form

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Trump Is Perfectly Willing "Deep-State" Tool, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 6 Aug 18)​

The next thing to pt-ing out about all the Jew-lies fm the Jews-media, including Sandy hoax, is that Trump is INTEGRAL and willing part to "deep-state" conspiracy. After all, Trump has gone along w. all the other false-flags and hoaxes which have happened since his election (Parkland, Las Vegas, etc.), and he hasn't said anything about Sandy hoax when he assuredly could.

Additionally, observe how Trump's DOJ follows deep-state instructions--why hasn't hitlery Clinton been indicted?--for NUMEROUS offences and crimes, including TREASON. What happened to the IRS "Lois Lerner" scandal? Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch explains Trump DOJ has been stone-walling for FOIA as bad as Obola's admin. Jeff Sessions was big "neo-con" Israel-supporter, getting lots of funds fm their supporters.

The "economic" news is all lies, and we're on brink of horrific collapse and recession. Unemployment is far worse than admitted; Pension funds are collapsing for retirees (which u ought to know lots about), and INFLATION is getting worse, and is worse than admitted.

Pt. then is economic collapse is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN--and what does "deep-state" ALWAYS do?--WAR. So first we're going to have a huge false-flag to blaming Iran, no doubt, this being best way to serve Israel-first--which is Trump's purpose, Israel-first, as always. And when it comes time for the big military hit, voila, u'll see entire Jews-media united, screaming and screeching for blood--as always.

That's why it's best to prepare and inform Americans that even though "globalist" "left" sucks, Trump is no less part of overall "deep-state" plans--for warfare--that's what's coming, all for Israel's benefit, as always. "It's Jews, stupid."
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/how-covert-agents-infiltrate-internet_5.html#comment-form

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Jews: Agents Of satanism, Death
(Apollonian, 6 Aug 18)

Problem is when Jews tell u something u think is useful, u quickly find it's already out and expounded by many, and now Jews are only trying to "spin"--like Greenwald, in this example.

Regarding the Jew problem, note they're simply satanists/subjectivists, satanism being extreme subjectivism, holding reality being mere product of consciousness/mentality, making themselves God. So Jews are ALWAYS a potential problem, criminals, psychopaths, and monsters, given their filthy, satanic religion of "midrash" (subjectivism)--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

Worst, Jews are most sublime COLLECTIVISTS who cohere, collude, and conspire for their subjectivistic impositions, and problem arises esp. when the stupid goyim become corrupt and over-populated, given to satanism/subjectivism themselves, BUT NOT NEARLY AS WELL OR CLOSELY ORGANIZED--which allows more cohesive, organized Jews to dominate--esp., as I note, in times of cultural and economic decline, as we find ourselves now in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Observe now Jews control and dominate the CENTRAL-BANKING, a criminal enterprise by it's very nature, literally legalized counterfeiting, putting-out nearly INFINITE waves of currency ("inflation"), not real money, real money being commodity-based, as of gold/silver, the new issues of currency devaluating the existing stocks in circulation, the people impoverished, defrauded, enslaved, destroyed. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine.

So the large problem is the satanic "decline" of the culture in HUBRIS which affects over-populated gentiles in the natural CYCLIC history, as noted by Spengler, afore-mentioned, which is then dominated by Jews, gentiles never recovering as satanism is literally a culture of DEATH, as we see fm Agenda-21 and -2030.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------

Anonymous August 6, 2018 at 3:31 AM

Some of your assertions do have merit, the Jewish problem is huge and threatens the West. Even though Greenwald does not specifically expose this in his columns, give him credit for getting this information out.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/jack-mullen-q-aholics-anonymous-club.html#comment-form

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Mullen Starts-Out OK, But Reduces To Babbling About "Money" And "Currency"
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 18)

This column by Mullen is a bunch of long-winded babbling and nonsense, esp. when he begins the drivel about currency and money. And, as always, the tell-tale sign it's crap is Mullen's total lack of ref.s and citations for his lies and lying. Mullen, who knows very little, wants everyone to just take his word for the blathering about money and currency.

