Latest vaxx horror: spike protein destroys DNA repair mechanism of cell--horrific consequences, implications, suckers

Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines

Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines​


I had 8 independent ways to show this before. And now there are 9. And nobody has a defensible number < 150,000. The CDC still claims no deaths, yet cannot explain how Schirmacher and others goofed.​

Steve Kirsch
13 hr ago367300

Myths & Legends of the Graveyard at NMFH | 365 Houston

A new independent study using analysis of excess deaths showed that our estimate of the number of excess deaths was consistent with what they found.

Here are some quotes from the paper:
  1. Results from fitted regression slopes (p<0.05 FDR corrected) suggest a US national average VFR of 0.04% and higher VFR with age (VFR=0.004% in ages 0-17 increasing to 0.06% in ages >75 years), and 146K to 187K vaccine-associated US deaths between February and August, 2021.
  2. Comparing our estimate with the CDC-reported VFR (0.002%) suggests VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias
  3. Comparing our age-stratified VFRs with published age-stratified coronavirus infection fatality rates (IFR) suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.
  4. Interestingly, our estimates of 133K to 187K vaccine-related deaths are very similar to recent, independent estimates based off of US VAERS data through August 28th, 2021 by Rose and Crawford (11).
In other words, these researchers found numbers similar to what we found, within a factor of 2. They agree that over 150,000 people have been killed by the vaccines so far. This is more than 3 times the number killed in combat in the Vietnam war; a war which lasted for nearly 20 years.

Still no stopping condition; nobody in Congress or at the CDC will set one​

However, there is no stopping condition for these vaccines and no member of Congress or the CDC is willing to draw a line in the sand and say, “The US government should halt the vaccines after X number of Americans have been killed.”

A reasonable stopping condition is 32 people. In 1976 we stopped the H1N1 vaccine after just 32 deaths.

Today, the number of deaths allowed is unlimited. And there is no liability for the manufacturers. And there have been no payouts at all to the hundreds of thousands of vaccine injured. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Nobody in Congress (or the mainstream media) seems troubled by the fact that the vaccines kill more people than they save. The Pfizer Phase 3 trial saved 1 life from COVID for every 22,000 people vaccinated. So for 220M fully vaccinated, it’s 10,000 lives saved, but150,000 or more people killed. So we kill 15 people to save 1. And we mandate it to boot.

Maybe someday, we’ll find one member of Congress who will actually pay attention to what the data says and say two words, “I object.”

I need your help to stop the vaccine. Nobody in Congress has the courage to set a stopping condition.​

Perhaps one of the 100,000 readers of this article could have a discussion with their representative.

I’ve tried. None of the people in Congress I’ve supported over the years will talk to me anymore. Even their staffs won’t even read what I wrote because it doesn’t agree with what the CDC claims.

Until that day when we find a member of Congress who will listen, I’ll keep writing and hoping that others will succeed where I have failed.

“The Numbers Killed by these Vaccines is Much Worse than What We Thought”. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Mike Yeadon​

By Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
Global Research, December 30, 2021



This is an important message which we just received from Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice-president of Pfizer
Forward this message far and wide.

My good friend Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, with whom we and others wrote a series of open letters to the European Medicines Agency, is utterly distraught.
Listen carefully.
He and his colleague, a pathologist, have confirmed that, even in people who’ve died post-covid-19 vaccination and where their death was not attributed to the adverse effects of vaccination, in almost all cases they DID die as a result of the vaccination.
The numbers killed by these vaccines is much worse than what we thought, already.
But it’s what they’ve just discovered that’s much worse.

We knew of blood clots from expressing spike protein.
We were aware of autoimmune attacks on ones own tissues expressing spike protein to which our killer lymphocytes were primed, such as myocarditis.
But what’s new is the revelation that lymph node cells are also being invaded by the gene-based agents and marking THEM for auto destruction.
When you destroy that part of the immune system, which we loosely call “immune surveillance”, every manner of nasty, latent infections, by viruses & also bacteria, explode, uncontrolled.
Hundreds of millions of people are going to die of unrestrained tuberculosis, Epstein Barr virus, toxoplasmosis etc etc etc

AND on top of this, the daily accidental production of cancer cells, normally deleted swiftly by immune surveillance, before they can divide, ceases.
Guess what happens next?
I don’t care where you’ve sat during this ridiculous “pandemic”.
Whether you’ve gone along with it, knowing it was an overreaction. Or even in ignorance.
I am telling you right now:
Please put this on every platform.
Swamp the ‘fact checkers’.
Please do it now.
Rescue our civilization while there are innocents to save, ESPECIALLY our children and grandchildren.
Thank you sincerely,
Dr Mike Yeadon

Video featuring Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines​

Sunday, January 02, 2022 by: News Editors


Image: Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines

(Natural News) A new independent study using analysis of excess deaths showed that our estimate of the number of excess deaths was consistent with what they found.
(Article by Steve Kirsch republished from
Here are some quotes from the paper:
  1. Results from fitted regression slopes (p<0.05 FDR corrected) suggest a US national average VFR of 0.04% and higher VFR with age (VFR=0.004% in ages 0-17 increasing to 0.06% in ages >75 years), and 146K to 187K vaccine-associated US deaths between February and August, 2021.
  2. Comparing our estimate with the CDC-reported VFR (0.002%) suggests VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias
  3. Comparing our age-stratified VFRs with published age-stratified coronavirus infection fatality rates (IFR) suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.
  4. Interestingly, our estimates of 133K to 187K vaccine-related deaths are very similar to recent, independent estimates based off of US VAERS data through August 28th, 2021 by Rose and Crawford (11).
In other words, these researchers found numbers similar to what we found, within a factor of 2. They agree that over 150,000 people have been killed by the vaccines so far. This is more than 3 times the number killed in combat in the Vietnam war; a war which lasted for nearly 20 years.
Meanwhile, critics like my good “friend” Jeffrey Morris admit they haven’t got a clue as to how many people have died and can’t figure out even a single way to estimate it. Stunning. He still thinks there is no proof of causality.

Here’s a 10th method that finds > 200,000 deaths from the vaccine​

Courtesy of SidDavis on substack:
(1) Using weekly CDC reports of Deaths from All Causes during the 6 years from January, 2014 to January, 2020, I identified and measured oscillations in that data set to establish the normal weekly pattern and magnitude of deaths we should expect in 2020, 2021 and beyond.
(2) i compared CDC weekly reports of Deaths from All Causes, January 18, 2020 through December 14, 2020. December 14, 2020 was when vaccinations began. The total of deaths in excess of the expected norm was 369,857 or a weekly average of 7,705.366.
(3) I compared CDC weekly reports of Deaths from All Causes, December 14, 2020 through November 13, 2021. The November 13, 2921 report was the most recent with materially correct data. The total of deaths in excess of the expected norm during this period was 487,905 or a weekly average of 10,039.680.
(4) The average increase in excess deaths after vaccines began was 2,334.314 per week or 112,047 deaths in total which can be attributed to the vaccines. Based on these calculations, a reasonable estimate through the end of 2021 is 200,000 deaths.
The estimate of deaths attributed to the vaccines calculated with this logic is if anything low. The medical profession has improved their treatment methods so that should have caused a decrease in deaths as time passed, but the rate instead increased. The most vulnerable should be the first to so as time passed the death rate should have decreased, but the rate instead increased. This means that the vaccine caused deaths would have been slightly higher than my calculated estimate.

Proof of causality​

There are so many ways to show the vaccines cause death.
  1. COVID-19 vaccine: Strong association with cardiovascular death, especially hemorrhagic stroke and venous thrombosis shows the mortality odds ratio (MOR) >2 and is highly statistically significant for a variety of adverse events. That can’t happen by chance.
  2. On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination
  3. The autopsy work of Dr. Peter Schirmacher in Germany
  4. Jessica Rose’s analysis of the VAERS data showing dose dependency (the graphs are supposed to look the same on Dose 1 and Dose 2 if the vaccines don’t kill people)
  5. The other 8 other analyses listed in this paper

Still no stopping condition; nobody in Congress or at the CDC will set one​

However, there is no stopping condition for these vaccines and no member of Congress or the CDC is willing to draw a line in the sand and say, “The US government should halt the vaccines after X number of Americans have been killed.”
A reasonable stopping condition is 32 people. In 1976 we stopped the H1N1 vaccine after just 32 deaths.
Today, the number of deaths allowed is unlimited. And there is no liability for the manufacturers. And there have been no payouts at all to the hundreds of thousands of vaccine injured. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Nobody in Congress (or the mainstream media) seems troubled by the fact that the vaccines kill more people than they save. The Pfizer Phase 3 trial saved 1 life from COVID for every 22,000 people vaccinated. So for 220M fully vaccinated, it’s 10,000 lives saved, but150,000 or more people killed. So we kill 15 people to save 1. And we mandate it to boot.
Maybe someday, we’ll find one member of Congress who will actually pay attention to what the data says and say two words, “I object.”

I need your help to stop the vaccine. Nobody in Congress has the courage to set a stopping condition.​

Perhaps one of the 100,000 readers of this article could have a discussion with their representative.
I’ve tried. None of the people in Congress I’ve supported over the years will talk to me anymore. Even their staffs won’t even read what I wrote because it doesn’t agree with what the CDC claims.
Until that day when we find a member of Congress who will listen, I’ll keep writing and hoping that others will succeed where I have failed.
Read more at:
Now People Are Dying from the Vaccine, by Paul Craig Roberts - The Unz Review

January 5, 2022


OneAmerica is a large life insurance company in Indianapolis. The chief executive officer, Scott Davison just announced that judging by policy claims Americans of working age are suddenly dying in unprecedented numbers. He reports that all life insurance companies are experiencing a 40% rise in the death rate. “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.” These are not Covid deaths. They are deaths from conditions caused by the vaccine.
Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, reports a corresponding huge increase in hospital caseloads, not from Covid but from all sorts of things, things known to be risks of the vaccine.
In other words, the extraordinary increase in deaths and hospitalizations is associated with the Covid vaccines.
For the past year and perhaps longer I have reported the findings and predictions of top medical scientists who are not on Big Pharma or Fauci’s payrolls. The findings of these scientists have been suppressed by Fauci and the presstitutes. In a nutshell, the vaccine undermines the human immune system and turns it into a weapon against your own body. The result is heart attacks and the range of adverse effects now associated with the vaccine. An exasperated and angry Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains the process here:
A number of experts have concluded that a large percentage of the vaccinated are going to experience disability and death. As Dr. Bhakdi explains, it doesn’t happen to everyone right away. Some experience death or disability immediately, some a month later, some a year afterwards, and some over a longer time.
As I understand it, the rate of death and disability of Covid vaccinated people will rise with time. If the process is rapid, one consequence could be societal collapse. If the process is slow, then those populations most vaccinated would experience numerical decline.
Clearly, the vaccination drive was a huge mistake, or an intentional population control operation. But now that it is known that there is more danger in the vaccine than in the virus, all vaccination should be stopped.
Censorship of renowned medical experts must stop so that we can escape marketing propaganda and come to an understanding of the true situation.
Covid was not deadly except for untreated persons with comorbidities. The current variant, Omicron, appears to be milder than the common cold, and as the vaccine does not protect against either, its use is completely irresponsible. Humanity will be paying the cost of the mRNA vaccines for decades to come.

At LEAST 150,000 Americans have been killed by covid shots… and counting​

Tuesday, January 04, 2022 by: Ethan Huff


Image: At LEAST 150,000 Americans have been killed by covid shots… and counting

(Natural News) Another independent study has found that the true number of deaths caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” is significantly higher than what the government and media are claiming.
The paper estimates that in the United States alone between February and August of 2021, anywhere from 146,000 to 187,000 people died due to getting injected with Fauci Flu shots.
Compared to what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reporting, deaths from covid jabs are being underreported by a factor of 20, which is consistent with the known under-ascertainment bias inherent to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
“Comparing our age-stratified VFRs with published age-stratified coronavirus infection fatality rates (IFR) suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure,” the paper explains.
“Interestingly, our estimates of 133K to 187K vaccine-related deaths are very similar to recent, independent estimates based off of U.S. VAERS data through August 28th, 2021, by Rose and Crawford.”

