"Liberalism"--drinking Jim Jones "kool-aid," taking the poison covid vaxxes?--is mental illness brought on by satanism (extreme subectivism), suckers


Guest Columnist

The Relevance of Milgram’s Experiments in Today’s World​

by Armando Simón | Brownstone Institute
August 11th 2023, 10:01 am

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/the-relevance-of-milgrams-experiments-in-todays-world/

Milgram’s experiments on obedience to authority always had a political undertone, which he himself stated.

He proved that a large majority of people would continue to engage in an immoral act when ordered by a person in authority, specifically administering increasingly painful electrical shocks to another person.

Today’s toxic state in society is a cornucopia for psychologists. For example, Victimhood has become a status symbol in society to the point that non-minorities claim to be minorities in order to reap the sympathy and benefits of this status. Studies have shown professional victims tend to have negative personality characteristics, most notably the Dark Triad.

Then there is the matter of projection, the psychological mechanism wherein a person projects his/her own negative characteristics onto others. Thus, we see individuals call their opponents “fascists” while advocating and imposing censorship, calling for concentration camps for political opponents, engaging in the politicization of science and art, falsifying history, peddling propaganda, physically assaulting people having different viewpoints, and engaging in the indoctrination of children.

It is possible that you may not have heard of psychologist Stanley Milgram’s famous experiment. Milgram’s experiments on obedience to authority always had a political undertone, which he himself stated. He proved that a large majority of people would continue to engage in an immoral act when ordered by a person in authority, specifically administering increasingly painful electrical shocks to another person.

Major Psychological Study Confirms 80% of People Will Do Whatever They Are Told

Even when the persons administering the shock became stressed and voiced the inappropriateness of the situation, they continued to do so when asked to continue, although a few (including some women) enjoyed their participation. The subjects were not threatened into doing so; they were simply ordered.
However, a small percentage of persons stopped participating and refused to follow orders.

The results of Milgram’s experiment are not confined to the laboratory. We see it taking place today in real time throughout different sections of society. I will give different instances.

Transgenders in Competitions​

We live at a time when stating the obvious or citing facts is an act of courage and defiance.

There are men who were mediocre at sports but now pretend to be the opposite sex by calling themselves “transgender women” and participating in women’s sports. Predictably, they beat real female athletes. Everyone is expected to approve of their participation and shower them with adoration for winning. Everyone is also expected to not complain, not deride, and not boycott.

The same is true when these grotesque individuals take part in beauty shows and the elites award them the crown, or, when they are chosen to be models representing women, whether in magazine covers or promoting beauty products.

And we all must conform and agree to that stance, the premise being that if only everyone goes along and pretends that there are no differences between the transgenders and women, everything will be fine.

One difference between Milgram’s experiments and today’s instances of obedience to authority is that the latter often has threats and/or retaliation, as has happened in the transgender movement. Even so, there are individuals who stand firm against this travesty.

Indoctrination in Schools​

Whether in high schools, elementary schools, or in universities there is a massive endeavor to indoctrinate youngsters on a number of seemingly different, but actually interconnected ideologies: transgender, homosexuality, anti-white racism, and anti-America.

Children have not yet become adults and learned to betray one’s beliefs and principles in order to placate mediocrities.

Consequently, there have been a number of students who have revolted against the indoctrinators; in fact, it seems that their numbers are greater than adults in other settings. Thus, we have seen a mass walkout of students in Ottawa over homosexual indoctrination. The students in a California class objected to the teacher showing a homosexual propaganda film in her math class whereupon she threatened the whole class (the same happened in a school in London). Students in a Boston school objected to all of the LGBTQ kitsch being displayed in the school and tore them down. In Massachusetts, the students disobeyed authority and refused to wear pro-homosexual items, and announced that their pronouns were “USA” and “Kiss my ass,” which apparently sent the authority figures into panic.

