Apo essays for Feb 2024


Guest Columnist
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/the-gospel-according-to-laurent-guyenot/
# 48 in comments list

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Both Hoffman and Guyenot Miss that basic Essence, But Still Have Useful Discussion
(Apollonian, 3 Feb 24)

Good gravy, what a mess of a discussion which begins w. Hoffman's usual sort of ravings, pretending he's any kind of "authority" (ho ho ho) on Christianity, what it is, what it means, how it should be understood--Hoffman hasn't really the best clue, though he DOES understand Judaism quite well in many fundamental respects. Both Hoffman and Guyenot make crucial mistakes, yet providing useful discussion upon which many useful corrections and notes can be made.

For Christianity and New Test. should and must be understood first and most as LITERATURE, telling a story, serving as a religious style of guidance no less than previous Homeric <i>Illiad and Oddysey</i> which New Test. thereupon superseded for cultural importance.

For Hoffman IS indeed, quite often a good researcher for some things, like especially about Judaism/Talmudism, what it is and means, and he does give some useful research and references. Hoffman wrote good books on Judaism, like "Judaism's Strange Gods," and "Judaism Discovered," along w. some other, shorter works fm which the student will learn quite a good deal.

Hoffman fails horribly, one must note, as in his ridiculous work on the economic subject of charging interest, "Usury in Christendom...," about which enough said--Hoffman should stick w. Judaism.

So what is Christianity?--it's really simple and easy to confirm--worship of TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Great thing about Christianity is it demonstrates such worship of truth as leading to a benevolent regard for fellow human creatures. Thus dear Christianity is not only worshipped, it well deserves such worship, though always in honest spirit of reason--and thus it has been worshipped for 2000 or so yrs now.

The fundamental interesting thing to understand about dear Christianity is its CORE philosophy, holding to TRUTH and the real existence thereof, which always RESURRECTS, simple product of an OBJECTIVE REALITY, as of Aristotle--which simple philosophy is quite over Hoffman's head. For Hoffman is really a mystic determined to dominate, intimidate, and domineer over his seven or eight children--and then the rest of humanity by extension. Hoffman is a moralist authoritarian who fails to appreciate the philosophy and literature.

Note then "religion" is a complex of ceremony, ritual, symbology, and emotional/sentimental attachment/connection, including a basic, SELECTED philosophy, religion then observed to actually depend upon necessarily prior elaborated philosophy, but few people being capable of such philosophic mastery. Religion is what then must suffice as substitute or short-hand for the broad understanding of the masses for purpose of cultural, political, and military unity and community in the face of a cruel world and reality of warfare and sinful humanity prone to un-reason, greed, conquest, and imperialist-style dominance. Religion then provides a practical sort of philosophic understanding and leadership. Religion is more for artists while philosophy is for more stolid, rationalistic-oriented, scientific types.

The direct and immediate reason for this magnificent Christian religion is its natural and necessary reaction and opposition to the preceding Pharisaism, which clash w. Pharisaism is much the subject-matter of New Test., wherein the Christ character--which cannot either be proven to have existed or not, DEMONSTRATES that core Christian philosophy affirming the existence of truth in accord w. OBJECTIVE reality--AGAINST the preceding Pharisaism (which originated fm about 3rd to 2nd cent. BC) which holds the only proper "truth" is whatever is officially held as "midrash" ("interpretation"--akin to communist-style "party-line") which is decided upon by rabbis according to "Oral Law Trad.," the "Talmud" then a written-out version fm about 500 AD in Babylon.

Thus the obvious Hegelian anti-thematic clash is that of Christian objectivity and (Aristotelian) truth thereof, for which it is worth great suffering as of the Christ character who so bravely "bore his cross," vs. the Pharisaic subjectivism (much Platonic and Kantian in style) which is always designed for contrived and evanescent "good" of Jews, benefit, dominance, and rulership--hence Judaism is a deep and sublime war strategy against the goyim, easily demonstrated by many people throughout hist., literature, philosophy, etc. And one cannot complain, as Christ notes, for if it wasn't Jews, it would just be someone else in this sinful and tragic existence.

There are practically NO defenders of Jews except for the economic exploits of a few selected Jews who were competent businessmen, investors, and financiers, and an economist like Ludwig von Mises. Otherwise Jews are widely and quite understandably despised and condemned by people fm all races and cultures throughout hist. For the OBVIOUS consequence of Judaic subjectivism is that it is literally SATANIC (self-worshipping as godliness, Jews seeking to create their own contrived reality even to the pt. of gross lying--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) when taken to the extreme which the Jew leadership doesn't and has never been known to hesitating to doing--observe the present terror-state of Israel.

Such then is the Hegelian anti-thematic nature of the philosophic clash btwn Jew and Christian--which both Hoffman and Guyenot so completely overlook. "Judeo-Christianity" is thus seen as comical oxymoron--like truthful lies and lying, "Jumbo-shrimp," or perhaps deceptive truth.

This essay is # 69 in comments list

Unc' Adolf Succeeded in Many Essential Ways, And Showed Much for Necessary Effort
(Apollonian, 3 Feb 24)

U almost have it: but dear unc' Adolf, Germany, and the whole world were really trying to strike at SATANISM (extreme subjectivism, making the subject and consciousness the creator--a kind of self-worship, even according to Hoffman himself)--Jews were and are simply the leaders thereof.

But NSDAP and unc' Adolf missed that essential middle-term, SUBJECTIVISM, extreme form of which is satanism and which PERFECTLY connects Jews/Judaism w. satanism--which again, the whole world, not just Hitler and Germans, opposed.

Thus Hitler and Germans failed to communicate this problem of Judaic satanism sufficiently to such Western countries as UK and USA where Jews already controlled the banking and the mass corp. media--except for such as Father Coughlin and Gerald L. K. Smith and many others, and also excepting such countries to great extent, like Hungary, Italy, and Rumania.

Still, when and as we (real) Christians look back, we can still revere such brave and heroic leaders like dear unc' Adolf, seeing how he only barely missed it, and what the real problem was and still is--unc' Adolf very much showed the way and how and what to do.

Here now in USA, we merely need to secede as states fm the larger satanic empire which serves Israel and the globalist-satanism--see TenthAmendmentCenter.com. Right now, state of Tx. is defying and nullifying fed tyranny regarding border problem/issue, for excellent example.

-----------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "Incitatus"--------------------------

62. Incitatus says:
February 3, 2024 at 1:30 pm GMT • 1.2 hours ago • 300 Words

“The Nazis also faced the dilemma of how to disconnect Christian faith in the Bible on the part of a plurality of Germans, without launching a frontal assault on Jesus Himself, which in that era would have been a non-starter. The Nazis hit on the idea of suggesting in various ways that the Old Testament was “unworthy” of Jesus.”
Ridding Germany of Christianity, a generational affair, involved replacing Jesus with someone closer to home:

“We are the happy Hitler Youth. We need no Christian virtues for our Führer Adolf Hitler is always our guide…We do not follow Christ but Horst Wessel…I can do without the Church, the Swastika is redemption on earth”
-Hitlerjugend Lied 1935 [Childers ‘The Third Reich’ p.303]
Childhood blossomed into adulthood:

“Why do we believe in Germany and the Führer? Because we believe in God, we believe in Germany which He created in His world and in the Führer, Adolf Hitler, whom He has sent us.”
– SS Oath-Swearing, taken by Initiates in Midnight Ceremony [Burleigh ‘The Third Reich’ p.194]
Dogma from a high priest:

“The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don’t ask for their love; only for their fear.”
– Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler [Alberto Rivas “Visions of Reality – A Study of Abnormal Perception and Behavior” p.162]
New messiah Hitler was, as Sebastian Haffner wrote, “the potential suicide par excellence”. No need for crucifixion; just keep a Walther PPK 7.65 handy.

This essay of mine is # 151 in comments

Who is "Smart"?--Aren't We All Just Bozos On This Bus?
(Apollonian, 3 Feb 24)

<blockquote>But that Jews are smarter than Christians has always been true.</blockquote>

Not at all; Jews are, by definition, satanic, hysterical, psychotic psychopaths (or led by them); have u failed to observe their present madness in Palestine lately? Jews simply play a part in the grand sociologic scheme of things, determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect--"socio-biology," according to Ed Wilson.

For as Oswald Spengler ("Decline of the West") indicates, hist. is CYCLIC, and when we get too many, over-populated goyim (and Jews), as we have presently (evidently), they need to be dealt with and disposed of, the very purpose of war and the other horsemen, and that's why we have those wonderful Jews who lead, as we see, the "liberals" who beeeeleeeeeeev in non-existent "good-evil" and a perfectly "free," God-like human will--u have these "beeeleeeevers" on both "right" and "left."

These co-ordinated, highly organized, brilliantly-led subjectivists then, some (the leadership) more subjectivistic than others, as among the "liberals," thereupon divide-up humanity into "good-guys" and "bad-guys" (especially those doggone racists), and they have wars by which the Jews dominate and thrive, surely, but are they "smarter"?--probably not, but they're quite bold w. chutzpah, and they're great leaders and speech-makers.

Thus we have presented for us the great drama of good-guys vs. bad-guys, again--perfectly analogous to "good-cops vs. bad-cops," especially for the leftist-atheists led by globalists-satanists of WEF, CFR, Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers on the one hand, versus the "Judeo-Christian" (JCs--see Whtt.org) fools and gross heretics led by Israel on the pretend "right," Trump presently their great leader, riding high as we see, Fani Willis now having taken society by storm, unless it's really Taylor Swift.

How can anyone be "smart" in a determined reality, known by Dante as "Divine Comedy"? Christ (= TRUTH) teaches it's far better to be HONEST, than "smart"--or imagining such. Jews are far too smug w. their satanism, I'd say.

------------------------------------above by ap in response to below by C. Yeager-------------------------------------------

125. Carolyn Yeager says: • Website
February 3, 2024 at 6:34 pm GMT • 2.8 hours ago • 200 Words
@Uncle Ben

There isn’t a shred of historical evidence for most of this stuff anyway, not even the plausibly historical stories. It’s literature, not history.
I have come to agree that Christianity is not dealing with history, except for the history of the Church, but is solely literature and Myth. Yet Myth and storytelling has as much, probably more, truth to it as does history. Yes, I know, that sounds Jewish as hell. But that Jews are smarter than Christians has always been true.

So I, a white European with not a trace of jewishness or semitism in my blood, now can truly call myself a Christian, with the caveat that I enjoy a deeper insight into the Faith than most Christians even suspect. I now realize that a religion or religious figure doesn’t have to be physical/historical to be considered “real.” This is because ideas (mindstuff) are the reality, while the physical appearance we see as the ‘world’ is illusion (therefore not necessary). Just distraction, actually. The entire argument between Guyenot and Hoffman is meaningless distraction. The better discussion is the nature of reality and the nature of “God.” It doesn’t appear either man can answer that.

Below, by apo is # 224 in comments list

Guyenot Desperately Needs Guidance, Criticism, & A Clue (As Does Hoffman Too)
(Apollonian, 4 Feb 24)

Christianity is no hoax. Christianity is simply WORSHIP OF TRUTH, as Christ = truth, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6. Remember: "religion" is just a short-hand, SELECTED philosophy, esp. for those people who don't make a specific study and have detailed knowledge of formal philosophy. Religion then serves to UNIFY the people and their cultural-psychologic community. Christianity is made into a compelling and dramatic story so as to gently condition the children of the people as the people develop psychologically.

There always have been, always will be "false-prophets"--it's not the fault of Christianity.

