Purest, naked (globalist) tyranny, soon here in Jew S A too--arrested for protesting covid lock-down


Guest Columnist
Australia: Pregnant Woman Arrested in Her Home Over Anti-Lockdown Facebook Post

Cops seize devices in yet another example of brazen tyranny.

[see vid at site link, above]

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com - September 2, 2020 57 Comments

Link: https://www.infowars.com/australia-...in-her-home-over-anti-lockdown-facebook-post/

Shocking video footage out of Melbourne, Australia shows a pregnant woman being arrested in front of her children in her own home for the ‘crime’ of organizing an anti-lockdown protest on Facebook.

The clip shows police entering the woman’s house and presenting her and her husband with a search warrant.

The woman is then told she is under arrest in relation to “incitement” before being handcuffed.

She explains that she is pregnant and has an ultrasound in an hour, but officers are undeterred, telling her she is being arrested for a Facebook post in which she organized an anti-lockdown protest.

Shouting at her as she weeps & then threatening to take every phone in the house regardless of who it belongs to…Victoria Police going after the big crooks.

— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) September 2, 2020

The woman explains that she is happy to delete the post, but the officer says “you’ve already committed the offense” and then tells her that the search warrant authorizes police to “seize any computers, any mobile devices you have.”

“I didn’t realize I was doing anything wrong, this is ridiculous,” the woman complains as she begins to cry.

As Rita Pahani points out, when Black Lives Matter protesters organized and gathered in their thousands to demonstrate, they faced no opposition from authorities whatsoever.

Victoria police declined to fine activists taking part in BLM march & pushed for private security guards to oversee hotel quarantine program…when it mattered most they were MIA. https://t.co/A3RF3qtoh7

— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) September 2, 2020

The woman is not the first Aussie to have their house raided and be arrested for the crime of organizing a protest in a supposed democracy.

As we previously highlighted, authorities have also given themselves the power to have police remove children from the custody of their parents in order to ensure compliance with coronavirus rules.

Police in Melbourne also announced that they would be using surveillance drones to catch people who don’t wear masks and to keep track of cars that travel further than 5km from home.

Authorities have also been given the power to enter people’s homes without a warrant and perform quarantine spot checks.

Meanwhile, another video out of Australia shows a man being arrested for the crime of being in his neighbor’s garden and refusing to produce ID.

Thanks to coronavirus laws, freedom is officially dead in Australia.

Arrested in neighbours yard. https://t.co/T16Tu7HuTr pic.twitter.com/D4Kr8ZnNla

— MXMXL (@THEMXMXL) September 1, 2020
MEDICAL POLICE STATE TYRANNY: Australian police smash down the door of a man and violently arrest him for mentioning anti-lockdown protest

September 4, 2020 by IWB

Link: https://www.investmentwatchblog.com...est-him-for-mentioning-anti-lockdown-protest/

by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) There’s more breaking news out of Australia, where a full-blown medical police state is now raging out of control, arresting and imprisoning people for merely linking to peaceful anti-lockdown protest events.

The latest police state tyranny event involves a man named James Bartolo, who was arrested after Victoria police smashed his front door and violently arrested him in the hallway of his home.

As LifeSiteNews reports, “James Bartolo, formerly a soldier in the Australian Army, filmed police arriving at his home in Melbourne, breaking down his door with a battering ram and arresting him on the morning of Sept. 3.”

Like Zoe Buhler, the pregnant mother arrested at home by Victoria Police officers earlier this week, Bartolo was arrested for ‘incitement’ after publicizing an anti-lockdown protest this coming weekend.

Here’s the scene that went down:

Brighteon.com video link:
Door-to-door MEDICAL TYRANNY: City of Houston to dispatch COVID medical experimentation teams to homes of “randomly selected” residents to DRAW BLOOD for a government pandemic experiment

Tuesday, September 08, 2020 by: Mike Adams

Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-09...ton-teams-draw-blood-pandemic-experiment.html

(Natural News) Remember when I warned the government would dispatch vaccine enforcement teams to go door-to-door, forcing people to be injected with chemically-laced vaccine shots at gunpoint?

