Problemo w. creepy Joe--he's not only senile & brain-dead, but psycho--listen to him on "inflation"


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Problemo w. creepy Joe--he's not only senile & brain-dead, but psycho--listen to him on "inflation"

Here's creepy Joe babbling about "inflation" issue--does he make any sense?--no, he just babbles the stock propaganda, but he manages to botch the propaganda lines also--yet he still insists he's making any sense (of course, the stupid nigger agrees w. him for everything he says).

Re: Problemo w. creepy Joe--he's not only senile & brain-dead, but psycho--listen to him on "inflati

Why the State Demands Control of Money

by Hans-Hermann Hoppe |
August 11th 2021, 4:02 pm


The question that arises for the state ruler is: How can I free myself of two effective constraints on my power: tax-resistance in the form of falling tax revenue and the need to borrow from and pay interest to banks?

Imagine you are in command of the state, defined as an institution that possesses a territorial monopoly of ultimate decision making in every case of conflict, including conflicts involving the state and its agents itself, and, by implication, the right to tax, i.e., to unilaterally determine the price that your subjects must pay you to perform the task of ultimate decision making.

To act under these constraints — or rather, lack of constraints — is what constitutes politics and political action, and it should be clear from the outset that politics, then, by its very nature, always means mischief. Not from your point of view, of course, but mischief from the point of view of those subject to your rule as ultimate judge. Predictably, you will use your position to enrich yourself at other people’s expense.

More specifically, we can predict in particular what your attitude and policy vis-à-vis money and banking will be.

Assume that you rule over a territory that has developed beyond the stage of a primitive barter economy and where a common medium of exchange, i.e., a money, is in use. First off, it is easy to see why you would be particularly interested in money and monetary affairs. As state ruler, you can in principle confiscate whatever you want and provide yourself with an unearned income. But rather than confiscating various producer or consumer goods, you will naturally prefer to confiscate money. Because money, as the most easily and widely saleable and acceptable good of all, allows you the greatest freedom to spend your income as you like, on the greatest variety of goods. First and foremost, then, the taxes you impose on society will be money taxes, whether on property or income. You will want to maximize your money-tax revenues.

In this attempt, however, you will quickly encounter some rather intractable difficulties. Eventually, your attempts to further increase your tax income will encounter resistance in that higher tax rates will not lead to higher but to lower tax revenue. Your income — your spending money — declines, because producers, burdened with increasingly higher tax rates, simply produce less.

In this situation, you only have one other option to further increase or at least maintain your current level of spending: by borrowing such funds. And for that you must go to banks — and hence your special interest also in banks and the banking industry. If you borrow money from banks, these banks will automatically take an active interest in your future well-being. They will want you to stay in business, i.e., they want the state to go on in its exploitation business. And since banks tend to be major players in society, such support is certainly beneficial to you. On the other hand, as a negative, if you borrow money from banks you are not only expected to pay your loan back, but to pay interest on top.

The question, then, that arises for you as the ruler is, How can I free myself of these two constraints, i.e., of tax-resistance in the form of falling tax revenue and of the need to borrow from and pay interest to banks?

It is not too difficult to see what the ultimate solution to your problem is.

You can reach the desired independence of taxpayers and tax payments and of banks, if only you establish yourself first as a territorial monopolist of the production of money. On your territory, only you are permitted to produce money. But that is not sufficient. Because as long as money is a regular good that must be expensively produced, there is nothing in it for you except expenses. More importantly, then, you must use your monopoly position in order to lower the production cost and the quality of money as close as possible to zero. Instead of costly quality money such as gold or silver, you must see to it that worthless pieces of paper that can be produced at practically zero cost will become money. (Normally, no one would accept worthless pieces of paper as payment for anything. Pieces of paper are acceptable as payment only insofar as they are titles to something else, i.e., property titles. In other words then, you must replace pieces of paper that were titles to money with pieces of paper that are titles to nothing.)

Under competitive conditions, i.e., if everyone were free to produce money, a money that can be produced at almost zero cost would be produced up to a quantity where marginal revenue equals marginal cost, and because marginal cost is zero the marginal revenue, i.e., the purchasing power of this money, would be zero as well. Hence, the necessity to monopolize the production of paper money, so as to restrict its supply, in order to avoid hyperinflationary conditions and the disappearance of money from the market altogether (and a flight into “real values”) — and the more so the cheaper the money commodity.