Christianity is then PRESENTED in literary form (as of New Test.)--as the preceding Mosaic worship was presented in literary form in Old Test., corrupted then by Pharisees which the Christ character condemned in New Test. New Test. is all about the clash and opposition of the two ideals, Pharisaic vs. Christian, Hegelian anti-theses, and how then satanic Pharisees CONSPIRED, as w. Sadducees, to kill truth (= Christ), which Christian truth is necessarily founded upon the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality--against the extreme subjectivism, thus satanism of Pharisaism (Gosp. JOHN 8:44). But truth RESURRECTS to coming back to "bite." Such is the lesson of New Test. literature demonstrating the reality of objectivity vs. satan.

Thus Christ is an ALLEGORICAL character symbolizing truth, a cryptological substitute. Truth is what Christians worship--though it is true lots of supposed "Christians" don't understand simple thing as that. Christ character cannot be historically proven or dis-proven--which all is irrelevant once one understands the real purpose and intent of that magnificent literature.

Consider, as I noted before (# 48, above), how the preceding Greek mythology/religion of the Olympian gods was presented in that sublime and magnificent literature of Homer. New Test. was simply the definitive literary replacement in Western civilization--still standing for so many Christians today among the people--it's why "Judeo-Christianity" is a gross oxymoron, such a brainless farce--there's no such thing--they're Hegelian ANTI-THESES.

Think of the literary device of SYNECDOCHE [see https://literarydevices.net/synecdoche/]

Here are some examples of synecdoche that may be found in everyday expression:

The White House (signifies the U.S. president or executive branch)
Wearing heels (signifies high-heeled shoes)
Green thumb (signifies person who is good at gardening)
The Pentagon (signifies U.S. military leaders)
Boots on the ground (signifies soldiers)
Paper or plastic (signifies type of shopping bag)
Stars and stripes (signifies U.S. flag)
Suits (signifies people in business)
Wheels (signifies a vehicle)
Pearly gates (signifies Heaven)
Behind bars (signifies being in jail)
Threads (signifies clothing)
------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------

213. Where’sthebeer says:
February 4, 2024 at 1:54 pm GMT • 57 minutes ago

Guenot is THE DUDE. Do not critique guenot. Christianity is the ultimate hoax. Guenot thinks at whole different level than the guy who wrote this article.

# 263

A Religion Simple Enough To Be Understood
(Apollonian, 4 Feb 24)

Well Pierre, at this pt., people can very much figure it out for themselves, eh?--that's beauty of the New Test. lit. and dear St. Martin Luther (another magnificent German) who advocated folks read it for themselves.

So we see the same, continuing, moronic insistence that Christianity is all about "love"?--so what, that's what is worshipped?--ho ho ho ho So is it "love" that RESURRECTS? Ho ho ho
----------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------------------------

261. Pierre de Craon says:
February 4, 2024 at 11:24 pm GMT • 18 minutes ago

Christ isn’t an allegory, and nearly half of your synecdoche examples are actually specimens of metonymy. There’s more, including childish overuse of full caps, but these notes will have to suffice for now.

# 336

It's Sad Thing Geniuses Are Sooooooo Dumb, Thick, And Empty
(Apollonian, 6 Feb 24)

What a complete, utter, brainless, clueless moron u are and must be, sucker, ho ho ho--HOW can anyone be as dumb as u--and there are lots of ur type, eh?

Does it occur to a pea-brain like u (yes, we know it's doubtful) that Old and New Test.s ARE LITERATURE, entailing mythology and allegory?--does an imbecile like urself imagine? Ever hrd of Homer and the <i>Illiad and Oddysey</i>? Do people nowadays take Homer as anything but Allegory?

Hint (for a moron) Christ = TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6); Christian worships truth, fool.

But we know: u've always been surrounded by morons ur whole life, so being a moron is the only sort of way u can act and function, right?--u sure learned well, dincha'?

So what is New Test. about, do u think?--the conflict btwn Pharisees (and Sadducees, and others too) vs. Christ, Pharisees CONSPIRING (consp. theory) to kill truth, hence any concept of the objective reality, necessary basis of any such truth or meaningful concept thereto.

Note: (a) truth depends on the objective (Aristotelian) reality--any other sort of truth is groundless and meaningless.

(b) Pharisees, by definition, follow "Oral Law Trad." (as in Gosp. MARK chapt 7) by which Torah is INTERPRETED (called "midrash") for self-interest ("good") of Jews, meaning their benefit, dominance, rulership--as in modern day Israel.

(c) Thus Pharisees push (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, consciousness creating reality--see Wikipedia on subjectivism--which such extreme subjectivism is literally SATANISM, making oneself co-equal w. God, creating reality, worshipping oneself (narcissism)--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

Such then is the great, monumental Hegelian anti-theses, Objective (Aristotle) vs. Subjective (Plato, Kant) in philosophy and metaphysics expressed in LITERATURE, New Test., in form of "religion" which is simply a SELECTED, simplified philosophy, designed for the common people (many of whom were quite illiterate) and unity and community of people, race, empire, or nationality. But we realize this all is un-imaginable rocket-science for a genius like urself, eh? We know u're genius; u only need a brain, right?

-------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

335. Mom's Basement II says:

February 7, 2024 at 3:04 am GMT • 1.0 hours ago • 1,200 Words

# 341

Christ, "Salvation," "Redemption" Etc. Is Only Fully In New Test., Merely Hinted At In Old Test.
(Apollonian, 7 Feb 24)

Righto, but that's just mythic legend and literature, only meant to symbolize allegorically (beginning w. chilren) the eventual, but inevitable, triumph of fullest TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which always RESURRECTS, coming back to "bite" the liars who try to deny the truth given in OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, denied by satanic subjectivism.

"Mary" is just appended, ancillary, insignificant notation and bit-player to the myth for the little boys and girls entertainment. For remember the people of the time were fairly ignorant and illiterate and it was necessary for the legend and myth to be consistent w. previous mythology of the Old Test.

So just calm down and be satisfied by "redemption" fm subjectivism and angst of fictional "good-evil" which underlies inferiority-complex which is now dissolved by TRUTH, objectivity, and hence the DETERMINED (absolute cause-effect) nature of reality, God-given, where there is NO "good-evil" (or perfectly "free" God-like will), thus no need for guilt or inferiority-complex--"salvation," & "forgiveness," such as it is, the full "apocalypse" (un-veiling of full truth). "Thou shalt know the truth, and the truth will make u free" (Gosp. JOHN 8:32). There now, aren't u happy w. heavenly bliss?

------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------

340. Clare Maj says:

February 7, 2024 at 12:17 pm GMT • 30 minutes ago
Bible, Old Testament, is the story of our redemtion by the incarnation of Jesus Christ, The Son of God and the Son of Mary (Hebrew Woman)!


346. apollonian says: • Website
February 7, 2024 at 6:28 pm GMT • very recent
@emerging majority
“There is more to heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio”.
Perhaps, but that presumes u know anything in the first place, right?–which fails to be apparent, though u’re sure good at babbling. Ho ho ho

----------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

343. emerging majority says:
Next New Comment
February 7, 2024 at 3:44 pm GMT • 2.7 hours ago • 200 Words
Aristotle fell off the wagon. Plato, embracing Socratic wisdom, was not a linear thinker exclusively, unlike Aristotle. The Church of Rome took up with Aristotle. That should tell you something. Lacking significant input from the pineal gland, our connexion with higher energies; Aristotle was a mere rationalist, dominated by the left-hemisphere of the brain. Unbalanced.
Oh, no doubt, that Aristotle was highly intelligent and an artful rhetorician, however he may be seen as a template for this devolutionary Grand Finale of Kali Yuga. He was thinking with only half of his brain, as his logic totally overwhelmed any syncretic wisdom based in large measure by intuition, inductive logic and holistic vibration.
Objective truth is never one-sided, as it reverberates with the Universal Unconscious, as delineated by Carl Jung and echoed by Edgar Cayce, the “Sleeping Prophet”, who without the usual academic background, frequently referenced the ancient Vedic realization of the Akashic records.
“There is more to heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio”.


377. apollonian says: • Website
February 9, 2024 at 3:27 am GMT • 2.7 hours ago
@mulga mumblebrain

Yes indeed, and we’ve always known u’re “vibrant” kind of guy, for sure–real “vibe guy.”

------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------------

376. mulga mumblebrain says:
February 9, 2024 at 2:18 am GMT • 3.9 hours ago
@emerging majority
I like panpsychism. Or brains are more like antennae for picking up ‘the vibe’.

Replies: @apollonian, @emerging majority

# 374

"McNally": Formidable Propagandist For Satanic Lies, Lying

"McNally" is the typical Jew who uses moniker indicating he's goy. All the holohoax lies, which are just assertions w. NO substance to them are acceptable to this Jew pretending he's goy, while anything asserted against Jews by goys are just empty assertions. "McNally" then structures this kind of purest propaganda over and over in such consistent manner, that he persuades himself and expects everyone else be so persuaded. "McNally" is SOOOOOO consistent he seriously thinks he's effective, lying to himself.

Last edited:
Below-copied by ap copied fm comments, The Constantine Hoax and the Forgery of Western History, by Laurent Guyénot - The Unz Review

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# 12
Exactly How Was St. Constantine Involved W. Christianity, Christians?
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 24)

Is that "slippery slope" argumentation made by our genius, Laurent?--(a) Theodocious was Phoenician, (b) indistinguishable fm Jews, (c) became Jews after fall of Carthage?--talk about fast and loose.

So I'm just gonna invoke "Patrick McNally," and ask why we should believe this sort of slippery reasoning. So Phoenicians became satanists?--for that's what Judaism is, subjectivism--construing things ("midrash") for the benefit, dominance, and rulership of the chosenites.

My understanding is that St. Constantine's mom, Helena, was Christian or susceptible thereto, and further, that many of Constantine's foremost loyal soldiers were Christians, even fm time of his dad, Constantius Chlorus, so he, Constantine, had a great sympathy for Christians, but had to be careful for political reasons regarding the Roman upper-class. We know Constantine married daughter of the Augustus of the West, Maximian, Fausta, Maxentius's sister, evidently.

Regardless, we KNOW dear Laurent has great difficulty w. simplest, basic Christian philosophy which is/was designed to be anti-thetical to Pharisaism and Pharisees who conspired to kill Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the entire objective conception of reality--as they do so well to this very day.

Humans are sinners, hence given to lies, lying, and liars, like satanists, always led by u-know-who, whose very religion is satanism (extreme subjectivism, making subject creator of reality--see Wikipedia on subjectivism). And isn't that the great Christian effort of humanity, seeking truth (= Christ) in the face of satanic lies, liars, and lying?

At this pt. the Jew, Unz decided to disallow and censor this latest (below) entry, and gave me the msg: "too much commenting; take a break..."

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Guyenot Keeps Trying--And Getting Closer and Closer To Truth
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 24)

Billy boy, u're wrong again, buddy: the great Oswald Spengler (<i>Decline of the West</i>) showed the way. Reality is objective, determined (absolute cause-effect, NO perfectly "free" human will--which is hubris). Thus reality, history, sociology, & economics is largely CYCLIC.

Culture begins in objectivity, but then deteriorates in evermore subjectivism and hubris, as we see, in amazing accord w. Biblic Book of Revelation(s). Thus we find so many males want to be females in narcissistic hubris and gross subjectivism. The morons think they can just toss candidates fm ballots w. no due process.

Thus satanism, led by the foremost subjectivists seek all power, opposed by heroic Christians who stand for truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) in accord w. objective reality, God-given. So anyway, that's what's working--who's winning?--well ask the satanist psychopaths of Israel who realize, slowly but surely, they have NO RIGHT TO EXIST, and less and less as they continue w. their madness. And the Palestinians (and allies) are going to keep fighting in their brave, patriotic struggle against such psychotic satanism, buddy.