At the time I first warned this was coming, many people found it difficult to believe.

No longer.

This is 2020, and now the full tyranny of the medical police state is on display for the entire world to see. In fact, many local governments are thrilled to roll out their medical tyranny programs, and they do so with coordinated P.R. announcements, t-shirts and a full-in media blitz.

With the kind of coordinated fanfare you might normally expect to see in a province of communist China, the City of Houston, Texas has announced a new program that will “randomly” select Houston residents who will be surprise visited at their homes by city officials and paramedics seeking to draw blood from every person living at that address as part of some grand pandemic medical experiment “for the greater good.”

Essentially, there will be a knock on your door, and if you open that door, you will be greeted with needle-gripping “authorities” who will demand that you and all your family members fill out highly intrusive forms and submit to a blood draw. Your blood will then be analyzed and added to a government database, tied to all the personal information you surrendered on the form, all under the guise of an “antibody study.”

From what we’ve seen so far, no city official has yet said the program is voluntary. “If we knock on your door, I strongly encourage you and your loved ones to participate in this important survey,” said Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner in a press release issued by the Houston Health Department.

The medical experimentation teams will all be wearing t-shirts that read, “Better. Together.” as part of the brainwashing / indoctrination training. The very slogan “Better together” is a collectivist / Marxist slogan that means individual rights and freedoms must be sacrificed for the “greater good” of society. This is exactly what you might expect to see in communist China, where individual liberty is non-existent and all people must subject themselves to the power of the State.

Door-to-door blood draws, government databases and the CDC

As the HHD press release explains:

Teams consisting of Houston Health Department staff and Houston Fire Department paramedics will visit randomly selected homes across Houston, asking household members to answer survey questions and provide a blood sample.

The entire scheme is being coordinated with — guess who? — the CDC, Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine. It’s being called an “antibody testing survey” but the Houston Health Department then claims a blood draw test, “does not replace oral or nasal swab viral testing…”

Wait, what? So if you get your blood drawn for this COVID medical experiment, you still have to subject yourself to nasal swabs, too?

Check out the City of Houston announcing this “exciting development” in the Brighteon video below, and note the guy never says this is voluntary. A full transcript follows:


Official: This is an exciting development. Our partners with the CDC, Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University and this health department, are going to be embarking on a trial where we are going to be, in advance, randomly selecting addresses across the city. We will be visiting those residences and asking people to participate in this trial.

When your home should be selected, a team consisting of a Houston Health Department employee wearing a “Better.Together.” t-shirt along with a paramedic from the Houston Fire Department, will arrive and explain to you that you are one of the ones, your home is one of the ones that was randomly selected to participate in the program. If that should occur, what you can expect is there will be a simple questionnaire to be filled out and we would ask that would be for every member of the household.

It’s not difficult. It’s pretty straightforward questions. Of course, there will be no questions related to things like Social Security number, bank accounts. None of those types of things. So, if anyone should show up asking those that, that is not us. We have no interest in that. We are never ever asking those questions. But we will ask about if you have had signs and symptoms of Covid.

If you’ve been exposed to anyone that you know that has/had Covid. Things along those lines. Medical, Covid-related questions. We’ll then ask if we can obtain a blood sample from each member of the household.

Words you never want to hear: You’ve been “randomly selected” to “volunteer” for an important medical experiment run by the CDC

No doubt if you answer “yes” to any questions about showing COVID symptoms, you will be flagged for mandatory medical kidnapping and relocation to the kind of FEMA quarantine camps that are now rapidly expanding in Australia and New Zealand.

And if your blood tests show that you have whatever antibodies they’re looking for, they will come back to your home — since they know where you live — to demand you “volunteer” more blood for medical research.