At least three times more people have already died from covid “vaccines” than died during the entire Vietnam War​

Other research has come up with death estimates of anywhere between 400,000 and 820,000 deaths from covid jabs. However, just assuming the more conservative 150,000 figure, this is still more than three times the number of people who died in combat in the Vietnam War, which lasted for nearly two decades.
In yet another research compilation, a figure of 200,000 deaths from covid injections was the estimate. This one, like the others, used excess mortality data during specific timeframes of when the alleged virus first appeared and when the first injections were unveiled as part of Operation Warp Speed.
“The estimate of deaths attributed to the vaccines calculated with this logic is if anything low,” writes Steve Kirsch on his Substack. “The medical profession has improved their treatment methods so that should have caused a decrease in deaths as time passed, but the rate instead increased.”
“The most vulnerable should be the first to so as time passed the death rate should have decreased, but the rate instead increased. This means that the vaccine caused deaths would have been slightly higher than my calculated estimate.”
How we know that anywhere from 150,000 to 820,000 people have already died from Fauci Flu shots has to do with the nature of the deaths. Many of them involved cardiovascular events, which are extremely common among the fully vaccinated who experience “breakthrough” infections.
“Strong association with cardiovascular death, especially hemorrhagic stroke and venous thrombosis shows the mortality odds ratio (MOR) >2 and is highly statistically significant for a variety of adverse events,” Kirsch explains. “That can’t happen by chance.”
There is also prolific and growing evidence showing that the jabs do not work as claimed, and often play a causative role in death post-injection. Dr. Peter Schirmacher in Germany has conducted extensive autopsy work proving this.
“Jessica Rose’s analysis of the VAERS data showing dose dependency (the graphs are supposed to look the same on Dose 1 and Dose 2 if the vaccines don’t kill people),” Kirsch further writes.
Despite all this, not a single member of Congress, nor any employee at the CDC, is brave enough to come forward in opposition to the continued administration of these lethal injections.
“A reasonable stopping condition is 32 people,” Kirsch says. “In 1976, we stopped the H1N1 vaccine after just 32 deaths … Today, the number of deaths allowed is unlimited. And there is no liability for the manufacturers. And there have been no payouts to all the hundreds of thousands of vaccine injured. Zero. Zip. Nada.”
More of the latest news about Fauci Flu shot deaths can be found at
Sources for this article include:

Now People Are Dying from the Vaccine. “All Vaccinations Must be Stopped”​

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, January 05, 2022



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OneAmerica is a large life insurance company in Indianapolis. The chief executive officer, Scott Davison just announced that judging by policy claims Americans of working age are suddenly dying in unprecedented numbers.
He reports that all life insurance companies are experiencing a 40% rise in the death rate. “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.” These are not Covid deaths. They are deaths from conditions caused by the vaccine.

Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, reports a corresponding huge increase in hospital caseloads, not from Covid but from all sorts of things, things known to be risks of the vaccine.
In other words, the extraordinary increase in deaths and hospitalizations is associated with the Covid vaccines.
New York Democrats Attempt to Bring Australia’s COVID Concentration Camps to the State of New York
For the past year and perhaps longer I have reported the findings and predictions of top medical scientists who are not on Big Pharma or Fauci’s payrolls. The findings of these scientists have been suppressed by Fauci and the presstitutes. In a nutshell, the vaccine undermines the human immune system and turns it into a weapon against your own body. The result is heart attacks and the range of adverse effects now associated with the vaccine. An exasperated and angry Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains the process here.
A number of experts have concluded that a large percentage of the vaccinated are going to experience disability and death. As Dr. Bhakdi explains, it doesn’t happen to everyone right away. Some experience death or disability immediately, some a month later, some a year afterwards, and some over a longer time.
As I understand it, the rate of death and disability of Covid vaccinated people will rise with time. If the process is rapid, one consequence could be societal collapse. If the process is slow, then those populations most vaccinated would experience numerical decline.
Clearly, the vaccination drive was a huge mistake, or an intentional population control operation. But now that it is known that there is more danger in the vaccine than in the virus, all vaccination should be stopped.
Censorship of renowned medical experts must stop so that we can escape marketing propaganda and come to an understanding of the true situation.
Covid was not deadly except for untreated persons with comorbidities. The current variant, Omicron, appears to be milder than the common cold, and as the vaccine does not protect against either, its use is completely irresponsible. Humanity will be paying the cost of the mRNA vaccines for decades to come.

NY Times admits covid “booster” shots damage immunity, leave body defenseless against virus​

By Ethan Huff
January 7, 2022



(Natural News) Getting injected with too many “vaccines” from Operation Warp Speed could destroy your immune system, leaving it defenseless against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

The New York Times actually warned about this in a new report concerning Israel’s introduction of a fourth Fauci Flu vaccine. People who roll up their sleeves for yet another “booster” could suffer a form of “immune system fatigue” that makes them more prone to infection.

“Israel is considering whether to approve a fourth Covid-19 vaccine dose for vulnerable people to contain the fast-spreading Omicron variant, despite debate among scientists and a lack of evidence either for or against another booster,” the Times reported.

“The panel of experts advising the Israeli government on the pandemic recognized that uncertainty, but on Tuesday it recommended giving a fourth dose, concluding that the potential benefits outweighed the risks. It pointed to signs of waning immunity a few months after the third shot, and said that any delay in additional doses might prove too late to protect those most at risk.”

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Too many shots, though, could compromise the body’s ability to fight off any form of coronavirus, including the new Omicron (Moronic) variant, also known as a common seasonal cold.

Only a handful of government officials are even talking about this. And when they do, the conversation usually centers around the elderly – meaning young people might still be encouraged to take a fourth (and later a fifth) injection of Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s miracle serums.

Study: COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Temporary Changes to Menstrual Cycle​
January 8th 2022, 11:34 am


Meanwhile, Big Tech wages scorched-earth censorship campaign against anyone who speaks out against the experimental mRNA injection.

The COVID-19 injection may cause temporary changes to a woman’s menstrual cycle, according to a study published this week.

The study, published in the Obstetrics and Gynecology journal by the Oregon Health & Science University on Thursday, examined the menstruation data of nearly 4,000 people — vaccinated and unvaccinated — entered through an app called Natural Cycles.

Looking at six consecutive menstruation cycles, the researchers concluded that menstrual bleeding in vaccinated women was prolonged by less than a day, representing a “statistically significant” but not “clinically significant” change.

“After adjusting for confounders, we found that normally cycling individuals experienced small variations in cycle length regardless of vaccination status,” researchers said.

“Statistically significant differences existed between vaccination status groups, but the change in cycle length was less than 1 day, which is below the reportable difference in the menstrual cycle tracking application and is not clinically significant,” the study added.

The results affirm a previous Norwegian study investigating 6,000 women aged 18-30 that found women who took the COVID-19 injection were likely to experience menstrual disorders, including heavy or prolonged bleeding, irregular intervals, or extra pain.

In the summer of 2021, women from around the world were reporting numerous injuries and disorders as a result of taking the COVID shot, resulting in Big Tech censoring their campaign to get the truth out about the vaccine’s health risks.

Read the study: [ck site link, above, top]

U.K. government says vaccinated are dying at a rate 286% higher than unvaccinated​

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 by: Ethan Huff


Image: U.K. government says vaccinated are dying at a rate 286% higher than unvaccinated

(Natural News) The latest data from the British government shows a disturbing trend among the “fully vaccinated,” who are very clearly dying at a significantly higher rate than the unvaccinated.
According to the figures, there are 286 percent more deaths occurring now among people who got jabbed for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) compared to people who left their immune systems and DNA alone.
Upwards of one million people have suffered serious injuries or died so far from the shots. And this is a conservative estimate based on official government data, which is known to be underreported.
Ben Armstrong, host of The Ben Armstrong Show, explores the subject further in the following video from Brighteon:

Armstrong explains that the vaccinated people who are doing the best as far as health outcomes go are those who took just one injection and stopped. The worst-off folks are those who take two or more.
It would seem as though the more injections a person gets, the more at risk they are of dying.
“It is the people who have been vaccinated two or three times that are dying of Covid-19,” Armstrong contends.

The vaccines are what’s killing people, not covid​

Armstrong apparently believes that these people are dying from Covid-19 and not from the vaccine, but the fact of the matter is that covid has never been isolated or even proven to exist.
Some people have been getting sick from something (severe seasonal flu?) since the beginning, but we have really seen an uptick in deaths ever since the injections were widely administered under Operation Warp Speed.

Ever since that time, hospitals have reportedly been overflowing with sick, fully vaccinated people who are having to undergo intensive care for their vaccine injuries. Many of them end up dying.
Many believe that so-called “covid deaths” among the fully vaccinated are just vaccine deaths. The virus, among other things, is inside the vials and is being injected into people who later get sick or die.
Armstrong also mentions the recent report from Indianapolis-based insurance giant OneAmerica about how death claims are up 40 percent across the industry.
“It’s from the vaccines, it clearly has to be,” Armstrong contends. “Because actual deaths from Covid-19 went down during this period of time.”
“Those are people who are dying from heart conditions or something else, random stuff, clearly being brought on by the vaccine.”
Several commenters at The New American further pointed out that the labeling of these deaths in the fully vaccinated as being from “covid” is a desperate attempt at deflecting from the truth that the jabs are the true cause.
“They have to label vaxx deaths as covid now … dismantling any argument about ‘effectiveness’ to keep from admitting the mystery gene amplifiers (not vaccines) are killing thousands,” one of them wrote.
Since the so-called “vaccines” either contain or cause the body to produce deadly, blood-clotting spike proteins, another suggested, it makes perfect sense that the jabs are killing people with “mystery” illnesses, often involving the heart.
“At present there is no vaccine available,” wrote someone else about how these jabs are not vaccines. “There never was since the beginning of this show.”
“The vaxx IS the virus,” responded another. “It comes in the form of deadly spike proteins that your body has been programmed to produce.”
It turns out that in order to qualify as a vaccine, an inoculation must actually prevent disease (at least under the old definition). Covid “vaccines” only make the disease less severe, or so we are told.
The latest news about Chinese Virus injections can be found at
Sources for this article include:

Experts Accuse Govt Of 'Manipulating' Vaccine Data, Claim Up To 300,000 Deaths Caused By Injections​

By Andrew White January 14, 2022 at 2:20pm


The inventor of modern mRNA vaccines, Dr. Robert Malone, recently accused the U.S. government of “manipulating” vaccine data to mask the “huge number of deaths and adverse events that are directly linked” to today’s COVID-19 vaccines.​

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Founder and Executive Director Steve Kirsch agrees, estimating that a staggering 150-300 thousand deaths in the U.S. have been caused by the injections.​

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Founder and Executive Director Steve Kirsch is a a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The organization had funded research showing the promising results of fluvoxamine as an early treatment of COVID-19 in a study that was eventually featured on 60 Minutes.

Today, Mr. Kirsch leads the VSRF, an organization focused on utilizing the advancement of scientific inquiry to end the pandemic. The VSRF is backed by 20 leading scientific and medical experts, including Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough.


270 Doctors Sign Letter Demanding Spotify Censor Joe Rogan For 'COVID Missinformation'

“We present the most up to date and relevant information on COVID-19 policies free from corporate press, agenda-driven narratives, and sponsorships with conflicts of interest. We encourage questions and an open dialogue of transparency on any medical and scientific information presented,” reads a description of the VSRF on their website.

As National File previously reported, Dr. Malone accused the U.S government of “manipulating” vaccine data to hide the “huge number of deaths and adverse events that are directly linked” to the COVID-19 vaccines in a recent interview with radio host Stew Peters.

Mr. Kirsch, who is backed by Dr. Malone, estimates that the number of deaths caused by the injections can be estimated between a staggering 150-300,000.

