Ho ho ho--Russkie Pres. Putin asks Tucker, why does Jew S A fight for Ukraine's border and not her own?


Guest Columnist

Vladimir Putin Drops A Truth Bomb On US Politicians: Why Is America Fighting For Ukraine’s Border But Refuses To Defend Its Own Border? (VIDEO)​

Link: https://www.womensystems.com/2024/02/vladimir-putin-drops-truth-bomb-on-us.html/

Women System February 09, 2024

Vladimir Putin sits for an interview with Tucker Carlson in Moscow.
Tucker Carlson released his highly anticipated interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday evening.
In the interview, Tucker Carlson discussed many topics, such as the war in Ukraine, imprisoned WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich, NATO, Bill Clinton, and much more.
At one point during the interview, Vladimir Putin discussed the open US border with Mexico.

Putin asked Tucker Carlson why America was fighting for Ukraine’s border and refusing to defend it’s own border?
That’s the question we ALL want to know. Why does Ukraine matter but our own border does not matter?
Vladimir Putin: “Do the United States need this? What for? Thousands of miles away from your national territory. You have issues on the border, issues with migration, issues with the national debt, more than 33 trillion dollars… You have nothing better to do so you should fight in Ukraine? Wouldn’t it be better to negotiate with Russia? Make an agreement. Realizing that Russia that will fight for it’s interest to the end. Return to common sense and look for solutions.” X (https://x.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1755740016666390586?s=20)

Putin & Trump Seen as ‘Threat’ by Davos Globalists – Wall Street Analyst​

by Sputnik
February 12th 2024, 6:01 am

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/putin-trump-seen-as-threat-by-davos-globalists-wall-street-analyst/

"Putin, like Trump, is anathema to Davos globalists, but I think he warmed the hearts of silent patriots in many nations who deeply distrust unregulated, global bureaucracies that seem mostly to protect corrupt billionaires, some of whom promoting manifestly crazy policies."
Russian President Vladimir Putin, like Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, is “anathema to Davos globalists”, Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel told Sputnik, stressing that the timing of Putin-Carlson interview was perfect.
Tucker Carlson‘s interview with Vladimir Putin has attracted over 190 million views on X (formerly Twitter) as of February 11.

“I think it was fortunate that the interview occurred well before the heart of the primary season so that voters got a fair chance to see the interaction for themselves in a long format forum that was, fortunately, not interrupted by pesky commercials,” Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist, told Sputnik.
“My guess is that getting on Putin’s calendar for such a long interview was a challenge, so I imagine it suited both parties to have this video out well in advance of the nominating convention for Democrats and of the general election. It would be great to have one or even more follow-ups in coming months,” he added.
“I also think the contrast between Putin’s measured and thoughtful perspectives, having been a world leader for a quarter century with the lack of gravitas — to put it politely of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and many others in both parties who are surface-level, donor-captured, soundbite specialists was stunning. This contrast was remarkable considering Biden’s post-interview meltdown before what remains of the ‘press’,” Ortel continued.

The Wall Street analyst noted that judging from viewership statistics, the corporate — and political donor-controlled — media is destroying itself.
He stressed that “no political interview has garnered nearly as much coverage as Putin’s recent sit down with Tucker,” adding that he expects “it will, in the end, change the thinking of most open minds.”

