Sex Misconduct by Mostly Minorities Swept Under Rug




‘A huge slap in the face’: Frustrations grow over cheerleading’s mishandled sexual misconduct cases e tale about why he had downloaded child pornography onto his co-worker’s laptop.*Lewis*explained*to Kent police*that*he was sick of working as a cheerleading coach. He wanted to be fired from the*gym where he taught tumbling*to young athletes*— and*to*ensure he would never again work in the sport.*
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‘A huge slap in the face’: Frustrations grow over cheerleading’s mishandled sexual misconduct cases
Seated in an interrogation room in a Washington state jail, Lenny Lewis Jr. spun an implausible tale about why he had downloaded child pornography onto his co-worker’s laptop. Lewis explained to Kent police that he was sick of working as a cheerleading coach. He wanted to be fired from the gym where he taught tumbling to young athletes – and to ensure he would never again work in the sport.

“There is no way,” Lewis said in 2010, “that I would be able to get a job after this in cheerleading.”

He was wrong. The criminal justice system did its part by convicting Lewis of attempted possession of child pornography and placing him on Washington’s sex offender registry. But Lewis kept coaching, slipping by a Kentucky gym owner who did not make him pass a background check. Then in 2016, Lewis used a fraudulent Social Security number to clear a screening for membership in the U.S. All Star Federation (USASF), the national governing body of competitive cheerleading.

HSI Seeks Public’s Aid in WA Cheer Coach Child Exploitation

By Tammy Waitt -June 19, 2018