UK Memorial pageS of White people who were killed by blacks & other brown skinned groups, Asians, Muslims, Pakis.

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About Patriotic Alternative​

NEW: View Patriotic Alternative's Roadmap to see our short-term, medium-term and long-term plans.

Patriotic Alternative is a community building and activism group that was founded in September 2019 by Mark Collett. Our aim is to raise awareness of issues such as the demographic decline of native Britons in the United Kingdom, the environmental impact of mass immigration and the indoctrination and political bias taking place in British schools.

On top of this, those who register on our website will join a community of patriots. We hold regular nationwide events and activities, such as conferences and camping trips, and we have smaller, regional groups scattered across the country who hold local events.

We currently have regional groups in Yorkshire, the East Midlands, the West Midlands, London, the South West, Scotland, The North East, Wales and Eastern England. It is our intention to set up groups in the South East, the North West and Northern Ireland in the near future.

We believe community building is important because although the situation in the United Kingdom at present may be dire, being around like-minded people who care about the issues that you care about helps you to understand that you’re not alone. It also allows us to form networks with talented people and collectivise as a group against the threats our nation faces.

Patriotic Alternative is run by two people; Mark Collett, who is the Leader of Patriotic Alternative, and Laura Towler, who is the Deputy Leader and Web Editor of Patriotic Alternative. At present, Mark, Laura and our Regional Organisers are the only official representatives of Patriotic Alternative, although Patriotic Alternative enjoys support and promotion from the wider nationalist community in Britain.
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