However, in contrast to mass revolts, when it is the lone student who refuses to submit unconditionally to the totalitarians, retaliation surely follows. Thus, we saw one student in Calgary taken into custody for objecting to homosexual indoctrination. In Idaho, one student was banned from attending his high school graduation ceremony and had a firefighting job offer revoked when he stated there are only two genders.

In Massachusetts, one student was sent home for wearing a t-shirt that stated that there were only two genders; the school explained that the t-shirt made others “feel unsafe.” In an Ohio university, a professor gave one student a zero on her paper because she used the term “biological woman.” In Scotland, a high school teacher kicked one student out of class because the student stated the scientific fact that there are two genders: male and female. He was subsequently expelled from school. A GoFundMe page for raising money in order to attend another school was shut down by leftists.

Note that each of the individual students did not back down.

In Maine, a young child read to the school board from a pornographic book available at the school, said book having become commonplace. It was not clear whether the school or the school board retaliated against him.

It has been my observation that the type of person who strongly believes that spanking a child for misbehaving should never be done because it is abuse is also the very same person who approves ripping out a young girl’s uterus, cutting off her breasts, and injecting that child with toxic chemicals under the banner of transgender rights.


When Ted Cruz was elected to the Senate, he instantly became aware that it was divided into the Democrats who were all in tandem behind an ideology, and the Republicans who were unprincipled career opportunists. He was told by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that government spending and bureaucracy-reducing measures would not be allowed. Cruz carried out a filibuster to make his point.

A while later, he introduced a bill, but it did not get seconded, a public slap in the face, and so the bill died; McConnell had ordered all his minions not to second it and the Democrats were certainly not going to second a Republican’s bill. Soon afterwards, a grinning Lindsay Graham stated that Ted Cruz could be murdered in a full session of the Senate and not a single witness would come forward (McConnell later ordered them both to appear together smiling to declare it had been a joke).

Cruz got the message. If he continued on his course, he would be isolated and he would get absolutely nothing accomplished and get no support on anything; his Congressional term would simply be a waste of time. He decided to shut up on certain things in order to get other things accomplished.


It has become obvious to many by now that the FBI has become politicized and there are elements within the bureaucracy that would like to turn it into a Stasi. It has begun to target innocent people in society who are ideologically suspect and also to protect the up-and-coming Nomenklatura (including meddling in elections). The FBI has even attacked some Congressional staffers, albeit in a mild manner.

For example, mothers who have become upset at absurd covid restrictions and also at the push to turn their children into homosexuals and transgenders have confronted the arrogant members of school boards and, as a result, were labeled as “domestic terrorists.” Steps began to be taken by the FBI to eliminate them, but a leaked memo caused unwanted publicity and the efforts were nipped in the bud (incidentally, the SPLC, a hate group, has targeted Moms for Liberty).

It is no secret that a section of the political spectrum has a deep hatred for religion and religious people and institutions, and feel persecution of these people and institutions is justifiable. Towards this end, they have particularly targeted Catholics (I suspect much to the delight of Baptists), thanks to the SPLC. However, once again, thanks to the efforts of a whistleblower this plot was nipped in the bud. Nonetheless, at least one Democrat politician applauded and justified the FBI’s plan, which brings to mind Lord Acton’s observation, “Every villain is followed by a sophist with a sponge.”

Now, by the very nature of any bureaucracy, the individual components are obsessed with keeping their jobs and will do whatever the head of the bureaucracy tells them to do. But, there are whistleblowers who are angry that the FBI, with a hitherto sterling reputation, has been distorted to serve the interests of one particular political party, shielding its criminal members and sympathizers from prosecution (“crimewashing” as Taki puts it), as is the case with crackhead Hunter Biden who under ordinary times would be serving multiple life sentences.

Obedience to authority is expected at the FBI and those individuals within the organization who have principles and stainless-steel backbones have been retaliated against. Even though attacks against the whistleblowers have been financial, derogatory and careerwise—one whistleblower and his family became homeless and almost penniless—they have not regretted their stance. A fundraiser has been set up to help them.