The first part, about "Q-anon," may all be true, but it's irrelevant, and I doubt too many people follow along w. "Q." But the second part about money and currency is total balderdash. Mullen doesn't even understand currency isn't money--they're two diff. things, currency mere fraudulent substitute which requires dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws to enforce. Real money needs no "legal-tender" status or laws. People willingly accept real money, or not. In fact, real money doesn't need gov., except for it to do its job for keeping the peace and providing legal recourse, that's all.

Mullen then mixes-in more babble and nonsense like regarding "usury" which "usury" has no clear ref., and comes fm ancient texts w. no clear definition, usually used as synonym for payment of interest. But interest-payment is mere side-issue to basic diff. btwn intrinsically worthless currency and real money, like gold/silver. Another distraction is the "yellow-brick road," by Frank Oz.

But Mullen descends to outright LYING, easily referenced, when he talks about mass-murderer Abe Lincoln's "greenbacks." Fact is, and u can look it up anywhere as it's well-known, the greenback lost nearly half its value at one pt. when it wasn't clear if northern murderers would win the war. Regarding Hitler, he merely kept a tight, dictatorial rein on the issuance of the German currency, refusing to inflate too much which preserved the currency's use as medium-of-exchange. Currency is always poor store-of-value as it can easily be "inflated" (proliferated and replicated).

The best discussion for money and what it is and must be, how and why, is found at Mises.org; use their search-engine for specific topics.

Again, basic thing to remember is currency is (intrinsically) worthless--it's ALWAYS "backed" at first by something else, but the continued issuances of more and evermore currency naturally and steadily DEVALUES the currency already existing in circulation. "Debt," "interest," and "usury" are mere side-issues. Currency ALWAYS fails, while real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver ALWAYS creates prosperity and wealth. Real money IS gold/silver--it doesn't "back" it.

Jew S A is presently in grip of literal SATANIC (extreme subjectivism by which reality is mere product of consciousness/mentality, making subject to be God), hence Jew-dominated, dictatorship, Jews foremost COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, dominating the more isolated goyim (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for Judaic expo). We need a serious Christian revival and rule-of-law, adoption of real money, and esp. return of states-rights and -sovereignty, including nullification.

Un-fortunately, it seems the stupid, over-populated goons, scum, and puke ("the people") are still too enamored of "bread-and-circuses" which is due to running-out, very soon--the goons and morons need the motivation of horror, death, and starvation, some of them outrightly dying-out and -off, for a return to Christian sanity and honesty, Christianity featuring worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the objective reality against satanic lies founded in subjectivism and lies like Mullen's.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/robert-david-steele-youtube-facebook.html#comment-form

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Who Could Possibly Fail To See Blatant, Brazen Strong-Arm Dictatorship, Contempt For People, Rights?
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 18)

I think this is absolutely amazing how brazenly, in-ur-face these Jewwy satanic scum come-out now for their outright dictatorship and censorship (as of Ajax Jewns, InfoWars.com).

And observe how stupidly they do it, giving moronic pretexts in such idiot, meaningless generalities, like "hate-speech" and "bullying"--which all means whatever they want it to mean--SUBJECTIVISM, essence of satanism.

And people KNOW they (Jew-book, Jew-tube, Jewgle) are all monopolies, having been so heavily funded by tax-payer money, now pretending they're "privately-owned" w. right to do as they pls, the scummy, stinking puke--is there, could there be anything more fascist?

Lies upon lies, upon lies--is there, could there be any doubt about the satanic level of degeneration for our once vibrant culture?--but what do u expect w. Jews? See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for Talmudic expo.

And it's blatant monopolization, never doubt, beginning w. the topmost criminal enterprise(s) which dominates and rules the culture so absolutely, the central-bank(s), legalized counterfeiting, literally--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine.