In a way, you have thus accomplished what all alchemists and their sponsors wanted to achieve: you have produced something valuable (money with purchasing power) out of something practically worthless. What an achievement. It costs you practically nothing and you can turn around and buy yourself something really valuable, such as a house or a Mercedes; and you can achieve these wonders not just for yourself but also for your friends and acquaintances, of which you discover that you have all of a sudden far more than you used to have (including many economists, who explain why your monopoly is really good for everyone).

What are the effects? First and foremost, more paper money does not in the slightest affect the quantity or quality of all other, nonmonetary goods. There exist just as many other goods around as before. This immediately refutes the notion — apparently held by most if not all mainstream economists — that “more” money can somehow increase “social wealth.” To believe this, as everyone proposing a so-called easy-money policy as an efficient and “socially responsible” way out of economic troubles apparently does, is to believe in magic: that stones — or rather paper — can be turned into bread.

Rather, what the additional money you printed will affect is twofold. On the one hand, money prices will be higher than they would otherwise be, and the purchasing power per unit of money will be lower. In a word, the result will be inflation. More importantly, however, all the while the greater amount of money does not increase (or decrease) the total amount of presently existing social wealth (the total quantity of all goods in society), it redistributes the existing wealth in favor of you and your friends and acquaintances, i.e., those who get your money first. You and your friends are relatively enriched (own a larger part of the total social wealth) at the expense of impoverishing others (who as a result own less).

The problem, for you and your friends, with this institutional setup is not that it doesn’t work. It works perfectly, always to your own (and your friends’) advantage and always at the expense of others. All you have to do is to avoid hyperinflation. For in that case people would avoid using money and flee into real values, thus robbing you of your magic wand. The problem with your paper-money monopoly, if there is one at all, is only that this fact will be immediately noticed also by others and recognized as the big, criminal rip-off that it indeed is.

But this problem can be overcome, too, if, in addition to monopolizing the production of money, you also set yourself up as a banker and enter the banking business with the establishment of a central bank.

Because you can create paper money out of thin air, you can also create credit out of thin air. In fact, because you can create credit out of nothing (without any savings on your part), you can offer loans at cheaper rates than anyone else, even at an interest rate as low as zero (or even at a negative rate). With this ability, not only is your former dependency on banks and the banking industry eliminated; you can, moreover, make banks dependent on you, and you can forge a permanent alliance and complicity between banks and state. You don’t even have to become involved in the business of investing the credit yourself. That task, and the risk involved in it, you can safely leave to commercial banks. What you, your central bank, need to do is only this: You create credit out of thin air and then loan this money, at below-market interest rates, to commercial banks. Instead of you paying interest to banks, banks now pay interest to you. And the banks in turn loan out your newly created easy credit to their business friends at somewhat higher but still submarket interest rates (to earn from the interest differential). In addition, to make the banks especially keen on working with you, you may permit the banks to create a certain amount of their own new credit (of checkbook money) in addition and on top of the credit that you have created (fractional-reserve banking).

What are the consequences of this monetary policy? To a large extent they are the same as with an easy money policy: First, an easy credit policy is also inflationary. More money is brought into circulation and prices will be higher, and the purchasing power of money lower, than would have been the case otherwise. Second, the credit expansion too has no effect on the quantity or quality of all goods currently in existence. It neither increases nor decreases their amount. More money is just this: more paper. It does not and cannot increase social wealth by one iota. Third, easy credit also engenders a systematic redistribution of social wealth in favor of you, the central bank, and the commercial banks within your cartel. You receive an interest return on money that you have created at practically zero cost out of thin air (instead of on money costly saved out of an existing income), and so do the banks, who earn additional interest on your costless money loans. Both you and your banker friends thereby appropriate an “unearned income.” You and the banks are enriched at the expense of all “real” money savers (who receive a lower interest return than they otherwise would, i.e., without the injection of your and the banks’ cheap credit into the credit market).

On the other hand, there also exists a fundamental difference between an easy, print-and-spend money policy and an easy, print-and-loan credit policy.

First off, an easy credit policy alters the production structure — what is produced and by whom — in a highly significant way.

You, the chief of the central bank, can create credit out of thin air. You do not have to first save money out of your money income, i.e., cut your own expenses, and thus abstain from buying certain nonmoney goods (as every normal person must, if he extends credit to someone). You only have to turn on the printing press and can thus undercut any interest rate demanded of borrowers by savers elsewhere in the market. Granting credit does not involve any sacrifice on your part (which is why this institution is so “nice”). If things then go well, you will be paid a positive-interest return on your paper investment, and if they don’t go well — well, as the monopoly producer of money, you can always make up losses more easily than anyone else: by covering your losses with even more printed paper.

