The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States


The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States

By Lawrence Auster | May 3, 2007

Like Ahab's search for the Great White Whale, liberals' search for the Great White Defendant is relentless and never-ending. When, in 1988, Tawana Brawley's and Al Sharpton's then year-old spectacular charge that several white men including prosecutor Steven Pagones (whose name Brawley had picked out of a newspaper article) had abducted and raped the 15 year old was shown to be completely false, the Nation said it didn't matter, since the charges expressed the essential nature of white men's treatment of black women in this country. When the Duke Un
iversity lacrosse players were accused of raping a black stripper last year, liberals everywhere treated the accusation as fact, because, just as with the Nation and Tawana Brawley, the rape charge seemed to the minds of liberals to reflect the true nature of oppressive racial and sexual relations in America.

To see the real truth of the matter, let us take a look at the Department of Justice
document Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2005. (Go to the linked document, and under "Victims and Offenders" download the pdf file for 2005.)

In Table 42, entitled "Personal crimes of violence, 2005, percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender
," we learn that there were 111,590 white victims and 36,620 black victims of rape or sexual assault in 2005. (The number of rapes is not distinguished from those of sexual assaults; it is maddening that sexual assault, an ill-defined category that covers various types of criminal acts ranging from penetration to inappropriate touching, is conflated with the more specific crime of rape.) In the 111,590 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.

The table does not gives statistics for Hispanic victims and offenders. But the bottom line on interracial white/black and black/white rape is clear:

In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.

What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.

The Department of Justice statistics refer, of course, to verified reports. According to the Wikipedia article on rape, as many as half of all rape charges nationally are determined by police and prosecutors to be false:
Linda Fairstein, former head of the New York County District Attorney's Sex Crimes Unit, noted, "There are about 4,000 reports of r
ape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about half simply did not happen.... It's my job to bring justice to the man who has been falsely accused by a woman who has a grudge against him, just as it's my job to prosecute the real thing."
No wonder there was such absolute belief in the guilt of the Duke students among the leading sectors of liberal America. A drug-addled, half-deranged, promiscuous black stripper accused three young white men of raping her. There are virtually zero rapes of black women by white men in the United States, and half of all rape charges against specific individuals turn out to be false. But in the gnostic, inverted world of liberal demonology, the white students had to be guilty.

Meanwhile, in the real America, week after week, the newspapers report the rapes of white women by black men—though, of course, without ever once using the words, "a white woman was raped by black man
." Just last week in the New York Post there was a story about a serial black rapist who invaded women's apartments on Manhattan's Upper West Side; you knew the rapist was black from a police drawing accompanying the story, and you knew the victims were most likely white from the neighborhoods where the attacks occurred. But even when news media's reports of black on white rape make the race of the perpetrator evident (which the media only does in a minority of instances), no explicit reference is ever made to the racial aspect of the case. Each story of black on white rape is reported in isolation, not presented as part of a larger pattern. There is never the slightest mention of the fact that white women in this country are being targeted by black rapists. In the inverted world of liberalism, the phenomenon does not exist.

Lawrence Auster[SIZE
=3] is the author of [/SIZE]
Erasing America: The Politics of the Borderless Nation.
He offers a traditionalist conservative perspective at
View from the Right.
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Re: The Truth About InterRacial Rape In USA

Apology to the Black Race​

"To the entire Black race living in America, we, the Adamic, pink complexioned race (better known to you as the White race) that came to these shores from Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland, do hereby apologize.

We apologize for freeing you from slavery by fighting a horrible war among ourselves that cost the lives of almost two million of our own race. We apologize for continuing to fight among ourselves over that very issue, even though you’ve never told us you appreciate our freeing you.

We apologize for splitting to pieces our entire race the world over to take sides with you to help you survive and become a freer race. We apologize for forcing the rest of the world to outlaw the slavery which your ancestors had practiced for thousands of years, even though many nations on your home contine
nt still practice it today.