Clinton Family Had Reasons to Fear Putin Interview​

Prior to the historic interview, US corporate media pundits and Democratic political figures urged Americans to ignore Carlson’s show. Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton called Tucker a “useful idiot”, claiming that the US journalist “parrots Vladimir Putin’s pack of lies about Ukraine.”
Clinton’s remarks before the interview echoed those of Soviet-era apparatchiks who said of Nobel Prize-winning novel Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak: “I haven’t read Pasternak, but I condemn him.”
“Hillary Clinton’s star set long ago while Tucker Carlson is, today, one of the most followed and fair-minded voices on earth,” Ortel said, commenting on Clinton’s rant. “Certainly, the Clinton family has much to fear as 5 November 2024 looms.”
The Wall Street analyst, who has carried out a private investigation into allegations of fraud by the Clinton Foundation over several years, noted that “there are serious unanswered questions over how much foreign government and oligarch money may have funded Hillary’s political campaigns in 2005-6, 2007-8, and 2015-16, including donations from Ukraine’s [oligarch] Victor Pinchuk and his wife.”
He added that there are also “reasonable concerns as in the case of the Bidens, that the Clinton family exploited their offices to enrich themselves for decades, illegally.”
“Hillary Clinton will not be remembered well in history,” Ortel said. “She coasted into national politics, at first, in sympathy over the Lewinsky affair as she had no actual ties to my home state of New York. As Senator, she promoted foreign adventurism in Afghanistan and Iraq that clearly failed. Meanwhile her husband advanced a boldly crooked set of scam charities we have previously covered that bilked governments and other donors of billions of dollars, for which there has never been honest accounting.”
“For a generation, globalists have protected and promoted power couples like the Clintons, especially media barons. With the rise of X and evident chronic failures of unchecked globalist schemes, many malefactors including the Clintons have much to fear as Trump surges towards potential re-election and then a necessary retribution and restoration of law and order under our Constitution,” the investigative journalist pointed out.

US Deep State Withheld Key Facts About Ukraine Conflict​

Ortel argued that Putin’s history lesson to Carlson, tracing the causes of the Ukrainian conflict from the very start, was an excellent choice given that most Americans simply do not know much about Russia’s history and development.
“Leaving aside the early centuries but starting in 1654, when Russia had already a long history, America did not even exist then and most colonial experiments had been dismal failures,” the Wall Street analyst stated. “Even so, until Biden, American presidents jealously tried to defend our national borders and interests so it is entirely reasonable for Russia to do so at any time but certainly from 1992 forward.”
When the Ukraine conflict erupted, the Biden administration and the compliant US media sold Americans a “riskless, noble cause in supporting Zelensky,” Ortel noted. However, key facts about the conflict were purposefully withheld by the Deep State, he stressed.
These key facts included, in particular, the February 2014 coup d’etat, American interference in the 2014 Ukraine election, corruption of the Biden family — and others — by Ukraine oligarchs, the role of neo-Nazis and the massive pilfering of aid to a leadership that certainly is not “democratic,” “peaceful,” or freedom-loving, according to Ortel.
“Putin, like Trump, is anathema to Davos globalists, but I think he warmed the hearts of silent patriots in many nations who deeply distrust unregulated, global bureaucracies that seem mostly to protect corrupt billionaires, some of whom promoting manifestly crazy policies,” the Wall Street analyst said.
Even though Russia has been painted by the American mainstream press as a dread enemy of the US, “the American heartland and the Russian people likely share much in common and might benefit greatly from clear interaction, which sanctions certainly impede,” he highlighted.
“Perhaps one simple answer explains much – American and British defense contractors need an enemy to promote arms sales and Russia is their preferred designee. Remember, defense contractors are among the most important contributors directly and indirectly to politicians,” Ortel said. “Overall, one consequence of the interview is that Putin came across as a thoughtful and reasonable defender of Russian interests who, in my opinion, may have been too patient with US-UK aggression since 1992.”

Biden’s Inflicting Damage on US Economy, Security & Global Standing​

During the interview with Carlson Vladimir Putin wondered as to why the Biden administration is inflicting damage on the American economy, security and global standing.
Ortel said those serious questions must be answered.
“Uncertainty is a great enemy in the important process of long-term investing. The Biden ‘Administration’ daily makes mockery of domestic and international law. These ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ cannot simply be washed away in the 2024 election with a Trump landslide. Indeed, there must be a full accounting for corruption that courses through the American system and many of our NATO allies,” the analyst believes.
Ortel assumed that the Obama-Biden “war on capitalism” that began in January 2009 is “chiefly responsible for destroying legitimate aspirations of private sector workers and their families who simply wish to sell competitive products and services to the world from American platforms.”
“The bi-partisan addiction to deficit-spending and debt is crippling this and future generations of Americans,” he said. “But the worst damage wrought by Biden is that many now correctly question who his master may be and even whether he and his family actually serve America’s interests.”
Still, one area where Ortel disagreed with Vladimir Putin was on the subject of China’s economic growth. The Wall Street analyst believes that China’s economy is groaning under too much real and shadow debt, and he questions whether capital investments seen in gross domestic product (GDP) accounts are profit-making.
Meanwhile, after the 2024 election, “America should think much more carefully about our budget and capabilities for foreign entanglements because, in truth, we have pressing internal issues to address concerning our bloated, counterproductive domestic bureaucracies,” he pointed out.
Americans and Russians are talented and laborious people who could work out solutions which would be beneficial not only for their respective nations, but for the whole world, according to the analyst.
“On major issues particularly in math, science and engineering, I believe the best Russian and American minds might make major breakthroughs. In the near future too, I hope our people may connect directly, bypassing the corrupt vested interests here in America,” Ortel concluded.

30 Years of Russia Seeking Peace with the West

Unhinged liberals want Tucker Carlson to face criminal charges over his journalistic interview with Vladimir Putin​

FEBRUARY 18, 2024

Link: https://www.yourdestinationnow.com/2024/02/unhinged-liberals-want-tucker-carlson.html/


Liberals are melting down after Tucker Carlson aired an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling for the journalist to be charged with treason or the Espionage Act.

Carlson’s groundbreaking two-hour interview marks the first time Putin has agreed to sit down with an American journalist since the beginning of the conflict with Ukraine two years ago. Carlson has bravely spoken out against the Biden administration over its support for Ukraine.

He explained that he wanted to conduct the interview because “Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they are implicated in.” The U.S. has sent more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, including financial, military and humanitarian support, at a time when investments in national security and domestic concerns, such as border security, are sorely needed.

The interview, which can be seen on Brighteon, aired on Thursday, and Tucker has encouraged people to share it out of concern that some platforms may remove it.

Critics call for sanctions and charges​

Critics, who have long accused Carlson of supporting Russia, started calling for him to be prosecuted under the Espionage Act before the interview even aired.

In a video posted to X, lawyer Ian Corzine said that although the interview might have technically been legal, he believes Carlson could have “some big problems ahead” given what he described as the “super broad” language of the Espionage Act, which bars Americans from spying on behalf of other countries.

However, he believes that the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press would also come into play.

"Does Tucker Carlson have an intent to harm the U.S.? This is where the Espionage Act case against Tucker gets weaker, and it gets even more weak when you consider that the U.S. government is duty bound to follow the dictates of the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution guarantees freedom of the press, and the U.S. Supreme Court has done everything it can to protect this provision and journalists."

He said that we can’t rule out the possibility that he might be prosecuted at some point in the future on “bogus charges.”

The White House can’t be happy that Putin was willing to say in the interview what they seem to be trying – and failing – to hide: Biden is not really in charge right now.

"We're convinced he is not running the country," Putin said. "Let's say we have good sources that confirm that, but it's plain for anyone to see for themselves. The U.S. has now entered a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership."

Coverage of the interview in the mainstream media has been largely unfavorable, with the press questioning Tucker's knowledge of history. They also complain that he let Putin do all the talking – an absurd criticism considering Putin was the subject of the interview. Hillary Clinton even called him a “useful idiot.”

Carlson was said to be the subject of calls for sanctions in Europe, with reports quoting members of the European Parliament calling for EU sanctions against him. However, a spokesperson said that while the relevant EU bodies are not discussing sanctions, they can theoretically sanction “propagandists” who manipulate information to “undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and to promote the illegal and brutal aggression by Putin.”

Although discussions may not be underway at the moment, member countries could still propose sanctions, but they would need evidence and a unanimous decision among the 27 EU member nations.

Kremlin says Carlson is not pro-Russian​

A Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, has said that they do not believe Carlson is pro-Russian but acknowledged that he takes a different stance toward the conflict than many other journalists.

He said: "His position is different from the others. It is in no way pro-Russian, it is not pro-Ukrainian, it is pro-American, but at least it contrasts with the position of the traditional Anglo-Saxon media."

Carlson has also requested an interview with Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, but it appears his bid has been unsuccessful. It is worth noting, however, that no one seemed to have a problem when CNN interviewed Putin in the past.

It is clear that unhinged liberals want nothing more than to see Carlson’s downfall. Their zealous pursuit of Carlson and desperation to find some reason he should face charges only makes them look worse. Why are they panicking so much? Are they worried that the truth about the Ukraine war will be exposed?

Carlson maintains that we have a right to hear what Putin has to say and decide for ourselves, but we all know how threatened the Democratic party feels by free thinkers. It’s not surprising at all that they don’t want the type of national debate about Ukraine that this interview could inspire.

