U cowardly, scummy puke, stinking filthy scum, call urselves "the people"--civil war is being waged against u by satanists, but u won't admit truth


Guest Columnist
This is great analytical report fm FOX w. great witness/commentator, Riley Gaines, the swimmer who decries the "trans-gender" on her team and in the locker-room


Gender Self-ID in Spain Has Been a Disaster for Women​

27 MARCH 2024 11:00 AM

Link: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/03/27/gender-self-id-in-spain-has-been-a-disaster-for-women/

A year ago, Spain introduced gender self-ID, and the results have been predictably disastrous for women, with predatory men granting themselves access to female spaces. Spiked‘s Lauren Smith investigates.
Barely a year after Spain passed its ‘trans equality’ law, gender self-identification is wreaking havoc across the country. To almost no one’s surprise, the law that makes it significantly easier for anyone to legally change their gender has turned out to be a predator’s charter.
Since early 2023, it has become astonishingly easy to change your legal gender in Spain. All you have to do is make two official declarations at a registry office, three months apart. There is no medical consultation or intervention needed, nor do you need to show proof that you actually intend to live life as your chosen gender. You don’t even need to be over 18. Sixteen-year-olds can legally change their name and gender, while 14- and 15-year-olds can do so with parental consent. Even children as young as 12 can legally make the switch with a judge’s approval.
The new law has taken a shredder to women’s rights. As anyone could have predicted, single-sex spaces have been all but abolished. And many other legal protections that women once fought for have disappeared overnight.
Last week, Ana Dávila-Ponce de León, councillor for family, youth and social affairs in Madrid, sent a letter to Spanish equality minister Ana Redondo García denouncing the new law. She had been made aware of a number of cases in Madrid in which men accused of crimes against women have abused the self-ID rules.
These cases, detailed in El Mundo and reported on in English by Reduxx, are truly chilling. According to records, there have been six known cases so far in Madrid of men accused of violence against women legally changing their gender. In three of these cases, the men went on to apply to stay in women’s shelters. So far, it appears that shelter staff have refused them entry. But this is technically illegal under the trans-equality law. It is only a matter of time before a woman’s shelter is punished simply for doing its job – namely, for protecting women from predatory men.
In one particularly disturbing case, a woman reported a man to the police for allegedly drugging and raping her in front of her young daughter. She later found out that he had legally changed his gender. This meant that a number of protections she would ordinarily be entitled to have now been taken away.

Worth reading in full. [see https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/03/26/spains-trans-equality-law-is-a-predators-charter/]

Breaking: Police Arrest Trans Student For Planning Multi-School Shooting​

April 18th 2024, 1:35 pm

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/brea...s-student-for-planning-multi-school-shooting/

The connection between transgender individuals and mass murder cannot be ignored

Police say trans suspect was going to target a high school and an elementary school

An 18-year-old transgender student was arrested on Wednesday after police learned of the individual’s plan to commit a mass shooting at her Maryland high school and a nearby elementary school.
The Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) found a 129-page “manifesto” written by the suspect, who is named Andrea Ye but goes by Alex.

According to 7News Maryland Bureau Chief Brad Bell, “Ye is biologically female though identifies as male.”

Ye was previously receiving treatment at a psychiatric facility when another person in the psych ward learned of the manifesto and reported it to the police, fearing she’d act upon the “realistic” writings.
Charging documents show Ye also told her counselor about urges to harm people, wanting to use a gun against innocents and even describing a hypothetical attack at her high school graduation.
The individual allegedly hoped to achieve fame in connection with an act of mass murder.