In a piece written by Mr. Kirsch titled How to verify for yourself that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the COVID vaccines, the VSRF Founder provides readers with a step-by-step method to reach that determination.

“Steve Bannon asked me to step you through it. I’ll do that and tell you how this is validated using independent methods and also why VAERS was deliberately set up to make all vaccines look safe,” Mr. Kirsch wrote.

In conclusion, Mr. Kirsch found that “We are left with an estimated 292,817 deaths caused by the vaccine using VAERS. Using 12 other methods, we estimate a death toll of 150,000 or more. Therefore, 150,000 is a high confidence estimate whereas 300,000 is likely closer to the actual number.”

You can read the full report on Mr. Kirsch’s Substack here. [see ]

93% Of Autopsies Reveal People Who Were Vaccinated With Covid-19 Jab Died From Vaccine​

By Nemos News Network
- January 11, 2022



The Covid-19 jab was implicated in 93% of the deaths in people who were autopsied. The most interesting point to note is the original coroner or public prosecutor claimed that they were not due to the genocide jab. Initially, fifteen bodies were examined, from ages 28 to 95. They had died from 7 days to 6 months after “vaccination.” However, further examination revealed that the clot shot was the cause of death in 14 of 15 patients. The most attacked organ was the heart, but other organs were involved such as the lungs and liver. The significance of these findings is baffling, since there is a potential of millions of deaths.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Arne Burkhardt have done marvelous work to make the public aware of these dangerous Covid-19 shots. Family members requested the bodies of these victims to be thoroughly examined. Dr. Bhakdi has dedicated his whole life to practicing, teaching, and researching microbiology and infectious disease. Dr. Burkhardt is a world renowned pathologist and virologist who has published over 300 papers in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, and virology. Both men work currently in Germany. Ironically Dr. Bhakdi is thinking of leaving the country because health authorities want his 4 year old child Covid jabbed.

Both Dr, Bhakdi and Dr. Burkhardt noticed that in 14 of the 15 patients witnessed there were widespread evidence of the body attacking itself, which they had never seen before. These patients were people who died at home, in sporting events, in the car, or at work. Dr. Burkhardt was able to add 55 more patients to his examinations, increasing the total number to 70. In over 90% of the deceased, Dr. Burkhardt found autoimmune self-attack in the tissues of these organs by killer T-lymphocytes, in ages 28 to 90. In all deaths they found the same pathological findings. The only common denominator in all these people was the genocide Covid jab, a gene based therapy, which caused spike protein damage to tissue. Four of the victims from the Covid-19 shot, only received one dose. With each Covid jab, the immune system gets progressively worse. Dr. Bhakdi describes the shots as “leaky,”producing spike proteins that set up the organs for attack by killer lymphocytes. He also noted that these lymphocytes in the lymphatic system are dying. These cells are responsible for destroying viruses and bacteria that are already in our bodies, such as infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, Epstein-Barr virus, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, and any other dormant ones. Dr. Bhakdi also noted there is “an explosion of tumors and cancers among the vaccinated that no one can explain.” The lymphocytes are the cells responsible for controlling cancers in our bodies.

Dr. Hoffe had found earlier this year in his own research that 60% of patients who received the genocide jab, had elevated D-dimer levels, which is an indicator of clotting on on the walls of small blood vessels. Dr. Ryan Cole, another pathologist, is seeing a twenty-fold increase in uterine cancer, along with other tumors as well. Dr. Cole has noted that the “vaccines” do not cause patients to produce enough secretory IgA. Immunoglobulin A is the first line of defense against harmful microbes, while maintaining a balanced immunological response. Lastly, Dr. Cole acknowledges the T-cell infiltrates in the jabbed population are tissue destructive. He wants to do a study to see how the spike protein deposits in the organs at the site of the infiltrates.


The work of the Bhakdi/Burkhardt team is bombshell. This is the first time a study explained how the genocide jabs are killing lymphocytes in the lymphatic system, which is equivalent to a sewage treatment plant of the body. This will consequently lead to the emergence of dormant pathogens infecting the host. I personally know a nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania who came down with shingles and Covid-19 infection, after her third booster shot. One of the questions that I have and I believe we need more research on, is this: Is the death of the lymphocytes a permanent consequence of the Covid injection? We know from previous studies that each shot seems to destroy immunity. Are the jabbed setting themselves up for Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, which would lead to breakthrough infections?

The work of the Bhakdi/Burkhardt team, as well as Dr. Hoffe and Dr. Cole, can be outlined as follows. First, inflammatory events in small blood vessels, are characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and dead endothelial cells, which in turn can lead to blood clots. Second, there is an extensive accumulation of T-lymphocytes in the tissue surrounding blood vessels. Third, there is a massive infiltration of organs and tissue with these killer cells. From the work of all these scientists, we see that the heart is the main organ involved, but clotting can occur anywhere with these Covid jabs, from the brain to the blood vessels. These “clot shots” must be stopped!

Triple & Double Vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in England over the past month despite most vulnerable getting Booster in October​

Posted by rightsfreedoms December 20, 2021
By The Exposé on December 18, 2021

The latest figures published by the new UK Health Security Agency on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths show that the vaccinated population still accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths over the past four weeks even though those who are deemed to be the most vulnerable to Covid-19 received their “booster” jab in September and October.

The ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 50’ was published by the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) on Thursday, 16th December 2021, and it shows that the vast majority of Covid-19 cases between November 15th and December 12th were among the fully vaccinated population.

Source – Page 35
The totals number of cases by vaccination status as confirmed by table 8 of the UKHSA Week 50 Vaccine Surveillance report between November 15th and December 12th 2021 were as follows –

  • Not-vaccinated population = 417,606
  • Partly vaccinated population = 79,378 cases
  • Triple/Double-vaccinated population = 518,373 cases

This means the vaccinated population accounted for 59% of Covid-19 cases between November 15th and December 12th, whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for 41%. However, if we remove under 18’s from the equation, many of whom aren’t eligible to be vaccinated, the figures are far worse for the vaccinated population.

The totals number of cases by vaccination status in everyone over 18 as confirmed by table 8 of the UKHSA Week 50 Vaccine Surveillance report between November 15th and December 12th 2021, were as follows –

  • Not-vaccinated population = 104,612 cases
  • Partly vaccinated population = 32,004 cases
  • Triple/Double-vaccinated population = 517,061 cases

This means the over 18 vaccinated population accounted for 84% of Covid-19 cases between November 15th and December 12th 2021, whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for just 16%.

Unfortunately the latest UKHSA report also shows that despite the booster campaign being well underway, the vast majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations were also among the fully vaccinated population between November 15th and December 12th 2021.

Source – Page 36
The totals number of hospitalisations by vaccination status for all age groups between November 15th and December 12th 2021, as confirmed by table 9 of the UKHSA report were as follows –

  • Not-vaccinated population = 3,532
  • Partly vaccinated population = 345
  • Triple/Double-vaccinated population = 4,256

This means the vaccinated population accounted for 57% of Covid-19 hospitalisations between November 15th and December 12th, whilst the not-vaccinated accounted for just 43%.

But yet again the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated gets much worse when it comes to deaths allegedly related to Covid-19.

Source – Page 37
The totals number of alleged Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status between November 15th and December 12th, as confirmed by table 10 of the UKHSA report were as follows –

  • Not-vaccinated population = 718 deaths
  • Partly vaccinated population = 82 deaths
  • Triple/Double-vaccinated population = 2,259 deaths

This means the vaccinated population accounted for 77% of Covid-19 deaths between November 15th and December 12th, whilst the not-vaccinated accounted for just 23%.


With the vaccinated population accounting for 6 in every 10 Covid-19 cases, 6 in every 10 Covid-19 hospitalisations, and 8 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths, is there really any justification for the talk that has now started in the mainstream media around mandatory vaccinations in the UK, following the lead of Austria, Greece, Germany, and soon enough France?

Is there any justification for the vaccine passports that have been imposed in Scotland and Wales, and now England?

Is there any justification for restrictions being placed on the unvaccinated population, such as forcing them to be tested and isolate at home for 10 days if a close contact of an alleged confirmed infection, whilst the vaccinated can roam free?

The Covid-19 injections do not prevent infection.

The Covid-19 injections do not prevent transmission.

According to the data it does not look like they prevent hospitalisation or death either.

The only thing that the Covid-19 injections currently prevent is the respect of the basic human rights afforded to every person prior to 2020.



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Spike Protein Protocol

Glutathione (most important for body detoxification) or better
NAC = N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600-750mg (causes the body to produce glutathione itself)
5mg (also improves vision)
vitamin D3
Milk thistle
(also liver and stomach protection)
Melatonin 1mg to 10mg (against 5G)
Alternatively CDS/CDL and zeolite

Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol
contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin.

How to find the truth :​

Search engine:
Facebook style:

62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage​

Posted on July 15, 2021 by State of the Nation



by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

We have previously covered the story of Dr. Charles Hoffe, the brave doctor who has been practicing medicine for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada.

After he had administered about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA COVID-19 injections, he sounded the alarm over the severe reactions he was observing in his patients who chose to get the shot (he chose NOT to get it himself), which included death.

The result of him sounding the alarm was a gag order issued against him by the medical authorities in his community. He defied this gag order and was interviewed by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson on her show where he sounded the alarm. See:

Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community

His punishment for going public to warn others on the dangers of these experimental shots was that he was relieved from hospital duty and lost half of his income:

Canadian Doctor Removed from Hospital Duty after Speaking out about COVID “Vaccine” Side Effects

Last week, Dr. Hoffe was interviewed again by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, and he continues to share his findings with the public regarding the experimental COVID-19 shots.

Dr. Hoffe is truly a hero today, risking not only his reputation, but probably his very life to bring important information regarding the COVID-19 shots that the Globalists who control the corporate media and social media are trying very hard to censor.

In this latest interview, Dr. Hoffe states that the blood clots that are being reported in the corporate media as being “rare” are anything but rare, based on his own testing of his own patients who had recently received one of the shots.

The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.
Using this test with his own patients, Dr. Hoffe claims that he has found evidence of small blood clots in 62% of his patients who have been injected with an mRNA shot.

He states that these people are now permanently disabled, and they will no longer “be able to do what they used to do.”

These people have no idea they are even having these microscopic blood clots. The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot re-generate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots they are permanently damaged.
His warning is very dire: “These shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.”

This is an 8 minute clip from the original interview, and we have posted it on our Bitchute channel and Rumble channel.

Is Canada Finally Starting to Pay Attention to these Dissenting Doctors Sounding the Alarm?​


Dr. Hoffe is not the only doctor to sound the alarm over serious side effects from the COVID-19 shots.

Last month we covered the press conference given in Ontario at Parliament Hill that was arranged by MP Derek Sloan and featured four other Canadian doctors who were also being censored over what they are seeing and reporting regarding the COVID-19 shots. See:

Canadian Politician Derek Sloan Uses Parliament Hill to Give Voices to Censored Doctors and Scientists Blowing the Whistle on COVID-19 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

Are these public testimonies from doctors who dare to question the official narrative in the face of tremendous censorship, ridicule, and even threats starting to make a difference in Canada?


Yesterday there was a Press Release from the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force in Canada. This group is comprised of:

experts from across Canada in matters related to serologic surveillance, immunology, virology, infectious diseases, public health, and clinical medicine. It also includes ex-officio members representing agencies of the Government of Canada, including the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the office of the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister, as well as representatives of Provincial-Territorial Ministries of Health, and McGill University (host of the Secretariat). (Source.)
This is the first time I have ever seen in any country a group with ties to government health agencies admit that there are seriously injured individuals from the COVID-19 shots, and that strategies need to be developed to deal with their injuries.

Some injuries have been acknowledged in the U.S. by the FDA, but the only action they have taken is to add warnings to the shots – nothing about how to treat the victims and their injuries.

To be sure, this group in Canada keeps stating the official narrative that “the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccination continue to outweigh the risks” while supplying no underlying data or studies to prove this statement, but the fact that they are even admitting that there are people injured by the shots that need help, is huge.