And the people MUST understand the end and goal, dictatorship and GENOCIDE, in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030. People have to get brains to save their very lives, I swear.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/federal-appeal-filed-challenging.html#comment-form

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Patriots, Christians, Don't Give-Up
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 18)

Gosh yes, we all hope and pray that Tracy is re-instated, and that this suit is successful, though one must remember the judiciary is notoriously corrupt, and Jew money (really CURRENCY, not real money), which is simply printed-up, legally counterfeited, by central-banks (see Mises.org for expo; use site search-engine), will be overwhelmingly applied to the judges in this case. So likelihood of success is LOW, for this case, un-fortunately--about as low as for the JFK assassination case against Lee H. Oswald, etc.

But at least it's opportunity to push for all possible publicity, and it would be great to get all the pictures displayed, including "sloppy sniper," Dave Wheeler, and the shot by Conn. State Police of the un-broken class-room windows, etc.

And never forget it, including this latest case by Tracy, must be part of a larger movement against the satanic society which has most recently pushed for gross censorship of I-net most clumsily and ham-handedly.

Satanist society is exposed, as always, by thematic Jew leadership, its power exerted for practical purposes by the criminal central-bank which defrauds, enslaves, and destroys the people, and which larger program includes genocide of Agenda-21 and -2030.

And note finally, the satanic society always sets-in in "declining" phase of the fading culture, in CYCLIC hist., after over-populated goons, scum, fools, suckers, and morons have over-taken the society, led by satanists and Jews, Jews always foremost satanists (extreme subjectivists) and collectivists--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews, Judaism.

Thus the culture and people need a real, genuine Christian revival, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), in accord w. the objective reality against Jew/satanic subjectivism and lies (JOHN 8:44). Amen.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/john-remington-graham-in-solidarity.html

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REAL Christianity De-Activated, Forgotten In Reign Of Satanism
(Apollonian, 9 Aug 18)

What? (see below-copied)--well people, quite a number, no doubt, DO know and see Sandy hoax was false-flag--but they ALSO know JFK was conspiracy too, don't they? In fact, putting blame on L. H. Oswald is such a joke, now that J. Vary Baker's works have come out.

And 9/11?--only Jews and Israel COULD possibly have done it (see Bollyn.com), but as it served interests of "leftists" (of the elite top) and "globalists," they're keeping quiet about it, and the Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) "evangelical" dupes are too stupid and cowardly to doing anything but what their leaders ("neo-cons") tell them. So all establishment "Christianity" follows along w. "neo-cons," most pathetic prisoners.

So Sandy hoax was PSY-OPS, purpose being to keeping the people (a) confused, be-fuddled, off-balance, and (b) TERRORIZED. In fact, (a) leads to (b), and that's what they (Jew/satanic powers) want.

Problem w. Fetzer, Halbig, Tracy, and "many Moore" is these people FAIL to otherwise LEAD the people for thematic and forgotten Christian anti-semitism and anti-satanism which has gone by the way-side in the present, ruling cultural SATANISM which has taken-over the culture, society, and economy, it all having peaked and now evermore degenerating in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

For Christianity, THE REAL THING, upholds TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, such "truth" impossible without the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality serving as necessary foundation--against Jew/satanic LIES (JOHN 8:44).

So don't doubt, Fetzer, Halbig, Tracy, and "many Moore" are all gross, miserable FAILURES in their own manner and way, without any doubt--and it's an important thing to ponder and consider for such pathetic, horrendous cultural and philosophic FAILURE, when u stop to think.

And HOW has Christianity become such a joke?--even to extent it isn't understood for what it REALLY is supposed to be? Simple: establishment "Christianity" is now mere bought-and-paid-for WHORE, in pay of Jews and satanists, controlled by "vatican" (which IS NOT NOT NOT the "church"), and other paid-agents, child-molesters, et. al.

And this amazing whore-dom of Christianity has come-about by means of central-banking criminal empire, legalized counterfeiting, literally--see Mises.org for expo; use site search-engine. Fetzer, Halbig, Tracy, and "many Moore," are utterly without a clue for this larger satanic conspiracy and cultural collapse.