Notably, the CDC is part of this research, and the CDC claims the power to forcibly kidnap anyone at any time and relocate them to a quarantine camp against their will, completely outside of due process. In fact, the CDC can designate you to be a threat to public health and rip apart your family, confiscate your home and imprison you in a medical quarantine camp without any due process whatsoever. This is current U.S. law under any pandemic “emergency.”

It begs the question: Who would be dumb enough to submit to this medical tyranny in the first place? There is no upside for any person who might be strong-armed into participating in this COVID medical experiment. You only stand to lose: Your privacy, your rights, your blood, your home and your family.

My advice to all those living in Houston is simple: If one of these COVID medical experimentation teams shows up at your door and demands to take blood from you and all your family members:

1) Lock your door and tell them to go f##k themselves.

2) Start recording video as soon as possible. Upload that video to Brighteon.com the first chance you get.

3) Call the police and explain you are being threatened by people impersonating city officials and threatening you with violence (piercing your skin with a needle is medical violence). Explain you told the people to leave and they are refusing, and they are trespassing on private property without a warrant.

4) Ready a firearm for self-defense. Do not initiate violence, but prepare to defend your home and your life if they forcefully enter your “castle.” You may be about to be assaulted and violently attacked by a medical assault team that places no value whatsoever on your privacy, your health or your life.

5) If they break into your home, shooting them in self-defense is your legal right in the State of Texas. You have every right to defend your body, your family and your home against violent attackers and trespassers, even if they claim to be carrying out medical experiments on behalf of the CDC.

Again, do not initiate violence, but you have every right to defend yourself against their violence. The best option in all this is to simply avoid answering your door in the first place.

You want a blood draw? Two can play that game… Here’s why authorities won’t try this in rural Texas

Better yet, move out of every Democrat-run city and escape to free America, which is rural America where stupid officials don’t pull stunts like this for the simple reason that they aren’t suicidal enough to want to get show and spill their own blood when they were really trying to confiscate other people’s blood. (Two can play the “blood draw” game, it turns out…)

It almost goes without saying, but if some “Better Together” team ends up on my front porch in rural Texas, they’re going to have all sorts of blood for antibody tests… their own blood, that is, probably from one or more of my ranch dogs that took a bite out of their ass as they ran across a field or two, dodging teeth and claws as they passed numerous “no trespassing” signs and somehow scaled multiple barbed wire cattle fences and dodged tall mounds of fire ants and nopal cactus spines. No wonder they plan to bring their own paramedics to such efforts… they’re gonna need the trauma kits!

Final note to Houston city officials: Showing up unannounced, unexpected, at random homes in Texas — demanding blood from all the people who live there — has got to be the dumbest medical idea I’ve ever heard. It could only come from a bunch of bungling Democrats who are so clueless about biology that they think men can get pregnant and women can produce sperm. They still don’t know that chromosomes determine your gender, not some fairy magic wishing wand that you wave over your crotch. To even think that these lunatics could competently draw blood, analyze blood and run any meaningful statistical analysis on antibodies is to imagine that pigeons can play chess.

These are the dumbest people on the planet, which is why most Democrat-run cities are collapsing into destitution, homelessness and filth. In Texas, that’s Austin, Houston, Dallas / Ft. Worth and San Antonio. This is where the DEMONrats live, and yes, they’re out for your blood. And once they’re done collecting your blood, they’ll probably swing by the local Planned Parenthood for some ritualistic child blood festival activities to hail Satan as they murder human babies, all while claiming they’re working for the “greater good.”

It’s all a sham. These so-called “officials” are anti-human demons. They probably want your blood for some sort of sick pentagram witches’ brew spells or something similarly perverted like the popular Democrat “spirit cooking” dinners where they dine on human blood in the basements of wealthy Joe Biden donors. These lunatics wouldn’t recognize real science or medicine if they tripped over it, but when they say they want your blood, you should believe them. They do want it, but not for some public health program, for God’s sake. They’re probably harvesting adrenochrome to sell it to the Clintons.