It is people like these who make history.

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-------------------------------------------------------[HERE'S PART 2 TO ABOVE]--------------------------------------------------------------

The Covid Fiasco​

The Wuhan virus will go down as one of the biggest fiascos in history. Initially fanned because of China’s draconic lockdown together with a news blackout, initial ignorance of the disease, predictions from computer models of millions dead, fanned by alarmist news broadcasts from the media, and a public fed on a steady diet of Hollywood disaster films of zombies and Ebola pandemics, people throughout the world hunkered down in isolation by imitating China’s response. Within a few months, however, it became evident that there had been an overreaction.

Nonetheless, the Covid pandemic (with a 98 percent survival rate) was fervently embraced by one group of people. Politicians on one side of the political spectrum insisted on lockdowns, censorship, useless face masks, and toxic vaccines while the other side just kept quiet, as usual. Our overlords went drunk with power, handing out special dispensations to those who could keep their businesses open (there was no kickback, of course). They would often appear in public and in front of cameras wearing face masks, oozing righteousness, only to remove them in private. They insisted on lockdowns while they went on vacations or to expensive businesses that opened up just for them.

Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of science knew that a virus, which can only be seen through an electron microscope, would not be stopped by a face mask made of cotton fibers. Nonetheless, institutions ordered masks to be worn. Trying to reason with enforcers—who kept repeating the order to wear a mask—was a waste of time. I know. I tried on numerous occasions.

This from a group of people that likes to posture as being pro-science.

The rank and file of Covidians embraced the pandemic with even greater fervor (this fervor became known as “pandemic porn”). They would shriek at anyone who did not conform or who went to parties or a deserted beach, and even ask for disobedient folks’ deaths. People who did not obey, who did not conform, were even physically assaulted by Covidian jihadists or were arrested.

Medical treatments of Covid which were, at best, dubious (such as using remdesivir) were mandatory while others that proved efficacious and saved lives (such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine) were ignored—on orders from the CDC and the FDA. Herd immunity was ridiculed. Ivermectin was ridiculed as a “horse dewormer.” The media hivemind pushed the propaganda.

Medical advice and anecdotes by doctors and nurses that contradicted the official orthodoxy were censored and labeled as “misinformation” and “disinformation,” by politicians, journalists, and other Covidians. Same for prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to save patients’ lives. These health professionals withstood tremendous pressure and refused to stay silent and do nothing, refusing to kill their patients. They were demonized. They were fired. Their licenses were threatened or revoked. They were jailed. I have documented a handful of these brave souls. Their stories are heartbreaking. Yet, they bravely stood by their Hippocratic oath.

And then, the vaccines were rolled out. Instinctively, a number of people were suspicious because the usual trials were skipped. Sure enough, before too long, people were collapsing and a number of maladies suddenly appeared, especially affecting the cardiovascular system. As one wag put it, “You do know anti-vaxxers are not the ones giving you blood clots and cardiac arrests. You know that, right?”

Nevertheless, the public was told that the vaccines would prevent infection.

Or a second one.

Or a third one.

Or a fourth one.

In fact, it was eventually found that those who received the vaccines had a greater probability of becoming infected.

Certain people refused to submit to being injected with the toxic substance, regardless of the threats or the consequences.

As one wag put it, “Imagine a vaccine so safe that you have to be threatened to take it—for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know if you have it.”

Also, it was known from the beginning that children were immune to the virus. Yet, it became mandatory to make children get the vaccine. And parents complied. And now the children are paying the price.

It gets worse. Persons needing an organ transplant were denied treatment by several hospitals if the patient did not submit and acquiesce to be injected with the toxic chemical. Many refused.

The Covidians could have simply accessed the (samizdat) internet and become educated as to the adverse effects of the toxic injections and the beneficial results of the forbidden medications. They refused to do so.

But the irony is lost on the actors: To encourage “vaccination,” someone in Germany arranged his sheep in the outline of a syringe.

