Vaxx, designed to "self-spread" (replicating itself upon others), causing havoc among non-vaxxed

Re: Vaxx, designed to "self-spread" (replicating itself upon others), causing havoc among non-vaxxed

STUDY: mRNA vaccines present “tragic and even catastrophic” side effects

Thursday, August 12, 2021 by: Ethan Huff


(Natural News) New research published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research shows that experimental mRNA technology comes with serious risks that the medical establishment refuses to acknowledge.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and naturopathic oncologist Dr. Greg Nigh took a closer look at the mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna to see how they might be causing serious adverse effects, discovering that they are much riskier than people realize.

Their paper, entitled “Worse than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19,” explains that the jabs are very sensitive to temperature, and are easily damaged if not stored in perfect conditions.

“Both are delivered through muscle injection, and both require deep-freeze storage to keep the RNA from breaking down,” it warns.

“This is because, unlike double-stranded DNA which is very stable, single-strand RNA products are apt to be damaged or rendered powerless at warm temperatures and must be kept extremely cold to retain their potential efficacy.”

The type of mRNA delivered through the injections is also entirely artificial with no comparative form in nature. Nothing like this has ever been done before, and the chances of something going wrong are exceptionally high with a strong potential for “unknown consequences.”

“… manipulation of the code of life could lead to completely unanticipated negative side effects, potentially long term or even permanent,” Seneff and Nigh warn.

Vaccinated people are shedding disease onto the unvaccinated

As is already being seen, many recipients are developing antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE, a phenomenon provoked by the introduction of lab-created spike proteins into the human body.

These spike proteins embed themselves within antigen-presenting cells, resulting in the creation of monoclonal antibodies that produce high levels of cross-reactive antibodies that react against endogenous human proteins.

“Given evidence only partially reviewed here,” the paper further reveals, “there is sufficient reason to suspect that antibodies to the spike protein will contribute to ADE provoked by prior SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination, which may manifest as either acute or chronic autoimmune and inflammatory conditions.”

There is also evidence to suggest that vaccinated people are shedding these spike proteins onto others, resulting in the spread of prion and neurodegenerative diseases. This is creating a pandemic in and of itself, and would not be happening if the jabs had not been introduced into the public.

Rather than rush to get everyone injected like the government and media have been doing for the past several months, it would have been preferable to take a more cautious approach, especially with something as new and unpredictable as mRNA genetic reprogramming.

“Public policy around mass vaccination has generally proceeded on the assumption that the risk/benefit ratio for the novel mRNA vaccines is a ‘slam dunk,'” the paper goes on to explain.

“With the massive vaccination campaign well under way in response to the declared international emergency of COVID-19, we have rushed into vaccine experiments on a world-wide scale.”

It remains to be seen what happens with all this, but one thing is for sure: mass vaccination with mRNA vaccines was not the right thing to do. Vaccinated people are a threat to public health and the more people that get the jabs, the more disease society is likely to see.

“Let’s make sure we are clear: this is not a vaccine,” a Natural News commenter wrote. “They are using the term ‘vaccine’ to sneak this thing under public health exemptions. This is mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator.”

The latest news about the pandemic of vaccinated people can be found at

Sources for this article include:

70 Percent of COVID-19 Deaths Both in Sweden and UK in September Were “Fully Vaccinated”​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 27, 2021 at 8:00am



Government data revealed that in September, 70% of COVID-19 deaths both in Sweden and the UK were “fully vaccinated” individuals.

Swedish Public Health Agency reported that 70% of Covid 19 deaths involved “fully vaccinated” individuals between Sept. 1 and Sept. 24, according to Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. The country recorded about 130 fatal Covid cases during that period.

What’s up SWEDEN? Last year you didn’t make a move to change your lifestyle, and since JUNE 2021 75% of the Swedish population got vaccinated (bad idea). During September 7O% of the Covid DEATHS in Sweden have been FULLY VACCINATED people!! ?
— ANNIE PIERCE (@ANNIEPIERCE) October 24, 2021

The Public Health Agency announced that “fully vaccinated” people with coronavirus symptoms will be exempt from testing requirements, days after the agency revealed the spike in post-vaccination COVID deaths.
— Pling (@Pling77824560) October 21, 2021

LifeSiteNews reported:

Possible reasons for the uptick in vaccinated deaths include “that it has now been quite a while since the oldest ones were vaccinated, that the vaccine coverage has increased, that the restrictions have been eased, and that the Delta strain has taken over,” microbiology researcher Farshid Jalalvand told the paper.
Sweden’s death numbers crashed after health officials scaled back restrictions at the beginning of June, however, with virtually no COVID fatalities reported in the Scandinavian country throughout July and August. Deaths began to climb again by mid-September, by which time nearly 75 percent of Swedes older than 16 were “fully vaccinated.”
Despite Sweden’s mass vaccination campaign, the recent surge in infections has led to the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Swedish senior care residents since February.
UK Health Safety Agency (UKHSA) released a COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report on October 7 that showed most COVID-19 deaths in UK were among the “fully vaccinated” individuals, as were most hospitalizations in September.