The bottom line? When it comes to COVID, stay away from all officials, period. They are up to no good, and they’re obviously lying about their intentions. For all we know, they’re probably running around Houston injecting people with a new strain of the Wuhan coronavirus in order to spread the pandemic and keep their weaponized lockdowns in place, crushing human freedoms in an effort to politically hurt President Trump.

If they want blood so badly, they can go bleed each other out on the steps of Houston City Hall and do us all a favor. After all, this entire pandemic is a government creation in the first place. They built it, they released it, and now they want our blood? Get real. If you want to end the nightmare of COVID-19, slash the size of government, fire all the corrupt bureaucrats and restore individual liberty across America.

There’s your answer to COVID.

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Students are mandated to get flu shot but, get this—the teachers are not. Some doctors say teachers should have the same mandates. Where? Massachusetts of course.

September 8, 2020 by IWB

Link: https://www.investmentwatchblog.com...-same-mandates-where-massachusetts-of-course/


As the final countdown is on for schools to reopen across the Commonwealth, some health experts are raising a question about the state’s new flu shot mandate.

All students are required to get a flu shot by the end of the year — unless they apply for an exemption.

The goal, the state says, is to not only minimize the risk of hospitals being overwhelmed by flu cases and COVID-19 — but to keep schools open.
CDC Announces That Students May Be Kept From Parents Overnight as Ohio Sets Up COVID-19 FEMA Camps

The onslaught of tyranny continues.

Link: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/cdc-a...vernight-as-ohio-sets-up-covid-19-fema-camps/

Published 2 days ago on Sep 7, 2020
By Shane Trejo

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning parents that their children may be kept from their parents overnight due to COVID-19 concerns, as states set up COVID-19 shelters where infected individuals could be forcibly quarantined.

“Tell school administrators about any extra supplies your child may need to safely make it through a night away from home,” the CDC wrote to parents in their advisory. “Bring extra medicines, special foods, or supplies your child would need if separated overnight.

“Complete a backpack card and tuck one in your child’s backpack and your wallet,” they added.

Latest: Illegal Alien Arrested in the Beating, Torture, and Death of His Nine Year Old Son in Idaho

At the same time, Ohio is taking measures to create isolation camps with assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that can house COVID-19 patients in certain instances.

Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Interim Director Lance Himes issued a state-wide order on Aug. 31 enacting these camps to house people who “are unable to safely self-quarantine in their place of residence and to isolate those diagnosed with or showing symptoms of COVID-19.”

The Ohio camps will be used to house people who “test positive for COVID-19 who do not require hospitalization but need isolation (including those exiting from hospitals); those who have been exposed to COVID-19 who do not require hospitalization; and asymptomatic high-risk individuals needing social distancing as a precautionary measure.”

Dan Tierney, who works as the press secretary to Ohio’s Republican Governor Mike DeWine, downplayed any worries about the FEMA camps being erected throughout the state.

“The order gives the state of Ohio the ability to draw down federal funding to reimburse the local EMA and health department when a non-congregate shelter is needed. These shelters are used when an individual is unable to safely quarantine or isolate in their home,” he said during a press conference.

“The nature of these shelters is no different than what the EMA and others stand-up during natural disasters. The intent of the order is to provide a safe and healthy space for the individual who needs to be quarantined or isolated as determined by local needs. This also helps protect family members from exposure. FEMA has FAQ’s and more information available,” Tierney continued.

“As determined by local needs’ remains ambiguous as an answer to the question of who decides whether a person’s residence is safe,” he added.

Big League Politics has reported on the previously unfathomable abuses that are being introduced to society due to COVID-19 mass hysteria:

A so-called medical expert, drunk off power due because of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, is now suggesting “morality pills” for the public to stop them from resisting their top-down mandates.

Parker Crutchfield, who works as the Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, Humanities and Law at Western Michigan University, made the suggestion in an op/ed published in The Conversation.

“When someone chooses not to follow public health guidelines around the coronavirus, they’re defecting from the public good,” Crutchfield writes.

