


1. Hitler - Catholic Christian or New Ager?

While most J*ws are sure that Hitler
represented the Christian community,
several prominent New Agers have denied this categorically
and speak of Hitler as a New Age disciple.

Foster Bailey ('Running God's Plan', p.14) tactfully does not name him
but describes him as a disciple who tried to put the 'Plan'
into action on a regional scale in the Rhine River valley.

The 'Department of Interplanetary Affairs'
('History of the Golden Ages' [sic!], web site)
speaks openly and glowingly about him.
Reasons for Hitler's fa
ilure to succeed globally are given variously as:
he was premature; he did not coordinate with the 'hierarchy of masters'
but tried to build a rival power base [see
below for confirmation];
his vision for mankind wasn't 'global' enough;
he was blocked by the 'old order'.
None cite any 'weakness' towards Christianity.

Hitler from early teen years turned against Christianity
and sought his destiny in the occult;

he had passed the 'novice' stage by 1913. In 1918 (age 29)
he claimed to hear voices saying that he was
"selected by God to be Germany's messiah"
[The Twisted Cross, Joseph Carr, p.36];

later he made contact with an 'ascended master'
whom he identified as Lucifer or "the beast from the pit".
He eventually became convinced he was the reincarnation
of Woden (or, Woton), a Norse god.
He had his SS officers undergo occult initiation vows
to replace their
Christian faith with early Germanic paganism,
and to harness New Age forces.
He became obsessed with one NA legend in particular,
the 'quest for the holy grail'.

Before enacting his 'final solution', Hitler made an effort to remove
all churches and pa
stors who showed the least resistance
to policies already in operation.

While he did not feel free to close down many Catholic churches,
especially where local support was strong,
he vented his rage on Pope Pius XI who issued an encyclical
(smuggled into Germany) condemning him as
"a mad prophet possessed of repulsive arrogance"
("Mit Brennender Sorg", Palm Sunday 1937)
and who set up 180 safe houses in the Vatican which sheltered
at least 5000 J*ws.

The Nazi national paper called him "the J*w-god in Rome";
Himmler's deputy Heydrich announced,
"The Pope has repudiated the National Socialist New European Order
[note the famili
ar phrase, only on a European scale]...
He is virtually accusing the German people of injustice toward the J*ws
and makes himself the mouthpiece of the Jewish war criminals."

But soon after the war, unknown sources were again calling the Pope
a "war criminal", only now so named because he had approved
of the Nazi regime and kept "totally sile
nt" about the Jewish extermination
(as in a German play "The Deputy", Rolf Hochhuch, 1963).

In direct contrast, Golda Meir (1958) and Pinchas Lapide (1967)
publicly noted that the Pope and other Catholic leaders were responsible
for saving anywhere from 700,000 to 860,000 J*ws during the Holocaust.
[This of course does not excuse the millions of Catholics and Protestants
who did remain silent; nor does it follow that other popes were,
or are, of the same caliber.
But the divide-and-conquer strategy toward monotheistic groups
is likely the motive for this revision of history.

2. The same Aryan Race?
Hitler adopted Theosophical teachings (in Germany since 1884)
and its Aryan race purity verbatim
(studying 'The Secret Doctrine' by Helena Blavatsky),
going on to with other former Theosophists to develop a Nordic version.
The Thule Society (formed in 1914) was told in a seance
that "Lord Maitreya" [none other!] would soon make his appearance
as a German messiah to "
lead the Aryan race to final victory over the J*ws"; Thule leader Dietrich Eckart was charged with the responsibility
of 'nurturing' him. [see The Twisted Cross, Joseph Carr, p.110]

NA spokesman 'David Spangler'
(dedicated to 'anchor the Plan on earth'
by establishing 'NA spiritual centers' on the order of 'Findhorn')
distances New Age Aryans from Nazi Aryans
only in that the "blond, blue-eyed Germanic race
which Hitler spoke of" was unnecessarily narrow;
the Aryans &quo
t;are actually a more wide-ranging
and ancient super-race".