#COVID Death Rates in the #UK show that more than 70% of people dying from #COVID19 are #Vaccinated
They’re not hiding it. They just think you won’t look for and understand it.
Link (scroll down to the tables):
— Youssef Disla (@YoussefDisla) October 21, 2021

More from LifeSiteNews:

Between September 6 and October 3, 70 percent of deadly COVID cases occurred in the fully-jabbed, according to the UKHSA data, with 2,281 deaths in “fully vaccinated” people and just 611 in the unvaccinated within 28 days of a positive test. Partially vaccinated people accounted for 98 deaths.
The COVID-19 fatalities among “fully vaccinated” Brits represented a dramatic increase from August, The Exposé observed. Public Health England last month had reported 600 coronavirus deaths in the unvaccinated population between August 9 and September 5 and 1,659 in the doubly-vaccinated.
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The latest UKSHA figures also showed that vaccinated patients dominated COVID-19 hospitalizations. 3,910 “fully vaccinated” people were admitted to the hospital for COVID between September 6 and October 3, compared with around 2,400 unvaccinated patients. The fully or partially vaccinated together accounted for roughly 64 percent of total COVID-related hospitalizations.
Other Western countries saw an increase in cases and deaths with “fully vaccinated” individuals including the United States. The Gateway Pundit previously reported Former CDC Director Robert Redfield claimed that more than 40 percent of people who have died from Wuhan coronavirus in the state of Maryland over the last 6-8 weeks were fully vaccinated.


Attorney presents evidence to Congress that COVID-19 vaccines are one of the greatest frauds in history​

Wednesday, March 16, 2022 by: Cassie B.


Image: Attorney presents evidence to Congress that COVID-19 vaccines are one of the greatest frauds in history

(Natural News) Attorney Thomas Renz, who publicized data from the Department of Defense showing a significant rise in serious illness and injury in military personnel following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, has issued a special legal notice with nearly 200 pages of supporting evidence.
Some of the most alarming data included in the evidence comes from a trio of DoD whistleblowers, who shared proof from the Defense Military Epidemiological Database of a nearly 1,000 percent overall rise in injuries and diseases. This database, Renz reports, is “considered the premier epidemiological database in the world, monitored by an entire division of the military, part of the data feeding into the DHHS related to vaccine safety, and frequently cited by public health professionals in peer reviewed publications.”
He presented the data in a public hearing to Senator Ron Johnson, a ranking member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Senator Johnson then wrote a letter to the Secretary of Defense about it, and he received a response stating that there had been a “glitch” in the database impacting data from 2016 to 2020 and that 2021 had not been an anomaly.
According to Renz, if that had truly been the case, the Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Department of Defense, the White House and public health officials throughout the world were wrong for five years – including 2020, the first year of the pandemic.
Referring to the fact that the DoD later adjusted the figures for the years it claims were affected by the glitch to make 2021’s numbers appear more consistent with previous years, he wrote: “The glitch then magically repaired itself in 2021 despite the fact that the error went unnoticed until we shared this information in 2022.”

The Pentagon has yet to explain why the real numbers were not in the official system for five years and where the originally published numbers came from, nor have they explained why 2021’s figures were supposedly accurate but previous figures were not.
However, what we do know is that one of two things must be true depending on whether 2021 was abnormal or the previous five years’ figures were indeed similar to 2021, as Renz points out: “Either there was mass vaccine injury in the military, or our military has been very unhealthy and the Pentagon completely lost control over epidemiological surveillance of these health issues for years. Either way, this is the story of the year.”

Significant rises seen in several serious illnesses​

Among the data found in the DoD database and highlighted by Johnson’s letter was a 2,181 percent rise in hypertension from 2020 to 2021, a 1,048 percent rise in diseases of the nervous system, a 680 percent rise in multiple sclerosis, a 551 percent rise in Guillain-Barre syndrome, and rises well above 100 percent of various types of cancer and infertility.
Other data Renz wanted to draw attention to include a DoD document that shows Dr. Fauci lied by claiming the virus was a “crisis of the unvaxxed” and demonstrating that the jabs are even less effective among minorities and a Pfizer document proving the dangers of the vaccines were known early on and that potential side effects have been covered up.
There is also a DoD Senior Leading Briefing demonstrating that a quarter of active duty and reserves have not yet been fully vaccinated and are therefore subject to dismissal from the military.
In addition to calling for the vaccine mandates for military personnel to be lifted immediately, Renz is pleading with officials to “look at the facts and take a stand.”
Sources for this article include: