saddened (commentary by Smedley Butler)

I received a call from Ron Paul yesterday wanting me to donate to his drive to stop a bill in Congress that would make national ID’s mandatory. The so-called gang of eight in Washington, DC is behind the bill. Dr. Paul wants to create opposition with ads on various out-lets to let people know what the gang is up to. Evidently, these national ID's are for government use, would contain our photos and every scrap of information about our private lives and monitor every move we make. Humph.

That pile of horse hockey, John McCain, is one of the gang members. Race traitors like him truly confound me. What can a man like him possibly get out of selling-out his race, culture and nation? He married a rich woman and so, has no need for money. The old coot is already in his late 70's with most of his life behind him. If he thinks he can go into his eternity and leave behind total chaos for his own people and nation and still have a cozy nest in the here-after he might be in for a shock. It stands to reason that our Creator would take a dim view of anybody like McCain being willfully destructive to the creative process. The west is certainly a magnificent creative process. I imagine that for all of our failings and flaws the Creator is pleased with our achievements.

We came down through the ages with the desire to please God. In this dysfunctional age we try to please the Jews and every two legged barbarian that comes down the pike. Most of us had rather not, but we do so whether we want to or not. The scum demand it. Prostrating ourselves for the Jews and other outsiders goes against the grain. Everyone wants our esteem and puts the pressure on for it. It’s like - don’t esteem God, anymore, or even ourselves; give our esteem to the Jews and their diversity trash. They want to take God's place. Insanity has taken over.


April 19, 2012

The Coming Race War in America was published in 1996 by Carl Rowan, the black columnist and former ambassador to Finland. The title is not ironic. He foresaw a major racial explosion. The book of course was furiously ignored. It should not have been. It dealt with an apocalyptic vision that has lurked around the edges of American consciousness since before the Civil War. And still does. We just don’t talk about it.

What has this to do with Zimmerman?

This: Our racial policy has proved a disaster. Sixty years after Brown vs. the School Board, blacks have not assimilated. They constitute a separate people having almost nothing in common with the surrounding European society. They fiercely maintain their identity with their own music, dialect, customs, dress, and names. All attempts to turn them into middle-class whites in darker packaging have failed. Only relentless governmental pressure forces an appearance of partial integration.

Let’s consider a few awkward facts that loom ghoulishly above the body politic, which seems to be decomposing. First, on every known measure of cognitive ability, on IQ, SATs, GREs, everything, blacks average about one standard deviation, fifteen IQ points, below whites. The gap is a fact. It exists. It is reflected in performance. It has proved intractable. In a technological civilization that rewards intelligence, the deficit sharply limits legitimate access to the higher reaches of money, power, class, and prestige.

Second, blacks continue to show little interest in schooling. Exceptions and degrees, yes. Yet consider cities such as Washington, which usually has a black mayor, black city council, mostly black school board, black staffs in the schools, black parents, black students, a high per-capita expenditure—and perhaps the worst schools in the country. This is a fact, and shows no signs of diminishing. It is repeated in countless cities.

If the United State had large numbers of manual jobs that paid a living wage, as for example assembling cars, things might not be so bad. But the United States no longer has many such jobs. The economy has no need for huge numbers of people who read at the level of second-graders, if that. The existence of these people is a fact. When such jobs exist, as for example on police forces, better qualified whites are invariably available. Without remedial intervention, the academic and professional worlds, the managerial ranks of blue-collar trades, would turn almost pure white, and there would be actual hunger in the inner cities.

The solution, to the extent that it can be called a solution, has been a combination of welfare and affirmative action. Each has produced its own kind of dependency. Whites in their own way depend on welfare payments to blacks in that ending welfare would send the cities up in flames. We now have dense concentrations of unemployed, unemployable blacks leading meaningless lives in rotting cities. They are angry, blame whites for their troubles, and do not have a lot to lose. The torching of Los Angeles in 1992 is endlessly repeatable. Only a spark is needed.

None of this improves, and it seems to be getting worse. On the Drudge Report and elsewhere on the web, video after cell phone video appears of pack-attacks by feral blacks on whites and Asians. These attacks often result in brain damage: the attackers are trying to hurt the victims badly, and usually laugh while doing it. Other videos time and again show black teenagers looting Seven-Elevens. The perpetrators show no signs of worry about being caught. They know that white police wouldn’t dare arrest thirty black adolescents.

