Why I admire Adolf Hitler


Why I Admire Adolf Hitler

By David Myatt

I admire Adolf Hitler because I know he was a good man - a noble, idealistic man who strove hard to create a better way of life for his people. I have seen past all the lies which have been told and are being told about Adolf Hitler - and I know he was not the person his ignoble enemies have portrayed him to be.

I admire Adolf Hitler because I know he gave back to the German people, whom he loved and cared for, their dignity, their honour and their freedom. I admire Adolf Hitler because he created and lead to victory a revolutionary Movement whose ideals were and are important not only for the German people, but for all Aryans: for all who are Caucasian by race.

This Movement which he created and led lives on today. It lives on in we who are proud to call ourselves National-Socialists. I am a National-Socialist because I want we Ary
ans, as a race, to win back the freedom
we have lost. I am a National-Socialist - a follower of Adolf Hitler's National-Socialism - because I want our Aryan peoples to live in a noble, honourable way in a noble and honourable society.

Adolf Hitler and his National-Socialism are not what their enemies have made them seem to be. The truth about Adolf Hitler and his National-Socialism has been obscured and suppressed for over fifty years. I know that National-Socialism represents something noble and good. I know that National-Socialism is a movement for Aryan freedom and honour, and against the politically-correct anti-Aryan tyranny of the present.

In my own life I have known and experienced beauty and harmony. This beauty and harmony has been conveyed to me, for instance, in sublime and civilized music, such as that written by J. S. Bach. It has been experienced on a warm sunny Summer's day in the English countryside when I have walked over moors and heard larks singing. It has been conv
eyed to me by the warm smile of a vivacious Aryan
woman and the trusting gentle smile of her young Aryan child holding her hand tightly as they walked one Autumn's day by the banks of a river. This beauty has been conveyed to me as I stood listening to a boy's choir singing the Church music of centuries past in an ancient Cathedral .......

In the many such moments of my knowing and experiencing such beauty and harmony I have sensed that this is how life should and must be: that life can have and should have such goodness. And in many of these moments I must admit that I, a man, have often been moved to tears, captivated by a noble vision, an innocent enthusiasm, just as I have sensed that there is an order, a purpose, to life itself.

To me, National-Socialism can make this noble vision real. To me, National-Socialism is a means to create a better world, a more noble, more just, more fair way of life. I understand National-Socialism as a practical means of taking us beyond the mundane w
orld we now live in: a practical means to alleviate or end
the suffering, the badness, the unfairness, which now afflicts our present society and the world itself.

Of course, many will say that I a rather naive, impractical idealist. And, of course, I am. But I have at least tried to make my noble vision, my noble dreams real, as I know that I must continue to try - despite the difficulties, and despite the lies which have been told and which are being told about the man I admire and his Movement which I belong to.

I know the majority of my own people believe these lies. I know they do not understand National-Socialism as representing something good and noble - something civilized. I know that, because of the lies they have been told, they do not associate National-Socialism with a yearning for freedom, for fairness and for the harmony of order.

I also know that they are unlikely to be convinced or persuaded by such words as these which I now write. But I must try. I must seek to conve
y what I know and understand to be true, for by doing so I keep ali
ve the passion for Aryan freedom and Aryan honour which lives within my own heart. By writing and speaking such words as this I express the essence of National-Socialism itself - beyond the political slogans, beyond political programmes. I give voice by my words and life to the noble idealism that inspired Adolf Hitler and his National-Socialist movement, and which still inspires all those who call themselves National-Socialists.

Fundamentally, I admire Adolf Hitler, and am a National-Socialist, because I desire to live, among my own kind, in a flourishing civilized Aryan society which is dedicated to freedom and to fairness. I desire to live in a society which values and upholds honour and which has an evolutionary, noble purpose, and which thereby continues the work of Nature and so creates better, more evolved individuals. Such a society would be in harmony with Nature herself.

I am a National-Socialist - a follower of Adolf
Hitler - because I dislike and often intensely hate the decadent, unfa
ir, ignoble world of the present with its crime, its drugs, its squalor, its pettiness, its materialism, its lack of idealism, its total lack of understanding of the noble, evolutionary purpose of life itself.

In essence, I am a National-Socialist because I care about my people and the civilization, the noble Aryan culture, they have created. And I want my people to survive, to flourish, to be noble and to live in freedom.

The secret of Adolf Hitler

By David Myatt

What was Adolf Hitler's secret? The secret that enabled an unknown soldier, with no money or influence, and only a few friends from his Army days, to triumph against all the odds and become the leader of Germany after only 14 years of struggle? What is this secret which we in these dark days for our race might learn and use to help us in our own struggle?

His secret was really very simple. His secret was that he genuinely cared for, and loved, his people in a selfless way. So it was that he devoted the whole of his adult life to his people and lived by the principles which he, and the political organization he created and led, propounded in public.

In his own private life he was frugal; he was always spontaneous with people and never once tried to cultivate or uphold any sort of 'public' image. H
e really was "a man of the people".

He trium
phed against all the odds because over the years of his struggle more and more of his people liked him, and felt he was a good man who had their interests at heart. He did have some extraordinary gifts - such as his ability to speak in Public; his resolute determination and his superb memory. But most of all he was a simple, unspoilt and uncomplicated man. He won his victory because of his own personal character, and the foundation of his personal character was this simple love of his people. Indeed, his very reason for living was to care for and help his people.

The love which Adolf Hitler felt and expressed for his own people is what made him so popular and so loved by the German folk of the time. And it is the truth about and memory of his love that his Zionist enemies have striven so hard to destroy with their ignoble and hateful lies about him, his Movement and his Government. If we want to express the truth about Adolf Hitler we m
ust express the genuine and selfless love and concern he felt fo
r his own people.

The secret we can and indeed must learn from him is this simple, uncomplicated and genuine love for our people.

This love comes before any political programme. This love comes before any rhetoric and before any 'propaganda'. This love comes before any political demonstration. This loves comes before any thought or mention of "hating enemies". Above all, it is this simple, genuine and uncomplicated love for our own people which should and must motivate us to act in a political way.

If we feel and try to express this love, this concern and care for our own people we can and will win. For it is the lack of this love which has made us fail for the past sixty years.
