Prayers Requested From the Saints of God For Pastor Visser

Davy of old England

Senior Reporter
On September 11th the Covenant People’s website and forums seemingly disappeared from existence after over ten years of service to the Kinsman Redeemer’s flock. After numerous text sermons, four published books and over 250 recorded audio sermons CPM seemingly left the internet at the height of its internet presence with over a hundred thousand listeners per week, not counting rebroadcasts from supporters on various radio circuits throughout the world. Tons of rumors flooded the internet and the silence of Pastor Visser only fueled the suspicions of the cynical enemy.

Rest assured a full statement regarding this entire incident will be released by Pastor Visser before the end of the year. Until then, understand CPM desired to be removed from all active Google and Yahoo search caches before going in front of man to be judged on December 2nd. It is THIS day we request your prayers for Yahweh’s protection and anointing on Pastor Visser, his loyal wife and his many children. Regardless of court ruling, the Covenant People’s Ministry website and forums WILL be fully functional this Thursday evening. CPM is NOT dead, just laying low a few more days!

Pray God’s greater Will for Pastor Visser’s family now and this Thursday, December 2nd.

Yah Bless,

Pastor Visser @
Box 256, Brooks, GA 30205

“Yahweh is a man of war: Yahweh is his name”�� (Exodus 15:3).