The Government of Canada, through its COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF) and Vaccine Surveillance Reference Group (VSRG), is investing approximately $800,000 for a study that aims to further improve Canada’s identification and response to adverse events people may experience following COVID-19 vaccination across 10 provinces. This study is an extension of an existing vaccine safety program that provides important public health information about adverse events following immunization (AEFI) for all vaccines authorized for use in adults and children.
Let’s hope this is not just another excuse to spend money with no results, but that something substantive could come out of such a study, that quite possibly was motivated by the honest physicians in Canada who risked their careers and lives to bring the truth to the public.

Bombshell Cover-Up: Cancer Diagnoses in the Military Rose Over THREE-FOLD Since Jabs Were Introduced​

By J.D. Rucker • Jan. 25, 2022


Yesterday’s “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” panel hosted in Washington D.C. by Senator Ron Johnson exposed bombshell after bombshell as fresh data keeps pouring in that shows the Covid-19 “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective. Doctors from across the spectrum spoke up about what they’re seeing on the ground while other expert panelists exposed damning data demonstrating not only a huge medical problem, but also a coordinated cover-up of the evil deeds being perpetrated by members of our own government.

Conservative commentator Daniel Horowitz from The Blaze posted a follow-up bombshell of information he received from one of the panelists, attorney Thomas Renz:

I can share with you from attorney Thomas Renz that the number of cancer diagnoses in the military’s DMED system went from a 5-year average (2016-2020) of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021. This is a predominately young population.
Unlike VAERS where the naysayers can suggest that anyone can submit, this is only by military doctors and quantifies every single ICD code in the military for tri care billing of Humana. This is the ultimate defined and finite population with excellent surveillance.
Unlike VAERS where the naysayers can suggest that anyone can submit, this is only by military doctors and quantifies every single ICD code in the military for tri care billing of Humana. This is the ultimate defined and finite population with excellent surveillance.
— Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) January 25, 2022

He also posted a video of Renz at the panel explaining some of the other mind-blowing data he had accumulated:

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The video of Renz is here. I know 2 of the 3 cited whistleblowers. Their credentials are impeccable. Lt. Col. Chambers is one of the only Green Beret doctors in the military. Actually i got that wrong. One of the whitsleblowers just told me it was through October, not November. So this is 10 months of data off the chart vs. prior 12 month years!
One of the biggest takeaways here is that the data is beyond reproach and widely accessibly by the DoD, CDC, FDA, and across the Biden-Harris regime. In other words, they are all very well aware that the jabs are almost certainly causing an untenable increase in cancer in otherwise young and healthy military-age Americans and they’re keeping that information away from the people.

If you love the news, check out The Liberty Daily's homepage.
The video of Renz is here I know 2 of the 3 cited whistleblowers. Their credentials are impeccable. Lt. Col. Chambers is one of the only Green Beret doctors in the military.
— Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) January 25, 2022

Actually i got that wrong. One of the whitsleblowers just told me it was through October, not November. So this is 10 months of data off the chart vs. prior 12 month years!
— Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) January 25, 2022

The testimony that Renz delivered should be enough to compel our government to immediately halt the vaccine push, reevaluate the data that they have, and release it all to the public for independent scrutiny. They won’t do this, of course, because they have a universal vaccination agenda that they will not willingly stop. It will take a concerted effort by patriots to share this data and expose the powers-that-be for what they’re trying to do to the people.

“We have substantial data showing that we saw, for example, miscarriages increasing by 300% over the five-year average, almost.,” Renz said. “We saw almost 300% increase in cancer over the five-year average.”

This is crucial information for the entire population to have, but what he revealed next should concern us about the state of our military readiness.

“We saw — this one’s amazing — neurological. So, neurological issues which would affect our pilots, over 1000% increase. 1000,” he said.

Senator Johnson had to interrupt to reiterate what these numbers mean from a different angle. “Ten times,” he said. “That’s ten times the rate.”

Renz continued, “82,000 per year to 863,000 in one year. Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes possibly killed.”

Having Senator Johnson and the brave Americans on his panel speaking out is an important step, but the information will be swept under the rug if we fail to amplify the message as loudly as we can.

Pfizer Trials: All Injected Mothers Lost Their Unborn Babies​

Pfizer trial documents reveal attempts to cover up the death of 100% of unborn babies in outcomes actually reported​

By Dr. Mark Trozzi
Global Research, January 28, 2022


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Please recall our November 23, 2021 post titled “The FDA and Pfizer are a Match Made in Hell”.
There we described how the FDA took only 108 days to approve Pfizer’s injection, but wanted 55 years to produce the documents!

Thankfully Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency filed a lawsuit after the FDA denied their request to expedite the release of the records, and the records are being released, albeit still too slowly.
Among the first reports handed over by Pfizer was a ‘Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports’ describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021. You can download this entire report here.
Look at table 6 from this Pfizer report. It is titled “Missing Information”. Its first heading under the topic “Missing Information” is “Use in pregnancy and lactation”. It includes this paragraph:
“Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). No outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies (note that 2 different outcomes were reported for each twin, and both were counted).”
On the surface this states that of 270 pregnancies, there were 23 spontaneous abortions, 5 “outcomes pending”, 2 premature birth with neonatal death, 2 spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, 1 spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and 1 normal outcome. But note also “no outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies”.
FOIA Docs Reveal Pfizer Shot Caused Avalanche of Miscarriages, Stillborn Babies
So really we have no idea what happened with 243 (5 + 238) of the pregnancies of these injected women; they have just not been included in the report. What we do know is that of 27 reported pregnancies (270 subtract 243), there are 28 dead babies! This appears to mean that someone was pregnant with twins and that 100% of the unborn babies died.
Here is an excellent article by LifeSite News which goes into greater depth about these shocking revelations. LifeSite News cuts Pfizer some slack on the 5 “outcomes pending” which creates the possible impression that 87.5% of the babies of the injected women died. With all respect to LifeSite, I feel correct in not counting the 5 “outcomes pending” and hence arrive at the conclusion that 100% of the unborn babies died in the injected women for whom results are presented.
The LifeSite News article also reveals deceptive number games in another article titled “Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine”, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on December 31, 2020. These deceptive practices attempted to cover up the fact that in first trimester pregnancies, the Pfizer injection produced 82% miscarriages.
On January 12th we shared the excellent analysis by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance of this same “Safety and Efficacy” article from the New England Journal of Medicine. This Pfizer-friendly study is a complete sham; it is replete with misrepresentation and deceptive methods. The deception and truth is revealed in detail in this video and article by the CCCA.
Dr Trozzi’s brief and Dr Nagase’s excellent interview discussing this sham article is here.

They’re killing babies; what can we do?​

These injections are criminal; period. Help us serve the Cease and Desist Declaration of the World Council for Health, to any and all governments, clinics, hospitals, medical regulatory bodies, doctors, nurses, politicians, or anyone participating in any way in the manufacture, shipping, distribution, promotion, or administration of these injections. The message to anyone involved in these injection campaigns is “Stop now. This is a crime. You will be criminally and civilly responsible. The cat is out of the bag. Justice is coming.”
The Declaration can also be found here along with information and instructions for serving it.
Please keep photos and notes of to whom, when and where the declaration and notice is served. We are finalizing more resources on the World Council for Health web site to upload these photos and details. These resources will be fine tuned and found here very soon.
There are at least five million Canadians, and billions of global citizens who have resisted the injections. We, as well as many coerced injection victims who are waking up with buyer’s remorse, must be the army that stops this, and return human rights and real health care to our society.
Do not submit; unite!

“Micro Blood Clots” Explain Covid-19 Vaccine Impacts​

This long, difficult article with medical information is worth your time​

By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Global Research, January 31, 2022


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An intriguing aspect of the pandemic getting little attention is the formation of microscopic blood clots throughout bodies. These are not easily found through conventional medical scanning and imaging technologies.
Know this: They result from COVID spike proteins that screw up fine blood vessels causing micro blood clots. The spike protein molecules from COVID infection are the same as what happens when COVID vaccines pump huge numbers of them into your body. So, vaccines create the same blood problem as COVID itself.
This article uses micro blood clots to explain three important pandemic problems:
1. Vaccine adverse health impacts, including deaths
2. A broad array of COVID infection illnesses and deaths
3. Millions of people with “long” COVID and diverse health problems.
Micro blood clot problems
What can these micro blood clots cause? That is the key question. There is nothing but bad news that very few people are aware of. Understand this: You do not want micro blood clots throughout your body. Finding proof that you have them is difficult.
Blood clots that occur in the tiniest blood vessels are referred to as microvascular thromboses. The clinical symptoms depend on the organs that are most strongly affected.
Here is the main point: Many patients can experience micro blood clotting that isn’t visible to the naked eye or normal scans, but produce bad impacts.
When pumped to the lungs they may be diagnosed as pulmonary embolisms. If they reach the brain, they can cause a stroke or confusion. If they lodge in the heart, they can cause a heart attack. If they lodge in the smaller blood vessels that provide oxygen to the hands or feet, they can cause those limbs to go numb and require amputation. Clots in other organs, such as the liver or the kidneys, could cause those organs to fail.
The diagnosis from the clotting depends largely on where the clots end up lodging, which explains why people who take spike protein “vaccine” shots experience such a wide array of injuries and deaths. Over one million injuries now reported in VAERS CDC data base, with estimates of hundreds of thousands of deaths so far in the USA alone.
The eminent Dr. Peter McCollough, a truly great medical expert, has addressed micro clots. Early in the pandemic he noted that “the Spike Protein itself caused Coagulation or Blood Clotting.
And a unique type of Coagulation. It caused the Red Blood Cells to stick together. At the same time the Platelets stick together. So, this is a very different type of Blood Clotting that we would see with major Blood Clots in the Arteries and Veins. For instance, Blood Clots involved in Stroke and Heart Attack. Blood Clots involved in major Blood Vessels in the Legs. This was a different type of Clotting and in fact the Italians courageously did some Autopsies and found Micro Blood Clots in the Lungs. And so, we understood in the end, the reason why the Lungs fail is not because the virus is there. It is because Micro Blood Clots are there. When People can’t breathe, the problem is micro-blood clotting in the lungs. The spicule on the ball of the virus itself damages blood vessels that causes blood clotting.”
Probably most people who have late stage COVID and die have severe lung problems and micro clots are a likely cause.
Now you get to the key and mostly ignored point. COVID vaccines can insert spike proteins just like the ones created by COVID infection. Should we expect health problems from COVID vaccines just like ones from COVID infection? Yes!
Canadian doctor blew the whistle about micro clots from vaccines
Months ago in July 2021 a brave and smart Canadian doctor, Charles Hoffe, went public with his findings on COVID vaccinated patients. Using the d-dimer test of blood he found that 62% of hundreds of his vaccinated patients had high numbers indicating the presence of micro blood clots. A d-dimer test measures the amount of degraded fibrin in the blood.