We apologize for thinking we could civilize you when you have proven that it is indeed an impossible feat, a feat beyond anything we could have ever imagined.

We apologize for introducing Christianity to you and dragging you away from the Voodoo you previously followed, although you have managed to sneak Voodoo back into cultic Christianity and your people have accepted it, which is proven by their animalistic whooping and hollering and stomping and screaming instead of respectfully worshiping our God as they ought to.

We apologize for teaching you to add and subtract (what little you can), thereby enabling you to run a household and pay your bills (what few you will) and count your children other than on your fingers and sometimes toes when you have so many you run out of fingers.

We apologize for providing you with medical care instead of leaving you under the witch doctors you used before we arrived, as a result of which you have been able to survive
all sorts of diseases to multiply in massive numbers beyond what you could have without these aides.

We apologize for building schools for you which we have had to repair over and over after you vandalized them beyond use. We apologize for inventing computers and the Internet, neither of which you use very much, but when you do use them it’s mostly to bash our race.

We apologize for building factories and businesses that employ you, if you so desire to work. We apologize for creating millions of bureaucratic jobs within our government system simply to give you employment, instead of leaving you to find work on your own.

We apologize for promoting and buying your music, although you refuse to buy ours. We apologize for talking and acting as you do, although you refuse to talk and act as we do.

We apologize for placing you in our movies and TV shows and elevating you to a fictional, heroic level that you have never reached in real life. We apologize for creating this false imag
e of yourselves in your minds, for we realize after 400 years of trying to help you that you cannot solve problems and provide leadership and create original thoughts; and the image we’ve placed in your minds causes you to live in a delusional world. For that we truly apologize.

We apologize for creating quota systems and forced employment programs to make sure you have the best jobs, if you so desire to work. We apologize for thinking we could educate you so that you could learn to build and help others, when you obviously have only the ability to tear down and take from others.

We apologize for giving you welfare and food stamps, with the result that for four generations over half of your race has not had to work, except in makeshift type of jobs in our governments and bureaucracies.

We apologize for promoting your children in school as if they could understand basic arithmetic and grammar, such as multiplication and past participles, when we should have made sure they were accustome
d to manual labor so that we would not have had to make up jobs for them in our governments dusting seats with their butts.

We apologize for developing farms in our own lands which you have never been able to do, and that to this day feed most of your race still living in Africa. We apologize for coming to Africa and building farms, from which you have now run us off of and have devastated beyond use, forcing us to continue feeding you.

We apologize for creating the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) and U.S. Government Foreign Aid Programs and hundreds of charities that funnel billions of our tax dollars and charitable donations to nations around the world run by your race, all because your race cannot take care of itself by itself anywhere you live.

We apologize for giving you the right to vote so you could take over all our major cities and turn them into high-taxed, crime-ridden cesspools that no civilized human being can live in.

We apologize for creatin
g the term "reverend," which your leaders use to give themselves credentials and which their actions have denigrated beyond repair, with the result that no decent person would call himself "reverend," much less a Christian

We apologize for trying to come up with an AIDS vaccine to stop the epidemic spread of AIDS in Africa, AIDS being a disease that you created and passed on to us after having sexual intercourse with monkeys and then with one of our idiotic race-mixers who then passed it on to the rest of the world.

We apologize for providing you with warm, custom-made garments instead of the animal skins and leaves that you wore before we arrived. We apologize for providing you with shoes instead of leaving you barefooted as you were before we arrived in Africa.

We apologize for teaching you how to clean yourselves and your homes, and how to sanitize the water you drink to keep you from getting even more dreadful diseases than the rest of your race gets that still lives in Africa. We apo
logize for teaching you to cook your foods, which keep you from getting the hundreds of parasitic diseases that your race gets that still lives on your home continent of Africa.

We apologize for providing you with solidly built, heated, and cooled homes with grass yards instead of the straw huts and dirt yards you were living in before we arrived, and in which most of your race is still living in Africa.