-----------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------------

Chris Calo August 8, 2018 at 10:48 PM

It's so important to see sandyhook was a false flag,because if they lied about one how many more,are lies,I love in Boston that bombing was worse than sandyhook,Thank God for guys like Jim Fetzer,Wolfgang Halbig,Jim Tracy,and many Moore
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/ryan-parry-tech-giants-clampdown-on.html#comment-form

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satanic Monopolist Consolidation Behind Same Old "Good-Jew Vs. Bad-Jew," fake "Left Vs. Right"
(Apollonian, 9 Aug 18)

So Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) was "de-platformed," deleted fm Jew-tube, etc., and what is the effect?--has actual info been suppressed?--NO. In truth, Ajax Jewns is just a paid gate-keeper for the "neo-con" "right," cheap FLACK for Jews, Trump, and Israel-first--these are the facts.

Jewns was a novelty a few yrs ago, but he's gone quite stale, and he'll peak here momentarily, as noted by Parry, and then fade away as flacks and liars like himself always do.

Who and what are Jewns's fans and supporters?--basically, the same neo-con suckers and "evangelicals" who follow the old Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) "right" who support terror-state of Israel. Jewns' has a slight, added angle consisting of "libertarian" flavor.

So we see an interesting thing: a serious and significant falling-out among the Jew-supporters, featuring the "leftists" of the "Tech" monopolists, Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube (owned by Jewgle), and some others, against the "rightist" (neo-con) supporters of Jews and esp. Israeli terror-state.

Most of all, we observe a HUGE power-play by the monopolists of big "Tech" pretending they're "privately-owned" when easily verified fact is they began w. tax-payer funds giving them a HUGE head-start against everyone else, they then going "private," and now using that excuse to censor and suppress what had been grown-up along w. the tech giants themselves by means of the gov. funding.

So we see the over-all power-play by the top MONOPOLIST, and gross criminal enterprise, the central-bank (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine), continuing to consolidating their over-all control of the entire culture, society, and economy, along w. "Big Pharma" monopoly, Jews-media, public edjumacation, etc., the end-goal being GENOCIDE and mass-murder of Agenda-21 and -2030.

So note the game is same old "good-cop vs. bad-cop," Jews of "left" vs. Jews and suckalongs of "right," like Ajax Jewns. Most significant is naked power-play of the top monopolists, beginning w. the genocidal criminal central-bank.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/john-kiriakou-when-twitter-decides-who.html#comment-form

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Jew Lies Vs. Christian Truth And Humanity
(Apollonian, 9 Aug 18)

So what? (see below-copied)--"Goldstein," the Jew flack/liar. No one sins willingly, according to Socrates and Plato, and no one uses "platforms" in deliberate "bad faith," liar. Even Jew monster (a redundancy) like u thinks u're in the right, in ur twisted Jewwy fashion.

And even if it WAS "bad faith," it's still one's right to make use of free speech, Jew filth.

Don't forget, kike: it's our magnificent Christian religion to effect u psychopathic monsters, called Jews, CONSPIRED to murder TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and that it's ur religion to doing so constantly, Jew monsters (a redundancy) loving and worshipping lies (JOHN 8:44) because u Jew filth (another redundancy) imagine u're, collectively, God, that God is ur slave who mass-murders people for u, as u celebrate on Passover and Purim. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jew monstrosity.

So aside fm the Christian understood conspiracy of kike filth who murdered truth and Christ, observe there's also the US Dec. of Independence which explicitly notes the conspiracy of King and Parliament against American colonies. So u see, "Consp. theory" is literal part of culture and national origin, kike.

And u're just ANOTHER Jew liar trying to overthrow God, reason, reality, truth, justice, logic, and foundations of Western and American culture, as usual for u satanic monsters.

"Legitimate reporting," says the kike filth--as if kikes grant "legitimacy," ho ho ho ho ho ho.