Important thing is Guyenot keeps trying, using all his logic and observation, and if he keeps it up, he'll surely come closer and closer to the truth, learning better what is false and what is true. Laurent is NOT "cherry-picking," sucker, and as long as he keeps trying his best he will get closer and closer to the real truths and facts--he's not beating a dead horse--but maybe u are, eh?

-----------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------------------

20. RoatanBill says:
February 9, 2024 at 10:36 am GMT • 57 minutes ago • 200 Words

History is aged propaganda. No one knows what went on 2000 years ago or during Constantine’s time or at any other time that is outside the actual human experience of currently living people. We, the living, are to believe the manufactured Kennedy Assassination hoax, the Epstein suicide hoax, the 9/11 hoax, etc and someone is naive enough to believe the propaganda from ages ago?
Get a grip on yourself, LAURENT GUYÉNO. You are cherry picking the part of the propaganda you like and denigrating that part that doesn’t fit your narrative. It’s all bullshit because there is no proof either way with records that could or could not be forgeries, since no one knows. It’s the people in the ‘soft sciences’, the humanities, the social sciences, that don’t understand the concept of actual empirical proof that constantly bicker over this rubbish.
There is no possible way to empirically prove things one way or the other, so stop beating a dead horse.

Same as just above, censored again by Unz the Jew, "too much commenting...."

Only Aristotelian Objectivity Gives Solid Grounding For TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) Against Satanism
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 24)

<blockquote>The idea of a “Trinity” in a Godhead, comes from Plato who thru Socrates adopted Philosophy which came from the Doric Greeks, postulated a Nous, Demiurge, World Spirit, a Trinity. Plato is central to Hellenism and Hellenism formed Christianity; I refer to Jerry Dell Ehrlich’s book Plato’s Gift To Christianity, The Gentile Preparation for and the Making of the Christian Faith. Plato laid the groundwork for Christianity and Ehrlich makes Plato the founder of Christianity. In a sense, YES!</blockquote>

Indeed, Plato was much admired by many, including Jews, like Philo of Alexandria, and some Christians, like Justin Martyr. But note Platonic subjectivism, taken to extremes, is just satanism, subject becoming the creator of reality, against which Christianity rebelled upon the objective reality, only real ground for truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Sad fact is Plato merely laid ground for satanism (extreme subjectivism), while only Aristotle gives the proper grounds for any meaningful truth, corresponding to objective reality. Thus "Judeo-Christianity" is farcical oxymoron, which however is taken seriously by all establishment Christian Churches who suck-along w. Israeli terror-state. Christian militance must once again strike-out for the anti-semitic truth, the ONLY way to "the Father" (JOHN 14:6).

---------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------------------

32. wlindsaywheeler says: • Website
February 9, 2024 at 12:18 pm GMT • 31 minutes ago • 400 Words

Same as above, still being censored by Unz the Jew....

Yes, I went into some detail covering the glory of Christianity in the other article by Hoffman against Guyenot ("the Gospel according to Guyenot")--got a little carried away when replying to the good man, "mom's basement," which I regret and would take back. Judaism is simply satanism, the leading kind even today, but so persuasive, which Christ (= truth, founded in objectivity) fought, giving his life--such a great story. But now Unz has me on "too much commenting, take a break." Take good care. A.

-------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------------------

42. Suetonious says:
February 9, 2024 at 2:16 pm GMT • 2.0 hours ago • 500 Words


# 137

The Great Spenglerian Cyclic Oscillation
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 24)

Greeks figured this all out regarding "metaphysics" fm Aristotle, one's "first philosophy" meaning those beginning premises, principles, tenets, upon which everything else is necessarily founded in logic. But then remember those basic premises cannot themselves be PROVEN--must remain mere assumptions.

"Existence" is easy, as nothing matters if we don't exist. Things only matter if we do exist. So assuming we do exist, the only real problem is NATURE of that existence, and basically, that is whether we exist in objective reality (Aristotle) where logic and science can be used or not. Such then is Western culture, esp. science, as we've known since dear old Aristotle.

Next is problem of "good-evil" and idea of "free" will, foundation to "good-evil." No one has EVER discovered a solid PREMISE in logic for any "good-evil." And of course, "free" will is ridiculous as known fm Bible (another working assumption) that only God could be perfectly "free"; humans are SELF-interested, necessarily--why we have that "original" sin--we need REASON then to temper it all.

Such then is the basic human condition regarding reason, logic, etc.--if we reject Aristotle, objectivity, and reason, then it's just chaotic violence, anarchy, savagery, etc.--and it's why practically all civilizations adopted war gods at one time or another so as to know how to get the jump on the suckers next to us. Sucker-punch always remains as go-to strategy.

Most successful for the war god were and still are those lovely Jews who reject the Aristotelian objectivity in favor of "Oral Law Trad." on "principle" of "interpretation," called "midrash"--NOTHING is true but for what Jews say, adjudicated by rabbis--EXTREME SUBJECTIVISM by which the subject/consciousness (collective, in case of Jews) is the creator--SATANISM--which Christ, the great mythic savior, REJECTED in favor of objectivity. "Judeo-Christian" is farcical oxymoron, like "jumbo-shrimp."

And that is the end of the philosophic/ethical controversy--where we are today. When we have over-population, the fools, suckers, and inferiors are persuaded by Jews, as we see presently, the "woke" (satanic) culture now wreaking havoc--it clears out the inferiors for a while--and we have a Spenglerian ("Decline of the West") CYCLIC back-and-forth.

------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------------

110. Suetonious says:
February 9, 2024 at 11:06 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago • 200 Words
Is it possible to prove anything empirically or “scientifically”?
This is one of the fundamental questions that religion attempts to answer. We cannot truly know if we exist, because any confirming evidence would be perceived by our own senses. It is a circular argument, since it is based on our own authority. Ultimately, we exist because we say or know that we exist.
In order to prove something’s existence, we need empirical evidence. That’s easy if the thing exists outside of ourselves. For instance, we can feel the heat from a flame. Or if you doubt that a rock exists, you could confirm its existence by dropping it on your toe.
Some religions attempt to solve this problem by proposing a God that is outside of creation. He is absolute; He cannot be dissolved into the solution. One’s belief in the existence of God confirms one’s own existence.
Other religions assert that you cannot know if you exist, and much of the suffering that we experience is a result of the ego trying to prove that it is real.


161. apollonian says: • Website
February 10, 2024 at 2:03 pm GMT • 19 minutes ago
@emerging majority
"Reductionist"?--well yes, for if u deny the objective nature, u deny identity, non-contradiction, and reason. In (extreme) subjectivism and satanism anything goes, right? What's really ur problemo?--are u trying to make a pretext for "good-evil," like Kant?

------------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------------

144. emerging majority says:
February 10, 2024 at 5:41 am GMT • 8.4 hours ago

So Lonianus: Have you yet to announce how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? The rationalism of Aristotle is akin to reductionist materialism as its more contemporary iteration.


# 202

"Believing"--The First Step In Satanism
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 24)

Anastasia: regarding this "believing" stuff, I hope u realize "believing" is cheap--u can "believe" all u pls--it doesn't make anything to being true. Children "believe," hope, and wish--what good does it do?

I know Gosp. JOHN puts lots of emphasis on "believing," that word being used about 100 times in his Gosp., but I suspect he means it in a certain way--as in acting in accord w. one's ideals and philosophy, which now he calls "believing"--or "true" believing, whatever.

What's purpose for "believing"?--what's purpose for living?--because life sucks, and the best we can hope for is like Kenny Rogers sung in his song, "The Gambler"--"the best that we can hope for is to die in our sleep." We seek the least painful death--and Christ (= truth) is surely the answer.

When u go outside during the day, and u realize the sun is up there shining away, is it because u "believe" it's shining up there?--or is it because u KNOW. Knowledge is better than mere believing, if it's possible. And Christ is TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6); Christians worship truth, pure and simple, which can only exist in an objective reality--CONTRARY to Jew subjectivism/satanism ("midrash" and Oral Law Trad.).

Satanism is founded on (extreme) subjectivism whence one "believes" too much, and in the wrong thing. It usually begins for the weaklings in pretending to non-existent "good-evil"--they "believe" this, which is then the beginning into the horror of subjectivism/satanism. Jews "believe" too--do u doubt it?--but they hate truth (= Christ) and gloat over having killed Christ (MATT 27:25). One should NOT worship "believing"--only truth.

------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------------

175. anastasia says:
February 10, 2024 at 5:29 pm GMT • 6.6 hours ago • 100 Words
@Laurent Guyénot
They have a masonic needle there too. So what. What Guyenot appears upset about is that he somehow thought the church were perfect (something which they led Catholics to believe). The heirarchy inside the Church from beginning to the present time were not perfect. . They never were. They are human beings, as were the apostles. If I wanted to test this faith, I would take out all the quotes from the mouth of Christ Himself and test them, using your own interpretations, to determine if they are a lie, or are true.
All are true, all are above nature, as He was above nature.
“Before Abraham was, I am.”
I believe it.

# 218.

RoatanBill: Such A Tough Guy Who Knows Nothing, And Thinks He's Smart
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 24)

<blockquote>"Atheists formed a very small population then because most people were still believers in stupid. It’s only more recently that people are starting to wake up to the religious con game and rejecting it. The people responsible for all the carnage were the gov’t types, much like the religious types, that wanted to control their farm animals. The people at the time were still steeped in religious bullshit and is evidenced by the return of churches and preachers after the fall of the USSR."</blockquote> -RoatanBill

U’re such a brainless hypocrite–what is this (above) quotation of urs but an emphatic assertion of history? U don’t even have the intelligence to know u must define ur terms, like “religion.” For religion is simply a selected, short-hand philosophy for people who aren’t so familiar w. formal, technical philosophy, that’s all. And this religious, selected philosophy is closely associated w. literature (including yes, history), poetry, song and music, and other kinds of ceremony, this for obvious purpose of sentimental unity w. fellows, neighbors, children, and ancestors, this folk-religion integral part of all culture and society, and all peoples and societies of all races have featured these and always will, sucker.

Christianity is worship of truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) implying the OBJECTIVE reality (necessary grounds for any real TRUTH)–AGAINST satanism (extreme subjectivism which rejects truth), esp. of the Pharisaic/Talmudic sort featuring “Oral Law Trad.,” which killed Christ (= truth) and gloats about it (MATT 27:25). And the fact there are false prophets is not the fault of the philosophy/religion. For Christianity holds, as did the Greeks of the time, that life sucks, and humans are sinners. And we see u’re the very sort of sinner who pretends u’re all put-out w. things and people who aren’t good enough for such as u, golly, gee, but u’re soooooo righteous and filled w. wisdom and facts–like no one else is. I’m sure IreneAthena is soooo impressed w. tough-guy like u, eh?

--------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------------

215. RoatanBill says:
February 11, 2024 at 11:55 am GMT • 46 minutes ago • 500 Words


# 231.

Billy-Boy's Incessant Lies & Lying Fits The Pattern Set By William Pierce, Sports-Fans
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 24)

Just ask anyone: most would affirm u're just self-righteous psycho and pathological liar who babbles over and over like a broken record.

If u understood anything, u'd know about Oswald Spengler, <i>Decline of the West</i>, and his CYCLIC theory by which, in the latest cyclic wave, the Rothschild-associated counterfeiters have effectively taken-over the world, and in Jew S A, we call it ZOG.

