School to pay 15 yr old lesbian $30,000

White Boy


School To Pay Girl $30,000 After Suspension For Lesbian Shirt

POSTED: 8:19 a.m. EST April 2, 2004

NEW YORK -- Natalie Young claimed she was a victim of discrimination after being suspended for wearing a "Barbie is a Lesbian" T-shirt to school.

Now, she's getting a $30,000 settlement from the New York City Department of Education. A lawyer for the school system said it was appropriate not to fight the case.

The 15-year-old high schooler is openly gay.

She wore the "Barbie i
a Lesbian" T-shirt to her middle school two years ago. Ron Kuby, her lawyer, said the school had no official dress code at the time.

He said Natalie's one-day suspension was part of a seri

f discriminatory incidents.

So the mud carpet muncher gets herself a Joo lawyer and extorts 30 big ones from the school system, even though she went out of her way to create a disturbance.

Damn, I never got a payoff every time I was sent to the vice principal's office. If I did, I'd be a rich man today.

Originally posted by The Bobster@Apr 4 2004, 01:33 PM
So the mud carpet muncher gets herself a Joo lawyer and extorts 30 big ones from the school system, even though she went out of her way to create a disturbance.

Damn, I never got a payoff every time I was sent to the vice principal's office. If I did, I'd be a rich man today.
I despise fag sphicter muscle worshippers and rug-chewers...they are a sick as he
l! What are the fags thinking, that the 'catcher' will get a big belly, grow b--bs and poop out a gay baby that they can p---k feed like the perves that they are?!?

Never, never, ne

allow these a--h-les to be near a kid, let alone adopt one!

As for the 15 year old rug-chewer, make her and her family give back the $30 gran...they do NOT deserve it at all! Deport that Joo to Israel!