Without costs and no genuine, personal risk of losses, then, you can grant credit essentially indiscriminately, to everyone and for any purpose, without concern for the creditworthiness of the debtor or the soundness of his business plan. Because of your “easy” credit, certain people (in particular investment bankers) who otherwise would not be deemed sufficiently creditworthy, and certain projects (in particular of banks and their main clients) that would not be considered profitable but wasteful or too risky instead do get credit and do get funded.

Essentially, the same applies to the commercial banks within your banking cartel. Because of their special relationship to you, as the first recipients of your costless low-interest paper-money credit, the banks, too, can offer loans to prospective lenders at interest rates below market interest rates — and if things go well for them they go well; and if they don’t, they can rely on you, as the monopolistic producer of money, to bail them out in the same way as you bail yourself out of any financial trouble: by more paper money. Accordingly, the banks too will be less discriminating in the selection of their clients and their business plans and more prone to funding the “wrong” people and the “wrong” projects.

And there is a second significant difference between a print-and-spend and a print-and-loan policy and this difference explains why the income and wealth redistribution in your and your banker friends’ favor that is set in motion by easy credit takes the specific form of a temporal — boom-bust — cycle, i.e., of an initial phase of seeming general prosperity (of expected increases in future incomes and wealth) followed by a phase of widespread impoverishment (when the prosperity of the boom period is revealed as a widespread illusion).

This boom-bust feature is the logical — and physically necessary — consequence of credit created out of thin air, of credit unbacked by savings, of fiduciary credit (or however else you may call it) and of the fact that every investment takes time and only shows later on, at some time in the future, whether it is successful or not.

The reason for the business cycle is as elementary as it is fundamental. Robinson Crusoe can give a loan of fish (which he has not consumed) to Friday. Friday can convert these savings into a fishing net (he can eat the fish while constructing the net), and with the help of the net, then, Friday, in principle, is capable of repaying his loan to Robinson, plus interest, and still earn a profit of additional fish for himself. But this is physically impossible if Robinson’s loan is only a paper note, denominated in fish, but unbacked by real-fish savings, i.e., if Robinson has no fish because he has consumed them all.

Then, and necessarily so, Friday must fail in his investment endeavor. In a simple barter economy, of course, this becomes immediately apparent. Friday will not accept Robinson’s paper credit in the first place (but only real, commodity credit), and because of this, the boom-bust cycle will not get started. But in a complex monetary economy, the fact that credit was created out of thin air is not noticeable: every credit note looks like any other, and because of this the notes are accepted by the takers of credit.

This does not change the fundamental fact of reality that nothing can be produced out of nothing and that investment projects undertaken without any real funding whatsoever (by savings) must fail, but it explains why a boom — an increased level of investment accompanied by the expectation of higher future income and wealth — can get started (Friday does accept the note instead of immediately refusing it). And it explains why it then takes a while until the physical reality reasserts itself and reveals such expectations as illusory.

But what’s a little crisis to you? Even if your path to riches is through repeated crises, brought about by your paper-money regime and central-bank policies, from your point of view — from the viewpoint as the head of state and chief of the central bank — this form of print-and-loan wealth redistribution in your own and your banker friends’ favor, while less immediate than that achieved with a simple print-and-spend policy, is still much preferable, because it is far more difficult to see through and recognize for what it is. Rather than coming across as a plain fraud and parasite, in pursuing an easy-credit policy you can even pretend that you are engaged in the selfless task of “investing in the future” (rather than spending on present frivolities) and “healing” economic crises (rather than causing them).

What a world we live in!
Re: Problemo w. creepy Joe--he's not only senile & brain-dead, but psycho--listen to him on "inflati

Biden's words haunt him: President said a month ago there's 'no circumstance where Americans will be lifted out of the U.S. embassy in Kabul by helicopter'

August 16, 2021  News


Joe Biden insisted last month that there's no way his troop withdrawal from Afghanistan would lead to a Saigon-like situation with Americans emergency evacuated out of the U.S. embassy in Kabul by helicopter.

'There's going to be no circumstance where you're going to see people being lifted off the roof of a (sic) embassy of the United States from Afghanistan,' the president said during a press conference on July 8, 2021.

Biden insisted during that press conference that the U.S. would not succumb to the Taliban once troops were withdrawn and is now trying to divert blame for the takeover on Donald Trump.

Those words are coming back to bite the president after the majority of Afghanistan fell to the Taliban in just under a week and the U.S. Embassy in Kabul was forced to evacuate by helicopter once the militant forces breached the city on Sunday.