And a YouTuber who posted a message on his site that it was the people who stood firm against the face masks and the toxic injections who were the ones who got it right, the people who are brave and courageous and defend civilization, well, his YouTube account was terminated by the YouTube censors.

Ve Vere Just Following Orders (the English version: “We’re just doing our job.”)​

“Ve vere just following orders,” was an excuse by SS officers during WWII to excuse their atrocities and were rightfully mocked by British and American servicemen who incinerated tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Dresden and Hamburg.

During the Covid fiasco, we saw police violating the basic rights of citizens in America, Canada, Australia, Britain, Holland, Italy, and Germany. Citizens were arrested for being in church, in friends’ homes, or demonstrating against the lockdown tyranny. In Australia and Canada, the police were particularly brutal against their citizens, who were doing nothing more than marching down the street (Canada’s Justin Trudeau, incidentally, is on record as being an admirer of Communist China’s dictatorship).

And what did the opposition parties do? Nothing. Proving once more that the different political parties in all those countries are actually the Uniparty.

In none of those countries, to my knowledge, was there a refusal by the constabulary to deprive citizens of their rights (actually, there was one brief exception, in Italy). Not too surprising when one considers that the rank and file come from the military, trained to carry out orders from their “superiors” without question, no matter what.

Which is why indoctrination is now taking place within the military without meeting any resistance.

This is particularly worrisome because it is apparent that whoever controls the police bureaucracy is certain to have no opposition from the rank and file, even if those countries are supposed to be democracies.

The media​

Nowhere is conformity and obedience more evident than in the media, whether it is television, or print media—which is why I call it the media hivemind. There, one must have the same opinion, think the same thoughts, voice the same words.

Obedience to authority is mandatory.

Fake news (propaganda) has become routine in all of the major media outlets, as is news blackout(censorship). In the past five years I have compiled hundreds of instances of fake news—not mistakes or silly goofs, but deliberate mendacity. Journalism as a respectable profession is practically dead, journalists having transformed into propaganda peddlers. Poll after poll show that Americans don’t trust the media hivemind.

It must be due to white supremacy.

Nonetheless, a handful of journalists with principles have revolted. As a result, some of them have been fired while others have walked away from the stench. Either way, it took guts.


As a psychologist, I am at times surprised that the findings within my field, such as Milgram’s experiment, are not being utilized to make sense of today’s world. As can be seen from the above instances, there is a basic principle running throughout each of the specific occurrences of either courage or cowardice.

Regardless, one does not have to be acquainted with Milgram’s work to recognize the underlying principle. It has been stated before. By John Dewey: “Nonresistance to evil which takes the form of paying no attention to it is a way or promoting it.” By Maya Angelou: “I think that the courage to confront evil and turn it by dint of will into something applicable to the development of our evolution, individually and collectively is exciting, honorable.” And by, of course, Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Whether in America, Australia, Ireland, Germany, or Italy, Western Civilization is under the onslaught by totalitarians on a number of different fronts, and to date they are winning hands down. Having lived in a totalitarian regime, I (and others) recognize all the signs. Frankly, the future is bleak.

The “heroes” (if I may use that word) cited above are outnumbered by the cowards.

‘Too many conservatives fail to see that the crime is the point. It’s not a side effect of leftist governance: it’s an essential feature.’​

August 13, 2023 8:25 pm by CWR

Link: https://citizenwatchreport.com/too-...-leftist-governance-its-an-essential-feature/

[vid at site link, above]

