Present open-border conspiracy is such blatant, obvious, satanic treason, only idiots refuse to face, suckers


Guest Columnist

Open Border Catastrophe is the Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy America that I Learned at Columbia University – Alongside My Classmate Barack Obama​

May 12, 2023 9:13 pm by IWB


By Wayne Allyn Root
This open border disaster is not a “Johnny-come-lately” story.
It is a plan that was created many decades ago by leftist radicals’ intent on destroying America.

I should know. I was there. I am a witness.

I am a blue collar S.O.B. (son of a butcher) from the wrong side of the tracks – a poor majority-black town on the Bronx borderline. I attended an almost all-black middle school and high school in Mt Vernon, New York. After I graduated Valedictorian, I was accepted at prestigious Ivy League Columbia University.

What I found there shocked me to the core.

Columbia University was filled with spoiled brat, “Lucky Sperm Club,” privileged white kids, who were obsessed with hatred for America. These radical nutjobs bragged about being communists and Marxists.
They bragged about their hatred of white people (even though they were white themselves). They bragged about hating rich people (even though they were from rich families themselves).
This was one gigantic guilt trip. My classmates hated themselves, their country, their parents, their wealth, and most of all – their whiteness.
They talked all day long about their plans to bring America down; destroy the economy; bankrupt white businessmen; and create “equality and fairness” by turning America into a socialist/Marxist/communist country.

It’s important to note that one of my classmates at Columbia was Barack Obama.

My classmate Barack Obama and I graduated on the same day in Spring of 1983. This very month is the 40th anniversary of our Columbia graduation.
These Columbia University radicals (and traitors) had a plan named Cloward-Piven. It was named after two Columbia University professors – the husband-and-wife team of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.
The plan was simple – get as many people as possible on welfare, food stamps, and a hundred other government welfare programs. Get so many on the government dole, that the economy is overwhelmed, destroyed and collapses under the weight of the exploding national debt.

Basically, America goes bankrupt.

At this point, Americans would be in so much pain and so frightened, they would beg government to save them. And that is how they would “fundamentally change America forever.” Remember those words? They came out of the mouth of Barack Obama. He learned those words and this plan at Columbia.
Because of the collapse of the economy and society, Cloward and Piven believed America would be ready for socialism – bailouts, a permanent welfare state, and a monthly universal income check.

The goal? Equality, equity, social justice. Recognize those words? Everyone would be in the same boat – dependent on Big Brother for survival.

Look around. It’s all happening right now.
Except Cloward-Piven has been updated. It’s now 100% about the border. If you can’t get everyone in America on welfare to explode the debt, overwhelm the economy and collapse the country, open the border and invite the whole world in.
The world is filled with such terrible, miserable poverty, Americans can’t even imagine it. The poor in America are rich, compared to the rest of the world. And that is why the whole world is coming. They know the border is open.
The whole Africa is coming. The whole Middle East is coming. China is sending millions of military age males. Haiti is coming. Latin America is coming. Prisons are being emptied. An invasion of America is underway.
If you were poor… if you were starving… if you had nothing… if you were a criminal… if you were sick… if you were pregnant… if you had ten kids… if you were a child with no future… wouldn’t you come to America?

Trust me, everyone is coming.
They all know the border is open. They know they get free money, and all kinds of welfare checks, cell phones, plane tickets wherever they want to go, free legal help, free school and free medical. Wouldn’t you come?

What if a hundred million come? What if a half billion come? What if a billion come? There is nothing stopping them.
They will tip us into mass poverty, crisis, anarchy, a crime wave you can’t even imagine. They will bring disease. The schools and healthcare systems will collapse. The national debt will explode, the budget will be overwhelmed, the economy will collapse.

This is Cloward-Piven updated for 2023.
It all happened because Democrats (i.e., socialists, Marxists and communists) rigged and stole a presidential election.
Then they banned even the mention of rigged and stolen elections – with the full cooperation of mainstream media and social media.
For the next two years, they opened the border to let millions in. Now, they’ve managed to end Title 42 for the final explosion that ends America and American exceptionalism forever.

