Face the blatant facts, morons: creepy Joe, ALREADY brain-dead and senile--is DETERIORATING before public's very eyes

Creepy Joe's approval ratings just keep descending, morons, now down to 33%, disapproval 58%--and there's little prospect for improvement, suckers, inflation getting worse, like everything else. But of course, the REAL pt. is in the vote-rigging and -stealing.

Same as above, story below. Don't doubt Obola won by vote-stealing and -rigging probably just as much as creepy did in 2020--is it conceivable white folks would have tolerated and voted for such a nigger, like Obola?--he's pure nigger, don't doubt. And in 2012, don't forget, they ran a non-Christian (Mormon), just another CFR/WEF/Trilateralist goon (no less than McCain in 2008), in case Obola lost. Besides, by now enough people know we're in a literal civil-war, just like Spain in mid-30s of last cent., only diff. is the globalist-satanists only have anti-fa and BLM to fight for them, and that's not nearly enough for a serious war. More and more people realize and now KNOW 2020 election was stolen. Problem is Trump who is Israel-first, never forget, surrounded by kike advisors who encouraged Trump to go along w. mass-murderer, Fauci, brought in traitors like Barr and Pence, to stab the dumb orange boob in back, etc.

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Creepy Joe, rejected by the leftists who disapprove his support for Israel mass-murdering Palestinians, and also Americans generally who object to inflation, spending, taxing, etc.