We apologize for inventing sports so that you can make millions of dollars and live like kings, then kill and rape people with impunity, as O. J. Heisman-Trophy-Winner Simpson and Mike Heavy-Weight-Champion-of-the-World-Bite-the-ears-off-of-your-opponent Tyson have done, as well as many others among your race.

We apologize for producing such beautiful people for you to race-mix with, and if they won’t voluntarily mix, you often casually rape them as if you were eating a piece of fried chicken.

We apologize for building thousands of prisons around the nation to house dangerous cri
minals, of which your race makes up over sixty percent even though you’re only thirteen percent of the U.S. population, and this at an expense of billions of dollars and manpower every year.

We apologize for taking precious metals from the earth on your home continent of Africa, metals which you neither knew were there nor how to use them if you had known they were there, but which you love to puncture and cover your bodies with in the most tawdry way imaginable.

We apologize for those among us who have established charitable organizations, donated billions of dollars and hours of time, and have devoted their entire lives to make life easier and better for your race, although most often to no positive result.

We apologize for all the stupid White ministers whom your race has martyred in Africa where they were trying to evangelize you to a faith that you can’t understand nor do you want to; yet when you claim to join it soon pervert it with the Voodooistic concepts you have inherited f
rom your forefathers.

We apologize for building highways and railroads and for inventing flying machines that you could never have invented but which you use everyday to move about, yet without thinking or appreciating their origins in the least.

We apologize for paying the majority of both federal and state taxes, to maintain the governments which protect and promote you but fight against our own people at every turn.

We apologize for some members of our race who worship the monstrosities your genes have created, such as Jacko the Wacko and Little Fruity Richard and Dennis Nutman Rodman and Don Electrified King and Daryl Coke-Head Strawberry and Whitney Whacked-Out-Screaming Houston and Cassius If-Only-I-Be-White-But-I'm-Really-Black Clay and Tiger Adamic-Hater Woods and Whoopi Thinks-She’s-White Goldberg and Oprah Interview-a-Nut New-Age-Goof Winfrey and Ru Triple-Freak Paul and Morgan Act-White-But-Hate-White Freeman and Sammy Convert-To-The-Christ-haters-Religion Davis and Colin Ha
ve-A-Black-Pet-In-The-White-House Powell, to name only a few.

We apologize for defeating the major part of the communist threat which cost us several trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives, but whose doctrines you still wish to have implemented on the backs of our race to further torture us and tear us down.

We apologize for spending over $2 trillion dollars on welfare and food stamps in the last thirty-five years, funds which your race received the majority of, although you are a small minority among us.

We apologize for introducing you to the rule of law under a republican form of government, a government that has gone abroad to keep your own warring nations from slaughtering other members of your race by the hundreds of thousands as they did year in and year out before we arrived, and still do every time we leave them alone and do not intervene.

We apologize for teaching you to read a language that contains more than a few words and a couple of hand signs, which has
allowed you to take part in our philosophies, our culture, our art, our industry, our collegial nature, and our freedom, even though as soon as you get around them you pervert them.

For surely, if you could not read, how could you have learned the teachings of Karl Marx, Mao Tse Sung, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Lenin, Howard Zinn, the Damocrat Party, the Neo-cons in the Republicoward Party, and others who hate our race, and have brainwashed you into believing our race is evil and that you are severely oppressed?

We apologize for placing you under the form of government that our own forefathers died to create, and for which you are helping to destroy, instead of leaving you under the anarchy you lived under before we arrived.

For all these wrongs we’ve carried out against you, we apologize deeply and unreservedly, and if you will please accept our apology, we shall happily and immediately take back all of the above mentioned evils we have cast upon you and return you to your
home continent, if you so desire.

We would with the greatest of glee and cheer even provide you with a nice, little stipend for traveling money, if you’d go and take your race-traitor wives and husbands and Mulatto children with you.

We have enjoyed having you here, but because you claim we’ve been, and are still being, so mean to you, we’d like to atone by helping you get back to where you came from.