Senate’s $95B foreign aid BOONDOGGLE loaded with aid for everyone else except Americans and the border – and Republicans are still demanding MORE money for Israel​

FEBRUARY 19, 2024

Link: https://www.yourdestinationnow.com/2024/02/senates-95b-foreign-aid-boondoggle.html

In lieu of an earlier bipartisan deal that was rejected by Republicans, the Senate just passed a massive foreign aid bill to send $95 billion to Ukraine and Israel while providing absolutely nothing to secure America's wide-open southern border.

The bill, which was passed in a rare, all-night session in a 70-29 vote, includes $61 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars for Ukraine, $14 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars for Israel, and – oh, why not? – another $4.83 billion to support U.S. "partners" in the Indo-Pacific region of the world, including Taiwan.

Another $9.15 billion in "humanitarian assistance" was also earmarked for civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine, and other places throughout the world where Western-backed forces are waging some kind of war.

The House will now have to vote on the legislation, which Speaker Mike Johnson warned will likely result in a no vote by Republicans unless at least some money is added to secure America's southern border.

"Now, in the absence of having received any single border policy change from the Senate, the House will have to continue to work its own will on these important matters," Johnson said, adding that the Senate "failed to meet the moment."

"America deserves better than the Senate's status quo," Johnson added, pretending to not be part of the same status quo that he criticizes.

Zelensky celebrates $61 billion windfall​

The previous bill rejected by the House included $118 billion for Ukraine and Israel, as well as a handful of change for the border crisis. Republicans said the border crisis funds were not enough, so they voted no on that one.

Senate Republicans for some reason agreed to the latter $95 billion bill with zero funding to secure the border because they said they fear that Russian President Putin would be "emboldened," to quote one media source.

Twenty-two Republicans in the Senate voted to pass the $95 billion bill, while two Democrats, Sens. Jeff Markley of Oregon and Peter Welch of Vermont, voted to reject it. Sen. Bernie Sanders, and Independent also from Vermont, also voted no on the latest bill.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer celebrated the bill's passage, stating that it has been "years, perhaps decades" since both sides of the political aisle agreed to send this gargantuan amount of money overseas to foreign entities while leaving Americans in the cold.

Schumer described the bill as greatly impacting "not just our national security, not just the security of our allies, but also the security of western democracy."

Ukraine President Zelensky also celebrated the windfall he will now receive, stating that he is "grateful" to every senator who voted to send $61 billion to his corrupt nation.

"For us in Ukraine, continued U.S. assistance helps to save human lives from Russian terror," Zelensky tweeted on X. "It means that life will continue in our cities and will triumph over war."

Senate Minority Leader, ugly turtle impersonator, and political fossil Mitch McConnell was also overjoyed by the vote, stating that "the eyes of the world" were on the Senate.

"Will we give those who wish us harm more reason to question our resolve, or will we recommit to exercising American strength?" he said.

"If America fails to stand with our partners on the front lines in Europe and the Middle East, we will shred our credibility with friends in the Indo-Pacific."
Two Years After the Start of the SMO, the West is Totally Paralyzed

February 24, 2024
© Photo: Public domain
Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su

Link: https://strategic-culture.su/news/2024/02/24/two-years-after-start-smo-west-totally-paralyzed/