Trust me, a brain-dead zombie puppet with diapers and dementia is not the brains behind this brilliant plan.
This is the Cloward-Piven plan that I learned at Columbia. And the man carrying it all out to perfection is the real President of the United States – Barack Obama. He is back for his third term to finish the job he started – to “fundamentally change America forever.”
And I would not be surprised if the next phase of the plan is to replace corrupt, mentally failing Joe Biden with Michelle Obama in 2024. That would be Obama’s 4th term.
Note the parts and pieces to globalist-satanism, suckers, aside fm the front-men and talking-heads, like Biden and Clintons (a), (b) there's also the corrupted parts of the gov., like FBI and CIA, (c) big-tech and big-Pharma, and then the (d) Jews-media pushing the globalist-satanist "narrative" in such unison, making it seem like lots and lots of people back and support globalism-satanism and "woke" culture and politics--WHAT MAKES THESE PARTS ALL WORK, suckers?--it's that currency (not real money) instrument, pumping-out all that currency, legalized-counterfeiting (literally), the central-bank, the US Federal Reserve, paying them all, buying-up the Jews-media, creating that "megaphone" effect--get a clue, suckers.


The Traitor Class​

Ray DiLorenzo image

By Ray DiLorenzo ——Bio and Archives--July 2, 2023



Theanguish that I feel having to stare at my computer screen to begin another article is getting too familiar. I feel like I'm expected to write another Twilight Zone script, not believing anything I write. But, I go on. I write what I see, and it's not pretty.

What America is up against is unlike anything we have ever encountered or experienced. It has the potential of being more bloody than the Civil War and more threatening than both world wars. But now we face an army of traitors...a traitor class, domestic enemies working behind the scenes in shadow. They are dividing our country, destroying our freedom, our democratic republic, our sovereignty, our Judeo Christian values, our morality, the family unit, our culture, even our monuments to American heroes. They are spending us into oblivion as Cloward and Piven envisioned.

The Left is planning to deliver The United States to the New World Order​

The traitors are accomplishing this because they are getting no opposition.

A lot of people are confused. They think it is just politics. It is not just politics. The Left is planning to deliver The United States to the New World Order in the next very few years and they are on schedule.

They are globalists, more loyal to their political party and to globalism than they are to their country. They number in the many hundreds, maybe thousands. They have taken over the Executive Branch, the Justice Department, certainly the FBI. Half of the Senate and half of the House. Almost the entire school system is teaching values contrary to our culture and religion

The scheme began many years ago, but accelerated to the final struggle with the Obama Administration, working tirelessly to convince Americans that we are racists living in a racist country. We don't deserve our freedom, we misused it to oppress a minority group...blah, blah, blah. Obama's legacy is one of racial division, economic decline, terrorist appeasement, and his war on the middle class. Now that Biden is president, Obama's fingerprints are on everything Biden does. And why not, the two administrations are identical. Biden is merely continuing Obama's assault on national sovereignty and capitalism via Obama's own hand.

You can be reasonably certain any politician with a D after their name is in on it. The Democrat Party is more of a criminal organization than a political party.

People are beginning to see something is afoot. And they don't like what they see​

Luckily, or maybe because some of us are working so hard informing people as to what is going on, people are beginning to see something is afoot. And they don't like what they see.
People don't like seeing their children being propagandized, in public school mind you, to accept homosexuality as a normal lifestyle. Kids are told to read books showing pornographic images with instructions on how to have safe sex at 12 years old. They don't like teachers telling these same children that they may be of a different gender and will help them make the transition. Or, getting expelled for standing your ground insisting there are only two genders. In the meantime, while all this is going on parents are finding that their kids are not being educated, and left out of the loop while we get the bill in outrageous taxes.

They don't like seeing a presidential election vote count halted mid way because of some cockamamie excuse. They don't like courts or state legislatures not authorizing election audits when it's plain shenanigans took place.

They don't like being told that cooking and eating normal food may be bad for the environment, or telling them they can't use gas appliances or gasoline cars when there is no viable, affordable alternative, especially when the car can't be used in cold weather.

People definitely don't like inflation caused by extraneous spending with nothing to show for it.

People hate hypocrisy! And this traitor class is rife with it. They allow the Chinese to walk all over us while talking tough. It's become common knowledge, our justice system is now two-tiered. One for the Left and one for the Right. The Democrat Party knew Biden was senile and ran him anyway.

Biden is not fit mentally or physically to be president -- The world laughs at us​

People stare at their TVs in disbelief when Biden was asked, "Can you explain your economic plan?" Answer, "I don't know, but I'm running on it." Or, announcing to the American people that Putin is losing the war in Iraq. The man is not fit mentally or physically to be president, but his competence is not important. The Left is getting what they want politically. The world laughs at us.
We don't like to see churches forced to close when Walmart or some liquor store is allowed to stay open. It stinks of agenda. We don't like government agencies telling our doctors how to treat patients. We don't like millions of migrants invading our country, expecting food, clothing, and shelter for nothing. We don't like being told by Democrats that $5 billion is too expensive for a border wall, but a trillion dollars is acceptable to handle the rush at the border. That is not how immigration works.