Thus by means of nearly endlessly proliferated, replicated, fiat-currency-units, not real MONEY (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms like "fiat-currency," and "central-banking"), these criminals have ruled, basically since Napoleon. These satanists now own and control the Western mass corp. news-media ("Jews"-media), public edjewmacation, and all the establishment so-called "Christian" churches which presently support terror-state of Israel--just as it's predicted so well in Christian <i>Book of Revelation(s)</i>

These preceding facts have actually been rather well-known by libertarians and other conservative-types. The crux of this satanic power is central-banking which issues the fiat-currency which the fools and suckers, of the over-populated with "liberals" world, accept in exchange for real goods & svcs, but this game seems to be winding down, and now they want to push CBDCs, central-bank digital currency, to "rescue" what they've destroyed. These satanic powers are WEF, CFR, Trilaterals, and Bilderbergers, and they're fairly well-known now, euphemistically called "deep-state," "shadow-gov.," etc., u're just one of their paid shills, Willy-boy.

And u effectively work quite well with these satanists, don't u Billy-boy?--keeping things confused w. ur constant, repeated lying. We're quite familiar w. u liars who insist and repeat dear Christianity is actually same as Jews; u're buddies w. Tom Dalton, Alex Linder of Nat. Vanguard, and others, like Kevin A. Strom, who all were associated w. William Luther Pierce, eh?--u no doubt take money fm the bank sources, perhaps even G. Soros himself, yes?

And like I say, Billy-boy, u're plainly, un-questionably psychotic, babbling the same lies over and over, trying to dis-credit Christianity, equating it w. Judaism. Alex Linder used to like to cite H.L. Mencken too, didn't he? Keep babbling, Billy-boy, u'll soon pop a vein if we're all lucky.

---------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------------

223. RoatanBill says:
February 11, 2024 at 3:12 pm GMT • 54 minutes ago • 300 Words

I use the nonsense you people believe to throw it back at you when you cherry pick your assertions. I don’t believe history but I know most of you do ,so I use the common knowledge you believe in, and I don’t, to keep the conversation moving along. If I didn’t use conventional wisdom, which is many times wrong, there would be no way to communicate with you programmed drones.
As for your christianity claim, that is utter bullshit. All religions are a control mechanism much like gov’t, but most people are too stupid to see that. The christian cult in particular should be ashamed of themselves for all the murders they’ve committed in just this century alone by cooperating with that other cult called government, particularly the US gov’t.
It’s you amoral christians that have destroyed Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and many other countries and are now in the process of gearing up for a war against Iran and possibly Russia. You are a blood thirsty cult of mindless drones that will do whatever some bogus authority tells you to do. Religion has trained you to be slaves to anyone that barks orders at you. In that respect you’re no better than the knuckle dragging muslims that use their bullshit god as the excuse to cause their own terrorist acts.
Answer this question : What religious sect is responsible for most of the death and destruction the US has caused in just that last two decades. Answer that honestly and then be ashamed of that shit religion and your bogus god.

[At this pt. the Jew editor, Unz, printed the below-copied fm Billy-boy, but when I tried to publish the below-copied, I was prevented w. the msg popping up again, "too much commenting, take a break."]

Ho ho ho--Billy-boy, people can read for themselves and decide, eh? Ho hoh oho

-------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------------------------

234. RoatanBill says:
February 11, 2024 at 5:48 pm GMT • 40 minutes ago • 200 Words

Answer this question : What religious sect is responsible for most of the death and destruction the US has caused in just that last two decades. Answer that honestly and then be ashamed of that shit religion and your bogus god.
Please recite the lies I’ve told. If you can’t do that that would show you up as a hysterical woman, so it behooves you to list in detail all the lies you believe I’ve told. You can do that can’t you?
If you check my commenting history, you would see that I well understand the currency system and who it benefits.
Now I ask you to stop your hysterics and stay on topic, which has to do with religion, not the fiat currency system. I believe you’re a proponent of the scam, so please provide some proof for a god, the jc character, miracles, virgin birth, multiplying food, resurrection, or any of the other ridiculous things you must believe in as a christian.


Billy-Boy Just Refuses to Quit, And/Or To Be Rational--Not A Course For Popularity
(Apollonian, 12 Feb 24)

Billy-boy, u're just a psycho, that's all. I explained to u about religion--it's just a short-hand, selected PHILOSOPHY, esp. for those who aren't professional philosophers, who have no training, who, way back when, weren't even literate.

So to object to religion is to object to philosophy and reason--is to object to humanity itself.

Regarding God, who is by definition ineffable (not subject to sense perception), hence not subject to verification, it's impossible to say it is provable that there is none. So "atheism" is exposed as mere opinion, not capable of proof, which u evidently want to impose. U're psycho, buddy.

Gov., however, is a more practical matter, for if there are bullies pushing everyone else around, those who take action against them are de-facto gov. or a rival gov., by definition. So if all the rest of the volk want to support the gov. in power, it's tough thing to go against if the entire society defends the gov.

U're just a self-righteous psycho, buddy, obviously therefore w. HUUUUGE inferiority-complex which u push in people's face far too much--not a popular way to be.
------------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below------------------------------------------------

259. RoatanBill says:
February 12, 2024 at 10:56 am GMT • 48 minutes ago • 300 Words

Can you explain why Mencken is an idiot and by extension why you think I’m one also? Can you point at any falsehoods I’ve made or in general why my position is wrong? If you object to my bluntness, tough shit.
To comment just to fling some mud is something children would do when they haven’t the intelligence to do otherwise. Surely you could explain your objection to what I’ve said in a logical and rational manner, can’t you?
I realize the religious types hate me, but that’s why it’s necessary for me to rile you up. If I can get you to think about the idiocy of believing in something that has never existed with the thousands of gods man has invented over the ages all proven false, I might get you to realize that your submission to the idiocy of gov’t stems from the same source.
Gov’t and religion are the worst inventions of mankind. Both have dumbed down their adherents to the point where the populations are just the equivalent of farm animals to be used and abused for their labor potential. I don’t particularly care if you want to spend your life working for the likes of a Pelosi, Obama, Trump, etc, but you insist I also pay my fair share in taxes (theft) and follow the dictates of a bunch of assholes (laws).
I have almost no respect for the religious because they have no balls. They meekly submit to religious bullshit and by extension gov’t schemes where they even become the murderers of peoples in foreign lands. You disgust me.
Now, surely, you should defend yourself against my allegations with some form of logical and rational argument why you believe in bullshit and why so many of your ilk are murderers.


apollonian says: • Website
February 13, 2024 at 4:29 pm GMT • very recent
@emerging majority
But why is it a “low” blow?–aren’t u proud of ur emergence as majority?
------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------

312. emerging majority says:
February 13, 2024 at 4:11 pm GMT • 19 minutes ago
Appolitanian: Such a low blow from a semiconscious midwit. Quite typical of those who have yet to discover the efficacy of critical thought along with original thinking.
------------------------------------------above by "emerging..." in response to below-copied----------------------------------------

309. apollonian says: • Website
February 13, 2024 at 12:35 pm GMT • 3.9 hours ago
I thought he was more of a homer-sexual–still “emerging,” and he and his buddies becoming a “majority.”
# 318

Billy-Boy's Skeptic Notions Of History Should Be Seriously Considered By More People, Indubitably
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 24)

<blockquote>"History is predominantly the machinations of the murderers in the ruling class of the time period and they want the glory and notoriety as befits their projected image....All of Europe doesn’t write their own history because the US and NATO overshadow everything.

"History is at best a one sided description of some actual event and often times a description of pure fiction as the catholic church concocted documents during the middle ages according to people that have researched what history exists and have come to that conclusion.

"...[A]nd when we are dealing with religion and gov’t, it’s all propaganda bullshit." --Billy-boy, the raving psycho</blockquote> So here, once again, the babbling loony insists on informing people he imagines are too naive to thinking for themselves, telling us all about what history REALLY is, folks, and don't doubt Billy-boy knows all about it--we really should take his word for it, for sure.

He says, "...according to people that have researched...and have come to that conclusion," which conclusions everyone else should accept because psycho-boy sure accepts them, right? And loony-toons Billy makes it HIS "religion" to trashing anyone else's religion. Loony toons Bill knows better. And if psycho Billy doesn't "trust their opinion because they weren’t there to witness what went on...," well, golly gee, but Billy-boy is such a wise moron, and everyone else should think his way too, why not?

Gosh, Mr. Bill, but u just have to finally realize the rest of us peasants just aren't as smart as one like u who knows so much as u're pleased to telling us--why haven't u been made the leader of some country, or maybe the mayor of a city, at least a village? We're sure lucky we have u, in any case.

---------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------------------

314. RoatanBill says:
February 13, 2024 at 7:23 pm GMT • 1.1 hours ago • 300 Words
You can’t research what doesn’t exist, namely the other side of the story that was never recorded because the winner didn’t want it recorded. Of what was recorded, it was most likely embellished to make the victory all the more fabulous for the POS leader of the day. History is predominantly the machinations of the murderers in the ruling class of the time period and they want the glory and notoriety as befits their projected image. These people can’t be trusted to tell you if it’s night or day, much less what actually went on during their reign of terror.
Go into any US school and find the ‘history’ as recorded by the Japanese about why they attacked Pearl Harbor. You won’t find it. Even today, Japan and German are occupied territory that prevents them from having their own foreign policy, etc. All of Europe doesn’t write their own history because the US and NATO overshadow everything.
History is at best a one sided description of some actual event and often times a description of pure fiction as the catholic church concocted documents during the middle ages according to people that have researched what history exists and have come to that conclusion. I don’t trust their opinion because they weren’t there to witness what went on, the same way I don’t trust some paleontologist when he tells me that some humongous bird flew especially when mechanical engineers and biologists state that the bones would never have been capable of flight.
If you can’t prove it you can’t say it. Proof requires actual empirical evidence and when we are dealing with religion and gov’t, it’s all propaganda bullshit.
BTW – your example in your first paragraph is lame, I don’t have a web site and your parting insult just paints you as the A**hole you always are.
Replies: @RupertTiger

# 418

Guyenot Simply Contrives A “Problem” Which Doesn’t Exist In Reality–Only In His Mind
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 24)

U people are wasting ur time discussing and worrying about about the “Jesus problem”–New Test. is LITERATURE, no less than Illiad and Odyssey, suckers–get a clue. U have a literally satanic thesis, Judaism/Talmudism. At the time of Christ Talmud hadn’t yet been fully written-out. But what is “Oral Law Trad.”?–it’s SUBJECTIVISM for purpose of “good,” benefit, advantage, dominance, and rulership of Jews, adjudicated by rabbis. Thus Torah, and hence all reality is what rabbis SAY it is, PERIOD–subjectivism, again chutzpah, effrontery, and presumption.

So Christianity sought, and succeeded in overthrowing this gross, horrendous satanism by which Pharisees had pretended to capture Torah and Mosaic order. So Pharisees say, “sure, we follow the Torah–except for this and that, and whatever…” they want to contrive, whenever they want–such is the subjectivism of the Pharisees and “Oral Law Trad.” Subjectivism for the sake of Jew rulership.

Look up subjectivism, say in Wikipedia–it’s consciousness/subject creating reality, thus pretending to godliness and creation of reality–SATANISM–that’s Judaism, all for the sake of totalitarian dictatorship–what’s ur problem?–it’s not difficult to figure-out if u have a brain and even a smidgen of honesty.

Thus Christ is symbol for truth itself (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)–what’s the matter w. u people that u can’t see this explicitly given definition–u’re just a bunch of morons and fools. Significance of Christian TRUTH (= Christ) is the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis and criterion of such truth–there’s no other way to have any meaningful truth, suckers–get a brain, fools. Christ figure in New Test. simply affirms that objective (God-given) reality AGAINST Judaic subjectivism/satanism.

