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Constant Black rhetoric encouraging the killing of White people.

Black Privilege Violence​

21 views Oct 5, 2023
College professors publicly advocate the murder of White people while being defended by their schools and the mainstream media which creates more anti-White hate-crime while anyone defending Whites is punished.

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Just because.
I hear from others,
"this guy is so obnoxious, he has a punchable face, I just want to smack him, deport his azz and deport his b*tch and kid too."
Moreno has been hunted by ICE since he illegally crossed the border at Eagle Pass, Texas, in April 2022. He was released as part of the Alternatives to Detention Program, which allows migrants on parole to be released while officials monitor them until their next court date. He was set to appear in court in Miami in November 2022 but never did so.



Another explosion from 2015 is used by CNN to create the illusion of a current explosion in Ukraine...

Another scene from a movie, is used to 'report' on what is happening in Ukraine...

An image from a 2010 movie
is published as if it was taken in Ukraine...


A picture of an explosion in Gaza years ago, is published as if it just happened in Ukraine...

Just a few.

Edward E. Bankston, 20, Remembered.
Camp Legeune
On July 20, 1969, Corporal Edward E. Bankston was walking back to his barracks at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina when he was beaten to death by a mob of thirty to forty black and Puerto Rican Marines wielding broken broom handles and tree branches. The mob had set out earlier that night from a dance at the service club where scuffles over minor racial incidents, such as a black Marine breaking in on a white Marine dancing with a black woman, produced an atmosphere of tension that caused the club manager to call the police. After leaving the club around 10:30 p.m., the group of mostly black Marines roamed the base beating up white personnel at random, shouting, "We're gonna mess up some beasts tonight." Cpl. Bankston had been wounded three times in Vietnam.

4 pages; The last in list to suffer forced desegregation was the US Marines.

MCB Camp Lejeune mirrored much of the racial tension in American
society at large. During the first eight months of 1969 alone there were 160 race-
related assaults, muggings, and robberies aboard Camp Lejeune. The worst
incident, and the one that finally focused command attention on the issue,
occurred the evening of 20 July 1969. After an evening of celebrating prior to the
deployment of the 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, the next day to Spain, 15 white
Marines were injured at the hands of a group of black Marines, estimated to be
between 30 to 50 members. Attacks occurred as the celebration was breaking up
and the men were heading back to their barracks. One victim, Corporal Edward
E. Bankston
, who had been wounded in Vietnam three times, died seven days
later from head wounds he received during the attack.
A special subcommittee of the House of Representatives Ar
med Services
committee determined that several factors had led to the violent outbreak, but
primarily that "Camp Lejeune and the Marine Corps have a race problem because
the Nation has a race problem." The tensions were not confined to the Marine
Corps but were also being felt in the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as in the
civilian population, as race riots erupted in several cities across the country
The subcommittee further concluded that the race problem at Camp
Lejeune could be attributed in large part to a lack of effective communication
between the enlisted men and the junior officers and NCOs. A shortage of mature
leadership at the NCO and junior officer level, as well as a deterioration in
discipline at the base, aggravated the problem since many of the African-
American Marines felt they could not confide in their commanders without fear
of reprisal.
Efforts at Resolution
In an effort to alleviate perceived discrimination, the Marine Corps, for
example, allowed African-American Marines to express racial pride by
permitting modified "Afro" haircuts and sanctioned "Black Power" salutes on
informal occasions. Authoritative and conciliatory methods helped to mitigate the
racial friction that had weakened Corps organizational strength. Base officials
worked closely with the Jacksonville and Onslow County governments to
alleviate segregation, and as early as 1963 Major General Alpha L. Bowser [who retired in Hawaii]was
able to report that Jacksonville's movie theaters, restaurants, and taverns had been

The Marine Corps was officially integrated but lapses and oversights
occurred. A study directed by base commander Major General Michael P. Ryan at
the onset of racial violence in 1969 reported that bigotry and prejudice were
practiced not only by white businessmen in Jacksonville, but also within the Corps
itself. Finally recognizing that the drug and race problems were not mere aberrations
of leadership failure that would soon pass
, the Corps accepted them as reflections
of societal conditions that deserved substantial attention from the highest levels.
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