On The History And Rites Of The Ku Klux Klan

Expose Them All

On The History And Rites Of The Ku Klux Klan
A History Lesson For The Press

In response to the posting on my website of the remarks made by Virgil Griffin at the communist meetings that have been taking place in Greensboro, NC, I have received some inquiries about the Klan and its history. I am not a member of the Ku Klux Klan, nor have I ever been, but I realize that many reporters do not have a good grounding in the history of Southern resistance to Northern oppression, and as a result, I offer the following history lesson to the press:

The United States Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865. It began with the succession from the Union of a number of Southern states in response to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President. The fighting was characterized by the viciousness of Northern tactics against the South and Union atrocities committed against Southern civilians.

After the war, a radical Republican f
action came to power after John Wilkes Booth, a J*w with ties to Simon Wolf of B'nai B'rith -- the group that founded the modern day ADL -- assassinated Abraham Lincoln. These Republicans engaged in the systematic persecution of the Southern people. In particular, Southern whites were denied the right to vote, all-black governments were installed in most Southern states, and black troops were encouraged, through their participation in the Union League and other organizations, to engage in systematic racial violence against the white population, including rape, murder and thievery.

While many of your papers like to describe the "first black" this and that as evidence of modern "civil rights", for the most part, the first black Congressmen, Senators, and other government officials were appointed by Republican occupational governments in the South during the period of Reconstruction. In fact, blacks during Reconstruction did not only
njoy full "civil rights", but enjoyed the unrestricted right to
murder, rape and steal from Southern whites -- under the guidance and direction of Northern whites, with the support of many Northern churches.

In response to this systematic terrorism and the military occupation of the South, the Ku Klux Klan was founded as a guerilla resistance organization. The Ku Klux Klan successfully fought off the Republican occupation forces, and did so by avenging specific crimes against humanity committed by white Unionists and their black governments. The Ku Klux Klan did use violent guerilla tactics in their resistance, but such tactics were a just response to anti-Southern racist violence conducted by the mostly black occupation governments of the South.

Thus, it is inappropriate to denounce "lynchings" and other acts of violence by the Ku Klux Klan as "terrorism", without placing these acts in the context of the crimes against humanity which these lynchings and oth
er act
s of violence occurred. When blacks have alleged white oppression and engaged in similar racis
t atrocities in nations such as Rhodesia, the press has been universally supportive of their terrorist acts. The fact that the Ku Klux Klan committed their acts of violence in opposition to the Jewish agenda, which included the assassination of President Lincoln as too moderate a leader for the Jewish hate agenda after the conclusion of the war, does not make their violence morally different from any other resistance movement against foreign occupation.

I have come to realize that the majority of the press is simply unaware of the history of anti-white racist violence, and the mass disenfranchisement of white voters, and the fact that much of the South was ruled by all-black governments immediately after the Civil War. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to contextualize the actions of the Ku Klux Klan during the period of Reconstruction -- the period when its "terror" was at its heig
r>The subsequent role of the Ku Klux Klan in extra-legal punishment of criminals, and in resistance to
the mostly Jewish "Civil Rights" movement of the mid-20th century, is equally justifiable.

As some further details:

* The name "Ku Klux Klan" is derived from the Greek "Kyklos" -- "cycle" -- which represents the generative and cyclic nature of the universe. One day one force is ascendant, the next day another is ascendant.

* The Klan's name and its ritual point to a Gnostic religious orientation. The burning of the cross represents the burning light of Jesus radiating from the cross. The fact that so many find the light of Jesus intimidating is testimony to the sinfulness of modern society. The robe and hood are worn not to obscure the identity of the wearer during the commission of crimes, but as the traditional robe and hood of Christian penitents. The view of the Klan is that the South was punished during the Civil War for t
heir sins, and
that the purpose of the Klan is to redeem the South by fighting as an Army of God against the infidelic Northern-Yankee oppressors.

While I am n
ot a Klansmen, nor a Christian, and do not adhere to its general views, I recognize that the ignorance of the press in regards to these basic facts tends to significantly skew reporting on Klan-related issues. As most of the native Southern population knows much of what is contained in this statement, and as many of the members of the press are Northerners who are not aware of these facts, I feel a duty to share them so, perhaps, your papers can better connect to your readers, and stop your continuing isolation and unpopularity in the communities you suppose to serve.

very good...many people....including white people who have been brain-washed by the media, do not realize the defensive nature of the Klan and the necessity of its existence and work

The 14 Words !