Guyenot wants to pretend to verifying the reality of some guy named “Jesus”?–this is totally moronic and idiotic–TOTALLY MISSING THE CHRISTIAN PT. Christ the man cannot be proven or disproven–IT’S IRRELEVANT. Thus Christ, the literary figure of New Test. teaches truth is God, as in form of Holy Spirit, simply an aspect of God, the proper object of worship. And the “way” (again, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) of truth is difficult and even agonizing, but it’s the only way to any realistic satisfaction, hence “salvation,” and the only way to the “Father” (“through the Son”).

And truth ALWAYS RESURRECTS to coming back to “bite” u if u deviate–the big joke against Pharisees and all satanists–because u can’t kill truth anymore than u can kill the objective reality, fools–get a clue. Christian literature then is just Hegelian anti-thesis against Jew subjectivism and satanism, and there u have it, the magnificent, heavenly Christian literature, no less than that previous literature of Homer, the Illiad and Odyssey which served similar purpose for Greek culture, leading then to the Christian era in which we still exist.
Last edited:
Ho ho ho hoh oho--I tried to post below-copied at Why Jewish Conspiracies Fall Flat Sometimes, by Robert Lindsay - The Unz Review, but it was immediately BLOCKED by the Jew editor, Unz, w. the usual "too much commenting; take a break" msg, ho ho ho ho--Jews absolutely HATE truth, suckers

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
# 52 Unz finally decides to publish now that I'm down the list

Lindsay Presents Excellent Journalist Reporting of Pertinent Facts, Just Leaves Out Basics
(Apollonian, 14 Feb 24)

Robt. Lindsay is soooo Jewwy, one must ask how he couldn't be Jew himself, steeped in that Jewwiness. But Lindsay is extremely good for psychology, though he's poor at that most basic, simple PHILOSOPHY and fundamental facts. For WHAT exactly is Judaism?--it's Talmudism and/or "Oral Law Trad.," by which Torah is INTERPRETED (called "midrash") for the "good" (meaning benefit, dominance, advantage, and RULERSHIP) of the Jews.

Pharisees arose as religious sect in 3rd to 2nd cent.s BC--they're not same as "Judeans" (who lived in Palestine at the time), or Israelites, or Hebrews--Pharisees becoming prominent within the middle-class, scribes, rabbis, merchants, leading maybe 5% of the pop. of Judea at the time of Christ. See Hoffman's scholarly work at RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, also Talmudical.blogspot.com.

Thus Judaism/Talmudism IS CONSPIRACY, a war-strategy, -plan, -configuration against the goyim (called "Amalek"--see Old Test. Books of Samuel), and their God is a war god who slaughtered the innocent babes of Egypt, celebrated by "PASSOVER." All goyim are seen as "anti-semitic," and all goyim who are aware of Jews are naturally anti-semitic, no less than Jews are anti-goy. Thus Judaism/Talmudism is (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM by which reality is creation of consciousness (see Wikipedia article on subjectivism).

Thus as Judaism is (extreme) subjectivism, entailing the creation of reality, they're satanists by definition (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), naturally given to such satanism, utterly ruthless, bloody, and determined--otherwise they cease and fail to be fully Judaic and loyal thereto. And even if we entirely eliminated Jews, another group of subjectivistic misanthropes would arise to taking their place.

Our dear Christianity, by contrast, is the reactionary worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which "truth" necessarily requires the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality as criterion for such truth to have any real meaning--even though many if not most moron goyim fail to grasp this philosophic pt. Thus Christianity was deliberately, consciously designed as HEGELIAN anti-thesis of Judaism and subjectivism--why REAL Christians are necessarily anti-semitic. "Judeo-Christian" is farcical, idiotic oxymoron--which so many goyim fools fail to grasp.

Lots more could be said and noted on this subject of Judaism and its reactionary product, Christianity, but these basic facts about the issues are sufficient for present, I submit--it suffices to inform Mr. Lindsay for what he leaves out and fails to grasp, which he seems to tacitly admit.

# 179.

Lindsay Fools Himself With False History, Mis-Understanding of Fiat-Currency
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 24)

<blockquote>"Those converso Jews simply outcompeted Gentiles for whatever reason. In addition, as usual, they accumulated a lot of economic power. Whenever Jews do this, antisemitism often follows.

"My theory is simply that Jews outcompete Gentiles for whatever reason (with Ashkenazim it is intelligence and maybe clannishness too), so they end up with disproportionate power and money. I hate to say it, but Jews are simply superior to us Gentiles! This is why they outcompete us and accumulate outsized power and money in our societies." -R. Lindsay</blockquote>

It's amazing u sooo totally fail to grasp hist. which is CYCLIC, according to Spengler. Note the REAL Christianity, featuring the objective (Aristotelian) reality (as I pt. out in above # 52) AGAINST Jew subjectivism, Hegelian anti-theses, which original Christianity is outrightly, OBVIOUSLY anti-semitic, properly kept Jews down for the first 1000 yrs, but what then happened?

The very success of Christianity saw to the over-population of Europe, bringing on the Black Plague. But the continuing success of Christianity and the over-population led to the Reformation, Europeans against Europeans, Prot. vs. Cat., whence the Jews began to thrive, some of them (very few--the top financiers) even began to getting noble titles, as fm the German princes who rewarded their court Jew financiers.

Presently, we now see the CRIMINAL US Federal Reserve System (the "fed") which issues forth veritable oceans and great mountains ("inflation") of COUNTERFEITED fiat-currency--which is leading to on-going collapse of US Dollar as "reserve-currency." It is this criminal banking which has led to Jew "success" and hegemony, but which is now collapsing along w. the criminal counterfeit currency system. See Mises.org; use their site search-engine for particular terms like "fiat-currency" and "central-banking."

Thus the stupid, over-populated "liberalized" goyim (like urself, I suspect, who believe in non-existent "good-evil," for children and dogs, and perfectly "free" god-like human will) FORGET that Jew Talmudic "religion" is actually a war-plan, -strategy, and -configuration, which fools the now over-populated goyim, like urself. For nowadays Jews make use of the goyim "elite," criminals and mattoids, to fool the over-populated goyim fools and inferiors who ACCEPT the (false) legitimacy of the criminal bank-counterfeiting scam, like the US Fed.

So Jews haven't "out-competed" anyone so much as they've simply fooled, along w. their elite goy accomplices, like urself, evidently, the masses of goyim over-populated fools, weaklings, and inferiors--that's all that's happened--u're just not bright enough to grasp the criminal nature of the US "fed" scam and the satanic nature of those who thus take advantage.

--------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------------------

139. Robert Lindsay says: • Website
February 15, 2024 at 1:03 am GMT • 9.4 hours ago • 500 Words

# 209

Robt. Lindsay: Truly A Work of Art
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 24)

<blockquote>"And you guys call me Jewlover.... I can’t win, huh?" -Robt. L.</blockquote>

No, Robt. u can't win because u're a liar and surely quite psychotic. U lie to urself, buddy. See, Jews are fundamentally subjectivists, following their "Oral Law Trad.," by which they INTERPRET (called by them, "midrash"), beginning w. Torah, but then EVERYTHING ELSE too. Philosophy of subjectivism IS THEIR RELIGION ("Oral law Trad.").

And they do this subjectivist "interpretation" (midrash) for the "good," benefit, advantage, dominance, and rulership, of Jews, led by their rabbis. Jews conduct war against all gentiles, called "Amalek," guided by their rabbis. "Cheating" is mere second-nature for Jews.

There's no reality but for what Jews, led by rabbis, say. Thus there's no truth but for what Jews say--and that's why they necessarily hate Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and the objective (Aristotelian, Greek) reality, Christians, and it goes well w. their war against gentiles ("Amalek") in general. For truth requires the objective reality for any serious meaning to the word, truth--which Jews hate.

Thus, as (extreme) subjectivism is satanism by definition (making oneself creator of reality), Jews are satanists, esp. their leaders. Judaism is satanism, Jews leading the subjectivists among goyim which includes, necessarily, and by definition, all "LIBERALS," who believe in non-existent "good-evil" and equally non-existent perfectly "free" (God-like) human will.

However, most liberals and even most Jews would deny being outright satanists, though they will admit to being subjectivists, believing in "good-evil" no less than Evangelical Christians beeeeeleeeeeeeev Jews are "good," no worse than anyone else.

Note that in extreme subjectivism everything is both true and false, so a "liberal" like urself would probably deny u're a liar, though u obviously are, but ur excuse is u primarily lie to urself first and most, so all ur other lying is ok--similar to how most satanists would rationalize. U're truly a piece of work, Robt.

-----------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

202. Robert Lindsay says: • Website
February 15, 2024 at 7:42 pm GMT • 33 minutes ago • 300 Words
@Wild Man
You talk like you are excusing/enabling your girlfriend’s cluster-B-type psycho-cunt behavior (i.e – Israel’s behavior, …. it’s ‘me, me, me’ 100% of the time – but you probably wouldn’t actually accept this level of female-type-psychopathy emanating from an actual irl girlfriend, though).
We broke up. She was great though. She really loved me. She wasn’t a psychobitch. Been there, done that, got the tshirt! But one of those loved me more than any woman ever had.
She was just rather domineering and I sat there and took it like a big baby. Woman around us would complain about how she treated me, which is pathetic. I finally started fighting back against her and I called her names, and she went away and never came back. I thought she sought out men she thought were weak so she could dominate them. It’s a common thing. She loved them though unlike most such cases where she has contempt for him as a wimp. I have no idea if domineering is a Jewish woman thing.
and your reputation is probably suffering
Nowhere to go but up. My reputation is vicious antisemite, n-rlover, racist, bigot, fascist, conservative, Republican, Nazi, homophobe, misogynist, transphobe, Nazi, etc. and I’m widely hated for that. I’m banned from most liberal and Left forums and there are often bans on linking to “the racist Lindsay.” There’s also other stuff like an opposition to the Moral Panic about teenage sex which has a lot of people calling me some very bad names and even turning me into the police a lot.
And you guys call me Jewlover. The people on my site say I like Blacks and I’m pro-Black, but everyone says I’m an anti-Black racist. I can’t win, huh?

# 235

The Place Of Extreme Subjectivism In Sociology, Politics, History, Consistent With Greek Tragedy
(Apollonian, 16 Feb 24)

How would it be conspiracy? Ho ho, well who and how otherwise would Jews be so welcomed? For Jews are Talmudists, practitioners of "Oral Law Trad."--which is like a disease. Would typhus or leprosy, or any other disease be "welcomed"?

Jews gloat over having killed Christ (= truth, Gosp. MATT 27:25)--there's a reason we're so reminded by that gospel and Christian religion/philosophy. Only reason Jews would be brought in would be for the king to reaping a percentage of the takings of the Jews, as indeed was actually done in the middle ages, including in Poland. Soon enough, the people would be up in arms demanding the removal either of the Jews or the king--one of the causes of the Cossacks when they revolted against the Poles in the 17th cent.

Jews/satanists certainly serve NO useful purpose, but as reality is determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, one naturally wonders what actual sociologic purpose is served by Jews. And we see fm hist. how they fit. In economically healthy times for the people, Jews are/were banished--they're just a bunch of odious criminals.

But we see in this day how they work: the leaders of SUBJECTIVISM, their religion, the basis of socialism and esp. "liberalism" (as we know it today, simply a form of "soft" socialism, an interesting corruption of the original liberalism which actually featured real liberty as ideal).

Thus in the Spenglerian CYCLIC course of hist., when the population becomes excessive--again, as we see fm Reformation times in Europe--and the goyim begin to fighting one another, as in the old Cat. vs. Prot., Jews play a role. Jews presently play a role in Jew S A, running the central-bank counterfeiting scam, the atheist-leftists funding, leading the Demon-rats, while the Israel-first, "zionists" fund and lead the supposed "rightist" "Judeo-Christian" (see Whtt.org for expo) faction led now by Donald Trump.