He did more than just release that finding. He said that the use of mRNA vaccines would “kill most people through heart failure.”
Note that in April 2021 Dr. Hoffe wrote an open letter to the Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia trying to get the Canadian government to recognize the bad vaccine impacts related to micro blood clots. He was not successful in stopping use of the COVID vaccines.
Trying to get media attention, the doctor worked to warn the public and the medical community that the vast majority of people who are getting injected with the genetic experimental vaccines will die within a few short years from heart failure.
He explained that he observed in his patients who took an mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccine” from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna that their capillaries were now plugging up, which he says will eventually lead to a serious cardiovascular event.
In plain language he said that the mRNA shots are programmed to turn a person’s body into a spike protein “factory,” and that over time these mass-produced spike proteins cause progressive blood clotting.
He said what other medical experts have expressed, namely that only 25 percent of the ‘vaccine’ injected into a person’s arm actually stays in your arm. The other 75 percent is collected by your lymphatic system and literally fed into your circulation so these little packages of messenger RNA invade your body. And in a single dose of Moderna ‘vaccine’ there are literally 40 trillion mRNA molecules.
Dr. Hoffe said that while these packages were designed by Big Pharma to be absorbed directly into people’s cells, the only place they can actually be absorbed is around the blood vessels and into capillary networks, which are the tiniest blood vessels where blood flow is slow and where genes are released.
“Your body then gets to work reading and then manufacturing trillions and trillions of these spike proteins,” he said. “Each gene can produce many, many spike proteins. The body then recognizes these are foreign bodies so it makes antibodies against it so you are then protected against COVID. That’s the idea.” Now we know that this theory does not assure destruction of the virus or transmission of it, nor effective immunity.
Here is what you need to understand: Though the claim has long been that these spike proteins act as a deterrent to viral infection after being injected into a person’s body, the reality is that they actually become part of the cell wall of a person’s vascular endothelium or linings of the blood vessels.
The result is not good. Your blood vessels are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly. After spike proteins invade your body the small blood vessels have these little spikey bits sticking out which impede blood flow and can cause clots. And if you get a lot of clots, then your blood platelet count can greatly decrease, and this can lead to bleeding problems.
Dr. Hoffe says it is an inevitability that the vaccine injected will develop blood clots because as the vaccine-inserted spike proteins embed themselves within blood vessels and capillaries, blood platelets circulate around trying to fix the problem by creating increasingly more clots.
“So, when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel,” he writes. Therefore, these spike proteins can predictably cause blood clots. They are in your blood vessels (if mRNA ‘vaccinated’) so it is guaranteed.”
What must be remembered is that these blood clots are different than the “rare” ones spoken about by physicians that show up on CT scans and MRIs or even ultrasound images. These are microscopic and do not show up on tests, as they can only be detected using a blood test known as d-dimer. And nearly all doctors do not routinely use this test.
Dr. Hoffe performed d-dimer tests on his mRNA “vaccinated” patients, which led him to the discovery that at least 62 percent of them have these microscopic blood clots. Why some people do not get the clots is not entirely clear.
“The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot [regenerate],” he said. “When those tissues are damaged by blood clots, they are permanently damaged.” That is the deadly issue for understanding why there are huge numbers of vaccinated people who have suffered death or a broad array of serious health impacts from COVID vaccines.
COVID Vaccines Bloody Travesty: From Shots to Clots
Micro clots in COVID patients
While there has been very limited medical research on micro clots from vaccines, there has been much more on micro clots in COVID patients. Here are some findings from a key study in August 2021 with the title “Study identifies micro clots as cause of death in some severely ill COVID-19 patients.”
Loma Linda University Health researchers found that severely ill COVID-19 patients likely die as the result of micro clots formed in the lungs that spread to cause deadly damage to organs throughout the body. This finding differed from the current view that the COVID-19 virus travels to the body’s organs and damages blood vessel lining in those organs.
According to this research, once the clotting process begins, the body is no longer fighting against the virus but mostly against the clotting process instead.
“This could change our approach to fighting this disease because we may have been looking in the wrong place,” saids Brian Bull, MD, a pathologist, former dean of the Loma Linda University School of Medicine, and the study’s first author. “We have been looking for a treatment against a viral disease, but we should now also look for therapy for a viral disease that has transformed into a clotting disorder.”
In another study, “A macrophage attack culminating in microthromboses characterizes COVID 19 pneumonia,” published in the Journal of Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, proposes an explanation for why COVID-19 patients die from a vast array of conditions such as strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, or failure of several organs at the same time.
“We face the problem of not yet understanding the physiological disorders well enough to explain how a viral disease like COVID-19 kills people in such a diverse and difficult-to-predict fashion.” Dr. Bull said.
Bull and co-author Karen Hay contend that showers of tiny clots form and block micro-blood vessels in the bodies of many severely ill COVID-19 patients. Though invisible to the naked eye, the micro clots can damage and kill tiny portions of whichever organ tissue — brain, heart, liver, kidney, lung, etc. — the blocked blood vessels feed.
“Clotting in really sick COVID-19 patients is not something trivial and unimportant — it may well be fundamental to what is going on” said Dr. Bull.
But how do these micro clots form and travel throughout the body? Bull provides a broad overview of this disease process:
When the body senses a COVID-19 infection, large white blood cells called monocytes respond and gather in the air sacs of the lungs.
Over the course of a few days, the monocytes transform into macrophages — the “demolition and cleanout crew” for infected and damaged tissue in the body. The macrophages attack the virus-laden cells that line the inside of the air sacs. Unfortunately, macrophages may also chew right through the virus-laden air sac lining to the blood vessels that surround each air sac. This is the place in the body where the blood picks up oxygen when we breathe. If the macrophages puncture these blood vessels the air sac will fill up with blood.
A protein produced by the macrophages on their surfaces causes the blood to clot. When a clot forms an enzyme, thrombin, interacts with a protein in the blood known as fibrinogen to produce fibrin strands or fibrils. When these fibrin strands accumulate, they become a clot. These fibrils can be still soluble if they remain short enough (about 25 molecules or less). Anything longer than that becomes insoluble and will appear as tiny clots.
Short chains of fibrin, still soluble, can travel in the blood supply to all of the body’s organs. As long as the fibrin chains remain short, this will cause no problems, but if more thrombin is coming from clots in the lungs, then more fibrin is continually being fed into the blood. This makes the chains of fibrin grow longer; they grow too long to remain in solution and showers of micro clots will form.
These micro clots will block the tiny blood vessels that nourish the tissue making up each of the body’s organs, making the organs less able to perform their necessary function. The organs (heart, kidney, brain, etc.) with little patches of dead and dying tissue throughout will, sooner or later, fail.
Indeed, when Bull and Hay monitored three COVID-19 patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit for tell-tale clotting biomarkers — the still soluble fibrin chains — they found that in a matter of four days, all of the fibrinogen in the patients’ bodies had transformed into soluble fibrin chains at levels five times higher than normal. Body organs were severely damaged in all three patients. Two of them died in the hospital, and the third survived but suffered severe brain damage.
Although Bull and Hay found blood clotting was taking place by tracking the bio-markers and performing clotting tests, no visible clots were detected in any of the three patients. The likeliest explanation, Bull states, is that those clots were present but were too small to be seen.
“Here in this study we have three patients in which clearly a massive clotting disorder occurred over a very short period,” Bull said.
Bull said in a year and a half of searching for therapeutic modalities, the medical community has not come up with any anti-viral medications that have had a significant beneficial effect on COVID-19. Yet, heparin, an anti-clotting drug, not an anti-viral medication, has proven highly beneficial and is now being given to virtually all hospitalized, severely ill COVID-19 patients.
[This author has also researched the use of ivermectin for late state COVID and concluded that it can work because of its anti-inflammatory property.]
“Clotting in really sick COVID-19 patients is not something trivial and unimportant — it may well be fundamental to what is going on,” Bull said.
The point of giving all these details is to show that what spike proteins cause in ill COVID patients can also be what is happening in many vaccinated people. Just as Dr. Hoffe had predicted. And why a few million people worldwide have had adverse health impacts from vaccines, including probably a few hundred thousand deaths.
Long covid has clot cause
Now we come to the third area of medical research that has also found micro clots as the likely cause of that is being called “long” COVID; which refers to people who seem to have successfully recovered from COVID but live with serious health problems that only seem to be related to their previous COVID infection. Sadly, some doctors have said these persistent health problems are psychological in nature.
Here some new research is summarized that finds the cause of persistent health problems are micro blood clots.
In October 2021 the material in this article was originally published in the journal Cardiovascular Diabetology in August 2021.
“Inflammatory micro clots in blood of individuals suffering from Long COVID.” The research was done at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Researchers found an overload of various inflammatory molecules, ‘trapped’ inside insoluble microscopic blood clots (micro clots), in the blood of individuals suffering from lingering symptoms experienced by individuals with long COVID.
This important finding was made by Prof. Resia Pretorius, a researcher in the Department of Physiological Science at Stellenbosch University. She started looking at micro clots and their molecular content in blood samples from individuals with long COVID. The findings have since been peer-reviewed and published in the journal
“We found high levels of various inflammatory molecules trapped in micro clots present in the blood of individuals with Long COVID. Some of the trapped molecules contain clotting proteins such as fibrinogen, as well as alpha(2)-antiplasmin,” Prof. Pretorius explained.
Alpha(2)-antiplasmin is a molecule that prevents the breakdown of blood clots, while fibrinogen is the main clotting protein. Under normal conditions the body’s plasmin-antiplasmin system maintains a fine balance between blood clotting (the process by which blood thickens and coagulate to prevent blood loss after an injury) and fibrinolysis (the process of breaking down the fibrin in the coagulated blood to prevent blood clots from forming).
With high levels of alpha(2)-antiplasmin in the blood of COVID-19 patients and individuals suffering from long COVID, the body’s ability to break down the clots are significantly inhibited.
The insolubility of the micro clots became apparent through specific analysis of blood plasma samples from individuals with acute COVID and long COVID; they continued to deposit insoluble pellets in collection devices.
This is the first research group to have reported on finding micro clots in the blood samples from individuals with long COVID, using fluorescence microscopy and proteomics analysis, thereby solving yet another puzzle associated with the disease.
“Of particular interest is the simultaneous presence of persistent anomalous micro clots and a pathological fibrinolytic system,” they write in the research paper. “This implies that the plasmin and antiplasmin balance may be central to pathologies in Long COVID, and provides further evidence that COVID-19, and now Long COVID, have significant cardiovascular and clotting pathologies.”
In other words, this research connects with what has been found in COVID patients with micro blood clots.
To date they have collected blood from one hundred long COVID individuals who participated in the long COVID registry which launched in May 2021, as well as from 30 healthy individuals.
The Guardian article
This research was seen as a very important development in a January 2022 article in The Guardian with the heading “Could microclots help explain the mystery of long Covid?” It was written by Resia Pretorius, one of the senior South African researchers. “My lab has found significant microclot formation in long Covid patients. Unfortunately, these are missed in routine blood tests.”