You could live in peace without our persecuting you anymore, and we could save ourselves trillions of dollars over the next few years by shrinking our governments and emptying our prisons. We could take hundreds of thousands of security guards and police officers around the country off their jobs and put them to more productive use, and we could celebrate our own culture without offending you anymore.

Moreover, we could take the three-point shot and the forty-five second shot clock out of basketball which would return it to a game of plays and strategies, instead of the run and
gun show our enemies have tailored especially for you. We could place the "palming penalty" and the "walking penalty" and the "charging penalty" back in to slow the game down to the point that defense and brains matter.

We could place the "bump and run" rule back in football and have referees start calling "offensive pass interference" again, to change the game to one where something more than straight-ahead speed is what matters. The "taunting rule" and the "roughing the quarterback rule" that we had to implement because of you, we could do away with completely, because civility would automatically come back into the game.

The race traitors of our race who hate their own culture and heritage could go with you, and we won’t offend them anymore either. For after a few generations of mixing with your race they would disappear into the dark tar-mix which your dominant design-genes make up.

What say? Do you accept our apology? Do we have a deal? Please let us know, soon!"
Dr. William Wilbanks, a criminologist at Florida International University, had to sift carefully through the data to find that in 1988 there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white rape and fewer than ten cases of white-on-black rape.

William Wilbanks, "Frequency and Nature of Interracial Crimes," submitted for publication to the Justice Professional (November 7, 1990). Data derived from Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987
Well here in Mexicafornia it is the Mexicans who do a lot of the rapes. Have you got the numbers on that statistic. ?
I don't mean to sound cold about it.
But It seems that this site concentrates more on the Black crimes than the Illegal Mexican crimes.
I did set up an entire web page
[SIZE=+2]New Nation News report on Epidemic of [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+2]''Spanic'' and Mexican sex crimes[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+2]in Northern California[/SIZE]

however I have just not had time to keep it up to date.

We do have a couple of forum sections devoted to 'celebrating the diversity of mostly Mexican migrant crime
INVASION! News - Mex/migrant crime & commentary
Mex and other migrant/minority crime', 'Mostly Mexican but other third world invaders bringing crime, perversion, disease, voodoo, etc. Post commentary on unchecked immigration here.

forums/images/statusicon/subforum_new.gif Immigrants import disease,

forums/images/statusicon/subforum_link.gif Link to New Nation News - Illegal Alien Invasion webpage

White victims of unchecked massive immigration (2 Viewing)
Those promoting open borders and unchecked immigration rate cheap scab labor and ethnic votes over the daily threats of migrant rapists, murderers, child molesters and terrorists.
In those cases in which the race of the killer is known, blacks kill twice as many whites as whites kill blacks. Black-on-white robberies and gang assaults are twenty-one times more common than white on black. In the case of gang robbery, blacks victimize whites fifty-two times more often than whites do blacks. [318]

The contrasts are even more stark in the case of interracial rape. Studies from the late 1950s showed that the vast majority of rapes were same-race offenses. Research in Philadelphia carried out in 1958 and 1960 indicated that of all rapes, only 3.2 percent were black-on-white assaults and 3.6 percent were white-on-black. Since that time, the proportion of black-on-white rapes has soared. In a 1974 study in Denver, 40 percent of all rapes were of whites by blacks, and not one case of white-on-black rape was found. In general, through the 1970s, black-on-white rape was at least ten times more common that white-on-black rape. [319]

Because interracial rape is now overwhelmingly black on white, it has become difficult to do research on it or to find relevant statistics. The FBI keeps very detailed national records on crime, but the way it presents rape data obscures the racial element rather than clarifies it. Dr. William Wilbanks, a criminologist at Florida International University, had to sift carefully through the data to find that in 1988 there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white rape and fewer than ten cases of white-on-black rape. [320] Another researcher concludes that in 1989, blacks were three or four times more likely to commit rape than whites, and that black men raped white women thirty times as often as white men raped black women.

The FBI keeps very detailed national records on crime, but the way it presents rape data obscures the racial element rather than clarifies it.