So Jews play "good-cop vs. bad-cop" game for both sides while upholding their criminal racket, the US Federal Reserve counterfeiting scam, Jews winning no matter who wins the elections. And don't doubt that even if Jews were eliminated, some other subjectivists would soon arise and taking their place as the ultimate arbiters/rulers. Such is the tragic course, in fullest accord w. the ancient Greeks, the Christians following.

----------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------------------

233. John Johnson says:
February 16, 2024 at 3:07 pm GMT • 30 minutes ago • 100 Words

Jews absolutely need affirmative action hence them being so forceful in creating it along with their own jewish nepotism. They have two avenues for affirmative action.
Jews overrepresented law and medicine before affirmative action existed.
In 1930s Warsaw you most likely would have seen a Jewish doctor.
How would that be a conspiracy? The Jews were welcomed to Poland.



Christianity: Inspired by Anti-Thesis
(Apollonian, 16 Feb 24)

<blockquote>"You have serious Jew hatred if you can’t even acknowledge historical events...."
-J. Johnson</blockquote>

Well yeah, J. Johnson, "serious Jew hatred" was and still is what inspires our dear Christianity. So EVERYONE who knows Jews hates them, though some, like our Robt. Lindsay here, imagines he admires them and wants to join them, like some want to join criminal bandit gangs. Some others want and try to emulate Judaic hatred of the goyim. After all, humans can indeed be fairly disgusting.

But Christianity, through that sublime literature, following the Old Test., analyzes Judaism and provides not only the anti-semitic reaction, the usual, natural hatred, but also gives a solution to thorough-going subjectivism (and midrash) by which Jews not only fight and lie to the goyim, but also lie to one another and even themselves, as we see by Robt. Lindsay, that amazing piece of work.

That's why Christ is literary figure symbolizing truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the necessarily implicit objective reality, repudiating Jew subjectivism/satanism, warning that truth cannot be killed--that it RESURRECTS, "coming back to bite." Further, the Christian wisdom assures us that such dedication to truth and objective reality is the only path, at least a sure one, to peace among fellow humans, to extent it is possible.

But yes, hatred/resentment of Jews is the first spark, most often for Westerners, anyway, for this Christian and natural anti-semitic inspiration, without doubt. Christianity just provides a basic, further analysis and then an alternative path to whatever human satisfaction that can realistically be achieved. Humans cannot be blamed for anti-semitism--it's caused/inspired naturally by Jews--the trick is in how it is sublimated and turned towards more positive, productive ends--the real genius of Christianity, why it is so loved by goyim, hated by satanists.

--------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------------------

237. John Johnson says:
February 16, 2024 at 5:04 pm GMT • 10.4 hours ago • 100 Words
Maidan was paid for. Ukrainians don’t protest.
So videos of Maidan protests aren’t real?
You have serious Jew hatred if you can’t even acknowledge historical events that are viewable on youtube.
Do you deny that Ukraine’s parliament voted to remove the pro-Russian president and that included his own pro-Russian party?
If a majority of Congress voted to remove Biden over undeniable corruption charges would that be a coup?
Now be Putin defender #23723 that runs away when pressed for the details on this “CIA coup” that they can’t explain. They can’t deny the corruption or the fact that his own pro-Russian party wanted him gone. When presented with those facts they just run off as they didn’t realize their pro-Russian sources were that full of shit. Former DPR leader Igor Girkin already admitted it was a Russian operation.
Such lies work on Russian State TV but not in an open forum.
Go watch Russian TV if you just want “feel good” news that is crafted for your ideological beliefs. Similar to how CNN is crafted for the emotional White liberal woman that can’t handle reality.


# 256
We Might Otherwise Feel Almost Honored Lindsay Comes To Practice His Art Of Deception, Trying So Hard
(Apollonian, 17 Feb 24)

Agreed, the guy denies it but he acts like it to a T, so how should we conclude? Ho ho ho, I think we should simply observe the evidence and conclude to the necessary INDUCTIVE judgment that if it walks, talks, acts, looks like duck, then it probably is one.

(a) He's PATHOLOGICAL for his lying. Of course, goyim can be pathological too, like our brain-dead President (who said earlier in his career he was "zionist"). (b) And he's consistently in favor of these satanists, always deflecting any blame or attribution for obvious observations. (c) And note if he was one of the chosenites, he wouldn't hesitate to lie and say he's really goy.

And as Hitler observed, they just ignore other plain facts, like about the Federal Reserve counterfeiting scam which absolutely colors our entire existence and predicament. And it (this behavior) confirms the satanic nature of their organization--the underlings pretend they're "not religious," not satanist, but the leaders are un-questionably satanic.

(d) Look at all the others we get who pretend they're goyim, like "Patrick McNally," "John Johnson," who don't hesitate to tell outrageous lies, always in favor of u-know-who. So it really doesn't matter as it's all practical satanism in action (extreme subjectivism). So in creepy Joe's case, this pathological behavior is pathetic, while in present case of Robt. Lindsay it approaches comedy--as Dante noted in his great poem.

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254. Truth Vigilante says:
February 17, 2024 at 8:44 am GMT • 4.3 hours ago • 100 Words
@Robert Lindsay
Commies hate me and there’s no way I’d ever be one.
I doubt that.
I’ve had some exchanges with you in other threads and you’re well and truly a leftist extremist – and economically illiterate to boot.
UR readers take note, Robert Lindsay (likely a fake Anglicised handle he uses to hide the fact that he’s a Shlomo*), talks out of both sides of his mouth.
(*Take this remark from Shlomo Lindsay in comment # 241:
‘IQ = 112? They’re the smartest humans on Earth by far’.
No gentile makes false assertions like that about Jews, especially not in the boastful manner that ‘Lindsay’ does).
ONLY Jews carry on boastfully about the alleged virtues of other Jews.


266. apollonian says: • Website
February 17, 2024 at 9:48 pm GMT • 1.6 hours ago
Dear Robt. is just a tad psycho–what happens when u seriously practice double-think.
----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------------------------------------------

265. Alpine says:
February 17, 2024 at 8:38 pm GMT • 2.7 hours ago
@Robert Lindsay
“ No, I just don’t care…” “… So replacing the White majority will be good for my politics and will help kill the toxic White”
Can you stay coherent for even five seconds?
Replies: @apollonian

Well, Unz the Jew decided I've commented enough on his Jewwy website for today, evidently, so I got the msg again, "too much commenting...."
[Ho ho ho, finally Unz decides he'll publish]
# 273
Robt. Lindsay: Master of Self-Deception
(Apollonian, 17 Feb 24)

Indeed: observe how he talks about his supposed “people” as he says he’s white–he’s against white “toxicity” which “toxicity” is whiteness itself (though he won’t admit it), pride in it, willingness to defend it and fight for it–he’s against that, pretending he’s “left.” He may have had a white ancestor a few generations ago, but he’s “white” like a high-yellow or a mestizo, that’s how white he is–means nothing to him–and that’s not just being “left.”

It doesn’t even occur to the psycho that Jew S A is simply going to break-up, the states quite likely to voting to dissolve the so-called “union,” really the putrid, Jewified empire. And out of that breaking-up the white race is far, far fm being “done-for,” as he imagines and even wishes, no doubt.

That’s problem for Jew “midrash”–interpretation and outright lying–they end up lying to themselves. Their reality is subjective, and for whatever one thinks is true one simply must have “faith” (beeeeeleeevin’)–which sort of “faith” was picked-up by the low-IQ Evangelicals who say Christ was a Jew and support terror-state of Israel, Israel now engaged in mass-murdering Palestinians before the very eyes of the whole world. Robert’s game is to masquerade as a white person, thinking he’s successful in doing so and imagining he’s accomplishing anything–he just loves it that he thinks he fools anyone else aside fm himself.

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267. Alpine says:
February 17, 2024 at 10:46 pm GMT • 2.6 hours ago
These are the monsters we’re up against. Their commitment to White genocide is surpassed only by their insanity.


# 278.

Jews Take Over And Rule By Means of Satanism-Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 18 Feb 24)

Gosh Wild man, but I can answer practically every question you implicitly put--especially regarding Jews. So first beginning w. metaphysics and basic nature of things, never forget or doubt the "master of those who know," "the philosopher," Aristotle and his objective reality. Thus reality is determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect ("socio-biology" of Ed O. Wilson), thus no perfectly "free" human will--which Jews refuse to accept as they insist they're co-equal w. God and are thus soooooooo "smart"--how can u be "smart" if reality is determined? Thus Jews HATE objective reality and Aristotle, preferring Plato and/or Kant, also Marx and Keynes.

And note then Judaic "Oral Law Trad.," which is the "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah--overall SUBJECTIVISM (see # 52, above), definitive midrash (the "party-line") then determined by rabbis. Thus Jews believe in their Talmudic war-program, -plan, -strategy, and note the vicious ruthless violence of their war-god who killed the babes (who did nothing against Jews) of Egypt on PASSOVER, and the goyim on Purim.

Note this war-god is actually Jews' slave and assassin who just "loves" the heck out of Jews--see Biblic "Song of Solomon"--thus the "chosen" nature of kikes--how they mass-murder the Palestinians fm whom they stole the land, and declare there will be no "two-state" policy or program. See Mike A. Hoffman II for expo on this Judaic war-program, at RevisionistReview.blogspot.com and Talmudical.blogspot.com.

And humans are sinners, as Christianity, following Old Test., teaches. So "war is general and justice is strife," according to Heraclitus of Clazomenae (about 500 BC). Thus out of this combative chaos and anarchy, a power, like the Greco-Roman, arises following basically, generally objective, hence rationalistic sort of ideals to the extent they understand. But remember at first these vigorous, healthy warriors are just simple, honest farmers (why they're objective-oriented) and not yet sophisticated or "edjewmacated" enough to be corrupt and believing thus in non-existent "good-evil" or perfectly "free" god-like, human will.

Soon enough though, as the newly established culture is at first prosperous, victorious, and virtuous, it begins to corrupt (according to Spengler, in "Decline of the West") as in way of "edjewmacation" pretending to "good-evil," etc., thus suffering HUBRIS, and eventually to corrupting all the way to outright satanism (extreme subjectivism, the subject creating reality, making oneself God the creator) as we see in Jew S A presently, the corrupt, satanic culture now totally, thoroughly captured by the most subjectivist of all people, the Jews and other satanists, naturally, who are now quite monstrous, as we see in Israel/Palestine.

Such is the way of culture corrupting fm original objectivity to ultimate subjectivism, this latest stage predicted and described in New Test. "Book of Revelation(s)," the most ruthless satanists ruling esp. by means of the central-bank instrument consisting basically of COUNTERFEITED (though nominally legalized by the corrupt political regime) currency, not real MONEY which must be commodity-based, like gold/silver. See Mises.org for definitive expo on central-bank counterfeiting; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency," etc.

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277. Wild Man says:
February 18, 2024 at 11:49 am GMT • 1.9 hours ago • 900 Words
@Robert Lindsay

"... I will restate my query around that: Our culture is formed out of a tension between competitive themes and collaborative themes (just as are the themes that reign over the Darwinian dictates that inform upon cultural parameters). It is generally assumed (within the true-west gestalt of yore, at least) that a good culture is one where these competitive/collaborative themes are group-managed more-so towards win/win eventualities, instead of win/lose eventualities. Cluster-b-types, generally, have a huge amount of difficulty even groking what win/win is, though. Capeesh? Why are Jews more-so predisposed to this kind of weirdness (either intentionally, or unintentionally, blind to win/win possibilities)?