Screenshot from The Guardian
Here are more excerpts from this article that was aimed at informing the world about the importance of micro clots.
“One of the biggest failures during the Covid-19 pandemic is our slow response in diagnosing and treating long Covid. As many as 100 million people worldwide already suffer from long Covid. That staggering number will eventually be much higher, if we take into account that diagnoses are still inadequate, and that we still do not know what the impact of Omicron and future variants will be.”
“Patients with long Covid complain of numerous symptoms, the main ones being recurring fatigue and brain fog, muscle weakness, being out of breath and having low oxygen levels, sleep difficulties and anxiety or depression. Some patients are so sick that they cannot work or even walk a few steps. There is possibly also an elevated risk of stroke and heart attacks. One of the biggest sources of concern is that even mild and sometimes asymptomatic initial Covid-19 infection may lead to debilitating, long-term disability.” [That last sentence is especially important.]
“Since early 2020, we and other researchers have pointed out that acute Covid-19 is not only a lung disease, but actually significantly affects the vascular (blood flow) and coagulation (blood clotting) systems.”
“In blood from patients with long Covid, persistent microclots are resistant to the body’s own fibrinolytic processes. We found high levels of various inflammatory molecules trapped in the persistent microclots, including clotting proteins like plasminogen, fibrinogen and Von Willebrand factor (VWF), and also Alpha-2 antiplasmin (a molecule that prevents the breakdown of microclots).”
“The presence of persistent microclots and hyperactivated platelets (also involved in clotting) perpetuates coagulation and vascular pathology, resulting in cells not getting enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions (known as cellular hypoxia). Widespread hypoxia may be central to the numerous reported debilitating symptoms.”
And here is what long COVID victims need to know: “So why can long Covid patients not go to their nearest clinic or health care practitioner to find treatment options? Currently there are no general pathology tests readily available to diagnose these patients. Desperately ill patients are told that their pathology test results are within normal/healthy ranges. Many are then told that their symptoms are possibly psychological and they should try meditation or exercise. The main reason the traditional lab tests do not pick up any of the inflammatory molecules is that they are trapped inside the fibrinolytic-resistant microclots (visible under a fluorescence or bright-field microscope, as our research has shown). When the molecular content of the soluble part of the plasma is measured, the inflammatory molecules, including auto-antibodies, are simply missed.”
Remember that Dr. Hoffe used the d-dimer test to confirm the presence of micro blood clots, and this test can be ordered by your physician. Also, many pro-ivermectin articles invoke not merely the anti-viral property that works to address initial COVID infection, but also its anti-inflammatory property more important after the initial viral replication phase.
Autopsy findings
There is also a fairly large medical literature with findings of micro blood clots from autopsies. Here is just one example published in 2020 by Dr. Amy Rapkiewicz, the chairman of the department of pathology at NYU Langone Medical Center,
Describing the work in a news story was this: “The clotting was not only in the large vessels but also in the smaller vessels. And this was dramatic, because though we might have expected it in the lungs, we found it in almost every organ that we looked at in our autopsy study,” the researcher said.
This too was noted in another news story: “We knew that clinical people were finding clots in these [COVID] patients,” she said. “So although I knew that that was going to be there, I didn’t expect it at the microscopic level to the degree that I saw it.” Her autopsy study found blood clots in small vessels of the patients’ lungs, hearts, kidneys and livers.
In another news story this was noted in 2020 about research at Harvard University: “Researchers also noted that patients with the novel coronavirus suffered many microscopic blood clots. In a stark difference with lungs infected with the flu, the micro-clots were nine times as present in areas of the lungs that allow the passage of oxygen into the patient’s bloodstream while carbon dioxide is emitted.”
This is from the published medical study: “Histologic analysis of pulmonary vessels in patients with Covid-19 showed widespread thrombosis with microangiopathy. Alveolar capillary microthrombi were 9 times as prevalent in patients with Covid-19 as in patients with influenza. In lungs from patients with Covid-19, the amount of new vessel growth — predominantly through a mechanism of intussusceptive angiogenesis — was 2.7 times as high as that in the lungs from patients with influenza.” In other words, micro blood clots were uniquely associated with COVID infection.
This is the title of a May 2020 medical article: “Pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2: Targeting of endothelial cells renders a complex disease with thrombotic microangiopathy and aberrant immune response. The Mount Sinai COVID-19 autopsy experience.” Here is the summary of the findings; note the word micro:
“Autopsies were performed at the Mount Sinai Hospital on 67 COVID-19 positive patients and data from the clinical records were obtained from the Mount Sinai Data Warehouse. The experimental design included a comprehensive microscopic examination carried out by a team of expert pathologists, along with transmission electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry,”
“We report a comprehensive autopsy series of 67 COVID-19 positive patients revealing that this disease, so far conceptualized as a primarily respiratory viral illness, also causes endothelial dysfunction, a hypercoagulable state [an increased tendency to develop blood clots], and an imbalance of both the innate and adaptive immune responses. Novel findings reported here include an endothelial phenotype of ACE2 in selected organs, which correlates with clotting abnormalities and thrombotic microangiopathy, addressing the prominent coagulopathy and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Another original observation is that of macrophage activation syndrome, with hemophagocytosis and a hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis-like disorder, underlying the microangiopathy [disorder involving small blood vessels]and excessive cytokine release.” In other words, this study also found evidence of micro clots in COVID victims.
Lastly, is the work of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. He has noted: “immune and blood-related categories of risks from vaccines: (1) Clotting from the direct action of spike protein in the bloodstream; (2) Further clotting from the immune system attacking spike-producing endothelial cells.” This too was said: “The RNA injected into your body are going to enter the cells that line blood vessels. He points to spiny spike protein that these cells will generate and protrude outwards to attract blood platelets and form micro-clots. Days after vaccination, white blood cells known as lymphocytes as well as antibodies will begin to mount an attack against these cells. If you dare to repeat this (get the second jab), “God help you” warns Dr Bhakdi.” He warned about the blood clot side-effects months before the roll-out of the mRNA vaccines.
Micro blood clots are linked to spike proteins coming from COVID infection OR vaccines that introduce them into the body or cause the body to produce them.
Micro blood clots seem to be the likely cause of many millions of health impacts and deaths from COVID infection as well as from COVID vaccines, and even many millions of long COVID victims suffering diverse health problems with no apparent medical solution.
Have you heard any government or public health official speak of micro blood clots? Probably not. But not because they are insignificant. Now, you probably know more than them. Now you realize that there has been a scandal of enormous proportions. Suppressing so much negative information about spike protein induced micro blood clots.

The Documents: See the Leaked DOD Database Showing US Military Illness Skyrocketing From Covid Jab​

by Adan Salazar
January 31st 2022, 6:25 pm


Screenshots from DoD's own internal military database prove post-vaccination miscarriages and cancers up 300 percent over five-year average.

A viral video compiled using the military’s own Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows vaccine-induced side effects within the DOD’s own ranks, including cancers and miscarriages, have skyrocketed.

The database was referenced by attorney Thomas Renz at a panel discussion held by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) last week titled, “Covid-19: A Second Opinion.”

During the panel, Renz stated via three whistleblowers that post-vaccination miscarriages and cancers were up 300 percent over a year, and that neurological disorders had increased ten-fold among DOD personnel.

“I have declarations from all three [that] this data is under penalty of perjury. We intend to submit this to the courts,” Renz told Sen. Johnson.

Renz went on to describe: “We have substantial data showing that we saw for example miscarriages increased by 300 percent over the five-year average almost. We saw almost 300 percent in cancer over the five-year average…We saw – this one’s amazing – so, neurological issues which would affect our pilots, over a thousand percent increase.”

A video breakdown, produced by military whistleblower group Terminal CWO – which claims to be made up of active duty Chief Warrant Officers – backs up Renz’s claims that adverse reactions are on the rise since the Covid jab’s rollout.


As explained by the video’s narrator, the DMED is similar to VAERS in that it documents adverse reactions, except that it pertains only to DOD personnel and “only medical providers can input information into the system.”

Screenshots provided by Terminal CWO from the DMED show an increase of 269% in cases of acute myocardial infarctions (heart attacks):

A 175% increase in acute pericarditis:

A 285% increase in acute myocarditis:

A 467% increase in pulmonary embolisms:

A 1,175% increase in disseminated intravascular coagulation (blood clotting):

A 590% increase in HIV cases:

A 1,529% increase in chest pain issues:

A 905% increase in dyspnea, or difficulty breathing.

The video also shows startling increases in other illnesses, including neurological issues such as Bell’s Palsy and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, menstrual issues, a 306% increase in spontaneous abortions, or miscarriages, and a near 300% increase in neoplasms (cancers).


Vaccine Researcher Admits ‘Big Mistake,’ Says Spike Protein Is Dangerous ‘Toxin’​

"The coronavirus spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream"​

By Celeste McGovern
Global Research, February 06, 2022
LifeSiteNews 31 May 2021



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First published in May 2021
‘Terrifying’ new research finds vaccine spike protein unexpectedly in bloodstream. The protein is linked to blood clots, heart and brain damage, and potential risks to nursing babies and fertility.
New research shows that the coronavirus spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream, which is a plausible explanation for thousands of reported side-effects from blood clots and heart disease to brain damage and reproductive issues, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week.
“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, in an interview with Alex Pierson last Thursday, in which he warned listeners that his message was “scary.”
“We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,” Bridle said on the show, which is not easily found in a Google search but went viral on the internet this weekend.
Bridle, a vaccine researcher who was awarded a $230,000 government grant last year for research on COVID vaccine development, said that he and a group of international scientists filed a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency to get access to what’s called the “biodistribution study.”
“It’s the first time ever scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccines go after vaccination,” said Bridle. “Is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle? The short answer is: absolutely not. It’s very disconcerting.”
Vaccine researchers had assumed that novel mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like “traditional” vaccines and the vaccine spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the vaccination site at the shoulder muscle. Instead, the Japanese data showed that the infamous spike protein of the coronavirus gets into the blood where it circulates for several days post-vaccination and then accumulated in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands, and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.
“We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation,” Bridle said.
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what allows it to infect human cells. Vaccine manufacturers chose to target the unique protein, making cells in the vaccinated person manufacture the protein which would then, in theory, evoke an immune response to the protein, preventing it from infecting cells.
A large number of studies has shown that the most severe effects of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, such as blood clotting and bleeding, are due to the effects of the spike protein of the virus itself
“What has been discovered by the scientific community is the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system, if it gets into circulation,” Bridle told listeners.
Lab animals injected with purified spike protein into their bloodstream developed cardiovascular problems, and the spike protein was also demonstrated to cross the blood brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.
A grave mistake, according to Bridle, was the belief that the spike protein would not escape into the blood circulation.
“Now, we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccines that make the cells in our deltoid muscles manufacture this protein — that the vaccine itself, plus the protein — gets into blood circulation,” he said.
Bridle cited the recent publication of a peer-reviewed study which detected spike protein in the blood plasma of three of 13 young healthcare workers that had received Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. In one of the workers, the spike protein circulated for 29 days.
The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein”
Effects on heart and brain
Once in circulation, the spike protein can attach to specific ACE2 receptors that are on blood platelets and the cells that line blood vessels. “When that happens it can do one of two things: it can either cause platelets to clump, and that can lead to clotting. That’s exactly why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. It can also lead to bleeding.” Bridle also said the spike protein in circulation would explain recently reported heart problems in youths who had received the shots.
The results of this leaked Pfizer study tracing the biodistribution of the vaccine mRNA are not surprising, “but the implications are terrifying,” Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told LifeSiteNews. “It is now clear” that vaccine content is being delivered to the spleen and the glands, including the ovaries and the adrenal glands.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced it was studying reports of “mild” heart conditions following COVID-19 vaccination, and last week 18 teenagers in the state of Connecticut alone were hospitalized for heart problems that developed shortly after they took COVID-19 vaccines.
AstraZeneca’s vaccine was halted in a number of countries and is no longer recommended for younger people because of its link to life-threatening and fatal blood clots, but mRNA COVID vaccines have been linked to hundreds of reports of blood clotting events as well.
FDA warned of spike protein danger
Pediatric rheumatologist J. Patrick Whelan had warned a vaccine advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration of the potential for the spike protein in COVID vaccines to cause microvascular damage causing damage to the liver, heart, and brain in “ways that were not assessed in the safety trials.”
While Whelan did not dispute the value of a coronavirus vaccine that worked to stop transmission of the disease (which no COVID vaccine in circulation has been demonstrated to do), he said, “it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on other organs.”
Vaccine-associated spike protein in blood circulation could explain myriad reported adverse events from COVID vaccines, including the 4,000 deaths to date, and nearly 15,000 hospitalizations, reported to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of May 21, 2021. Because it is a passive reporting system, these reports are likely only the tip of an iceberg of adverse events since a Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study found that less than one percent of side-effects that physicians should report in patients following vaccination are in fact reported to VAERS.
Nursing babies, children and youths, frail, most at risk
Bridle said the discovery of vaccine-induced spike protein in blood circulation would have implications for blood donation programs. “We don’t want transfer of these pathogenic spike proteins to fragile patients who are being transfused with that blood,” he said.
The vaccine scientist also said the findings suggested that nursing babies whose mothers had been vaccinated were at risk of getting COVID spike proteins from her breast milk.
Bridle said that “any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk,” and “we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract” in VAERS.
Although Bridle did not cite it, one VAERS report describes a five-month-old breastfed infant whose mother received a second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine in March. The following day, the baby developed a rash and became “inconsolable,” refused to nurse, and developed a fever. The report says the baby was hospitalized with a diagnosis of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, a rare blood disorder in which blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body. The baby died.
The new research also has “serious implications for people for whom SARS Coronavirus 2 is not a high risk pathogen, and that includes all of our children.”
Effect on fertility and pregnancy?
The high concentration of spike protein found in testes and ovaries in the secret Pfizer data released by the Japanese agency raises questions, too. “Will we be rendering young people infertile?” Bridle asked.
There have been thousands of reports of menstrual disorders by women who had taken a COVID-19 shot, and hundreds of reports of miscarriage in vaccinated pregnant women, as well as of disorders of reproductive organs in men.
Vicious smear campaign
In response to a request, Bridle emailed a statement to LifeSiteNews on Monday morning, stating that since the radio interview he had received hundreds of positive emails. He added, too, that “a vicious smear campaign has been initiated against me. This included the creation of a libelous website using my domain name.”
“Such are the times that an academic public servant can no longer answer people’s legitimate questions with honesty and based on science without fear of being harassed and intimidated,” Brindle wrote. “However, it is not in my nature to allow scientific facts to be hidden from the public.”
He attached a brief report outlining the key scientific evidence supporting what he said in the interview. It was written with his colleagues in the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) — a group of independent Canadian doctors, scientists, and professionals whose declared aim is “to provide top quality, evidence-based information about COVID-19, intent on reducing hospitalizations and saving more lives.”
A focus of the statement was the risk to children and teens who are the target of the latest vaccine marketing strategies, including in Canada.
As of May 28, 2021, there have been 259,308 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Canadians 19 years and under. Of these, 0.048% were hospitalized, but only 0.004% died, according to the CCCA statement. “Seasonal influenza is associated with more severe illness than COVID-19.”
Given the small number of young research subjects in Pfizer’s vaccine trials and the limited duration of clinical trials, the CCCA said questions about the spike protein and another vaccine protein must be answered before children and teens are vaccinated, including whether the vaccine spike protein crosses the blood-brain barrier, whether the vaccine spike protein interferes with semen production or ovulation, and whether the vaccine spike protein crosses the placenta and impacts a developing baby or is in breast milk.
LifeSiteNews sent the Public Health Agency of Canada the statement of CCCA and asked for a response to Bridle’s concerns. The agency responded that it was working on the questions but did not send answers before publication time.
Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson did not respond to questions about Bridle’s concerns. Pfizer did not respond to questions about how long the company was aware of its research data that the Japanese agency had released, showing spike protein in organs and tissue of vaccinated individuals.

