Paying negroes to go to high skewl

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter

School Offers Cash if Kids Show Up

The state of Tennessee says all schools need to have a 93% attendance rate or a school can be put on the failing list. Memphis' Westwood High School is one of 11 schools in Memphis on that "failing" list because of poor student attendance.

Right now Westwood averages about 85% attendance. Westwood principal, Michael Smith, is trying to bring the attendance numbers up by offering incentives to students, "It truly pays to be in school everyday and I put emphasis on the word pays." All Westwood students with perfect attendance qualify to win a $100 dollar gift certificate.

Principal Smith is
also taking the attendance issue to parents, "We have a parent liaison in place here at W
estwood High. He actually goes to the door knocks on the door and contacts parents to say your child was not at school today." After 15 unexcused absences the district steps in, "Once it gets to that 15 day level then it becomes an issue the courts must deal with." That means parents could end up behind bars -- one day of jail and/or a fine for every unexcused absence their child has.

Right now Westwood High School also houses eighth grade classes. Next year it will be strictly high school and Mr. Smith says he expects the attendance rate to go down, that's why he's working so hard this year. "We're being even more vigilant now than we ever have been. I'm trying to make sure that our parents do everything they possibly can to get the kids to school. If they come to school they will learn."

Westwood High School is 99.3% nigger.