'Is the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?' a reporter asked the president at the time of the July 8 press conference.

'No, it is not,' Biden responded.

He explained: 'You have the Afghan troops at 300,000 – well equipped, as well as any army in the world – and an Air Force, against something like 75,000 Taliban. It is not inevitable.'

He also said at the same press conference 'that is not true' that his own intelligence community was warning the Afghan government will likely collapse if there was a total and swift withdrawal.

President Joe Biden said on July 8, 2021 that '[t]here's going to be no circumstance where you're going to see people being lifted off the roof of a (sic) embassy of the United States from Afghanistan'

Biden is now eating his words after Americans were evacuated from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul by helicopter just five weeks after his remarks. A twin-rotor U.S. Air Force Chinook was seen taking off from the US Embassy Sunday as the evacuation efforts rapidly pick up

'Afghan government leadership has to come together,' Biden said. 'They clearly have the capacity to sustain the government in place.'

Joe Biden immediately passed the buck to his predecessor, claiming that Trump 'left the Taliban in the strongest military position since 2001'.

'When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor—which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on US forces,' Biden wrote in a statement Saturday.

'Shortly before he left office, he also drew US forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500,' the president continued in blaming former President Trump for the unfolding disaster in Afghanistan. 'Therefore, when I became President, I faced a choice—follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our forces and our allies' forces out safely, or ramp up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another country's civil conflict.'

As the Taliban continues to overtake the majority of the country, forces reached the Capital City of Kabul on Sunday with officials seeking the unconditional surrender of the central government.

'Our leadership had instructed our forces to remain at the gates of Kabul, not to enter the city,' Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen told BBC in an interview.

'We are awaiting a peaceful transfer of power,' he said, adding the group expects that to happen in a matter of days.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken also blamed Trump for forcing the administration's hand on a total withdrawal by May.

'Like it or not, there was an agreement that the forces would come out on May 1,' Blinken told CNN on Sunday morning.

Biden wrote a statement from Camp David on Saturday afternoon where he blamed Donald Trump for 'leaving the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001'

Taliban fighters reached Kabul on Sunday and are awaiting the 'peaceful transfer of power' to the militant Islamic group. They breached the city shortly after

Taliban enter Kabul: Gridlock traffic as civilians leave Capital

Secretary of State Antony Blinken also blamed Trump during a CNN interview on Sunday where he said: 'Like it or not, there was an agreement that the forces would come out on May 1'

'Had we not begun that process, which is what the president did and the Taliban saw, then we would have been back at war with the Taliban, and we would have been back at war with tens of thousands of troops having to go in because the 2,500 troops we had there and the air power would not have sufficed,' he said.

Blinken added in his interview on State of the Union that 'it's simply not in the national interest' to remain in Afghanistan, claiming other U.S. adversaries would like 'nothing more' than to see another decade of American forces diverted there.

'Come May 2nd, if the president had decided to stay, all gloves would have been off. We would have been back at war,' Blinken said in a second interview Sunday morning with NBC's Meet the Press.

He also said Sunday: 'We had to put in place an entire system to deal with this. Unfortunately none of that work was done when we came in.'

The militant Islamic group was able to seize nearly all of Afghanistan in a little over a week – a stunning feat after the billions spent by the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) over two decades the build up Afghanistan's security forces.

An American military assessment estimated it would be a month before Kabul would come under insurgent pressure.

Biden vowed he would not pass on the war in the Middle East to whoever is president after him.

'I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan — two Republicans, two Democrats,' he continued. 'I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.'

Trump immediately fired back at Biden in his own email statement on Saturday claiming that due to the current administration's actions, the Taliban don't fear America's power anymore.

Trump hit back by saying the Afghanistan situation is a 'complete failure through weakness, incompetence and total strategic incoherence' by Biden

'Joe Biden gets it wrong every time on foreign policy, and many other issues,' he wrote.

'Everyone knew he couldn't handle the pressure.'

'He ran out of Afghanistan instead of following the plan our Administration left for him—a plan that protected our people and our property, and ensured the Taliban would never dream of taking our Embassy or providing a base for new attacks against America,' the former president continued.

'The withdrawal would be guided by facts on the ground,' Trump said of the deal he made in 2019 with leaders of the Taliban.

'After I took out ISIS, I established a credible deterrent,' Trump added. 'That deterrent is now gone.'

'The Taliban no longer has fear or respect for America, or America's power,' he said. 'What a disgrace it will be when the Taliban raises their flag over America's Embassy in Kabul.'