Miscarriages and cancer up 300%, neurological problems up 1,000% due to covid “vaccines”​

02/01/2022 / By Ethan Huff



On January 24, attorney Thomas Renz, a member of the America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) legal team, revealed to a panel that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are extremely dangerous, despite constant reassurances from the government that they are “safe and effective.”

Three military doctors from the Department of Defense (DoD) who have access to vaccination data that has been withheld from the general public procured the information. They are Lt. Col. Theresa Long, Dr. Samuel Sigoloff and Lt. Colonel Peter Chambers.

“All three have given me this data in declarations that stated this is under penalty of perjury, we intend to submit this to the courts,” Renz said.

What these three whistleblowers showed with the data is that miscarriages have increased by 300 percent over the past year, as have cancers. Neurological problems increased 1,000 percent during the same timeframe.

“Our soldiers are being injured, experimented on, and sometimes possibly killed,” Renz further explained.

Biden regime ignored affidavit warning that covid jabs are killing military servicemen​

Lt. Col. Long is a senior U.S. Army flight surgeon with specialized training in infectious diseases. She testified under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, which protects members who make lawful disclosures of wrongdoing to members of Congress or the Inspector General.

Long told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) that she actually had to ground vaccinated pilots in order to place them under monitoring for symptoms of myocarditis, which include chronic fatigue, so as to avoid them potentially dying from heart failure mid-air.

On Nov. 3, 2021, The Washington Times reported that Long had made “numerous efforts to get senior medical leaders to at the very least inform soldiers of this risk,” only to be ignored.

“The military didn’t even pause their vaccination efforts to rush out the Pfizer and Moderna shots,” she is quoted as saying.

Long initially decided to speak up after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced back in June an “emergency meeting to discuss higher than expected myocarditis in 16 to 24-year-olds.”

Long then filed an affidavit against the Biden regime over its jab mandate for active-duty military personnel, warning that heart side effects could cause pilots to die mid-flight.

Long is directly responsible, by the way, for certifying the fitness of 4,000 flight-ready airmen at the 1st Aviation Brigade in Ft. Rucker, Ala. It is her job, in other words, to be on the lookout for things that could harm them, including covid jabs.

“The vaccines can cause inflamed heart muscles in young men in the age range of most flight-ready pilots and … the Department of Defense has not followed its own protocols by requiring an MRI scan of each airman after vaccination,” the affidavit reads.

“The majority of young new Army aviators are in their early twenties. We know there is a risk of myocarditis with each mRNA vaccination.”

A lawsuit was also filed, but the Biden regime has thus far ignored both the affidavit and that legal filing.

Dr. Peter McCullough backed all this up when he spoke at a second opinion meeting, revealing that myocarditis “is not mild,” and is not something to be balked at as being no big deal.

“When they do an MRI on these individuals with suspected myocarditis, 100 percent are having heart damage,” he explained.

Scientific studies show that around 13 percent of jab-induced myocarditis victims will have permanent heart injury, while 32 percent will never return back to normal.

“We are seeing unprecedented numbers of athletes dying on the field in Europe,” he added. “Of these cardiac arrests half of them don’t come back.”

The latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” can be found at

Sources for this article include:

The Vaccine Death Report: Evidence of Millions of Deaths and Serious Adverse Events Resulting from the Experimental COVID-19 Injections​

By David John Sorensen and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Global Research, February 06, 2022
The Vaccine Death Report 1 September 2021



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First published on Global Research on December 6, 2021
Outstanding analysis in this detailed report by David John Sorensen and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.

We aim to only present scientific facts and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. Over one hundred references can be found for all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.
The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class-action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice.
Although this report focuses on the situation in the United States, it also applies to the rest of the world, as the same type of experimental injections with similar death rates – and comparable systems of corruption to hide these numbers – are used worldwide. Therefore we encourage everyone around the world to share this report. May it be a wake-up call for all of humanity.
At least 5 times more deaths, CDC whistleblower signs sworn affidavit
VAERS data from the American CDC shows that as of September 17, 2021, already 726,963 people suffered adverse events, including stroke, heart failure, blood clots, brain disorders, convulsions, seizures, inflammations of brain & spinal cord, life-threatening allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, miscarriage, infertility, rapid-onset muscle weakness, deafness, blindness, narcolepsy, and cataplexy.
Besides the astronomical number of severe side effects, the CDC reports that 15,386 people died as a result of receiving the experimental injections.
However, a CDC healthcare fraud detection expert named Jane Doe investigated this and came to the shocking discovery that the number of deaths is at least five times higher than what the CDC is admitting. In fact, in her initial communications to professor in medicine Dr. Peter McCullough, this whistleblower said that the number of deaths is ten times higher. The CDC health fraud detection expert signed an affidavit, in which she stated her findings. She carefully chose the wordings ‘…under-reported by a conservative factor of at least five’, but as she revealed initially, the factor could also be ten. Here is an excerpt of the affidavit: 1
‘I have, over the last 25 years, developed over 100 distinct healthcare fraud detection algorithms. … When the COVID-19 vaccine clearly became associated with patient death and harm, I was inclined to investigate the matter. It is my professional estimate that VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, while extremely useful, is under-reported by a conservative factor of at least 5. … and have assessed that the deaths occurring within 3 days of vaccination are higher than those reported in VAERS by a factor of at least 5.’
According to this CDC health fraud detection expert the number of vaccine deaths in the U.S. is not 15,386 but somewhere between 80,000 and 160,000.
The CDC is also vastly underreporting other adverse events, like severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)
. The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) reported that a study showed how the actual number of anaphylaxis is 50 to 120 times higher than claimed by the CDC.2, 3 On top of that, a private researcher took a close look at the VAERS database, and tried looking up specific case-ID’s. He found countless examples where the original death records were deleted, and in some cases, the numbers have been switched for milder reactions. He says:
‘What the analysis of all the case numbers is telling us right now is that there’s approximately 150,000 cases that are missing, that were there, that are no longer there. The question is, are they all deaths?’ 4
How criminal the CDC is, was also revealed a few years ago, when researchers investigated the link between vaccines and autism. They found that there indeed is a direct connection. So what did the CDC do? All the researchers came together and a large dustbin was placed in the middle of the room. In it they threw all the documents that showed the link between autism and vaccinations. Thus, the evidence was destroyed. Subsequently, a so-called ‘scientific’ article was published in Pediatric, stating that vaccinations do not cause autism. However, a leading scientist within the CDC, William Thompson, exposed this crime. He publicly admitted:
‘I was involved in misleading millions of people about the possible negative side effects of vaccines. We lied about the scientific findings.’ 5
The worst example of criminal methodology used to hide vaccine deaths is the fact that the CDC doesn’t consider a person vaccinated until two weeks after their second injection. This means that anyone who dies during the weeks before or the two weeks after the second injection, are considered unvaccinated deaths, and are therefore not counted as vaccine deaths. By doing this, they can ignore the vast majority of deaths following the injection. This is the nr 1 method used in nations worldwide to hide the countless numbers of vaccine deaths. 6,7
300,000 adverse events, Moderna hides hundreds of thousands of reports
A whistleblower from Moderna made a screenshot of an internal company notice labelled “Confidential – For internal distribution only”, showing there were 300,000 adverse events reported in only three months:
‘This enabled the team to effectively manage approximately 300,000 adverse event reports and 30,000 medical information requests in a three month span to support the global launch of their COVID-19 vaccine.’ 8
50,000 Medicare vaccinated died, US death rate probably near 250, 000
Attorney Thomas Renz received information from a whistleblower inside the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS), which reveals how 48,465 people died shortly after receiving their injections. He emphasized that these death numbers are from only 18% of the U.S. population.9 If we apply this to the entire U.S. population, that would mean a death rate of ± 250,000. Other factors also play a role of course, such as the age of the Medicare patients, and the younger members of the American people, so we can’t simply extrapolate this to the entire U.S. population. But we do see that something extremely serious is going on.
Less than 1% is reported, the actual number is 100x higher
All this information already shows us that the number of adverse events and deaths is a multitude of what is being told to the public. The situation is however still far worse than most of us can even imagine. The famous Lazarus report from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care inc. in 2009 revealed that in general only 1% of adverse events from vaccines is being reported: 10
‘Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.’
According to this study, numbers of adverse events and deaths should be multiplied with a factor of 100, in order to understand the true prevalence of serous vaccine injuries.
Reasons for underreporting, the population is misinformed
The reason that less than 1% of adverse events is reported, is first of all because the majority of the population is not aware of the existence of reporting systems for vaccine injuries. Secondly, the pharmaceutical industry has been waging an unrelenting media war over the past decades against all medical experts, who attempted to inform the public about the dangers of vaccines. One deployed strategy is name-calling, and the negative label ‘anti-vaxxer’ was chosen to shame and blame all scientists, physicians, and nurses who speak out about the devastation caused by vaccinations.
Because of this criminal campaign of aggressive suppression of adverse events data, the majority of the population is clueless that vaccines can cause any harm at all.
The widespread propaganda by the vaccine companies, who use government agencies as their main carousel, simply told humanity for decades that adverse events are a very rare occurrence. When vaccinated people, therefore, suffer from serious adverse events, it doesn’t even occur to them that this could be from previous injections, and naturally don’t report it as such.
During the current world crisis the attacks on medical experts who are warning about vaccines, have gone to an even higher level. Medical experts are now being completely de-platformed from all social media, their websites are deranked by Google, entire YouTube channels are deleted, many have lost their jobs, and in some countries, medical experts have been arrested in an attempt to suppress the truth about the experimental covid injections.
Several countries are now labeling scientists who speak out against vaccines ‘domestic terrorists’. It is clear that all means have to be deployed by the criminal vaccine cartel to suppress what is going on with these injections.
As a result, countless medical professionals are afraid to report adverse events, which further contributes to the underreporting of these side effects.
Additionally, the amount of scientific information warning for these dangerous biological agents, and the number of medical experts warning humanity, is so overwhelming and almost omnipresent – despite the aggressive attempts to silence them – that it is virtually impossible for any medical professional to not be at least somewhat aware of the risk they are taking, by administering an untested DNA altering injection, without even informing their patients of what is being injected into their body. If they then see their patients die or become disabled for life, they are naturally afraid of being held accountable, and therefore have yet another motivation for not reporting the adverse events.
Lastly: many medical professionals receive financial incentives to promote the vaccines. In the United Kingdom for example nurses get ₤10 per needle they put into a child. That again is a reason for them to not report adverse events.
250,000 vaccine comments, Facebook reveals tsunami of adverse events
A local ABC News Station posted a request on Facebook for people to share their stories of unvaccinated loved ones that died. They wanted to make a news story on this. What happened was totally unexpected. In five days time over 250,000 people posted comments, but not about unvaccinated loved ones. All the comments talk about vaccinated loved ones that died shortly after being injected, or that are disabled for life. The 250,000 comments reveal a shocking death wave among the population, and the heart wrenching suffering these injections are causing. The post was already shared 200,000 times, and counting… 11