Too many conservatives fail to see that the crime is the point. It’s not a side effect of leftist governance: it’s an essential feature. Sam Francis called it “anarcho-tyranny”: a descent into managed lawlessness. Crime is a tool to impose a particular kind of social order.
In basic terms, the tax-producing (white) middle classes are hemmed in and controlled by means of high taxes, prejudicial laws, political correctness and endemic crime. This is now the default mode of governance throughout much of the West and especially in cities like London or New York or Paris.
See also Claim: Fingerprints Found on WH Cocaine Baggie ’We know who handled it… Since Last Week’
When you step out onto the street to protest the unprecedented shuttering of small businesses during a pandemic, the riot police arrive in full force and beat seven bells out of you, even though you’ve always paid your taxes, worked hard and are only exercised your foundational political rights as a citizen. Low-level criminals, on the other hand, especially from minorities, are free to riot and loot and murder in the name of “racial justice”. Any ordinary member of the public who intervenes to stop the madness, if they aren’t beaten to death on the spot, is then subject to the full force of the law in retribution for daring to challenge this new order.
The essential nature of anarcho-tyranny is why Western governments and the Western media, which totally colludes in the maintenance of this system, hate somebody like Nayib Bukele: because he’s showing that crime, even the worst kind of violent crime, is a problem that can be solved quite simply, by the judicious application of state force against the perpetrators of crime. Our establishment doesn’t want us to know this, because they need crime. It’s that simple.

Image from my essay, “State of Emergency”, in @theammind

See also Quantum computer built by Google can instantly execute a task that would normally take 47 years
This is being allowed. FBI could shut it down overnight. These are interstate theft rings. Textbook RICO cases. AG Garland and Chris Wray want these gangs active.

Understanding The Parasitic Cooperation Between Globalists And Leftists​

August 18, 2023 10:55 am by CWR
via Brandon Smith:

Link: https://citizenwatchreport.com/unde...-cooperation-between-globalists-and-leftists/

I have to admit that in my efforts to analyze and dissect far-left/globalist ideologies and agendas I have come to a point where I am just as fascinated as I am horrified. Consider for a moment the progressive “intersectional” narrative which we often refer to as “woke”: It’s not an activist movement because they already have equal rights under the law. It’s partially a political movement but their goals go far beyond putting candidates in government – A large part of the government is already on their side. They claim to stand against “capitalism” and corporate power, yet their movement is primarily funded by the very money elites they say they despise.
No, this movement is something different – It’s a system of blind belief and the invasion of a cult that worships itself, that worships power and seeks to undermine the truth whenever possible as a means to an end. We are witnessing history in the making; the birth of a monstrous religion of moral relativism.
To understand the political left and their tactics you have to understand their relationship with the globalists. Woke groups are a creation of the corporate/globalist regime. For decades think-tanks like the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation have been grooming universities to produce a steady supply of cult members, all of them indoctrinated into a carefully crafted narrative that clings to socialism and uses victim status as a currency.
They abhor meritocracy and have delusions of equity. They demand an impossible Utopia that guarantees equal outcomes. They see self sufficiency as criminality; an attempt to escape from collective oversight. And they are more than willing to rationalize dishonesty, disinformation, deconstruction, chaos and murder as a means to get what they want.
As I’ve noted in the past, it’s difficult to combat a movement with no morals and no shame. If your purpose is to convince them to stop what they are doing using logic, data, common sense and appeals to conscience, you will fail. They don’t care about any of these things. The leftist obsession with power is absolute – It’s all they talk about. It’s the root of every one of their arguments.
That said, their concept of power is rather limited and childish.
For the woke, power is in cancel culture. Power is in the mob. Power is in displays of collective destruction and control. They ask themselves “What can we take from others, and how can we instill fear?” They believe the more they can take, the more power they have.
Globalists view power in a similar manner to leftists, but they expand on the manifesto with the question “How can we convince others to give us control willingly?”
Woke useful idiots see power as something that must be stolen through intimidation or force. Globalists see power as something that is handed to them by useful idiots. In order to get that power, globalists spend the vast majority of their energy and wealth on the manufacturing of consent. It’s not enough to control the population, you have to make them believe that your oligarchy is THEIR IDEA. That way, they never try to fight back.
See also These banks are next...
While woke activists are running around like monkeys with matches trying to burn down the world, globalists are looking at the activists and saying “How can I make those monkeys burn down the things I want them to burn down?”
Manufacturing consent from half the population of a nation requires a massive disinfo apparatus. I doubt that most leftists even realize their entire philosophy was funded and fabricated by corporate interests. And if you educate them on the fact that they are now allied with the same ultra-rich corporate vampires they say they hate, you’ll soon discover they don’t mind. They’ll happily embrace the devil’s contract because they see it as a means of “winning.” In this way political leftists and the globalists are indelibly intertwined.