Hmmmm. Why IS that??? :confused:
Why the Main Stream Media Doesn't Report Black on White Murders..

Why The MSM doesn't Report Black on White Murders

Back in 1970 I published a quarter-million circulation College Monthly called The Metropolitan Review. One of the main tenets of Journalism I followed was never publish the usual or the commonplace. In the words of New York Sun editor John B. Bogart: "When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news." So when I read this complaint:,
8 May 2007,
Scant Coverage of Brutal Crime Called 'Journalistic Malpractice'

The national news media demonstrates a double standard in covering "hate crimes," as evidenced by the lack of attention given to the murder of a white couple in Tennessee last January, a conservative columnist charged on Monday.
Channon Christian, 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23, were out on a dinner date in Knoxville, Tenn. on Jan. 6, when they were carjacked, kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered.

According to published news reports, the two were tortured at length in each other's presence, strangled and shot. Newsom's mutilated and burned remains were found along a railroad track the following day. Two days later, Christian's battered and burned body was found in a trash bin.

Five men and a woman, all African-American, have been arrested and face up to 46 charges, including carjacking, kidnapping, rape, premeditated murder, theft and robbery.

The case sparked considerable debate on Internet blogs, but mainstream media coverage has been modest.

AP wire reports of the killings were carried by Knoxville news outlets, CBS News and Fox News, but other major media outlets including CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post apparently have yet to mention the story. This so angered Mark Alexander, executive editor and publisher of the online Patriot Post, that in a column entitled "Murder in Black and White," he said the attack was "more than a case study in sociopathic evil. It is also a case study in journalistic malpractice.


As much as this is obviously a race murder, no one tortures complete strangers without some extreme hate component, I knew this wasn't just a case of journalistic double-standards, although liberal papers are loathe to print anything derogatory about non-whites, this is really a case of Dog bites Man. There were 16,692 murders in the United States in 2005 [FBI] most of them in the South [FBI] where the largest percentage of blacks live. Indeed, Blacks commit the majority of murders in the US (In 2004, offending rates for blacks were 7 times higher than the rates for whites) and Black murder of Whites is twice that of White murders of Blacks, despite Blacks being only 12% of the population [Bureau of Justice - 2004].

Let me state it plainly: Blacks are majority offender [59.3%] in felony murders, while whites are the majority victim [54.8%] of felony murders. Of the 16,692 murders in 2005, more than half were committed by blacks, so if the New York Times were to devote say an 1/8th of a page every time a black man murdered someone, it would have to devote 3 full pages every single day of the year, and pages without ads, I should mention. The public would not be able to take this much commonplace news every day for years.

Of course if a pretty white girl gets murdered in Aruba, that's news because pretty white girls rarely go missing in Aruba.

Blacks attacking whites happens so much, perhaps it's better for the public not to know how often it does happen. My wife watches about 3 hours everyday of court-tv, fox and other cable news. When I asked her if she heard about a pack of black youths, animals really, that brutally attacked three young white girls in California a few months back, she said she did not hear a word of it. Here is a sanitized version of the story:

LA Times,
Eight guilty of hate crime in Long Beach beating

Ten black youths, ages 12 to 18, were accused of assault with intent to cause great bodily harm in the attack on the three white women.

Eight of those face a hate crime sentencing enhancement after Lee agreed with the prosecution's claim that the youths, none with a criminal record, besieged the young women out of racial hatred.

The assault left Loren Hyman, 21, with multiple fractures in her nose and around her eye. She will require surgery to re-position her eye.

Her friend, Laura Schneider, 19, was knocked unconscious and likely suffered a concussion. There was no testimony that the third woman, Michelle Smith, 19, suffered significant injuries.

The incident outraged the community after it was reported in a front page Long Beach Press Telegram interview with the victims who described the youths as "a pack of hyenas." The newspaper called the attack "a horrific hate crime."

Of course, in the rare instance that a white person murders a black person, the MSM cannot ignore the story even if it wanted to because of Al Sharpton. After all, the Rev shows up if a white man sneezes on a black or even if a black girl cries over some silly remark by a white man.

