VonBluvens founding new WN group




Eighty-six years ago, Germany had gathered to protest the enslavement of their nation by Jews, and gave birth to a political movement that could save the German people- the NSDAP (in English: The National Socialist German Workers Party).

In 1933, Adolf Hitler, carried the White banner all the way to be selected as the party’s first elected leader. He became the German nation’s and the world’s greatest leader…

Every day, we will strive to fulfill Hitler’s vision – a Pan-White world, in which all white people are guaranteed equal rights and the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

Hitler’s legacy goes beyond the borders of Germany. It can be seen in the continuation of that idea when George Lincoln Rockwell founded the American Nazi Party but unfortunately was cut short when Rockwell was assassinated in 1967. In 1974 the Nationa
l Socialist Movement was founded and victory once again had become out of reach with the revelation of Satanism and corruption at the leadership level.

Hitler’s successors have been joined by a common purpose – securing the existence of our people and a future for white children. Today, the Sons of National Socialism has formed to carry on that ideal of the best traditions of National Socialism and carrying the banner of freedom and the “Fourteen Words”.

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The group home page location: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sonsofnationalsocialism

SONS blogger can be found at: http://sonsofnationalsocialism.blogspot.com/