This is why I don’t take arguments over the “false left/right paradigm” very seriously anymore. Sure, there are still Neo-Cons in the Republican Party that claim to be conservative when they are actually globalists and leftists. That’s not the point. The point is, millions upon millions of regular people on the left have willfully chosen to side with the globalists and have specifically targeted conservative and patriot culture for destruction.
They are the enemy, just as much as the globalists are the enemy. Without the leftist mob the globalists have no power. It’s time to accept this reality instead of falling back on the same old lazy argument: “But both sides are the problem…” No, only one side is the problem. They have always been the problem regardless of the political masks they wear.
If you look at the pyramid from the bottom-up, there is no such thing as the “false left/right paradigm” anymore. There is a VERY REAL left/right paradigm. The division is a fact of life. The lines have been drawn by the establishment; either you’re with them or you’re against them. There is no in-between.
In the film ‘The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari’ an elite member of society turns a man into a monster through hypnosis, sending him to stalk the countryside to kill people the elite wants out of his way. The globalists have also used mesmerism to summon their own leftist monster whenever they need some dirty work done. There are two key pillars that they want leftists to tear down – People’s perceptions of freedom and people’s perceptions of objective fact.
For example, look at the recent covid “crisis” and the draconian response that the majority of leftists supported. Also look at the hysterical climate change narratives and the calls for carbon restrictions that would inevitably lead to mass depopulation; once again largely supported by the political left.
Both agendas rely on the notion of an existential threat that requires people to sacrifice their freedoms on a micro-level. Yet, covid mandates suggest that we need to save the population from death while climate change mandates suggest that we need to kill most of the population to protect the environment. It doesn’t make sense unless you understand that diminishing freedom is the ultimate point. Covid was never about saving lives and climate controls have nothing to do with saving the planet.
See also “Global boiling!!!”
As for perceptions of objective fact, one need only look at the transgender movement to see that the very foundations of truth are under siege. If biology is subjective, if identity is subjective, if the genetic details we use to define and categorize our species are “social constructs” instead of facts, then almost any truth could be targeted. I believe that this attempt to make biological truth a matter of prerogative is done with the intent of making moral truth mutable.
If civilization is convinced to accept the surgical/chemical mutilation and sterilization of our youth, if we can be convinced to accept the sexualization of children from an early age, then we can easily be convinced to accept just about anything else. Pedophilia? Slavery? Murder? All in the name of hedonism posing as freedom.
By extension, the abandonment of universal truths will invariably lead to the rebuke of freedom itself. What is freedom really? Is it a legitimate concern for the future? We “live in a society” after all, and according to leftists everything we do “affects everyone else.” Therefore, freedom can be dangerous; it might hurt or upset others. It might ruin the planet. Best to get rid of it entirely for the good of the collective…
It is an eternal dichotomy – Without truth there can be no freedom – Without freedom there can be no truth. On the dark side of that coin is the globalist/leftist dichotomy – Without the globalists there is no leftist mob, without the leftist mob the globalists will be erased.
Globalists are seeking to subjugate the world, and to do that they need to undermine the basic tenets of human interaction and understanding. They have allied with the political left in order to blitz the populace with chaos, keeping people distracted and off balance while the powers-that-be wrap their tentacles around every last vestige of private liberty.
Our greatest hope is for the citizenry to adopt a hostile posture and refuse to compromise another inch. We have to start calling the political left out for what they really are – The striking hand of the globalist cabal. There can be no give-and-take when it comes to our core principles. No more tolerance of deconstruction, no more slack given to saboteurs. If a subversive group is trying to tear down the moral fabric that makes the west functional and free, if they desire to eradicate the heritage that our founders fought to establish, then we must do as the founders did and remove the threat.