In case you are wondering, I am opposed to "Hate Crime" laws being passed. There is nothing wrong with the FBI keeping track of crimes based on offenders' and victims' race, religion, color, etc. But a crime is a crime and any enhancement should be based on the specific details of the case. Let's not make a Federal case out of every crime.

Here is the Bill of Presentment against the defendents: PDF.

The Gill Report,
12 May 2007,

I guarantee that if the victims were a black college couple, and the murderers were a bunch of white guys you would have seen this story on television so much your eyes would be bleeding. As it is, the media has ignored it. Where is Jesse Jackson? Al Sharpton? Don't they think racially motivated crimes deserve attention? Or is only white on black crime worthy of our contempt and outrage?

For more details than I have the stomach to read:

Wake Up America,
A Call for Justice

What they don't tell on the news reports listed above, from what I've found so far, are the horrible details of what happened to this young couple. Both of them were raped, sodomized, he was castrated, and her breasts where cut off, before they were killed. Words can not express my feelings about this. There are no words. The full count indictments against these animals...

Here is a case of wilding, or a pack of black youths on a racial rampage:

Long Beach teens plead guilty in Halloween beating case

Two 15-year-old boys pleaded guilty Thursday to assault for taking part in a Halloween beating of three white women.

In return, prosecutors dropped hate crime allegations and agreed the black youths will be sentenced to three months each in a juvenile camp rather than facing potential three-year sentences.
Authorities say the group taunted a 21-year-old woman and two 19-year-olds with racial slurs while pelting them with fruit, pumpkins and newspapers, then beat them to the ground using their fists, feet and a skateboard.

One woman had more than a dozen facial fractures and is recovering from reconstruction surgery. Another was knocked unconscious.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Blacks are more Racist than Whites: "Al Sharpton is right in one regard: there is a race of people in America who are overly exploited, intimidated, physically attacked and victims of racism and hate crimes; but they ain't black folk."

So spare me the whine that blacks have it tough in America. As much as it was plain evil how whites treated blacks in the 50's and earlier, it is just as evil what these black wilding animals are doing to whites now. And don't bother calling me racist, that would be shooting the messenger. Your beef is with these statistics.

FYI: In case you are wondering why I have not commented in detail on the brutality and viciousness of the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, it is because I cannot even think about it. Their attackers cannot be called human beings. I am almost compelled to say that I doubt that they are the same species as the rest of humanity.
Until the White Race realizes that the Creature Nigger, is a sub specie of ****, we are all doomed. This is a warning to the rest of the races, Niggers will kill, steal, rape, car jack,rob, burglarize,destroy everything YOU have too!
William Wilbanks, "Frequency and Nature of Interracial Crimes," submitted for publication to the Justice Professional (November 7, 1990). Data derived from Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987

Punks in Chicago and everywhere else got into a tizzy to debunk it, the result was they out and out lied with fuzzy statistics and word play. Majority of papers are only available within the CRIMINAL JUST US System. › doi › abs › 10.1086 › 228584

The Interracial Nature of Violent Crimes: A Reexamination


Several authors have recently challenged the conception that violent crimes in the United States are disproportionately intraracial. They have posited a special propensity for black offenders to seek out white victims because of black rage and have pointed to the desirable characteristics of white victims. In this paper, three models of the race of offender and victim are developed using aggregate national data on homicide (from the Uniform Crime Reports), rape, aggravated assault, simple assault, and robbery (from the National Crime Surveys.) Whatever measures are used, violent crimes are found to be intraracial to a far greater extent than statistically expected under these models. A structural explanation of these findings is presented.

Freaks at DOJ in 2007

Race and Violent Offender Propensity: Does the Intraracial Nature of Violent Crime Persist on the Local Level?

NCJ Number

Justice Research and Policy Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Dated: 2007 Pages: 53-86

Sarah Becker
Date Published

34 pages

This study examined whether the propensity of violent offenders to select victims intraracially held up if expected values were calculated locally.