Notice in the last comment how the lady says that everybody in the hospital is afraid to report this as a vaccine reaction, and another person says ‘the doctors can’t report it’.
That is proof of what I explained earlier: Most medical professionals are either too terrified to report adverse events, or they are simply corrupt. This causes the true prevalence of vaccine injuries to remain hidden from the world, which is powerful real life evidence fot what the Lazarus report revealed: only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported to the authorities. The 250,000+ comments show that once people find a place to report suffering caused by the injections, we see a tsunami…
Vaccine deaths summary, it is far worse than we think

  • VAERS published 726,963 adverse events, including 15,386 deaths as of September 17, 2021
  • CDC fraud expert says that number of deaths is at least five times, and possibly ten times higher
  • A whistleblower from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) revealed how almost 50,000 people died from the injections. They represent only 20% of the U.S. population, meaning
  • that if this data is applied to the entire population 250,000 have died 150,000 reports have been rejected or scrubbed by the VAERS system
  • The actual number of anaphylaxis is 50 to 120 times higher than claimed by the CDC
  • Everyone who dies before two weeks after the second injection, is not considered a vaccine death, which causes the majority of early vaccine deaths to be ignored
  • Moderna received over 300,000 reports of adverse events in only three months-time
    The Lazarus Report shows that only 1% of adverse events is being reported by the public The majority of the population is not aware of the existence of systems where they can report vaccine adverse events
  • Aggressive censorship and propaganda told the public that adverse events are rare, causing people to not understand how their health problems stem from past injections
  • The shaming and blaming of medical professionals who say anything against the vaccines, cause many in the medical community to avoid reporting adverse events
  • The fear of being held accountable after administering an injection that killed or disabled patients, further prevents medical personnel from reporting it
  • Having accepted financial incentives to promote, and administer the covid vaccines, also stops medical personnel from reporting adverse events
  • Profit driven vaccine manufacturers have every reason not to report the destruction their untested experimental products are causing
  • 250,000+ Facebook users comment about vaccine deaths and serious injuries

World experts warn humanity, leading scientists issue grave warnings
This alarming data leads world experts, like the Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine, Dr. Luc Montagnier, to issue a grave warning that we are currently facing the greatest risk of worldwide genocide, in the history of humanity.12 Even the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, warns against these injections that are using his technology.13,14 The situation is so severe that former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon came forward to warn humanity for these extremely dangerous injections. One of his best known videos is titled ‘A Final Warning’.15 Another world renown scientist, Geert Vanden Bossche, former Head of Vaccine Development Office in Germany, and Chief Scientific Officer at Univac, also risks his name and career, by bravely speaking out against administration of the covid shots. The vaccine developer warns that the injections can compromise the immunity of the vaccinated, making them vulnerable for every new variant.16, 17 World War II holocaust survivors wrote to the European Medicines Agency demanding the injections to be stopped, which they consider to be a new holocaust. 18
Vaccine deaths worldwide, the same goes for nations around the world
The situation we described in the United States illustrates the destruction caused by these injections. We will briefly touch upon some other countries, to prove that the situation in America is not unique.
European Union
In the European Union (which consists of only 27 of the 50 European countries) the official reports of EudraVigilance officially admit as of August 18th 2021 that approx. 22,000 people died and 2 million suffered side effects, of which 50% are serious. 19, 20 What are serious injuries?
‘It be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life- threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.’
In The Netherlands, one of the smallest nations in the European Union, an extra parliamentary research committee set up a platform for citizens to report vaccine adverse events. This is no initiative from the government and has received no attention in the media. The majority of the Dutch population is therefore unaware of its existence. Yet, despite its limited influence, this private initiative has already received reports of 1,600 deaths and 1,200 health damages, often permanently disabling the people.21
United Kingdom
Shortly before the national vaccination campaign started, the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare
Products Regulatory Agency) published the following request:
‘The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of COVID-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.’ 22
The British government published a report of the first series of adverse events, including blindness, strokes, miscarriages, heart failure, paralysis, autoimmune disease, and more. Shortly after the first wave of immunization over 100,000 adverse events were reported, including 1260 cases of loss of eyesight (including total blindness). The first part of the report praises the vaccines to be the best way to protect people from COVID-19, and then continues to show the incredible destruction these vaccines are causing. The hypocrisy is mindboggling.23, 24
Also in the U.K. miscarriages increased by 366% in only six weeks, for vaccinated mothers.25 Furthermore the British Office for National Statistics inadvertently revealed that 30,305 people have died within 21 days of having the injection, during the first 6 months of 2021.26 And a British scientist with 35 years of experience did an in depth analysis of the British Yellow Card reporting system and found it to be unreliable.27
‘We can conclude that the Yellow Card reporting scheme can provide some limited information that may be useful for alerting the UK public to possible adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. However, the initial conception of the scheme as a purely descriptive rather than as an experimental undertaking means that it cannot address the real issues that are of crucial importance to the UK public. These issues are whether there are causal relationships between vaccination with the PF and AZ vaccines and serious adverse effects such as death, and if so, what are the size of these effects.’
The Israeli Peoples Committee is a team of doctors, attorneys, criminologists, epidemiologists and academic researchers, determined to perform an investigation, inquiry, and exposure for the benefit of the public. Although they are a relatively unknown group, they still received 3754 reports, including 480+ deaths, as of August 5th, 2021.28 The IPC states that these numbers represent only 2- 3% of the true prevalence in the population, which means that the number of deaths in Israel is around 48,000 and adverse events around 375,400.
Also in Israel, statistics from shows a massive spike in deaths when the vaccinations started. Before the immunizations began, there were hardly any daily covid deaths in Israel. Once the vaccinations began, the daily death toll rose from 1-3 to 75-100 deaths a day!

Another Israeli website reporting vaccine injuries is where one can see a rapidly growing number of testimonials of people who suffered greatly from the
shot. In the U.S. a similar website called shows an ever increasing amount of videos from people who died or had severe reactions to the covid shots. Also the website called shows the personal stories of a large number of people who died from the shots. We must understand that nothing like this has ever happened before in history, where thousands of people come forward to share their suffering following an immunization. The reason people do this now, is because their adverse reactions are not at all, like the criminal ‘health’ agencies say ‘headaches, dizziness and flu like symptoms.’ The reactions are extremely severe, often disabling people for life. The injuries are in fact so severe, that people around the world are stepping forward to warn humanity.
In Brazil the official vaccine death count is 32,000 during a 5 month period. The report was published on, which reportedly has about the same number of pageviews as, according to data from SimilarWeb. Despite these high amounts of deaths following vaccination, the report states: ‘Vaccination is still the best way to control the disease.’ 29
Science proves vaccine damage, strokes, heart attacks, cancer,…
A study by the University of San Francisco, or Salk Institute, shows that the vaccines turn the human body into a spike protein factory, making trillions of spikes that cause blood clots, which cause strokes and heart attacks.30 Another study confirms how the vaccines can cause deadly blood clots, that in turn cause heart attacks and strokes.31,32 The New England Journal of Medicine shows how the jabs cause heart inflammation,33 and the same journal published a study about the dramatic increase of miscarriages.34 Several studies prove the reality of antibody dependent enhancement. 35,36,37 Also the occurrence of infertility and reduced sperm count is confirmed.38,39 Lastly a study showed that the injections cause cancer.40 And these are just a few examples…
Exempt from liability, no vaccine manufacturer takes responsibility
In the past decades, several official government agreements were signed, in nations across the world, that provide every vaccine manufacturer with 100% protection from all liability. It doesn’t matter how much destruction their products cause, nobody has any recourse. On top of that, no health insurance will ever cover the costs resulting from vaccine damage. They simply do not reimburse the vaccinated, when they get into trouble. Yet… the same governments that refuse to protect you from possible destruction of your health, life, and beloved ones, mandate these deadly injections and require them for shopping, travel, gatherings, and even banking services.
Do the injections even work? Health officials say they are not effective
World-renowned vaccine developer Geert Vanden Bossche MVD, PhD warns that these injections destroy the body’s immune system, making the vaccinated vulnerable for every new variant of the disease.41 He also says:
‘Mass vaccination campaigns during a pandemic of highly infectious variants fail to control viral transmission. Instead of contributing to building herd immunity, they dramatically delay natural establishment of herd immunity. This is why the ongoing universal vaccination campaigns are absolutely detrimental to public and global health.’ 42
The Nobel prize winner in medicine Dr. Luc Montagnier sounds the alarm that these vaccines are creating dangerous new variants.43 And in Israel the statistics show clearly a dramatic increase in covid deaths once immunizations started (see earlier in this report). The Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennet even says that the people who are most at risk now, are those who received two doses of the vaccine.. 44
In the island nation Seychelles there were hardly any covid deaths, but once they started vaccinating the population, the deaths increased a hundred fold.

In Australia, a young couple was refused access to their newborn baby for eight days, even though they were fully vaccinated. The chief health officer from Australia, Dr. Jeannette Young, gave the following revealing explanation for this inhumane situation: 45
‘Just because you are vaccinated, doesn’t mean that you won’t get infected. That’s why we could not allow that family to go and visit their baby.’
Anthony Fauci also made it crystal clear: ‘the CDC is considering mask mandates for the vaccinated’,46 ‘the vaccinated increasingly test positive for covid, therefore they will need to keep wearing masks’,47 ‘the vaccinated still need to avoid eating in restaurants’,48 and ‘the vaccinated carry the Delta variant as much as the unvaccinated’.49 So according to Fauci the vaccines do nothing. Yet he insists on mandating these useless injections for travel.50 The same was publicly stated by the UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who said: 51
‘Can I now meet my friends and family members indoors if they are vaccinated? There I am afraid the answer is no, because we’re not yet at that stage, we’re still very much in the world where you can meet friends and family outdoors, under the rule of six, or two households. And even if your friends and family members may be vaccinated, the vaccines are not giving 100% protection and that’s why we need to be cautious.’
A research article published in ‘Trends in Internal Medicine’ by Dr. J. Bar Classen MD, is titled: 52
‘US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data
Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, “All Cause Severe Morbidity”’
Even the CDC admitted that the injections offer no protection against the Delta variants, and coming variants, and all covid measures, therefore, need to stay in place.53 Yet they keep insisting that everybody must be vaccinated. The chief health officer of New South Wales, Australia said we have to prepare to live with a constant cycle of ongoing covid booster injections for the foreseeable future.54 Moderna’s chief medical officer, Dr. Tal Zaks, said that the vaccines do not bring life back to normal.55 This was confirmed by the director of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom, who said: 56
‘A vaccine on its own will not end the pandemic. Surveillance will need to continue, people will still need to be tested, isolated and cared for. Contacts will still need to be traced and quarantined, communities will still need to be engaged.’
A study by The Lancet showed that the Delta variant is freely transmitted among the vaccinated.57 This was confirmed by a study that showed how a in July 2021, following multiple large public events in a Barnstable County, Massachusetts, town, 469 COVID-19 cases were identified among Massachusetts residents who had travelled to the town during July 3–17; 346 (74%) occurred in fully vaccinated persons.58
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COVID Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Are Secretly Buried