Border situation for illegal invasion is SOOOOO BAD, even Hispanics reject creepy Joe, favor Trump--an amazing sacrifice by globalist-satanists


Guest Columnist
Brain-dead vegetable of a stumbling traitor-criminal Pres. just robotically does what he's told regarding the border invasion, getting instructions fm the traitor globalist-satanists, suckers


Watch: Biden Asked if Regrets Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect an ‘Illegal’​

by Adan Salazar
March 8th 2024, 5:10 pm


Biden forced to admit Laken Riley's murderer in country illegally after liberal media asks about 'politically incorrect' term.

The liberal media confronted Joe Biden Friday after he went off-script during his State of the Union Address and referred to the suspect accused of killing Georgia college student Laken Riley as an “illegal.”
“Do you regret using the word ‘illegal’ to describe immigrants last night, sir?” a reporter asked.

“Well, I probably, uhhhh, I don’t regr—,” Biden stammered, before having to admit, “Uhhh, aghhh, technically he’s not supposed to be here…”

Biden’s bumbling response on his “politically incorrect” flub comes as he was criticized by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on CNN for using the term – shorthand for “illegal alien” or “illegal immigrant” – which the left has attempted to sub out for “undocumented migrant.”
“Now he should have said ‘undocumented,’ but that’s not a big thing, ok? What’s the big thing?” Pelosi said, confused on the topic.

She went on to say, “Well, we usually say ‘undocumented.’ He said ‘illegal.’ I don’t think it’s a big deal. I don’t think it’s a big deal because I think his focus was on the sympathy for the family. It’s a terrible tragedy.'”

Evidently, it was a big thing on Pelosi’s mind, as CNN’s initial question had asked about the viral moment Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) forced Biden to utter the name “Laken Riley.”

Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, was killed by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela on February 22 while jogging at the University of Georgia. Her suspected murderer had been caught by ICE in 2022 and “paroled and released for further processing.”
The deranged left is unsurprisingly skating past the issue of illegal immigrant crime and its impact on Americans and cutting straight to the heart of the issues that matter, like whether Biden regrets saying an offensive word.
People need to look at this short vid and consider, there's something seriously, basically, fundamentally wrong w. this p.o.s.--he's impaired--there's a "screw" that's seriously loose, suckers, to say the least. So therefore, u KNOW there's someone else, behind the scenes, saying what is to be done--WHO IS THAT?--it's the globalist-satanists (WEF, CFR, Trilaterals, Bilderbergers), morons, the puke who want "green energy" for this flakey thing called "climate-change," who want to get rid of fossil fuels, who don't care it's not really affordable for most people, who seriously beeeeleeeeeeeeeev in trans-genders, cutting-off genitals and mutilating young children as they've been "convinced" they should be some other sex/gender, denying parental consent, etc. And creepy Joe KNOWS perfectly well he just serves as a front, NOT even as a real mouth-piece, like slick Willie Clinton, or even that scummy whore, hitlery--it should scare people, and they really are scared, with good reason to be so, too. And globalist-satanists are going to do "mail-in" voting to rig and steal the elections too--it's all coming, suckers. WE'RE IN A CIVIL WAR, MORONS, and the Christian people need to get organized, armed, and prepared, SERIOUSLY.


Supreme Court Lets Texas Enforce Law Allowing Police To Arrest Illegal Immigrants​

MARCH 19, 2024


The Supreme Court allowed Texas’ law enabling local police to arrest illegal migrants to take effect Tuesday.
After extending a pause on the law multiple times, the Supreme Court allowed Texas’ SB 4 to take effect Tuesday, declining the Biden administration’s effort to halt it while litigation continues. The Department of Justice (DOJ) first filed its lawsuit against Texas to prevent enforcement of the law in January.
“The Court gives a green light to a law that will upend the longstanding federal-state balance of power and sow chaos, when the only court to consider the law concluded that it is likely unconstitutional,” Justice Sonia Sotomyaor wrote in a dissent joined by Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. “This law implicates serious issues that are subject to ongoing political debate, and Texas’s novel scheme requires careful and reasoned consideration in the courts to determine which provisions may be unconstitutional.”
Justice Elena Kagan also wrote in a dissent that she would not have allowed the law to take effect.

U.S. District Court Judge David Alan Ezra, a Reagan appointee, blocked Texas’ law from taking effect in February, finding it “threatens the fundamental notion that the United States must regulate immigration with one voice.” The Fifth Circuit issued an administrative stay early March allowing the law to take effect while it considered the appeal, prompting the Biden administration to file an emergency application with the Supreme Court.

“So far as I know, this Court has never reviewed the decision of a court of appeals to enter—or not enter—an administrative stay,” Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in a concurrence joined by Justice Brett Kavanaugh. “I would not get into the business.”
“Texas’s motion for a stay pending appeal was fully briefed in the Fifth Circuit by March 5, almost two weeks ago,” Barrett wrote. “Merits briefing on Texas’s challenge to the District Court’s injunction of S. B. 4 is currently underway. If a decision does not issue soon, the applicants may return to this Court.”