Young Cardiac Sudden Deaths Are Being Blamed on “Congenital Heart Conditions.” Are Some Doctors Deliberately Covering Up COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Sudden Cardiac Deaths?​

By Dr. William Makis
Global Research, November 29, 2023
COVID Intel 28 November 2023

Link: https://www.globalresearch.ca/young...9-mrna-vaccine-sudden-cardiac-deaths/5841542/


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Dec. 8, 2021 – Watson, LA – 16 year old 6’2 230lb football player Grayson Lane Temple died suddenly on Dec. 8, 2021 – his death was blamed on a “genetic predisposition to a cardiac arrhythmia.”
There have been many questionable young person deaths attributed to “congenital” or “genetic” heart issues, since COVID-19 Vaccines rolled out. I provide some detailed examples. Coroners and cardiologists are concluding “deaths of natural causes” but it seems they are just covering up vaccine deaths.
He was the picture of health.

He stood 6’2” and was 230 pounds. 16 year old Grayson could be found working on a motor of most any kind, welding, and hanging out with his friends. Grayson loved aggravating his older sisters Corinne and Sarah Peyton and his younger brother Jacob
Grayson never complained of feeling bad and was rarely sick. Six weeks prior to him going into cardiac arrest he was having symptoms that he had not shared with his parents. He had told his friends and the school nurse, but no one recognized the symptoms he was having as possible signs of a heart issue.
A week prior to his death, his mom noticed he was unusually tired and sleeping more than normal. Grayson had stayed home from school with what he called a stomach bug. After a couple of days home from school, his mom checked his blood pressure with an automated cuff and noted his pulse was too fast. She obtained her stethoscope and listened to his heart and found an arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). The next day an appointment was made with a pediatric cardiologist.
Four days went by before Grayson would been seen and ended up being directly admitted to PICU with atrial flutter. The medical team attempted cardioversion and oral anti-arrhythmias unsuccessfully. The third day, they made the decision to attempt the cardioversion again but before the procedure could be performed Grayson went into cardiac arrest. Their attempts to revive him were unsuccessful. He passed away on December 8, 2021 at the age of 16.
Genetic testing was performed, and we learned that Grayson had a genetic predisposition to a cardiac arrhythmia such as Long QT syndrome (notice the story doesn’t say he had Long QT Syndrome)
His cause of death was listed as myocarditis which is the #3 leading cause of death in student athletes (Long QT syndrome has nothing to do with myocarditis)
Grayson’s parents have made it their purpose to educate their community about “sudden cardiac arrest.”

My Take on 16 year old Grayson Lane Temple’s Death​

This seems like a cover-up of what was most likely a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced sudden cardiac death.
His cause of death was listed as myocarditis which has nothing to do with “genetic predisposition” such as “Long QT Syndrome”.
Nov. 4, 2023 – Davie, FL – 14 year old Knox MacEwen is a Western High School Air Force Junior ROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) student. On Nov. 4 he was running at a Army Junior ROTC exercise when he suffered a cardiac arrest during a 5K run and died in the hospital. His mother is recovering from a hard fought battle with cancer this past year.

Nov. 8, 2023 – 14 year old dies after Running 5km; Is Congenital heart Disease to be blamed? (Someone paid for a fake story to be run on a fake website in India).

This story was so viral, that someone paid a fake site to run a fake story about Congenital heart disease.
The source is called “Times Now News” and appears to be a fake site out of India.
In fact, they consult an expert on US teenagers with congenital heart defects, Dr.Panjak Sugaonkar, Pediatric Cardiologist at Ruby Hall Clinic in Pune, India.
His clinic (in Pune, India) must be filled with mRNA Vaccinated US teenagers dropping dead from “Congenital heart disease”, for him to be an expert.

