Opinion: Yes, Donald Trump IS an anti-Semite


Re: Faux 'Jews', Joo babies go boo hoo over Glorious Leader :rotfl:

Bradley Burston believes he's a jew so you must too. Or he will cry.

We have to just come out with it, those of us who are American Jews in the media. It's time we made Trump bathe in his own bat****. (jesus boiling in excrement fetish)

If you’re Jewish and you’re still a Trump person after this week, you can stop reading this right now. It’s not for you.

After this week, there are only two kinds of American Jews left. There’s the denomination called Trump Jews, and there’s the rest of us.

No more. Now we know. That Thursday news conference stripped things down to where everyone could see it: Donald Trump IS an anti-Semite.

It’s time for people like me to just come out with it – particularly those of us who are American Jews who work in the media, those of us who’ve honestly been trying hard to be as kind and careful and and nuanced as we could.

It’s time we made him bathe in his own bat****.

Cowed by years of having the charge of anti-Semitism used as a weapon by the Jewish right in a relentless effort to silence the left,we found every intellectual excuse not to apply the charge to Trump.

We gave him every break. Like the egghead freiers that we are, we cautioned that the evidence for his being an anti-Semite was weak, anecdotal. But we said this knowing that his racist, thunderously bigoted presidential campaign,*with its emphasis on media-bashing and high-profile Jewish villains at the center of conspiracy theories, unleashed the most dangerous wave of overt anti-Semitism in the United States since the 1930s.

606 AM