UCLA professor against Affirmative Action

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter

UCLA Law Professor Proposes to Bump Black Law Students Down into Less Selective Schools

In a forthcoming article in the Stanford Law Review, UCLA law professor Richard H. Sander presents elaborate data to prove that affirmative action hurts black law students more than it helps them.

Sander's position is that affirmative action pushes young blacks up into highly rigorous law school curriculums where they are likely to fail. Sander would end most racial preferences in law school admissions. Sander says that this would increase the number of black lawyers because it would ensure that the black students attend law schools where they are more likely to succeed.

There is a major fallacy in the Sander paper. JBHE research shows that a vas
t majority of black students at the nation's top law schools ar
e admitted under racial preferences.
Yet our research among law school deans also shows that 90 percent or more of these affirmative action admits go on to graduate. There is an almost negligible dropout rate.

A recent JBHE survey of law school deans found that at all 26 high-ranking law schools the black student graduation rate was at least 84 percent. At 21 of these 26 schools the black student graduation rate was higher than 90 percent. In many cases the black graduation rate is close to 100 percent. In fact, at these top law schools the black student graduation rates in almost all cases are very close to the graduation rates of white students at these schools.

It is clear that black students admitted under affirmative action provisions at the nation's top law schools are succeeding at a very high rate.

But do they pass the Bar Exam? That's the question you niggers at JBHE don't w
ant to ask.