Whites are frightened of blacks. They are afraid of taking the wrong exit from the freeway and ending up in a black ghetto. They are afraid when they pass young black males in a dark neighborhood. White women clutch their purses and cross the street, try not to get into elevators with them. The fear, seldom mentioned, determines where whites live, where they go, and where they send their children to school.

This unacknowledged fear engenders unacknowledged consequences. When white men buy guns, journalistic organs of that prissy rectitude we call political correctness—the Washington Post, probably National Review—speak of gun nuts, psychosexual inadequacies, and sordid fantasies. Hardly. The purchasers of guns have in mind defending their families should the need arise. The buyers do not fear attack by Jewish violinists.

Government also is afraid of blacks. Los Angeles burned because blacks didn’t like the outcome of a trial. Recently cities in England went up because a policeman shot a black. The Zimmerman shooting looks very similar, and blacks are very angry. Jesse Jackson has said that Trayvon was “hunted down like a rabid dog in the street,” that he was “murdered and martyred,” that it was a “hate crime.”

These are the words of a man looking for a fight. One may be available. Charging Zimmerman with murder buys time. If he is acquitted….

The signs are ominous. Tension rises in America. Incomes fall, foreclosures rise, jobs go east, police powers increase, trust in government evaporates, and expectations for the future decline. An unfocused edginess germinates. It is not a recipe for domestic tranquility.

The response of whites to riots by blacks has always been to back away. This prudence, as it is thought to be, has been enforced by the government. If a minority in Russia started burning cities, the army would shoot the rioters on sight. America doesn’t work that way, or hasn’t recently. The lack of consequences for beatings and flash-mobbings, the history of saying “racism” and walking, produces a sense of untouchability in blacks. It could be a mistake.

A spring is being wound. On one hand, when you live in a sprawling tightly packed concentration of people like yourself, it is easy to forget that you are very much a minority, that the majority holds all the high cards, and that food doesn’t really come from Safeway.

On the other hand, via the internet whites now know of the racial attacks, and grow quietly very sick of them. There is among many white men an undercurrent of “Bring it on.” This is not confined merely to cops, soldiers, conservatives, Southerners, westerners, the rural and the blue-collar. You can find it, carefully hidden, in federal offices and even among men in newsrooms. The extent of this sentiment is easy to underestimate. Those who share it don’t dare express it, and most journalists live in ideological bubbles.

We must lynch Zimmerman.
Did Leo Frank Confess?
Who Really Solved the Mary Phagan Murder Case?
The Leo Frank Case: A Pseudo-History
Learn about the grotesque birth of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith in 1913, resulting from the murder conviction of Leo Frank B'nai B'rith Atlanta President. The Leo Frank Affair:


In the year 1989 P.B.S. with public funding produced a documentry that was an insult to all White's and stated that Leo was innocent, and that it was just White hatred that led to hanging a guiltless man.:barf2:

Shame is something the enemies of White people do not have.

Note to editor or mod. The 100 reason's for Mr. Frank being guilty is too long to post.

Please post it if you can as it is scholarly, factual and important in light of massive media denial and lie's.

I will not post again till till the board open's if ever.

Thanks to all who gave a dam to utter a word in print.

Now we are in the closet, and the perverts are in the open.
Re: saddened

"white collar crime and corruption--such as that that occurring in the banking system."

In other words which are far more apt, JEWISH

forums/picture.php?pictureid=24&albumid=3&dl=1209844338&thumb=1 crime and corruption--such as that that occurring in the banking system..

Most of us here at NNN are jew-wise.

Most of the White niggerlovering liberals that come to NNN to whine at us are not. They mistakenly believe that jews are Whites just like they are, and this is precisely how "big jew" wants things to be, except when it suits them otherwise, like when "big jew" decides that it's time for Amerikwa to be reminded of the holohoax yet again, or why more of whitey's taxes need to be spent on Israhell.
Well take a bow Ap*, take a friggin bow. Here's most of the nnnf reporters you've driven off. You now standing over the 'bones' of what's left, GLOATING. Shouting down insults at the bones you
(think) you stand over.
What's the use, traffic to nnnf has all but dried up?
So go on and tell me, take me on, go on and tell me twice....Im a sucker... EIEIO