Exactly two years ago this Saturday, on February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin announced the launching – and described the objectives – of a Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine. That was the inevitable follow-up to what happened three days before, on February 21 – exactly 8 years after Maidan 2014 in Kiev – when Putin officially recognized the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.
During this – pregnant with meaning – short space of only three days, everyone expected that the Russian Armed Forces would intervene, militarily, to end the massive bombing and shelling that had been going on for three weeks across the frontline – which even forced the Kremlin to evacuate populations at risk to Russia. Russian intel had conclusive proof that the NATO-backed Kiev forces were ready to execute an ethnic cleansing of Russophone Donbass.
February 24, 2022 was the day that changed 21st century geopolitics forever, in several complex ways. Above all, it marked the beginning of a vicious, all-out confrontation, “military-technical” as the Russians call it, between the Empire of Chaos, Lies and Plunder, its easily pliable NATOstan vassals, and Russia – with Ukraine as the battleground.
There is hardly any question Putin had calculated, before and during these three fateful days, that his decisions would unleash the unbounded fury of the collective West – complete with a tsunami of sanctions.
Ay, there’s the rub; it’s all about Sovereignty. And a true sovereign power simply cannot live under permanent threats. It’s even feasible that Putin had wanted (italics mine) Russia to get sanctioned to death. After all, Russia is so naturally wealthy that without a serious challenge from abroad, the temptation is enormous to live off its rents while importing what it could easily produce.
Exceptionalists always gloated that Russia is “a gas station with nuclear weapons”. That’s ridiculous. Oil and gas, in Russia, account for roughly 15% of GDP, 30% of the government budget, and 45% of exports. Oil and gas add power to the Russian economy – not a drag. Putin shaking Russia’s complacency generated a gas station producing everything it needs, complete with unrivalled nuclear and hypersonic weapons. Beat that.

Ukraine has “never been less than a nation”
Xavier Moreau is a French politico-strategic analyst based in Russia for 24 years now. Graduated from the prestigious Saint-Cyr military academy and with a Sorbonne diploma, he hosts two shows on RT France.
His latest book, Ukraine: Pourquoi La Russie a Gagné (“Ukraine: Why Russia has Won”), just out, is an essential manual for European audiences on the realities of the war, not those childish fantasies concocted across the NATOstan sphere by instant “experts” with less than zero combined arms military experience.
Moreau makes it very clear what every impartial, realist analyst was aware of from the beginning: the devastating Russian military superiority, which would condition the endgame. The problem, still, is how this endgame – “demilitarization” and “denazification” of Ukraine, as established by Moscow – will be achieved.
What is already clear is that “demilitarization”, of Ukraine and NATO, is a howling success that no new wunderwaffen – like F-16s – will be able to change.
Moreau perfectly understands how Ukraine, nearly 10 years after Maidan, is not a nation; “and has never been less than a nation”. It’s a territory where populations that everything separates are jumbled up. Moreover, it has been a – “grotesque” – failed state ever since its independence. Moreau spends several highly entertaining pages going through the corruption grotesquerie in Ukraine, under a regime that “gets its ideological references simultaneously via admirers of Stepan Bandera and Lady Gaga.”
None of the above, of course, is reported by oligarch-controlled European mainstream media.

Watch out for Deng Xiao Putin
The book offers an extremely helpful analysis of those deranged Polish elites who bear “a heavy responsibility in the strategic catastrophe that awaits Washington and Brussels in Ukraine”. The Poles actually believed that Russia would crumble from the inside, complete with a color revolution against Putin. That barely qualifies as Brzezinski on crack.