The findings indicate that though causes behind the predominantly intraracial nature of violent crime remain open to and worthy of investigation, the proposition that Black offenders’ racial animosity for White people is what drives high levels of interracial offending can be dismissed. Events of criminal violence motivated by racial hatred do occur. However, aggregated, national, city-level, and neighborhood-level patterns demonstrate that Black or White, Latino, Asian, or Native-American assault offenders do not exhibit a general propensity to select victims interracially; rather that violent offenders do tend to select victims intraracially at the local level, but that the intraracial character of violent offending varies by crime, offender race, and locale. For most cities in the analysis, assault is predominantly intraracial across offense/offender categories. For a few cities, however, criminal assault is less intraracial than expected with White offenders victimizing interracially more than random selection would predict. The past research which relied on national-level data to calculate expected value of interracial offending implicitly assumed that people had access to each other across the Nation. Not only do Black offenders not have a propensity to select White victims for crimes of violence, but if they demonstrate a propensity, it is to select victims within race. That the pattern persists even when local-level segregation is taken into account makes it apparent that factors beyond residential segregation operate to produce predominantly intraracial assault offending. White and minority populations are not just segregated residentially, but are also segregated into different occupations, jobs, and career trajectories as well as different tracks in the educational system. Data for the study were collected from the National Institute Based Incident Reporting System (NIBRS). Tables, references
Long Beach teens plead guilty in Halloween beating case
Surprisingly, NPR actually covered that crime › 2007 › 01 › 26 › 7045725 › nine-convicted-in-long-beach-hate-crime-trial

Nine Convicted in Long Beach Hate-Crime Trial : NPR

Jan 26, 2007 In Long Beach, Calif., a juvenile court judge has convicted eight black girls and one boy of beating three young white women last year. One girl was acquitted of all charges. The defendants...
The willfully stupid or naturally stupid Knoxville negroes have not had a reckoning with their gangs packed with insane nigger killing machines whose motive for killing could be something as simple as a passing glance at the nigger who has an illegal gun, or drug deals gone bad. But they're right, no one cares until it is their own kid, but yes they do care to stay the h3ll away from their local nigger criminally insane gang members, until they cannot which is when they get killed. They will continue to kill because blacks like to kill, it is genetic.

[BLACK] Families wrecked by gun violence: 'We are burying our kids and nobody cares'​

Angela Dennis
Knoxville News Sentinel

MARCH 3, 2021

Families in Knoxville torn apart by gun violence often have a second wave of grief waiting for them in the wake of their loved one's death. In addition to the searing pain of losing a family member, many families are left to cope with profound frustration when no one is held responsible for the crime.
Seventeen of the 37 homicide investigations by the Knoxville Police Department in 2020 were unsolved as the year ended, and the investigations into the shooting deaths of two of the three Austin-East High School students killed this year remain unsolved. The FBI announced Tuesday it was offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information that leads to the arrests and convictions of those responsible for the killings.
Linda Conners knows that pain. She lost her nephew Marquis Nolan in a shooting outside Mag Lounge in January. The case remains open.
Linda Conners  pleads with officials during a meeting of city and community leaders to discuss gun violence that has claimed the lives this year of three teenagers. Conners knows the frustration of waiting for resolution in a homicide investigation. Her nephew Marquis Nolan was shot to death in January, and his case remains unsolved. Parents need closure, she told Knox News.

“When my nephew was killed January 18, his mom has been calling and calling nobody is getting back with her," she told Knox News. "It is almost like they know it's Black on Black crime and it’s like they don't care. We are burying our kids and nobody cares.
“We go to investigators about these shootings and KPD is not getting back with us in a way we feel is necessary. We are going through a lot with these killing sprees and we need closure. Parents need closure. I’m always reaching out to them, not the other way around.
Charlene Roberts knows that pain, too. She lost two of her children to gun violence. A son in January, Kevin Roberts, and her daughter Jesse Roberts, who was shot while in a Krystal’s drive-thru in 2019.
Charlene Roberts lost two children to gun violence: her daughter, Jesse, in 2019, and her son, Kevin. There are too many cold cases and too many unsolved murders, she told Knox News.