'This is complete failure through weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence.'

In Biden's Saturday statement, he provided a list of five things his administration is doing to address the situation in Afghanistan. This includes deploying 5,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan to assist in the total withdrawal of all allies and U.S. personnel.

'ased on the recommendations of our diplomatic, military, and intelligence teams,' he said, 'I have authorized the deployment of approximately 5,000 US troops to make sure we can have an orderly and safe drawdown of US personnel and other allied personnel and an orderly and safe evacuation of Afghans who helped our troops during our mission and those at special risk from the Taliban advance.'

Around 1,000 service members are already on the ground and 3,000 more were already being sent next week, before officials announced the deployment of an extra 1,000 as the situation escalated over the weekend.

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan will be evacuated in 72 hours under the protection of the military, and some staffers have already arrived at the Kabul international airport.

The Taliban have moved to within seven miles of Kabul, and taken over swathes of territory across the rest of Afghanistan. The warlords now control 19 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces

Biden also announced Saturday he is sending in 5,000 troops to help with the evacuation of U.S. and ally personnel

Secretary of State Antony Blinken held talks with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Saturday to discuss the 'urgency of ongoing diplomatic and political efforts to reduce the violence,' the State Department said in a statement.

'The Secretary emphasized the United States' commitment to a strong diplomatic and security relationship with the Government of Afghanistan and our continuing support for the people of Afghanistan.'

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has slammed Biden for the 'complete mismanagement' of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Pentagon officials warned it could be just a matter of a couple days before the Taliban seizes control of Kabul, a city with more than four million people.

McCarthy said: 'The White House has no discernible plan other than pleading with the Taliban. The bungled withdrawal, reminiscent of his failed withdrawal from Iraq, is an embarrassment to our nation.'

'President Biden must continue to provide the close air support necessary for the Afghan government to protect themselves from the Taliban and make sure al Qaeda and ISIS do not gain a foothold due to the Biden administration's disastrous policies.'
Re: Problemo w. creepy Joe--he's not only senile & brain-dead, but psycho--listen to him on "inflati

Biden’s Failure Explodes as Nearly 70% Disapprove of His Handling of Afghanistan: Poll


2 minute Read

Over the past few days, President Joe Biden has completely mishandled the withdrawal of United Stated troops from Afghanistan. A new poll released Monday found a majority of Americans have come to agree with this fact.

According to the poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group, 69.3 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, including 59.5 percent who strongly disapprove. Only 23.1 percent approved of Biden’s handling of the situation, and 7.5 percent had no opinion.

The poll was conducted among 1,084 respondents between Saturday and Sunday, and it has a margin of error of +/- 2.98 percentage points.

When broken down by party affiliation, the results arguably look even worse for Biden and his administration.

Among Democrats, 48.2 percent disapproved of Biden’s handling of military operations in Afghanistan. Just 39.8 percent approved, and 12 percent had no opinion.

An astounding 88.8 percent of Republicans disapproved of Biden’s actions in Afghanistan, including 8o percent who strongly disapproved. Only 7.1 percent of Republicans approved of Biden’s handling of the situation.

As all of these numbers show, Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to Biden’s actions in Afghanistan. Not only do a majority of Republicans disapprove of his actions, but a plurality of Democrats do too.

There are many reasons why Americans disapprove of Biden’s actions over the last few days. For one thing, his rushed and ill-planned exit has left both American citizens and Afghan allies stranded.

According to The Hill, Biden has plans to rescue “thousands” of Americans who remain stuck in Afghanistan.

“As we carry out this departure, we have made it clear to the Taliban: If they attack our personnel or disrupt our operation, the U.S. presence will be swift and the response will be swift and forceful,” he said in a Monday news conference, according to an official White House transcript of his remarks. “We will defend our people with devastating force if necessary.”

Yes, threatening terrorists is usually an effective way to get them to do what you want.

Even if the U.S. is able to get all of our citizens safely out of Afghanistan, Biden has created a completely unnecessary disaster by pushing forward a withdrawal without having the necessary plans in place.

According to The Washington Post, there were officially 2,500 American troops in Afghanistan when Biden announced his withdrawal plan in April.

In his speech Monday, Biden said he had authorized 6,000 American troops to be sent to Afghanistan to “to deploy to Afghanistan for the purpose of assisting in the departure of U.S. and Allied civilian personnel from Afghanistan.”

Any way you slice it, Biden’s incompetency in creating an exit strategy resulted in over twice the original number of troops being sent to the very country he was trying to withdraw from. That is hardly a successful result.