Moreau shows how 2022 was the year when NATOstan, especially the Anglo-Saxons – historically racist Russophobes – were self-convinced thar Russia would fold because it is a “poor power”. Obviously, none of these luminaries understood how Putin strengthened the Russian economy very much like Deng Xiaoping on the Chinese economy. This “self-intoxication”, as Moreau qualifies it, did wonders for the Kremlin.
By now it’s clear even for the deaf, dumb, and blind that the destruction of the European economy has been a massive tactic, historic victory for the Hegemon – as much as the blitzkrieg against the Russian economy has been an abysmal failure.
All of the above brings us to the meeting of G20 Foreign Ministers this week in Rio. That was not exactly a breakthrough. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made it very clear that the collective West at the G20 tried by all means to “Ukrainize” the agenda – with less than zero success. They were outnumbered and counterpunched by BRICS and Global South members.
At his press conference, Lavrov could not be more stark on the prospects of the war of the collective West against Russia. These are the highlights:
  • Western countries categorically do not want serious dialogue on Ukraine.
  • There were no serious proposals from the United States to begin contacts with the Russian Federation on strategic stability; trust cannot be restored now while Russia is declared an enemy.
  • There were no contacts on the sidelines of the G20 with either Blinken or the British Foreign Secretary.
  • The Russian Federation will respond to new Western sanctions with practical actions that relate to the self-sufficient development of the Russian economy.
  • If Europe tries to restore ties with the Russian Federation, making it dependent on their whims, then such contacts are not needed.
In a nutshell – diplomatically: you are irrelevant, and we don’t care.
That was complementing Lavrov’s intervention during the summit, which defined once again a clear, auspicious path towards multipolarity. Here are the highlights:
  • The forming of a fair multipolar world order without a definite center and periphery has become much more intensive in the past few years. Asian, African and Latin American countries are becoming important parts of the global economy. Not infrequently, they are setting the tone and the dynamics.
  • Many Western economies, especially in Europe, are actually stagnating against this background. These statistics are from Western-supervised institutions – the IMF, the World Bank and the OECD.
  • These institutions are becoming relics from the past. Western domination is already affecting their ability to meet the requirements of the times. Meanwhile, it is perfectly obvious today that the current problems of humanity can only be resolved through a concerted effort and with due consideration for the interests of the Global South and, generally, all global economic realities.
  • Institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, the EBRD, and the EIB are prioritizing Kiev’s military and other needs. The West allocated over $250 billion to tide over its underling thus creating funding shortages in other parts of the world. Ukraine is taking up the bulk of the funds, relegating Africa and other regions of the Global South to rationing.
  • Countries that have discredited themselves by using unlawful acts ranging from unilateral sanctions and the seizure of sovereign assets and private property to blockades, embargoes, and discrimination against economic operators based on nationality to settle scores with their geopolitical opponents cannot be considered guarantors of financial stability.
  • Without a doubt, new institutions that focus on consensus and mutual benefit are needed to democratize the global economic governance system. Today, we are seeing positive dynamics for strengthening various alliances, including BRICS, the SCO, ASEAN, the African Union, LAS, CELAC, and the EAEU.
  • This year, Russia chairs BRICS, which saw several new members join it. We will do our best to reinforce the potential of this association and its ties with the G20.
  • Considering that 6 out of 15 UN Security Council members represent the Western bloc, we will support the expansion of this body solely through the accession of countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Call it the real state of things, geopolitically, two years after the start of the SMO.