Get a clue, kike: it's humanity against u satanists, led by satanic Jew monsters like urself--this is what the war is all about.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

Dr. Goldstein August 9, 2018 at 4:43 AM

It's in the name of Infowars. It’s not an attempt at legitimate reporting. It's a, quote, "war" for your mind.

Unfortunately, their war for the American mind is to stuff it full of conspiracy theories. That ultimately debases people from reality and polarizes them to the extremes of right-wing politics. Historically, we’ve seen that can be very harmful for the vision of America as a free and open democracy.

I think it’s important to realize that people like Alex Jones are using these platforms in bad faith.

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/allen-william-powell-in-solidarity-with.html#comment-form

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Is It Really All About Ajax Jewns?--Or Big Kike Monopoly (As Usual)?
(Apollonian, 10 Aug 18)

WHAT?--"in solidarity" w. Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), lying, babbling Jewwy flack and psychotic, hysterical hill-billy? Afer all, it's just more "good kike vs. bad kikes" ("left vs. right"). Ajax is simply paid shill for Israeli terror-state and Jews, all truth be told.

I suspect "left" kikes don't like Ajax as he too very well demonstrates socialism = GENOCIDE, as of Agenda-21 and -2030, w. all the GMO poisons and poison vaccines and drugs by big Jew Pharma.

It's all just the continuing power-play and consolidation of MONOPOLY, beginning w. the central banks (see Mises.org; use their search engine), legalized counterfeiting, literally, now increasing the censoring and suppressing speech and expression on totally idiot and subjectivist grounds, "community-guidelines," etc.--quite insulting to intelligence of the over-populated goons and "people."

But regarding Sandy hoax, golly but WHAT DO U WANT?--there u have it fm Conn. St. police, no less, the classroom windows are all still there--absolute eye-witness PROOF, suckers. And those pictures of the classroom windows are ASIDE fm lots of other proof and inductive evidence, like "sloppy sniper," Dave Wheeler, playing TWO ROLES, etc.

Observe now, the stupid hill-billy, Ajax, is trying to make it all about him, and he's "demanding" a Congressional hearing, hoh o ho ho ho ho ho--is this a psycho, moron, hill-billy, or what?--ho ho ho ho ho.

So, in a way, it's interesting that big kike monopolists have such a brainless buffoon like Ajax making such a hubris-filled fool of himself, but then on the other hand, people will say, geeeeeeeeeeee, but what real "HARM" could such a stupid hill-billy moron be to the real rational discourse of political/cultural issues?

Regardless: it's IMPOSSIBLE people don't see the huge, big punk power-play the kike filth at the "tech" monopolistic top are pulling against the people and against freedom of speech and expression, regardless a scummy, lying Jew-flack and buffoon like Ajax Jewns.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/ryan-parry-tech-giants-clampdown-on.html

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Traitors Fool Themselves
(Apollonian, 11 Aug 18)

U show ur typical ignorance (see below-copied) as of all Jew defenders when u say kike religion is "ten commandments"--IT'S NOT--Jew "religion" is Talmud, Talmud, Talmud, Talmud and other rabbinic "interpretations" in accord w. MIDRASH and "Oral Law Tradition" (Gosp. MARK 7:13). See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for Jew expo.

Ignorant liars like u, pretending to be heroic, sticking-up for Jew monsters and psychopaths are as much the problem as Jew monsters themselves. We don't say Jews operate alone, ho ho ho ho ho--they need dupes and suck-alongs, and the typical satanic conditions as of present "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

And why has Ajax Jewns "changed his mind"?--because his Jew mentors and pay-masters told him to do so. For in working for Jews, Ajax works for "deep-state," and evidently, they want to foment doubt and confusion within the mind of the gullible public, like urself who pretends there are good psychopaths and good Jews.

"Divide and conquer"--u say?--as if Jews who curse Christ and say he was rightfully executed for blasphemy and heresy shouldn't be separated--as they insist they are--fm humanity.