We are coming around to believing that the Left is certifiably nuts. Men athletes 'become women athletes', invade women's locker rooms, steal women's scholarships, destroy women's sports and the Gloria Steinems say nothing. It confirms the Left has no core values.

Sometimes we think we complain too much but more times than not we find it's worse than we thought. Illegal migrants, after they get processed, receive a free cell phone and get up to $800 per month of taxpayer money. The government thinks they're pretty slick using the cell phones to locate them, but still, 95% of them don't show up for their hearing. All at a cost of $5 billion a month. AND 71% of the migrants are relocated in Republican districts.

All for a disease akin to the common cold. Vaccines that kill are supposed to be recalled...immediately!​

We don't like the hard push to buy EVs when we don't have a power grid that can support it, and then the next day tell us to turn our air conditioners off to save electricity. We don't appreciate learning Hunter Biden and his father are raking in millions from our adversaries in exchange for God-knows-what favors, and then years later we still don't see any serious investigation. And when we get an investigation, nothing happens. It makes one envision palm trees and bananas.
We seethe when we see or hear of people dying from a vaccine, dropping dead suddenly on the athletic field, in the airplane, on the drive home. They were someone's father or mother, grandparent or child. Those people trusted their government to their demise. Much of that trust is now gone, and rightly so. We listen to people like Bill Gates who is no more qualified to talk about vaccines than my dog. And no one will take responsibility! All for a disease akin to the common cold. Vaccines that kill are supposed to be recalled...immediately!

People in America are used to freedom and not likely to voluntarily give it up any time soon. And we don't like politicians or billionaires who don't know sh*t from Shinola, telling us we'll all be dead in eight years if we don't do what they say, or eat what they say, live where they say, what house we can buy, what car to drive, take some experimental vaccine, or presume to tell us we will be happy owning nothing...all because they don't like the weather. Take it elsewhere, dirtbag.

In short, Americans are beginning to see that large parts of our government, this traitor class, is in a massive program of manipulation of our people, culture, religion, and lifestyle, and getting us ready for a major step down in standard of get us prepared to join a socialist world government. And they are not liking it.

Mexican President Rages Against New ‘Migrant Arrest’ Law In Texas, Vows To Challenge​

by Zero Hedge
December 20th 2023, 4:01 am


AMLO whines: "The governor of Texas is acting this way because he wants to be a candidate for vice president"

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is spitting mad after Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a measure into law that allows state law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants who have entered the US without authorization.

We’re always going to be against these measures, and we want to say to our countrymen and migrants that we’re defending them. The governor of Texas is acting this way because he wants to be a candidate for vice president,” AMLO said during a Tuesday press briefing, adding “He’s not going to gain anything with this measure.”

The move comes after Texas – fed up with a federal government that continues letting illegal immigrants pour across the Rio Grande and then roam with impunity – took matters into its own hands on Monday, enacting a law that makes it a state crime to illegally enter the Lone Star State from a foreign nation.

When that law takes effect in March, illegal border crossings will become a Class B misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail. Repeat offenses will be a second-degree felony subject to prison sentences from two to 20 years. Judges can kill the charges if an arrested immigrant agrees to go back to Mexico.

“President Biden’s deliberate inaction has left Texas to fend for itself,” said Abbott. “Today, I will sign three laws to better protect Texas—and America—from President Biden’s border neglect.” The other laws provide for an additional $1.54 billion to continue building border barriers, and increase the minimum jail sentence for migrant-smuggling from two years to 10.

Some sheriffs are uneasy about their capacity to hold and manage what could be an enormous population of detainees. “In just one section of the 1,254-mile Texas border with Mexico, around the cities of Eagle Pass and Del Rio, federal agents encountered 38,000 migrants in October,” reports the New York Times.

Abbott’s signing ceremony comes as jaw-dropping hordes of migrants swamped the border in Eagle Pass, and as the Border Patrol has halted freight train activity on two railway bridges connecting Texas and Mexico, as smugglers pack migrants like cattle onto northbound rail cars.

JUST IN: Fox News’ Bill Melugin utterly shocked at the overwhelming amount of migrants currently waiting to be processed in Eagle Pass, Texas.

“I’ve spent hundreds of days there over the last 2+ years and I’ve never seen it like this.”
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) December 19, 2023

The law authorizing Texas police officers to arrest illegal immigrants is certain to precipitate a legal showdown between Texas and the federal government — one that could ultimately see the US Supreme Court take a new look at their decision in Arizona v United States. In that June 2012 case, the court ruled by a 5-3 majority in favor of the federal government monopolizing immigration policy.