As an avowed disciple of Bailey and Blavatsky,
he can be assumed to hold the same views about how to maintain
the 'racial purity' of the Aryan race.
[Spangler is reportedly teaching at the University of Wisconsin,
although he never finished college himself.]
Although Hitler turned against Theosophy early in the Third Reich
[see below], he saw to it that their teachings were distributed
to the German people, and by 1941 had imported

at least 1,000 Tibetans to Berlin as teachers.

3. Hitler's connection with American eugenicists:
The Nazis closely followed the writings of Madison Grant
(associate of American Birth Control League director Stoddard),
who said (among other things) that sentimental beliefs
such as Christianity short-circuited acceptance of infanticide,
a natural weeding-out process necessary to preserving the species.
The Nazis thanked Grant and Sto
ddard for
"awakening in Germany the movement for the preservation
and increase of the Nordic race."

The League (later named 'Planned Parenthood')
also took a great interest in ongoing Nazi methods,
and published an article entitled 'Eugenic Sterilization, an Urgent Need',
by Ernst Rudin, Director of Genetic Sterilization and founder
of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene.

A group of American eugenicists sat as guest judges
in the German 'eugenic courts' in the 1930's,
and returned with highest recommendations:
"The [Nazi] ster
ilization law is weeding out the worst strains
in the Germanic stock in a scientific and truly humanitarian way."
(Lothrop Stoddard, 1940) [documentation -
Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia, the American Life League,
Chapter 53, on-line through the Web]

4. Besides the above, New Age shares other common ground with
Hitler's Third Reich and the Thule Societ
the use of swastikas (its ancient occult meaning explained by Blavatsky
in 'The Secret Doctrine'), development of spirit-contacts including Lucifer,
a contempt for certain 'amateur' occult practices such as astrology
('higher adepts' such as the leaders of 'Lucis Trust' dismiss astrology
and astral arts as worthless beyond achieving initial spirit contact;
Hitler also looked down on astrology as a 'parlor game',
although Himmler was devoted to it),
reverence for Tibetan Buddhism (according to one NA source,
Hitler sent SS officers to the Himalayas to consult with
the 'ascended masters'),
organized initia
tion into pagan and occult practices,
and [virtually unknown] glorification of homosexuality
as a 'path to higher consciousness and superhuman power'
[In accordance with widespread occult practice,
promotion in the SS was conditional on adopting "warrior"
or super-masculine homos
effeminate homosexuals were despised and were sent to the camps.
See The Pink Swastika, Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,
Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams, on line via the Web].

5. An especially interesting tactic shared by both Nazism and NA
is faulting the J*ws for rejecting Jesus as their Messiah.
Like Hitler, no NA leaders accept Jesus's claims as recorded in the New Testament, yet they make much of the fact that the J*ws did not either,
and include this failure in their tally of the J*ws' karmic debt:

"Christ came to bring an end to the Jewish dispensation
which should have climaxed and passed away as a religion...

In the rejection of Christ as the Messiah, the Jewish race has remai
ned symbolically and practically in the [astrological] sign of Aries,
the Scapegoat [actually Aries is a ram, as noted elsewhere in this book,
but the purpose for this "mistake" is self-evident].
[If they don't accept him in the
person of Maitreya]
they will repeat their ancient sin of non-response
to the evolutionary process.

They rejected that which was new and spiritual in the desert
[making the golden calf at Sinai];
they did it again in Palestine 2000 years ago;
will they do it again, as opportunity is offered to them?"
(Alice Bailey, 'The Reappearance of the Christ', p.81)

[Here we have a masterful "catch-22", for if the J*ws reject Maitreya
as a false messiah, they will 'remain the Scapegoat'
and eventually get wiped out as they deserve.

If they accept him, they will accept his assessment
that past karma requires their annihilation,
first total assimilation and then death.