And don't think Jews are impressed w. traitorous liars like urself who like to make such show of sticking-up for Jew monsters--they have nothing but contempt for all gentiles no matter what--"the best of the gentiles, kill him."

Evidently, all u're out to doing is fooling urself, along perhaps, w. a few of ur buddies, like-minded, but if u just consider, it's well-known there have always been traitors like urself, and we've always had to deal w. them and you, as we will, never doubt.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

Bill Bolwell August 11, 2018 at 6:24 AM

I trust Bill Cooper who said aliens are ahoax, setting up for an alien false flag.
All this Jew stuff is a divide and conquer thing, sure there are bad people in all races and religions. Anyone of Jewish descent who is a gangster does not deserve to be called a Jew, they are not practising the Jewish religion, ie. the ten commandments.
It is noteworthy to see how the father will not appear. As James Fetzer says, the father cannot appear, he is a fictional character.
Why has Alex Jones changed his mind and claims he believes the Sandy Hook hoax?
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/mona-alexis-pressley-dan-cromer-in.html#comment-form

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The Twilight Of Ajax Jewns, Jewwy Shill, Flack, And Gate-Keeper
(Apollonian, 13 Aug 18)

Folks need shed no tears for Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), shill and flack for the Jews and Israeli-terror state, gate-keeper for Jewwy morons and goons--"Judeo-Christian" (JC, see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) hereticalists, who imagine they're "Christian," and especially, additional loads of "libertarian" styled Jew-sympathizers who imagine there are "good" Jews, like there are "good" psychopaths. But if u want to know the true nature of Jews, just ck what their filthy satanic "religion," such as it is, teaches them--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

For what is it that so oppresses Ajax, presently?--it's the big Jew monopoly in form of "silicone valley" tech companies, seeded heavily w. tax-payers funds, now taken "private" w. huge capital investment head-start over the competition.

And what's the TOP layer of this monopolistic monster which, totally illegally, controls Jew S A, the West, and the world?--it's the central-banks--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine. For central-banking is simply a criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, featuring practically ENDLESS, infinite fiat currency, not real money, commodity-based, like gold-silver, which real money protects people's savings and wealth, fiat-currency destroying peoples and civilizations--as we see it doing presently, the continuing issues of this currency steadily DE-VALUING currency already circulating.

For Ajax works for the Jews, never doubt, never forget. Ajax's purpose then is to DISTRACT and DIVERT fm the central-banks and the Jews--it's why people hate Jewns for his constant lying about kikes as he does.

And note Ajax NEVER says a word, not a syllable, about the horrific tribulation of the Palestinians, abject victims of the Jews of Israeli terror-state--so much the TOTAL slave of Jews is Ajax. So note Ajax is mere WILLING sacrificial victim and decoy for Jews and their central-bank instrument.

So if Ajax can't feel pain of Palestinians, who are murdered every day by Jew monsters of Israel, why should anyone feel his pain?

Hence if patriots object to this monopolist power-play and illegal censoring and suppression of Ajax, then one MUST attack the SOURCE AND ORIGIN of the monopoly, the central-bank, exposing it for the satanic instrument of destruction, fraud, and criminality it really is--WHICH AJAX WON'T AND DOESN'T DO as he takes orders fm his Jew mentors and masters.

So what will happen to Ajax?--he seems to be doomed to the fate of Rush Limbaugh, old, washed-up has-been who did the VERY, EXACT same thing Ajax does now, distracting and diverting people's attn. fm satanism (extreme subjectivism, by which reality is made to be product of mind/consciousness, making oneself God), Jews and their foremost instrument, the central-bank(s).

Meantime, watch for the next false-flag which is designed, AS ALWAYS, to benefitting most Israeli terror-state, surely designed for making huge hit against Iran, no doubt.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/mona-alexis-pressley-dan-cromer-in.html

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Place, Function, And Purpose Of Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) For Controversy, Confusion Of People
(Apollonian, 13 Aug 18)

Fetzer: why are u making this utterly useless effort to be in "solidarity" w. the babbling hill-billy flack for Jews, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com)? Sure, Ajax has been illegally banned, censored, suppressed, etc., but that's happened to lots of others too, including u and many others, like Brian Ruhe.