# 287.

Now Robt. Gives Us Ultra-Typical Jew-Bolsheviki Version of Recent History--HOW Could Robt. Possibly Be White?
(Apollonian, 18 Feb 24)

Robt., we can easily see by ur writing that u're certifiably schizophrenic, schizoid, or schizo-affected, esp. by such gems as, <blockquote>"...Stalin knew Hitler was going to attack the USSR all this time. He was preparing for it early on in the 30’s. Furthermore, collectivization, the resulting industrialization and moving industry east of the Urals arguably allowed the USSR to defeat Hitler."</blockquote>
But historian, Sean McMeekin ("Stalin's War") confirms that USA sent MASSIVE materials to the Russkies, including two items in particular which were absolutely essential to successful opposition to Germans: by summer of 1942, Russkies had rec'd over 40,000 trucks and huge masses of tons of food fm USA. Before Lend-lease, Russkies were totally immobilized and STARVING already.

It was US Lend-lease which saved the commie bacon, AND ONLY this vital aid fm USA. Were such aid not sent, unc' Adolf would have wiped Russkies out lickety-split, surely by '42 or '43 if not earlier. Furthermore, Stalin himself acknowledged, in at least two places and times, it was ONLY this American aid which allowed soviets to survive and then later to prevail. But u're plainly slick and breezy w. the Jew-commie lies and prop., we see.

It was simply Jew-inspired strategy, transmitted by FDR (Roosevelt) that Germany be attacked and destroyed for the obvious Jew-inspired reasons. Hitler only made a few mistakes, far too much under-estimating American economic productivity. End of story regarding WWII, a war of conquest by the Jew-controlled West, led by USA and UK.

-----------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------------------------

284. Robert Lindsay says:
February 19, 2024 at 2:43 am GMT • 28 minutes ago • 1,200 Words


# 297.

Is Johnny John John Confused?
(Apollonian, 19 Feb 24)

<blockquote>"Or trying to work through your own hatred of the Jews even though you are Christian?" --JJ</blockquote>

Johnny John John, I think anyone who reads these writings of ours sees and knows I quoted u properly and in-context. I simply pt'd out to u the facts about Christianity, easily confirmed fm that magnificent New Test. literature. Christianity is anti-semitism, PERIOD. If u're not anti-semitic, u're not Christian, PERIOD. Entire meaning of Christianity is anti-semitic. Christ himself was anti-semitic, PERIOD. But Christianity is more, going beyond mere anti-semitism (which all non-Jews are anyway, basically), Christianity standing for something productive, worshipping TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and then leading to a positive regard for one's fellows, etc. Christ defended the objective (Aristotelian) view of reality AGAINST Judaism/subjectivism/satanism--they're Hegelian anti-theses, obviously. Such is Christianity vs. Judaism. I'm NOT trying to "work through" anything. "Even though"?--not sure what u mean, so I just thought I'd clarify for u. Lindsay is schizoid psycho and pathological liar--as Jews tend to be--but he's piece of work, for sure.

--------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------------------------

295. John Johnson says:

February 19, 2024 at 10:03 pm GMT • 25 minutes ago • 400 Words

Christianity: Inspired by Anti-Thesis
“You have serious Jew hatred if you can’t even acknowledge historical events….”
-J. Johnson
Well yeah, J. Johnson, “serious Jew hatred” was and still is what inspires our dear Christianity.

Is that some out of context quote from years ago that you kept? Can you not quote me properly? How about quoting me from the thread in question?
But yes, hatred/resentment of Jews is the first spark, most often for Westerners, anyway, for this Christian and natural anti-semitic inspiration, without doubt.
Are you replying to the quote out of context? Or trying to work through your own hatred of the Jews even though you are Christian? I actually don’t care if you want to sit around and complain about Jews. For the 1000th time I’m not in most of the threads on Jews. I take a third rail position on the Jews and that hilariously gets taken as both pro and anti Jew. I certainly don’t support sending free money to Israel while the 100% Christian House MAGA Republicans want to send them a check for 14 billion dollars and are opposed by the secular Jews in the Senate. So our situation is clearly more complicated than “one big Jew conspiracy” when a Jew in the Senate is voting against free military toys to Israel while Israel First Republicans would call me an anti-semite for wanting a cease-fire.
I’m mostly in this thread because of Lindsay. Not because I am a fan but because he is such an oddity and challenges everyone in a unique way. He is strangely not only an unrepentent Marxist but also a racial-realist. But more importantly I can tell he has actually lived and worked with liberals and in the system. Too many critics of the liberal status quo are conservatives or alt-right types that have maybe ventured into the city for a football game. There is a real perspective that they lack. They have no idea as to how many urban liberals know full well that they are lying and are not doe eyed White women that have been duped by Jews. Lindsay is fully aware of this as he is experienced with public education. He knows how easy these theories involving Jews can spread when you have no idea how much liberals have to lie on a daily basis to maintain the mess that is America.
For the record I am anti-Marxist even though I will read Lindsay. Unlike other Marxists I would give him a break on account of his honesty on race. Perhaps even give him his own comfy villa within the prison where we keep Wokechoke from hitting him with a stick.

------------------------------couple mins later, I added below-copied----------------------------------------

# 298.
Johnny John John IS Confused–But Like Lots Others
(Apollonian, 19 Feb 24)

“…while the 100% Christian House MAGA Republicans want to send them….” -JJ
Those “MAGA Republicans” are not properly Christian, as they’re actually heretics, at best, as they’re not anti-semitic. U just don’t grasp the necessary realities at play–but there are lots like u, aren’t there?

Ho ho ho, Unz the Jew has me blocked again, "too much commenting...," which he actually does habitually--and note how I'm only here trying to reply to one of his Jew buddies
# 324.

The Jew Imagines He Know Christianity Better Than Christians
(Apollonian, 19 Feb 24)

Ho ho ho, Jew Jewson here is now theologic authority upon Christianity--is that the typical chutzpah much? Jewwy Jewson doesn't know for himself, but goes by what someone tells him, ho ho ho--and then declaims to someone else. Newsflash, Jew: "Judeo-Christianity" is meaningless oxymoron, sucker--there's no such thing--the two are Hegelian anti-theses, like objective vs. subjective, truth vs. lies. And people can read New Test. and consider for themselves. New Test. is the source, Jew.

"Jew" is defined as follower/descendant of Pharisees, a religious sect--NOT the denizens of the province of Judea at time of Christ, of whom only about 5% were of the middle-class sect, Pharisees, scribes, rabbis, merchants--among Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, and many others for at least 20 major, significant sects. "Jew" is NOT same as Judean, Israelite, or Hebrew, sucker. U Jews live too much within ur own little subjectivist, wishful-thinking, which will be ur downfall, surely, we pray.

-------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------------------

301. John Johnson says:
February 20, 2024 at 12:36 am GMT • 44 minutes ago • 200 Words

Johnny John John, I think anyone who reads these writings of ours sees and knows I quoted u properly and in-context.
You quoted in a way that normally denotes a comment from a previous time. I’m in a lot of threads and do not track them all.
Quoting properly would be a simple use of the italics or blockquote button with the full context.
Christianity is anti-semitism, PERIOD. If u’re not anti-semitic, u’re not Christian, PERIOD.
I would put it near 99.9% of Christians theologians would disagree. What gives you the authority to make such a declarative claim?
If u’re not anti-semitic, u’re not Christian, PERIOD.
His mother would have been Jewish so I doubt he would have hated the Jews as much as you.
Most of the criticisms of Jews on Unz are related to the Ashkenazi and not the Hebrews of his time. But you can be a Christian and not like the Jews. I really don’t care. But I call it like I see it and if you disagree with a quote then take the whole thing.

# 325

Just HOW "Complicated" Is The "One Big Jew Conspiracy"?
(Apollonian, 19 Feb 24)

<blockquote>"So our situation is clearly more complicated than “one big Jew conspiracy"...." -JJ (Jew Jewson)</blockquote> So, as we know, the great, over-arching conspiracy is both (a) existential and practical, but also (b) under-lying in the abstract.

(a) Thus the existential "big Jew conspiracy," involves others, but the Jews play a major part un-doubtedly, and that is the US Federal Reserve (the "fed") "bank" counterfeiting scam which generates great volumes and oodles of fiat-currency, not real money--it's potentially, theoretically endless. And it's amazing, the brainless, over-populated morons among the gentile population can't figure-out that the people behind this criminal counterfeiting scam, who aren't only Jews, will become amazingly, incredibly wealthy and rich fm this fiat-currency scam.

For one thing, the fiat-currency (counterfeiting) system takes its place for financing warfare, so the obvious strategy of the "bankers" (again, really just counterfeiting criminals) is to keeping the nation/empire forever engaged in evermore warfare requiring evermore financing.

And there's actually lots of ref. & historical material on this central-banking of issue subject, but best source is Mises.org where there's a site search-engine which defines and exposits the numerous, various particular terms, like "fiat-currency" and "central-banking," etc.

(b) The abstract part which underlies the "big Jew conspiracy" is the nature of Judaism/Talmudism itself which is "Oral Law Trad.," which consists of "midrash" (interpretation), beginning w. Torah, but extends to everything else without exception--SUBJECTIVISM--by which everything is is construed and interpreted ("midrash") for the "good," benefit, advantage, dominance, and rulership of the Jews, led by rabbis. And all Jews, qua Jews, are involved and connected necessarily by the nature of Judaism, which is collectivist enterprise.

Note extreme subjectivism is satanism by which the subject/consciousness (collective, in case of Jews, and some others, like masons) is creator of reality, in god-like fashion. Most Jews would probably deny they're satanist, but the leaders are un-doubtedly

Thus Jews are engaged in a subversive, at first, warfare, psy-ops, against all gentiles who are seen as anti-semites ("Amalek"), and indeed, as gentiles are targeted, they necessarily react in anti-semitic fashion in obligatory self-defense. Gradually, by steps, this Talmudic warfare becomes evermore overt, as when Jews bring about socialist/bolshevik revolution or act through the judiciary and government.

Finally, the central-banking issue is well-known in American history fm time of Hamilton, Jefferson, and Madison, also, later especially by Andrew Jackson and his famous "bank-war" against the 2nd BUS. So while "the big Jew conspiracy" is quite extensive and all-encompassing, it really isn't that "complicated." Jews are hated by all humanity who know about them for excellent and solid reason.

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299. Tiptoethrutulips says:
February 19, 2024 at 11:31 pm GMT • 2.4 hours ago • 200 Words
@John Johnson

# 305

Ed Needs To Be More Honest & Realistic
(Apollonian 19 Feb 24)

Eddie: U're just not getting it, and not-getting-it w. Jews is and will be fatal if u're not careful.

Note Jews ARE SATANISTS (Gosp. JOHN 8:44)--anti-Christs--they hate Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--why they gloat over having killed Christ (Gosp. MATT 27:25). Note truth only really exists in an objective reality--which Jews reject as they're subjectivists, and their leaders are EXTREME subjectivists--look what's going-on in Palestine, Jews rejecting two-state treaty w. the people fm whom they stole the land in first place.

What, once again, is Jew religion?--"Oral Law Trad." (Gosp. MARK ch. 7) whence they "interpret" and construe, called "midrash," Torah and hence everything, according to what's "good," benefit, advantage, dominance, and rulership of Jews. Jews are supreme, ultimate SUBJECTIVISTS by which they construe and "interpret" (midrash, once again) their own collectivistic subjectivist reality, making themselves to be creator(s) of reality, like God. See Wikipedia on "subjectivism," consciousness creating reality.