He is proposing a solution to drug society so that individuals will no longer have the freedom of choice and be at the mercy of the whims of whoever is in power.

“Could a psychoactive pill be the solution to the pandemic? It’s a far-out proposal that’s bound to be controversial, but one I believe is worth at least considering, given the importance of social cooperation in the struggle to get COVID-19 under control,” Crutchfield writes.

He uses “experimental economics” to justify his highly invasive solution that is something out of “Brave New World.”

“Moral enhancement is the use of substances to make you more moral. The psychoactive substances act on your ability to reason about what the right thing to do is, or your ability to be empathetic or altruistic or cooperative,” Crutchfield writes.

He brings up heinous abuses that the government has performed in the past to justify new abuses in the current age.

“The scenario in which the government forces an immunity booster upon everyone is plausible. And the military has been forcing enhancements like vaccines or “uppers” upon soldiers for a long time,” Crutchfield writes.

Like after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, these emergency actions taken during the crisis could be made permanent. The era of the globalist pandemic has arrived, and human liberty is in grave danger as a result.
‘An Inexplicable Ruling’: John MacArthur’s Church Cannot Hold Indoor Services, L.A. Judge Says

09:34 - News

Link: http://www.stationgossip.com/2020/09/an-inexplicable-ruling-john-macarthurs.html

The Los Angeles Superior Court issued a preliminary injunction on Thursday against Grace Community Church and its senior pastor John MacArthur, giving the embattled congregation what their legal counsel described as a “setback” in their ongoing fight to resume in-person assembly.

MacArthur and Grace Community Church’s attorneys from the Thomas More Society said Superior Court Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff “refused to consider their important separation of powers arguments ‘in any meaningful fashion’ and essentially ‘ducked the issue,'” according to statements provided to The Daily Wire.

The judge’s order prohibits the church from “conducting, participating in, or attending any indoor worship services” and also demands any outdoor worship is to be conducted in full compliance with the county’s rules regarding masks and social distancing.

“While the court is mindful that there is no substitute for indoor worship in the ‘spiritual refuge’ of a sanctuary,” the order said in part, “the court cannot ignore the County Health Order does not dictate a ban on worship. Instead, it provides any worship must take place other than indoors. The County Health Order allows worship to occur outdoors, virtually through the internet and in any manner that is not indoors with a large gathering of people.”

The Los Angeles County Superior Court had ruled on Aug. 23 that no court order exists prohibiting Grace Community Church from gathering in-person, despite conflicting rulings from lower courts, as The Daily Wire reported. Since then, Los Angeles County terminated a parking lot lease it had with the church for 45 years and fined them $1,000 for an alleged sign violation.

MacArthur said, “In an inexplicable ruling, the judge said the ‘scale tipped in favor of the county.’ 1/100th of 1% of Californians with a virus apparently wins over the U.S. Constitution and religious freedom for all? That is not what our founders said. Nor is that what God says, who gave us our rights that our government—including the judicial branch—is supposed to protect. The scale should always tip in favor of liberty, especially for churches.”

Special counsel Charles LiMandri said he was “disappointed in the ruling,” adding:

[T]he court did not apply the strict scrutiny analysis to the government order that we believe is required by the California Constitution and legal precedent. The court also did not properly consider the medical and scientific evidence that the current number of people with serious COVID-19 symptoms no longer justifies a shuttering of the churches. Nor do we believe that the court gave adequate consideration to the fact that churches have been treated as second-class citizens compared to the tens of thousands of protestors. More than ever, California’s churches are essential. Therefore, we plan to appeal this ruling to ultimately vindicate our clients’ constitutionally protected right to free exercise of religion.”

Special counsel Jenna Ellis described the ruling as “a temporary setback,” but maintained that neither MacArthur, the church, nor their lawyers plan to give up the fight.

“While the judge did go out of his way to repeatedly state that he is not ruling on the merits, only a ruling at this very preliminary stage, Pastor MacArthur is still harmed because he has every right to hold church Church is essential, and no government agent has the runaway, unlimited power to force churches to close indefinitely,” Ellis said.