Note also, Ajax has essentially banned u urself, and even any mention of u or ur work, fm his show--what gives?

As matter of fact, Ajax has momentarily even benefitted fm all the publicity and notoriety, Ajax lately trying to "make nice" w. the lying frauds and criminals who pretend to being "family of the victims" of Sandy hoax.

Additionally, Ajax works, as usual, to making the scandal now to being all about himself as he continues to pretending to "fighting EVIL," an "evil" which doesn't exist but in minds of children, which is actually his MAIN effort--pretending to non-existent "good-evil," which actually serves the oligarchs and Jews to keeping people confused and befuddled, the oligarchs and Jews running the big conspiratorial corp. scams, beginning w. the central-bank (see Mises.org for expo on central banking; use site search-engine). Ajax is now demanding he be given a Congressional Hearing.

Doesn't it occur to u the real problem w. the big tech corp.s here banning and censoring Ajax and others is simply one of illegal monopoly power and control? (a).

(b) And the "head," as it were, of this monstrous snake of corp. monopoly BEGINS w. the central bank, an utterly, totally CRIMINAL (fraudulent) enterprise featuring literally legalized counterfeiting, issuing of nearly INFINITE ("fiat") currency--NOT REAL MONEY, real money commodity-based, hence FINITE in amount, gold/silver being the best.

(c) So, u (and others) ABSOLUTELY must address this foremost problem of monopolization enabled by the central bank, the central bank being at the very CORE of the monopoly problem here, enabling and funding all the rest of the monopolies, including "Big Pharma" mass-murdering the people, the "Jews-media," and now the I-net "tech" giants, just to name a few culprits of the evermore MONOPOLIZED economy.

Thus u see Ajax Jewns is mere DISTRACTION and diversion for these oligarchal and Jew criminals behind all the criminal, treasonous activity and mass-murder, Ajax actually pushing false narratives about the non-existent "good-evil," making himself the center of controversy, etc., as usual.

And never forget Ajax is actually a flack and shill for the Jews, always defending terror-state of Israel-first, w. not the slightest compassion for the Palestinian people, just for one thematic example.

Don't forget the instructions given to the English Defense League (EDL) by the Jew financiers, who told them they could do and say whatever, just keep it about the muzzies, not Jews (a), and (b) don't mention the banks--this is precisely what Ajax does, Ajax the flack, liar, and hypocrite.
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Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/stunning-wordpress-shuts-down-dr-eowyns.html#comment-form

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Eowyn Needs Merely Face-Up To Monopolistic Conspiracy, Headed By Central-Banking
(Apollonian, 14 Aug 18)

Ho ho ho ho ho ho, Eowyn: SERVES U RIGHT, SUCKER. Just think about all those poor commenters who tried to posting on ur blog, BUT then u deleted them--or just neglected to "approve" and posting the comment(s), eh? hoh o ho hoho--now u know how it feels, right?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.

But then there's a slight diff., isn't there? For in ur case, u're the editor of ur blog, and deleting someones comment doesn't necessarily mean they can't put it up somewhere else, there being PLENTY of possible places for the comment to be posted--even on that someone's own blog--they can get one just as easily as u can for ur own (a).

(b) The specific diff. is that "wordpress" is surely a "common-carrier" (or part of a larger one), a MONOPOLY--like Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube (owned by Jewgle). And these sorts of monopolies are no essentially diff. fm the phone co., or the electric co., or the water co.--they're UTILITIES (monopolies).

(c) And in specific cases of Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, they're monopolies which were originally built w. TAX-PAYERS' funds and money, enjoyed favorable legislation and regulation, and thence deliberately sold-off to, and bought by selected operators under control and mentorship of "deep-state" oligarchs--same oligarchs behind the central-bank MONOPOLY, a criminal enterprise and conspiracy featuring (nearly infinite) "currency," not real money, enforced by gov. "legal-tender" laws, etc.--see Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use site search-engine.