Thus Jew religion, as fm Talmud, the written-out "midrash" ("party-line"), is war and lying to the anti-semites and goyim, called "Amalek." In general, their religion is LYING and lies, esp. to gentiles, and warfare, but they also lie to themselves as thorough-going subjectivists. U need to figure this out about Jews--it's all in New Test., which u should know something about if u're gentile and white. For full expo on Jew religion, see RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Talmudical.blogspot.com. Also see TruthTellers.org and Come-and-hear.com

So cut the crap about "moral" and "immoral"; morality is just logic btwn ends and means, and there's no such thing as "good-evil," and no one in all history has proven or discovered any clear, consistent criterion for such "good-evil"--it's entirely subjectivistic.

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303. King Edward I says:
February 20, 2024 at 3:08 am GMT • 43 minutes ago • 100 Words
@John Johnson
johnson says…
I’m mostly in this thread because of Lindsay. Not because I am a fan but because he is such an oddity and challenges everyone in a unique way.
me: Challenge? No, he’s a total hypocrite. An anti White ahole. He doesn’t challenge me, he annoys the fk out of me. He constantly says “good for the jews” when they push their jews-first tribal ethnic agenda in the west, but the millisecond a White gentile starts to advocate for the interests of White people in the west, he cries foul and starts whining about “notseees” and “wayciism”.
He accepts identity politics for jews, blacks, mestizos, asians and everyone EXCEPT White gentiles.
That isn’t “challenging”, it is an anti White, immoral double standard.

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# 337.
Jew Jewson Gave His Best Try, Folks
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 24)

<blockquote>"I do however know the protestant church as I’ve been to many of them. I in fact didn’t appreciate being told that evolution was satan’s work and the flood account is true which means we are all descendants of Noah. That would mean all humans are Jews which doesn’t make sense.

"Maybe try being less emotional. You sound like a scorned woman."</blockquote> Ho ho ho, what?--a "scorned woman"? I doubt it, but u're not above doing some more lying as u're so good at doing, eh? Ho ho ho. U play low-key, and then u pretend u're dumb goyim (which u do well, Jew). And u don't stop with all this play-acting. But u only fool urself. Like Robt. Lindsay, u fool urself so well, u now think u fool everyone else, too. U and Lindsay are quite a pair, eh?

But our dear Christianity is soooo popular, in all truth, so many people, including urself, like to make use of it as u & they try, and we get such creatures as u and Robt. Lindsay, thinking u're soooo clever, p'ting-out seeming ironies and lies. U pt. to the false-prophets and pretend they're the real thing--called "straw-man" fallacy; golly, but aren't u clever.

And u refuse to face up to the basic, genuine, actual philosophies involved, i.e. that Judaism is purest subjectivism, and hence satanism, and Christianity is actually quite successful anti-thesis and anti-dote. U make use of that subtle equivocation fallacy insisting Jews are same as Judeans, including the mother of Christ--u're a genius, eh? But u only fool urself, sucker.

So what can one say or do? That magnificent literature is there to read for oneself, and we get yet another clown like u telling ur lies as u do, imagining u accomplish anything more than self-deception, saying others "sound like scorned" women--u're just another low-key liar, Jew--there are actually lots of ur sort, aren't there, but I doubt u do too much damage.

------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------------

# 328. John Johnson says:
February 21, 2024 at 1:20 am GMT • 3.0 hours ago • 100 Words

The Jew Imagines He Know Christianity Better Than Christians
I grew up in the church and was told repeatedly that the Jews are God’s chosen people.
51% of US Evangelicals believe Jews are ‘still God’s chosen people’
Looks like I didn’t imagine that. So no I highly doubt that even 1% of Christian leaders would believe that Christianity is antisemitism.
Now call me a Jew even though in my history I said I doubt God favors anyone. I’ve also been corrected by Jews here for getting the holidays wrong. I don’t know the holidays and don’t care.
I do however know the protestant church as I’ve been to many of them. I in fact didn’t appreciate being told that evolution was satan’s work and the flood account is true which means we are all descendants of Noah. That would mean all humans are Jews which doesn’t make sense.
Maybe try being less emotional. You sound like a scorned woman.
And people can read New Test. and consider for themselves. New Test. is the source, Jew.
I’ve read most of the New Testament. I had Christian leaders point at the Old Testament over sexual lectures but when asked why Christians can’t eat shrimp…..oh cause New Covenant.

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# 329 John Johnson says:
February 21, 2024 at 1:34 am GMT • 2.8 hours ago • 200 Words

Those “MAGA Republicans” are not properly Christian, as they’re actually heretics, at best, as they’re not anti-semitic. U just don’t grasp the necessary realities at play–but there are lots like u, aren’t there?
I’m pointing out a massive contradiction in the tribalism of the crowds here. The Jew blaming/accusing is highly emotional and gives peculiar Jew passes to certain politicians and groups. It ignores Jews like Bernie Sanders that push for a ceasefire that is offensive to non-Jewish House Republicans.
I pointed out that Jewish Blinken had done more to push a ceasefire than Putin and there was outratge….yet no one could provide evidence to the contrary.
The White House MAGA Republicans are not Jewish and are offended by anything less than sending them a check for $14 billion dollars. Polls show that Americans want a ceasefire.
The Jew blamers here outrage over skeptics, dissenters or even people like myself that have been on record for years that Israel should not get free US aid. Anyone who steps out of line or has their own opinions is called a Jew but MAGA Republicans lining up to fund Israel doesn’t get a peep.
Trump is another example. He flew over to Israel on his own to sign US recognition of Gaza with nothing in return. Yet that is never mentioned when his name comes up. Both he and Putin get Jew passes. They’re never called Jew supporters. There are never blog posts on how MAGA House Republicans are not America First in the least. No one calls them Jew supporters.
However Tiptoe believes I am a Jew supporter because I don’t support trying to rehabilitate Hitler’s image and asked for a document from 1939.
Makes sense.
Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips

# 344

Poles Started WWII, Suckers, Following Instructions Fm USA & UK
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 24)

Just more Jewwy lies fm Jew Jewson, folks. In first place, note the world was under attack fm the Jews and bolsheviks, as always, considering the fundamental satanic nature of Judaism. Note the bolsheviks were a creature of the central-banking scam which was well in operation at the time. War is simply a means to the obligatory end for such central-banking which was in effect since time of the Rothschilds even DURING the Napoleonic wars.

Regarding Poland, just see "The Forced War," by David Hoggan. Poles had illegally taken lots of land fm Germany immediately after WWI, and there were upwards of 1.5 MILLION Germans still living in Poland in the 30s. And Poles were determined to taking Danzig. Poles made an OFFENSIVE treaty w. UK in March of 1939, and UK and France were just waiting for the stupid Poles to starting the war. Hitler and Germany tried to negotiate a modus vivendi w. Poles against USSR. Hitler was extremely reasonable as he had been all throughout the 30s.

As Hoggan explains, Poles were determined to take German city of Danzig, and at the time were killing German citizens of Poland, still living in Poland. So Hitler pre-emptively attacked Poles, expecting UK and France would eventually negotiate. But FDR (Roosevelt) and Jews in USA were keen and determined for war, and it was USA and UK behind the Poles who really started the war. Remember, it was UK and France who declared war against Germany--that's what started WWII. Jew Jewson just does his typical lies and lying for Jews, etc.

-------------------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------------------------

# 343 John Johnson says:
February 21, 2024 at 11:34 pm GMT • 1.5 hours ago • 100 Words
What was stopping Hitler from creating a Vichy France type state in Poland and carving out the corridor? Answer: Nothing.
The difference is that he viewed Poles as subhumans that didn’t deserve to be alive.
His attack on Poland had nothing to do with a Danzig corridor. He viewed war with Poland and Eastern Europe as part of a biological war where the Germans would not only win but eliminate the enemy. He planned on starving over 10 million Slavs to death through the hunger plan.
Hitler was full of shit and just wanted to kill Poles and turn their country into German farmland.
Poland was actually headed by an anti-Communist at the time and yet the great anti-Communist watercolor painter made a deal with a Communist psychopath so he could go on a killing spree in Christian Poland. What a hero.
Both Hitler and Stalin agreed: Time to kill some Christian Poles.

# 342 John Johnson says:
February 21, 2024 at 11:24 pm GMT • 1.6 hours ago
Yes, I did. You disappeared from that exchange, by the way. Of course, I sent over a thousand + word response, so….
Provide the URL of a source to the ultimatum from Hitler to Poland over the Danzig Corridor. Shouldn’t be hard if it exists.
Or show everyone you don’t have one and just assumed Mr. “Last territorial claim in Europe” Hitler was telling the truth about trying to be fair before he made a deal with Stalin to split Poland in two and go on a killing spree.
You see Poles, Hitler was trying to be a nice guy before he tried to kill off your intellectual class and kidnap your Aryan children. He planned on turning Poland into farmland and leveling Warsaw.

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Well folks, Unz, the kike editor, deliberately censored/deleted below-copied essay--that's Jews for u--they HATE truth absolutely

Most Effective Anti-dote To Satanism Is/Was Dear Christianity
(Apollonian, 22 Feb 24)

<blockquote>"...[T]hen the overriding concern of the day, and the primary moral imperative, is to be anti-Jewish—that is, to be an anti-Semite. Every person of conscience needs to stand up and state, unambiguously and proudly, “I am an anti-Semite.” This is not some mindless “hatred of Jews” but rather an informed and rational challenge to Jewish influence—and really their dominant position—of Western nations. We need to say, in so many words, “Jews are at the heart of the global poly-crisis, and therefore we must, of necessity, be anti-Jewish.” Anything less is to evade the root cause, and anything less will effectively yield to catastrophe." -T. Dalton</blockquote>

Well yes, un-questionably, Dalton's advice, above-quoted is quite right, BUT there are obvious problems, yes? For in the first place we ALREADY HAVE the greatest anti-semitic program ever devised, but which has been almost miraculously de-fused and de-activated--that magnificent Christian literature and resultant program--which succeeded so brilliantly for well over 1000 yrs--until, beginning in the Renaissance, then building steam in the Reformation, when Europeans began to seriously grapple in philosophic manner, Cat. vs. Prot., and then decisively after French Rev.--what happened?

It's very simple, really--what happened then was CENTRAL-BANKING, as we have now in US Federal Reserve COUNTERFEITING scam by which REAL MONEY was pretended to be made obsolete, and the stupid, over-populated goyim put the Jews (like the Rothschilds) in to run the fiat-currency regimes--which has succeeded like gang-busters, and has brought-in the present SATANIST regime in guise of "woke" culture, suckers.

Thus the real, true (hence anti-satanic, hence anti-semitic) Christianity was set aside to make room for this counterfeiting scam and central-banking--all for mere CURRENCY--not real money, as I note. See Mises.org for best, fullest expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency," and "central-banking."

For what is Judaism/Talmudism?--extreme subjectivism, hence satanism--the fully "woke" culture, and so we gentiles must revert and emphasize SATANISM--that's the real problem (because that's what Judaism/Talmudism really is).

For note Judaism/Talmudism is "Oral Law Trad.," which is "midrash" (interpretation) by which Torah is defined and construed by rabbis to mean whatever rabbis say it means--SUBJECTIVISM--this, all "for the "good" (benefit, advantage, dominance, and rulership) of Jews. Naturally, extreme subjectivism is satanism, subjectivism (see Wikipedia on the subject) being consciousness/subject creating reality in god-like fashion, making subject to be the creator of reality, pure and simple.

So note these are the problems: satanism, (extreme) subjectivism, which make up "woke" culture, the anti-thesis to Western culture, most effective and powerful form of such satanism is Judaism/Talmudism. Most effective anti-dote to such satanism is our dear Christianity, Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), as truth is only meaningful in the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality. And truth always “RESURRECTS” as one can’t kill truth anymore than one can kill objective reality.
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