The only question is whether they will go out in submission
or in rebellion, bu
t go they will...]

A related tactic common to the Nazis and New Age
is using 'Christian' arguments against the J*ws. Christians,
coming from a complet
ely different orientation,
have made similar charges as above,
such as the Jewish dispensation being ended with Christ,
and the failure of J*ws to accept him
costing them their place as G-d's chosen people.

New Agers do not hesitate to quote 'Replacement Theology'
[perhaps another case of NA infiltration into Christianity?]
in support of their own goals even while planning
the end of the Christians,
as did Hitler in quoting Martin Luther
while removing Lutheran pastors who opposed him.

6. Why did the Nazis persecute Theosophists and other occultists?
Hitler kept a copy of Blavatsky's 'The Secret Doctrine' by his bedside,
ever since being introduced to its teachings by Dietrich Eckart
and Karl Haushofer.
(see Adolf Hitler, The Occult Messiah, Gerald Suster, 1981).

And yet from the 1920's his thugs ruthles
sly attacked and killed
adherents of Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Freemasons
and others who shared t
he same occult doctrines;
he banned their groups from the Third Reich,
and publicly denounced occultists
such as 'Rudolf Steiner' and 'Aleister Crowley'.
In contrast, he ignored astrologers,
seance mediums, fortune tellers,
and similar groups (at least until 1941).

This can be easily understood, however, in terms of perceived threat;
Hitler simply recognized occultic power in each of the banned groups
which could be used to rival his own occultic 'Order of Magi'
reigning from the 'Thule Society',
and eliminated them from the field.
Those occult groups who presented no threat he left alone.
Another theory [see The Twisted Cross, Joseph Carr, p.88-100]
is that Hitler was determined to keep the
Thule Society's Luciferic roots
hidden from the general public;
the groups and individuals he targeted for elimination
were those who knew of those roots
(and who might
expose him in opposing his bid to cont
rol the 'Plan').

This would explain why the Nazis burned every available book
of Thule Society founder Rudolf Heinrich von Sebottendorf
which spoke of those roots, why they confiscated (rather than burned)
all the books of the occult groups they outlawed,
and why Rudolf Hess's defection to the West in 1941
prompted Hitler to outlaw all remaining occultists
in the Third Reich, such as astrologers, mediums -
and even parlor magicians.

Nevertheless Hitler and Goebbels (another star-skeptic)
resorted to astrological forecasts at the end of the war
when his 'ascended masters' "abandoned" him,
holding on to false forecasts of victory.


From New Agers:

(by Alice Bailey) Externalisation of the Hierarchy,
The Rays and the Initiations, The Reappearance of the Christ

(by Helena Blavatsky) The Secret Do
ctrines, Isis Unveiled

(by Marilyn Ferguson) The Aquarian Conspirac

(by Benjamin Creme) The Reappearance of the Christ
and the Ascended Masters (not to be confused with Bailey's book)

(by David Spangler) Revelation: The Birth of a New Age,
Reflections on the Christ

(by Mark Satin) New Age Politics (lists many NA groups at the end)

(various periodicals) The Door Opener, Oracle, The Initiator, Lorian

Journal, New Age Journal, The Beacon, East-West Journal, Whole Life Times,

World Goodwill Newsletter.

From the opposition (no Jewish sources exist to my knowledge - these are Christians):

The Occult and the Third Reich (Jean-Michel Angebert)

The Twisted Cross, the Occultic Religion of Hitler and the New Age Nazism (Joseph Carr)

The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow (Constance Cumbey)

Peace, Prosperity and the Coming Holocaust (Dave Hunt)

(web sites)

"The Ne
w Age Movement by Norman Geisler"

(these last 3 are each a good general overview)

see also sources mentioned above i
n passing.


Since I have not until now seen a Jewish response to the New Age Plan,
I will attempt to offer the beginnings of one,
based on my limited understanding of the situation.
I realize that many may not agree with me.