Biden continued by attempting to paint himself in a positive light, saying a continued military presence in Afghanistan “is not what the American people want.”

While that may or may not be true, one thing the American people clearly don’t want is the complete disaster brought on by the Biden administration. Trafalgar’s poll results make that fact very clear.

If the administration had devised an actual plan for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, it may have been able to gain support from a majority of Americans. Instead, its utter incompetence has resulted in widespread disapproval.
Re: Problemo w. creepy Joe--he's not only senile & brain-dead, but psycho--listen to him on "inflati

Commentary on the sad and peculiar situation whence the "president" is a brain-dead moron--what does it say about things and how they got that way?--what will happen next?

Last edited:

College Football Fans Chant “F*ck Joe Biden!” Third Week in a Row (VIDEO)​


September 19, 2021 4 Comments Facebook


Warning: *Harsh language in every video*
It’s a movement.

It all started a few weeks ago when Trump supporters at the Virginia Tech game started chanting “F*ck Joe Biden!”
Since then, the anti-Biden chants have spread to more games, bars and even concerts.
College co-eds chanted “F*ck Joe Biden!” at several football games on Saturday.
Wyoming checking in

Tennessee fans can’t stand Joe Biden.
VIDEO: [ck site link, above, top]

Kentucky checking in:

But Joe Biden is the most popular president in US history.

Biden Pushing For Dishonourable Discharges, Court Martials For Troops Who Refuse Vaccines​

by Steve Watson
September 23rd 2021, 6:31 am


White House claims anything but dishonourable discharge for refusing vaccines would "detract from readiness and limit a commander's options for enforcing good order and discipline."

The Biden administration is pushing for dishonourable discharges and even court martialing for troops who disobey orders to get COVID vaccines.

GOP Representative Mark Green of Tennessee proposed an amendment this week to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would prohibit “any discharge but honorable” for troops who refuse vaccines.

The White House responded with a statement noting “The Administration strongly opposes section 716,” reasoning that it would “detract from readiness and limit a commander’s options for enforcing good order and discipline when a Service member fails to obey a lawful order to receive a vaccination.”

The statement added “To enable a uniformed force to fight with discipline, commanders must have the ability to give orders and take appropriate disciplinary measures.”

Responding to the statement, Rep. Green said “I am appalled that the Biden Administration is trying to remove my amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that prevents anything but an honorable discharge for service members who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine.”

Green added “This was a bipartisan amendment — every Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee agreed to it.”

“No American who raises their hand to serve our Nation should be punished for making a highly personal medical decision,” Green previously urged.

Another section of the bill, 720, proposes that troops who have previously had COVID-19 should be exempted from a vaccine mandate. The Biden administration also opposes it, claiming it creates “a new and overly broad exemption from the vaccination requirement for previous infection that would undermine the effectiveness of the requirement.”

The House is expected to vote on the NDAA early Thursday morning.

As we have previously noted, there has been significant resistance to vaccine mandates among military service members.

Tucker Carlson revealed Monday that a bizarre presentation was given to troops sardonically ridiculing vaccine mandates with links to satanism, as the military pushes mandates, even for elite navy SEALS who have had the virus and have natural immunity.

Tucker Carlson reveals a powerpoint from the U.S. Army justifying vaccine mandates with a slide that says "How many children were sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?" along with listing the 7 tenets of Satanism
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 21, 2021

Conservatives Were Right All Along: Study Reveals Worst Consequence of Biden's Unemployment Handouts​



Expanded unemployment benefits kept millions of Americans from returning to work even as employers were desperate to hire workers, accordi...​