“The County’s argument was basically ‘because we can,’ which is the very definition of tyranny. Without limiting government’s power in favor of freedom and protected rights, we have no liberty. We will fight for religious freedom, as our founders did when they wrote the First Amendment,” she added.
Police put on an extraordinary display of force in Melbourne at anti- lockdown protest

People stormed the city chanting ‘freedom’

Daily Mail - September 13, 2020 0 Comments

Link: https://www.infowars.com/police-put...-force-in-melbourne-at-anti-lockdown-protest/

A violent clash between anti-lockdown demonstrators and police has culminated in more than 70 arrests as hundreds stormed Melbourne’s CBD chanting ‘freedom’ in protest of Dan Andrews’ lockdown measures.

Up to 250 residents amassed at Queen Victoria Market on Sunday for a second day of riots as tensions escalate over the city’s tough stage four restrictions, which prohibit Melburnians from leaving home for non-essential reasons.

Protesters chanting ‘Freedom’ and ‘Power to the people’ were outnumbered by officers, with some demonstrators throwing fruit at police after raiding market stalls.

Victoria Police arrested 74 people and issued at least 176 infringement notices for breaching the Chief Health Officer directions.

A 44-year-old Burwood East man, believed to be a primary agitator for these protests, remains in police custody and is expected to be charged with incitement. His home will be subject to a search warrant.

Another person was arrested for assault police.

Police said many protestors were aggressive and threatened violence towards officers, however no members of the force were injured.

‘It was extremely disappointing to see people not just protesting, but putting the lives of other Victorians at risk despite all the warnings,’ a Victoria Police spokesperson said.

‘Our investigations into this protest will continue, and we expect to issue further fines once the identity of individuals has been confirmed.’

Victoria police warned that anyone caught breaching COVID-19 directives will be punished.

Read more [see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-aggressive-violent-protesters-Melbourne.html ]

Canadian Government to Give $110 Million+ to The ‘2SLGBTQI+’​

Sean Miller | Infowars
April 25th 2024, 9:29 am

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/canadian-government-to-give-110-million-to-the-2slgbtqi/

[see vid at site link, above]

The British Possession 'Canada' seeks a gayer future with a copious amount of money being spent on the 2SLGBTQI+ people.

The British Possession 'Canada' also pays massively to propagandize the world with the homosexual agenda.

The British Possession of Canada shook up the LGBTQIAA2PS+ acronym with the release of the 2024 Canadian Budget which allocated CA$150 million ($110 million) to promote the homosexual agenda by expanding equity groups such as the ‘2SLGBTQI+’.
In the Key Ongoing Actions section of the document on page 229, the Canadian government is apparently building a gayer future, which is also inclusive of the 2SLGBTQI+ people.


In addition to the CA$150 million for the 2SLGBTQI+ people, the new-acronym-folks will also receive CA$12 million to combat hatred against them, according to the document on page 230.

The budget also proposes an additional CA$6 million on page 315 for the 2SLGBTQI+ who are also veterans.

The Canadian government goes on to brag about all the money the country has already invested in propagandizing the world with the homosexual agenda on page 326.

While the Trudeau government virtue signals with hundreds of millions of dollars to the 2SLGBTQI+ community, it has even greater admiration for 2SLGBTQI+ people who are also young, black, ‘racialized’, crippled, or native. Those people often live on the streets, according to the budget.
“Homelessness and encampments impact every community in Canada, affecting some of the most vulnerable Canadians, including 2SLGBTQI+ youth, Black and racialized people, persons with disabilities, and Indigenous people,” the government document said on page 94.
The document which is copyrighted by ‘His Majesty the King in Right of Canada‘ and forwarded by ‘Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance The Honourable Chrystia Freeland‘ is just the latest example of liberal world order philosophy coming out of The British Possession known as ‘Canada’.

The Crown’s True Dominion: Shadow Power