What is America's Dangerous Future?

Rick Dean



What is America's Dangerous Future?

Exclusive commentary by Frosty Wooldridge

Mar 11, 2004

In tomorrow's America of suffocating political correctness and clashing cultures, unrestricted immigration will prove a merciless weapon of war. It's importing conflicting languages, barbaric rituals, deadly diseases like tuberculosis, cultural antagonisms and loss of a cohesive national identity. California is our national harbinger of thin
s to come. It is called Third World Momentum.

The Roman Empire fell to immigration of the Vandals. Likewise, Celtic Britain, Germany's Prussia and Serbian Kosovo.

I traveled to Los Angeles

ently. I felt like a stranger in my own country as few spoke English. Whol
e areas have been turned into city-states of foreigners where Americans are not welcome. I might as well have been in China, Korea, Mexico or Bangladesh. All businesses carried their own languages. One store near Garden Grove in Los Angeles, Aztlan Gallery, featured anti American T-shirts, 'DECOLONIZE: UNITED STATES OF AZTLAN' and 'GO BACK HOME GRINGOS'. The voting ballot offered 20 languages on it for the governor recall election. Whose country is this, anyway?

What is America's dangerous future? Where once immigration furnished men and women for building a nation, today, illegal and unrestricted mass immigration make a few wealthy at the expense of American citizens. Our own corporations are 'outso
urcing' and 'offshoring' jobs to Third World countries--thus leaving American citizens in unemployment lines. Honored meat packing companies that were built by Americans--bus illegal immigrants
Texas into
food processing plants in Austin, Minnesota. Along with their cheap labor come
drugs, TB, Leprosy and honor killings. Austin's schools struggle with foreign languages and Austin kids suffer. Our own Congress renewed the H-1B visa, which gave 890,000 American jobs in the past 10 years to foreigners. Little wonder our economy augured into the ground like a plane that lost its wings.

In Sequoia National Park last year, Mexican cartels ran a $150 million dollar drug-growing plantation with armed guards who threatened backpackers. In Florida, a Muslim woman sued our country so she could disobey our laws because she refused to have her picture taken for a driver's license. A naturalized citizen Muslim soldier in US Army uniform fragged and killed his commanders 12 months ago in Iraq. Ov
er 30,000 men in Army uniform aren't American citizens. The INS freed illegal alien John Malvo who promptly killed 17 Americans. Via illegal immigration of 9 to 13 million, we endure 7,0
00 new c
ases of leprosy in
the past three years. We suffer a $7 trillion national debt and 6.4%
national unemployment, but we spend $68 billion resettling 2.3 million immigrants each year when 18 million of our own citizens can't find a job. Immigrants send $56 billion of our dollars--$15 billion to Mexico, $25 billion to Latin America, $16 billion to Asia--back to their home countries--thus draining us of hard currency. This transfer of wealth is making this country poorer by the day. Consumer debt tops $2 trillion. The average credit card sustains a $7,000.00 debt.
In the cultural realm of a First World Country, do we need rituals where a baby girl has her sexual being cut out of her in the form of 'clitorectomy'? Can we afford everyone wearing a mask for driver's
license pictures? Can we afford losing our English language and become the Tower of Babel? Do we condone, by being politically correct, 'cock fighting' and 'horse tripping'
brought to u
s by Third World cultures?
What about the new strain of tuberculosis spreading across America beca
use illegal immigrants work in fast food and hotels? It's called MDR TB (multiple drug resistant) and has no cure. According to a report last year titled: 'THE PATIENT PREDATOR: TUBERCULOSIS' by Kevin Patterson, 16,000 cases of this strain of tuberculosis migrated from Mexico in the past four years. Illegal immigrants' children number over one million in our public schools. If your children contract it at school, will they survive? Two million TB deaths worldwide annually don't bode well.

California citizens are dying in emergency rooms because hospitals are over run with immigrants who can't pay. Because of no family planning in their countries of origin, this endless line of immigrants is pushing us to
ward 200 million added people vying for diminishing resources past the mid century. For starters, how about a glass of water in the drought prone West?

This is not ab
out race, creed
or color. It's about too many peop
le and an unsustainable
society in the long term. It's about ac
celerating unsolvable problems. Minimum population projections add four to five million people to every state in the union. California will add 20 million. Can your state add millions of people without horrific consequences?

It's important that you enter this accelerating debate on our nation's future. What is at stake? Our children, the viability of our nation and our way of life. It's about law and order along with citizenship. In short, it's about America. It's about you.


Frosty Wooldridge teacher and author who has bicycled 100,000 miles on six continents to see overpopulation up close and ugly. Next book due o

Speaking of Vandals...we are overrun by Vandal n'iggers, Mexivandals and other Mudvandals who barely speak our language, won't assimilate and become Americans and are replacing we Whites in all kinds of jobs...even in Target stores and N'iggermarts! Not too long ago, I asked a Target worker (an immie) if she knew where some electrical tape for fixing extention cords were. The yutz ended up directing me to the electronics section; I knew better, so I set off to search for a White worker who knew the English language. Once done, I was able to find the electrical tape.