'No One Told Me!' Watch Biden Utterly Fall Apart as NBC Anchor Asks Just a Single Question on AfghanistanLab Leak Breakthrough? DNA Researchers May Have Found the Bioengineered 'Ancestor' to COVID
Expanded unemployment benefits kept millions of Americans from returning to work even as employers were desperate to hire workers, according to a new study.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 was greeted with lockdowns and business closures. The new study, by the Texas Public Policy Foundation this month, notes that increased unemployment benefits were approved early in the pandemic, and again in 2021 as the economy began to slowly revive.
The study notes that the 2021 extensions proved particularly problematic, because the higher payments ended in September, keeping many people out of the labor market in the summer of 2021, when employers were desperate to hire workers.
“The effect was to incentivize people not to work, resulting in increased unemployment, greatly hampering the labor market by contributing to an artificial shortage of labor,” the report said.
Noting that some states, mostly led by Republicans, ended the extra payments before the scheduled end of the extra cash, the report said there is a clear difference between the states that ended the payments and those that did not.
“Those states that ended the program early experienced substantially faster job growth in terms of how quickly they approached pre-pandemic employment levels,” the report said.
The report’s bottom line was that whatever its motives, the public policy experiment should not be repeated.
“Regardless of the positive effects the supplemental unemployment benefits may or may not have provided, the program had a detrimental effect on the labor market,” the study said.
“Those states that concluded their participation in the program early experienced less of this effect. Given these results, supplemental unemployment insurance benefits should likely never be implemented again, and states should reject such assistance if offered.”
The study noted that with the initial $600 added money larded on top of standard unemployment benefits “roughly 5 out of 6 people who received unemployment benefits during this time effectively had a higher take-home pay than they did while working.”
“The incentive not to work was most pronounced at lower income levels where total unemployment benefits were a multiple of an unemployed person’s previous income,” the report said.
The report noted that early in 2021, when President Joe Biden signed legislation extending a $300 a week supplemental benefit through September, March of that year “saw a then-record high for unfilled job openings, followed by four more new highs in as many months.”
“The first decline in job openings did not come until August, when about half of the states were no longer participating in the supplemental benefit program.”
The report noted that at the end of 2021, only Arizona, Idaho, Texas and Utah had bounced back to equal or surpass pre-pandemic hiring levels, and all exited the supplemental benefit program early.
Because the supplemental unemployment pay came with other welfare programs, “People have been able to spend longer periods of time on government assistance,” the report said.
“Even at higher incomes, the supplemental benefits, in conjunction with other government programs and payments, provided the equivalent of a $100,000 annual income for a family of four in 19 states and the District of Columbia,” the report’s author, E.J. Antoni said, according to JustTheNews.
The programs “created a considerable disincentive for many people to return to work or even to continue working an existing job,” he said.
Overall, he said, “Extending unemployment benefits had a significant negative impact on the ability of communities to recover from the pandemic. Lives and livelihoods were put on hold for a much longer period than was necessary as a result of this wrong-headed policy.”
In commenting on a National Bureau of Economic Research study that largely came to the same broad conclusions as the Texas report, Patrick Tyrrell, research coordinator, and Anthony Kim, research fellow and editor of the Index of Economic Freedom, said in an Op-Ed on the Heritage Foundation website that legislators should heed this lesson.
“Legislators should always ask when a policy proposal crosses their desk: ‘Does this policy proposal increase or decrease the economic freedom of the Americans who voted for me?'” they wrote.
“The state governments that ended the gravy train of enhanced unemployment benefits early in their states made the right decision and gained economic freedom and greater opportunity for their constituents.”

Biden: ‘Everybody Knows Somebody…That Takes a Picture of His Naked Friend In a Compromising Position and Then Blackmail’​
March 16th 2022, 5:48 pm


[see vid at site link, above]

Following bizarre remark, many assumed Biden referred to degenerate son Hunter, whose drug-fueled sexcapades were photographed and used against his father during the 2020 presidential campaign.

Joe Biden’s demented, senile mind couldn’t help but bring up naked adult men during a presentation at the White House Wednesday.

Speaking about the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, Biden provided a bizarre example while discussing how the legislation will help revenge porn victims seek justice.

“So we established a new civil rights cause of action, for those whose images were shared on the public screen,” Biden said, cutting short one supporter’s attempt to applaud.

Then things got strange.

Biden discusses "a new civil rights cause of action."

"I bet everybody knows somebody…that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then blackmails…"
— (@townhallcom) March 16, 2022

“How many times have you heard… I’ll bet everybody knows somebody along the line that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then blackmails,” Biden said.

Following the eyebrow-raising remark, many assumed Biden was referring to his degenerate son Hunter, whose photographed drug-fueled romps with hookers made headlines mere weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

Who amongst us
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 16, 2022

This legislation being called the Hunter Biden ‘Kompromat’ Civil Rights Bill?
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) March 16, 2022

Is he talking about Hunter? This is a very transparent Joe, I like it ?
— Kimberly Klacik (@kimKBaltimore) March 16, 2022

creepy politicians don’t understand this isn’t normal human behavior
— Jessica O’Donnell (@heckyessica) March 16, 2022

We do??
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) March 16, 2022

Does this count as intimate?
— Jenna ~ Moon (@jennaoftruth) March 16, 2022

Zelensky sent this
— Kate "STONETHROWER" Meowmoto (@BIP_EndOfFiat) March 16, 2022






Can we just have one normal day where the idiot-in-chief doesn’t make a complete fool of himself?