Link: https://southfront.press/eu-nato-now-threatening-foreign-leaders-with-ficos-fate/

EU/NATO Now Threatening Foreign Leaders With 'Fico's Fate'
Click to see the full-size image
Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

As the political West keeps sinking into utter insanity, its already atrocious diplomatic “etiquette” (in the form of arm-twisting and threats of sanctions) is now being replaced by assassinations of foreign leaders and terrorist attacks on global military superpowers. And yet, to make matters worse, it seems that EU/NATO’s top-ranking officials are so detached from reality that they’re now openly threatening foreign leaders (even nominally “allied” ones). Namely, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze stated that he was recently warned by an EU commissioner that if he goes ahead with the so-called “foreign agent” law, he should be “very careful”, as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico learned “the hard way” in a recent assassination attempt.
Honoring the aforementioned diplomatic etiquette that exists in all civilized societies (which automatically excludes the EU/NATO “garden”), Kobakhidze refused to name the EU commissioner who threatened him. However, on May 23, the said official revealed himself as Oliver Varhelyi, the EU Enlargement Commissioner. Varhelyi admitted that he spoke with Kobakhidze by phone, but insists that the Georgian prime minister allegedly “took his comments out of context”. As the commissioner was talking about the possible sanctions and measures the EU would take against Georgia if its government doesn’t repeal the aforementioned “foreign agent” law, he also made a clear reference to Fico’s NATO-sponsored assassination attempt.
“While listing these measures, [Varhelyi] mentioned, ‘You’ve seen what happened to Fico and you should be very careful,'” Kobakhidze stated.
We can theorize that this was perhaps a “friendly warning”, as Varhelyi comes from the ranks of Fidesz, a party led by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. On the other hand, Brussels has a way of creating “loyalty” (mostly through blackmail and coercion) among its top-ranking officials. Orban himself surely wouldn’t have allowed something like this, particularly not when referring to the terrorist attack on Fico, as the Slovak PM is perhaps the only other independently-minded leader of an EU/NATO member state. It makes no sense for Orban to allow one of his people to threaten anyone like that, particularly not by using the assassination attempt on his ally as a reference. Thus, Varhelyi most likely acted on his own during the controversial call.
However, it doesn’t matter whether the EU commissioner was threatening because of his loyalty to Brussels or sending a “friendly warning”. What really matters is the fact that Varhelyi effectively admitted who’s behind the attack on Fico. It clearly shows that EU/NATO has zero tolerance for independence of any kind. After over 20 years of having CIA-installed governments in power, Georgia is a wreck, to say the least. The political West pushed the unfortunate country into a war with its historical ally Russia, after which it lost around 20% of its territory. All the while, the ancient Christian country is being heavily exposed to EU/NATO’s moral decay and societal degeneracy, with the latter even trying to push Georgia into yet another direct confrontation with Russia.
Fully aware that it would have no hope of winning in any conceivable way, Tbilisi wisely avoided this, refusing to even join the sanctions against Moscow, let alone send weapons to the Neo-Nazi junta, as EU/NATO initially demanded. Brainwashed into a mindless hatred toward Russia, many Georgians went to Ukraine and joined the Kiev regime forces, even committing heinous war crimes against Russian POWs. However, most people in the country fully understand the futility of going against the Kremlin, which is why they elected the current government, far more independent than its foolishly Russophobic predecessors. One of the ways to make sure this realpolitik approach survives is to adopt a more proactive strategy for fighting foreign meddling.
As part of their aggression on former Eastern Bloc nations, the United States, the European Union and NATO finance numerous NGOs, the purpose of which is to project their so-called “soft power”. Thus, in reality, these “non-governmental organizations” are government-financed, just not by domestic governments. NGOs are usually dangerous CIA/MI6 fronts that can cause very real damage to targeted countries, particularly by causing unrest at times when US/EU/NATO needs it in order to bring a nation to its knees. This approach is central to the political West’s aggression against the world, as evidenced by the utter chaos left not just in Eastern Europe/former Soviet Union, but also in the Middle East, where the so-called “Arab Spring” was orchestrated.
These carefully coordinated operations are then followed by military action, either by NATO itself or through its numerous terrorist proxies. Sometimes even both, if the political West is determined to destroy a nation or an entire region, as seen in the Middle East in the last several decades. However, Georgia is particularly important, as it’s one of the countries directly bordering Russia. As part of its crawling siege of the Eurasian giant, NATO is trying to turn all of its neighbors into enemies. Whether it’s Belarus (attempts to depose President Alexander Lukashenko in recent years), Kazakhstan (January 2022 coup attempt), Ukraine, etc. the political West will keep trying to push Russia into new wars in order to derail its resurgence as a geopolitical and military superpower.
Sovereigntists in Georgia are anything but pro-Russian. However, they surely understand that Moscow isn’t going anywhere. Thus, it’s far better for Georgia to keep building some sort of a working relationship with Russia, particularly in terms of economic cooperation. The EU is too far and too busy with its numerous problems. It can’t really help Tbilisi even if it wanted to, while NATO has proven time and again that it can’t protect the small Caucasus country. Thus, their support for continued enmity between Georgia and the Kremlin exposes the latter’s role as a distraction, perhaps even a sacrificial lamb in the political West’s war on Russia. Obviously, anyone remotely sane would do anything to avoid being given such an unflattering and completely suicidal role.
Kobakhidze also mentioned that “several high-ranking foreign politicians are not hesitating to use open blackmail against the Georgian people and their elected government”. And indeed, the EU and the US have essentially ganged up on Tbilisi to ensure the sovereigntist law is repealed. They even had the French-born Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili veto the bill. Obviously, this isn’t the first time the political West is supporting dictatorships in order to sustain its power projection in targeted countries. The only difference between Washington DC’s and Brussels’ approach is that the former is still ready to give some “carrots” instead of just threatening with the “stick”. Namely, the US would grant Georgia some (albeit laughable) concessions if it repeals the law.
On the other hand, the EU just dropped the “carrot” from the equation entirely, threatening Tbilisi with the end of its “European future” if the bill is passed. However, while the “stick” was previously used only to sanction non-compliant vassals and satellite states, it seems it now includes direct attacks on the political leadership. This signals the political West’s desperation, as countries simply want to avoid being involved in direct confrontation between superpowers. Kobakhidze himself said something along those lines, stating that the threats of “Fico’s fate” are there to “remind us that the Global War Party is an extremely dangerous force willing to do anything to bring chaos to Georgia”. This clearly shows why Kobakhidze or any other sovereigntist is a target for EU/NATO.

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