However, as law professor Josh Blackman points out at The Volokh Conspiracy, the Arizona majority decision included a sentence that left open the issue of detentions like those enabled by the new Texas law:

“There is no need in this case to address whether reasonable suspicion of illegal entry or another immigration crime would be a legitimate basis for prolonging a detention, or whether this too would be preempted by federal law.”
Democrats are already urging the Justice Department to intervene. In a letter to the DOJ, San Antonio Congressman Joaquin Castro and 20 other representatives ask Attorney General Merrick Garland to “assert your authority over federal immigration and foreign policy and pursue legal action, as appropriate, to stop this unconstitutional and dangerous legislation from going into effect.”

Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), a union representing 18,000 support Border Patrol personnel, has an entirely different view: “As the flagrant disregard of our laws too often is the norm throughout our country, Texans can be proud that their governor will not back down to pervasive and radical woke ideology.

EXCLUSIVE: DHS Intelligence Officer Blows The Whistle On Massive Islamic Terror Invasion
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Joe Biden Begs, Threatens Mexico to Reduce Migrant Flood Before 2024 Election​

by Breitbart
December 23rd 2023, 10:22 am


Biden now circumventing talks with GOP Senate to instead conduct emergency border negotiations with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

President Joe Biden is demoting critical border negotiations with Republicans to, instead, conduct emergency border negotiations with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The diplomatic switch comes as Biden’s flood of several million illegal migrants is further damaging his 2024 poll ratings, and as GOP leaders are using their Senate clout to demand real border reforms.

“Everything revolves around getting the Mexican government to do targeted operations” against the cartels’ migration business, one U.S. official told the Washington Post.

Biden’s problem is that he “is refusing to enforce immigration law,” Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies, noted, adding, “The [migration] numbers are unprecedented. The legacy media is starting to notice. … [So Biden] is begging Mexico for help to fix the problem instead of just using the [legal] tools he has to fix the problem right now.”

The president’s outreach to Mexico is also complicating the high-profile U.S. negotiations between the White House and GOP senators. Democrats had included Biden’s pro-migration border chief — Alejandro Mayorkas — in the Senate talks. “We made sure Mayorkas was in the room,” the Democrats’ leader in the Senate, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), said. “He’s very, very helpful. He knows the details,” Schumer told Politico:

Read more [see]
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Welfare Spending On Illegal Aliens Explodes




In a large lump of coal for Americans on Christmas, recent reporting has shown that direct and indirect Federal welfare spending on illegal aliens is exploding. Most welfare that illegal aliens receive is through contracting with the panoply of refugee contractors, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), Catholic Social Services (CSS), and Lutheran Immigrant Aid (LIA), among others, with a myriad of new names contracting and subcontracting various services, especially free transportation both air and bus. Spending is in the billions and is part of the plan to subsidize the displacement of the White Historic American Nation.
Two new exposes have detailed more direct Federal spending on housing, food, and incidentals, as well as new information on total use of welfare by illegal aliens. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has expanded its support of welfare from the Emergency Food and Housing Program to another FEMA program originally intended for disaster relief for American citizens, the Shelters and Services Program (SSP).
America 1st Legal has discovered the abuse of disaster relief funds going to illegal aliens.

More Direct Welfare for Illegal Aliens
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has a new study out of use of welfare by illegal aliens and the results are bad, if not unsurprising.
Close to 60 percent of households headed by illegal aliens use at least one major form of welfare, an analysis conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals.
The CIS analysis from Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler shows illegal aliens and legal immigrants, in general, use “significantly more” welfare than native-born American citizens.
For example, about 59 percent of households headed by illegal aliens use welfare and about 52 percent of households headed by legal immigrants use at least one form of welfare. At the same time, fewer than 4-in-10 households headed by native-born American citizens use welfare.
“… this is primarily because the American welfare system is designed in large part to help low-income families with children, which describes a large share of immigrants,” CIS researchers note.
Study: Nearly 3-in-5 Illegal Alien Households Are on Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, by John Binder, Breitbart, December 23, 2023

Case Closed Illegal Aliens Are Welfare Dependent
It has been a long-used lie in the Lying Press and the Open Borders activist groups that illegal aliens can’t use welfare and legal immigrants are severely restricted by law from using welfare. Both are lies: the Biden Regime expanded welfare for both, not counting the direct and indirect welfare for the current zerg rush. Consider that the Trump Administration had begun to successfully restrict welfare for aliens, legal or illegal.
Merry Christmas, Historic American Nation.