
Stop the Hate!
by R. L. Johnson

After almost 60 years since the defeat of National Socialist Germany and her allies by the unholy alliance of Judeo capitalism and Judeo communism, the J*ws and their minions are still saturating Aryans with self-hate propaganda. At the point of their anti-White spear is Adolf Hitler. Any White person who hates Adolf Hitler, whether they realize it or not, is taking part in self-hatred, for Adolf Hitler lived and died for our Aryan Race! And to deny a hero of your own people, you are turning your back on who you are. It's unnatural.

The J*ws and their underlings are so afraid of Hitler and his/our National Socialism they make laws wherever they can to openly outlaw National Socialism and expressing realistic positive ideas about Adolf Hitler. "88" is born of these repressive measures taken by the Jewish camp. In Germany and other &quo
t;democracies" you can be put in prison for op
enly saying, "Heil Hitler!" or giving the Nazi salute. They must recognize the truth to what John F. Kennedy wrote in his post-war diary: "After visiting these two places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived." They know the truth to this observation, that is why the hatred against Hitler has never stopped.

Despite the repression of free expression the J*ws have unleashed upon our Aryan People, they will not win in the end. The J*ws are trying to force unnatural practices on us, and nobody ever beats Nature! We National Socialists are squarely on the side of Nature in our fight for Aryan progress and its accompanying defeat of the J*w. To show we are worthy of Nature we must triple our efforts and actions in 2005. We are up against a formidable enemy who can only be defeated by great sacrifices on
our part. Our day will come because of our sacrifices.