July 24, 2023 – Lebron James’ 18 year old son Bronny James suffered a cardiac arrest at 9:30am on July 24, 2023.


And here comes the Propaganda:

Look at how much focus they place on “those on social media who claimed that COVID-19 Vaccines were somehow involved despite the lack of that thing called evidence.”
Feb. 20, 2023 – 20 year old Ryan Keeler, UNLV football player, was found on Feb. 20 by UNLV defensive line coach Julio Garcia who was doing a welfare check on Keeler. He told police he kicked the apartment door open and found Keeler unconscious and cold to the touch. Coroner’s office said 20-year-old Ryan Keeler died of “cardiac dysrhythmia due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.” “…died of natural causes”, according to the Clark County Coroner’s Office.

Feb. 1, 2023 – New York, NY – 27 year old Sean Grogg died suddenly from an “unknown congenital heart condition.” He was mandated COVID-19 Vaccines at work.

Jan. 5, 2023 – Las Vegas, NV – 16 year old Ashari Hughes died suddenly while playing flag football. Coroner’s Office ruled a natural death due to “congenital coronary artery anomaly.”

The Coverup: “Las Vegas doctor addresses heart health concerns after sudden deaths of two high school students.”
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Following the recent news of the sudden deaths of two local high school students, who both suffered cardiac arrest, some parents are no doubt concerned about the heart health of young adults.
8 News Now’s Brian Loftus spoke to Dr. Alfred Danielian the director of Sports Cardiology at Las Vegas Heart Associates to address concerns on the topic.
March 29, 2022 – Brazil – Helena Bilia Matarazzo was 6years old. Her mother had posted on social media about a congenital heart condition she had but that she was followed by a “specialized center”. She took the first dose of the Pfizer mRNA covid-19 vaccine on January 21, 2022 and the second dose in March of 2022. She died on March 29, 2022. Her mother did not blame Pfizer.

Sep. 28, 2021 – Inverness, FL – 16 year old Antonio Hicks collapsed during football practice and died suddenly on Sep. 28, 2021. Associate Medical Examiner Dr. Shanedelle Norford identified hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as the cause of the teenager’s death. Norford also cited ventricular hypertrophy in her Dec. 29, 2021, autopsy report.

My Take…

I believe many cardiologists are covering up COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced cardiac injuries and deaths, mainly because they recommended these vaccines and even if their heart injured patient didn’t take the jab on their advice, they’re worried it will come back to haunt them via other patients they pushed the jabs on.

Sometimes there is a congenital heart condition and it is falsely blamed. Sometimes there isn’t a congenital heart condition at all. I have seen much use of the word “possible”.
Every autopsy report I have seen in these cases is fraudulent. Why? None of the pathologists stained for mRNA or spike protein in the heart tissue. When these pathologists issue the final report, they are committing fraud because they reach a conclusion they couldn’t possibly have reached because the proper staining for a key complicating factor, was not done.
Having an underlying congenital heart anomaly or genetic predisposition is not a death sentence. Why does a young person live 20 years of their life just fine with their congenital heart anomaly, but they take an mRNA vaccine, drop dead a month or two later and it’s called a “natural cause of death” due to the anomaly that didn’t cause any problems for 20 years?
It makes no sense but I’m seeing more and more of these fraudulent “natural causes of death”
But silence from most families is what allows doctors to get away with injuring or killing their patients.
Ho hoh ho, here, Vivek (rhymes w. cake) absolutely CRUSHES liberal scum "reporter" for her out-dated "catechism" against "white supremacy," noting the obvious fact that NOWADAYS, the worst racism comes fm scum liberals like her, pushing lies about whites, utterly failing to see worst "racism" (the real thing) is practiced by blacks, Demon-rats, and liberal scum like her.

Tucker Carlson is astonished to know how "trans-genderism" has become soooo "fashionable" among the weaklings, and easily persuaded morons among the over-population of stupid liberal scum--now exploited by doctors, the medical profession and insurance companies, suckers