So u, and Tracy, and now Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) are victims of the "deep-state" conspirators and monopolists behind the central-bank. So does it occur to u now that this central-bank is existential base of the satanic power which literally controls society, culture, and economy? The only next-step is the abstract nature of satanism which is extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making the subject to be God.

For there's NOTHING more fundamental to the economy or society than this central-bank entity, criminal-enterprise which controls everyone and everything, literally and necessarily, directly and/or indirectly. For with (nearly) infinite currency, central-bank necessarily ends-up owning EVERYTHING and everybody.

The central-bank literally has the "Midas-touch," w. the God-like power to "creating" currency (though not real money), LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING--which they can do, though we citizens can't do it for penalty of being tossed in jail (which has actually happened to certain folks).

Thus the criminal central-bank is the head of the snake which creates and controls ALL THE OTHER SUBSIDIARY MONOPOLIES, like "Big (Jew) Pharma, presently poisoning and mass-murdering millions every year, the Jews-media, lying and mis-informing everyone w. impunity, and now, as we see, big I-net "tech," Jewgle, Jew-book, Jew-tube, etc.

So Eowyn, u've just got to figure-out the MONOPOLIST CONSPIRACY which has just dealt w. u, big I-net "tech," necessarily controlled and taking orders fm the topmost (illegal) MONOPOLY, the central-bank, which issues all the legally counterfeited currency, wave after wave after wave of this crap, steadily destroying the buying-power and wealth of the people and culture.

So get a brain, Eowyn, and face-up to the existential culprit presently oppressing the people--the central-bank which issues practically INFINITE currency, w. power of "legal-tender," destroying the people by means of "INFLATION," as it has before in hist., so many times. MONOPOLY is dictatorship.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/lucy-steigerwald-plans-to-memorialize.html#comment-form

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"Deep State" Is Outright satanic: People Need To Getting Clue
(Apollonian, 15 Aug 18)

This article is well-taken, and well-stated, so far as it goes for facts regarding moronic "war on terror" since the false-flag and inside job of 9/11, but obviously there's still quite a bit left-out for fullest expo.

For what is the real "long-term strategic purpose"?--it's to serve Israeli terror-state, isn't it?--OBVIOUSLY. For Israel is the "tail" wagging proverbial Jew S A "dog," isn't it? And who/what is Donald Trump but Israel's puppet, servant, flunky, and henchman?--same as Obola and Bush, previously, they also serving the "deep-state" and "globalists" of the "left."

So what then is the CRUX of this filthy, Jewwy, satanic "deep-state"?--it's the central-bank--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search engine for specific topics.

For u need wars, like against "terror," so conveniently manufactured by Israel terror-state, MOSSAD, CIA, FBI, et al., as excuse/pretext to keep spending money--really CURRENCY, as we don't have real money anymore, and this is the problem--the CRUX to it all, the central-bank continuing satanic creation of evermore infinite waves of this currency.

Thus this satanic, (nearly) infinite currency steadily devaluates the currency already in circulation--known as "inflation"--impoverishing, enslaving, and destroying the people, culture, and economy.

CONCLUSION: So the people have to simply face-up to the basic fact of the overall satanic nature of our culture presently, such as it is, unfortunately, given by this satanic instrument, the criminal enterprise of central-banking, literally legalized counterfeiting, which is behind the "perpetual war for perpetual peace," like the idiot "war on terror." And the satanic nature and character of everything, cultural, political, economic, and psychologic, would be lost for explanation without the Jew element and factor (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo).

Thus the people must re-discover, resurrect, and REVIVE the original basic Christian inspiration, anti-satanic (extreme subjectivism, whence it's held consciousness/mentality creates reality, making subject to be God), hence anti-semitic, Christianity featuring worship of TRUTH, hence the basic OBJECTIVE reality.