Watch the event in full:

Come Again? Joe Biden Tells US Troops They’re Going To Ukraine – WH Denies​
March 25th 2022, 12:33 pm


Does POTUS know something we don't or is he just losing his mind?

During a trip to Poland on Friday, US President Joe Biden told American troops in the 82nd Airborne Division they’ll soon be in Ukraine.

Did Sleepy Joe accidentally disclose a secret military plan or was he just rambling about something he knows nothing about?

“The Ukrainian people have a lot of backbone, they have a lot of guts and I’m sure you’re observing it,” Biden said. “I don’t mean just the military, which we’ve been training since back when Russia moved into Southeast Ukraine, but also the average citizen.”

He continued, “Look at how they’re stepping up. And, you’re going to see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see women, young people standing in the middle, the front of a damn tank saying, ‘I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground.’ They’re incredible.”

Joe Biden, perhaps accidentally, tells US troops they're going to Ukraine.

"You’re going to see when you’re there," he told 82nd Airborne Division in Poland.

You’re going to see women, young people standing in the middle, in the front of a damn tank saying I’m not leaving."
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) March 25, 2022

White House reporter Andrew Feinberg posted to Twitter following the bizarre remark, writing, “I have asked the White House if there are now plans to send troops or if he misspoke.”

Providing an update, Feinberg posted, “A @WhiteHouse spokesperson tells me: “The President has been clear we are not sending U.S. troops to Ukraine and there is no change in that position.”

UPDATE: A @WhiteHouse spokesperson tells me: "The President has been clear we are not sending U.S. troops to Ukraine and there is no change in that position."
— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) March 25, 2022

Time will tell if Biden let a secret slip or simply misspoke.
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Biden Snaps at Reporter: “Nobody Believes I Was Talking About Taking Down Putin! Nobody Believes That!” (VIDEO)​



Joe Biden on Monday took some questions from reporters after outlining his 2023 budget proposal to Congress. Biden snapped at a reporter a...​

Off the Charts Sticker Shock (Cartoon)Washington state school district will encourage teachers to consider students' race when dishing out punishments: Critics say new policy will result in harsher punishments for white students


Joe Biden on Monday took some questions from reporters after outlining his 2023 budget proposal to Congress.
Biden snapped at a reporter asking about his Putin regime change comments in Poland.
Over the weekend Biden closed his speech with what is either a policy change or a gaffe just like his comment on Friday to U.S. troops they were headed into Ukraine.
Biden said, “For God’s sake, this man [Putin] cannot remain in power.”
Biden’s handlers immediately went into clean up mode and ‘clarified’ Biden’s regime change remarks.
Joe Biden said he’s not walking back his comments on Putin and when pressed about his incendiary off-script statement, Biden snapped!
“…Because it’s ridiculous! Nobody believes we’re gonna takedown… I was talking about taking down Putin! Nobody believes that!”
So, nobody takes Joe Biden seriously?

Nobody believed Biden was talking about taking down Putin?
The headlines say otherwise.

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Off the Charts Sticker Shock (Cartoon)​

Folks, this is a free-market economist here (Schiff)--yes, he's Jew--but at least he knows economics, and he says (a) what has happened, the (recent) history, and (b) now what will happen as result in accord w. free-market principles. There's no easy way out of the difficulties--deficit debt is now well over $23 trillion (as it was back then, 2 1/2 yrs ago, when he gave the talk)--so far we've enjoyed a low int. rate on that debt, BUT NO MORE, SUCKERS. Schiff explains that now there's no alternative: int. rates will have to go way, way up up up, suckers--do u realize what that will be w. debt of $23 + trillion?--int. rates will take up MOST of the tax revenues, fools--that's how BAD things have now gotten--not helped by that ("Israel-first") moron, Trump (who was "big-spender"), either, as Schiff explains. And ONLY alternative to this incredible int. payments now necessary and not able to be avoided, is hyper-inflation (it's ALREADY 15%, in real terms, using the methods used back in the 80s). So listen to Schiff, suckers, he makes it simple to understand, and this was a talk he gave back, 2 1/2 yrs ago(!)--it's (economic conditions) gotten even worse since then. Schiff's talk is only 20 mins, but it's all straight talk, really easily understood.

Commentary fm FOX News and economist on the inflation situation, not "transitory," hasn't "peaked," will get worse yet, suckers--isn't it lovely we have a brain-dead, senile, old psycho and pathologic liar for "leader"?--who's really in charge of this admin?
