Colored boy, 16, to be tried as adult in beating of Del City, OK WF, 80


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Boy, 16, to be tried as adult in beating of Del City grandmother
Updated: 7:23 PM CST Jan 3, 2018


DEL CITY, Okla. —

A 16-year-old boy will be tried as an adult in the May beating of an 80-year-old grandmother in Del City.

Prosecutors say a group of teenagers broke into Kay Ross' home last year, beat her and stole her car.

"I thank the Lord every night that an angel was there that night," Ross said about her attack.

Ross, who just celebrated her 80th birthday, said every day she looks back on what happened to her in May.

"Why would they want to hurt me?" she asked.

Prosecutors said Michael Williams, 16, and three other teenagers broke into Ross' Del City home and stole her car, leaving her bloody and bruised. Now Williams -- the oldest teenager accused in the beating -- will be tried as an adult for nine felony charges.

According to court documents, he's the one who planned the attack. He even bragged online, saying "I ain't going to lie, I think we killed her."

"Did they not see in their minds that this was the wrong thing to do?" Ross asked.

Ross said she is satisfied that Williams will be in the adult court system but adds that she feels sympathy toward him.
