

The Importance of Aryan Unity

By David Myatt

We Aryans live in desperate times. It does not matter where we live, for the power of ZOG is now world-wide. Everywhere, our freedom, our Aryan culture, is under attack; everywhere our people are manipulated and in danger.

England, Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, America..... All these and all other once Aryan nations are now effectively controlled by ZOG: Aryan activists - those who fight for their people - can now be hauled before some ZOG Court and charged with violating some ZOG law.

Even in America, which Aryan activists in other countries once considered had some freedoms left, there is no escape from the tyranny of ZOG, as the recent cases of Aryan Nations and Alex Curtis have shown.

No where on this planet is there a place where we can truely live in freedom, among our own kind (and only our own kind) according to our
own Aryan customs and our own Aryan laws
: where our Aryan culture and our Aryan way of life flourish, and where we can be proud of our nation, our people, the very land where we dwell. Instead, we are forced to live in decadent, drug and crime infested "multi-racial" societies where our Aryan culture and Aryan way of life is at best suppressed and at worst outlawed.

We need to understand that we are fighting a powerful, ruthless enemy, who is intent on making us into docile slaves, and who can and does use any means to maintain and enforce their power and control. We need to understand that our enemy is trying, and has been trying for well over seventy years, to break our Aryan spirit: to undermine and destroy our will to resist. We need to understand that our enemy is intent on destroying our culture, our way of life, and our very race itself.

We need to forget our political and policy differences, and concentrate on fighting the enemy. We need to develope and show real
Aryan solidarity. What matters is that we fight our common en
emy: that we recognize the common heritage, the common culture, which we all, as Aryans, share. Our shared Aryan identity is more important than our differences about policy and tactics, just as our Cause - the cause of ensuring a future for our race - is more important than our own personalities.

We must rise about the pettiness which has dogged us in the past; we must seek to avoid "clashes of personalities" as we must not, ever again, allow ourselves to be manipulated by ZOG and so go around spreading rumours and gossip about any Aryan activist, whatever organization they belong to and regardless of what the great ZOG dis-information machine says they have done.

We must accept, and act upon, the truth that any Aryan who fights ZOG, who supports our people, in whatever way, is our comrade, our ally and our friend.

It does not matter what political or religious organization this person belongs to, as it does
not even matter what political or religious beliefs this person holds: what matters
is doing something to support and aid our people.

We must refrain from making any negative, any disparaging, comments and remarks about any organization or group - political, religious or social - which is pro-Aryan and which seeks to support and aid our people, and which seeks to express our Aryan culture and Aryan way of life. And we must do this even if we ourselves do not agree with the policy, the tactics or the beliefs of such organizations and groups.

That is, we must have the strength of character - the Aryan character - to keep our views and opinions to ourselves, putting our Aryan people, our fight for freedom, first: before our own feelings, our own views. And if we feel we must make some comment about something, then let us make comments about our enemies: about those who are oppressing our people.

We must refrain from making any negative, any personal, remarks and comments - in public
- about the leaders, organizers and members of any Aryan group or organization. And if we feel
strongly about a particular person who is involved in some group or organization then the Aryan thing to do is to speak to that individual in person and in private, and if after this, there is still disagreement about something, then agree to differ, in private, but in public get on with the task of fighting our common enemy.

In brief, we must start thinking and acting like Aryans: putting our ideals of honour, loyalty and duty to the folk before our own concerns, our own views, our own opinions.

If we do not do this - and continue to allow ourselves to be manipulated by ZOG and so squabble like children among ourselves - then we simply do not deserve to win.

The policy of the NSM is that it will work and co-operate with any pro-Aryan organization or group, and with any individual or individuals who are fighting ZOG.