She said her experience has been one of disappointment.
“From the moment my son was killed in January it was a bad experience. We went to the hospital looking for him and my other son was so outraged that it almost led to him getting arrested simply because we wanted answers," Roberts told Knox News. "We finally got a phone call saying my son was murdered, not a visit but a phone call.
“It feels like nothing is getting done even with the info they have. Money in this city is being unnecessarily spent on things like ballparks when there are so many other things needed to help our community. There are too many cold cases and too many unsolved murders. Both my son and daughter’s cases remain open.”
Dr. Kimberly Brown, an associate professor of psychiatry at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told Knox News "the death of a child destroys our faith in the world and our sense of trust. The shock of senseless gun violence is difficult for humans to process already.
"It's that sudden and premature death that leads to trauma with no chance to plan or say goodbye. Often families feel that they have been robbed."
During a community meeting at The Change Center in East Knoxville last month, Roberts told the crowd that the problem is bigger than Knoxville.
"We need to reach out to other states.
I was just notified that my daughter's case has been put on the back burner due to all the recent violence. Two years later and nobody has been taken into custody."
She also spoke to disparities in media coverage, which tends to emphasize deaths in wealthy parts of the city.
"My son was murdered in West Knoxville and the coverage was much different. But when children are killed from Austin-East we see it all over the news. Why do we not show that we have people like my son killed in West Knoxville?
"I've been doing this for two years now and I still have nothing. They are getting drug dealers off the streets but they aren't catching these murderers."

A Knoxville Police Department spokesman said the cases of Marquis Nolan and Jesse Roberts remain open with no suspects arrested or charged.
A Knox County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman said the case of Kevin Roberts is active and one suspect is in custody. Raiquan Stapleton appeared in court last week on charges of first-degree murder.
Knox News spoke with KPD spokesman Scott Erland who explained the department's process for dealing with families following a violent death. Investigators work as quickly as they can to locate and make contact with the next of kin. They offer any details that they have at the moment, contact information for police and an explanation of the process going forward.
The investigator is "heavily involved" with the family in the first 48 to 72 hours after the incident occurs, he said. At the same time, the Violent Crimes Unit victim advocate will make contact with the family. The victim advocate serves as a direct contact for families and a conduit between relatives and police.
"The frequency of contact is generally guided by what the particular family desires. For those cases that remain open or unsolved, at a minimum, the victim advocate will attempt to contact the family once a month if that is what the family wishes," Erland said. "In some cases, the family only wants to hear from the KPD when there are any new developments, and not once a month."
Julius Jefferies, a local licensed certified grief therapist, says he has been working with patients in grief and trauma therapy for more than a decade and that more resources are needed now more than ever, particularly within the Black community. Jefferies is one of a small number of Black therapists in the area.
"Best practices for law enforcement is to connect families with resources and services as soon as possible. KPD does a great job collaborating with mental health professionals to link victims with the services they need to address trauma and loss, however, I do think more resources are needed," Jefferies said.
"Grief is different for everyone, even within the same cultural group. So, while cultural competence is needed, specialized training to understand the nuances and differences of individuals is essential. When I think of disparities in mental health in the African American community, I think more resources are needed with professionals who are appropriately trained, educated, and culturally competent in African American culture and grief."
Families can reach out to the victim advocate any time, Erland said. "In general terms, we feel like we do a good job of following up and maintaining contact with victim’s families. Of course, there is always room for improvement, but we feel that our investigators and victim advocate are honest and accessible while providing the best available resource."
The families who have buried loved ones are tired, but they're trying to focused on the bigger picture.
"Come back with the jobs for these kids. I'm a broken aunt," Conners said. And we need help for these young people. I am in the 6th District and I want it to calm down. I am going to do my part right here in my district and we need help."
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