Oldest tree in the world and still alive

1. Great Basin Bristlecone Pine​

Age: 5,071 years
Species: Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva)
Location: Inyo County, California, USA
Still Alive: Yesunnamed-Great-Basin-bristlecone-pine.jpg

There are only a handful of ancient trees left.
99+% of the trees in this realm are 200 years old or less.
So, before 200 yrs ago, this realm had to be virtually stripped of all but a few trees like the ten mentioned at the link.
So...what happened? Could humans cutting down trees for firewood or building stripped the entire plane virtually bare?
I don't think so. Something else likely happened.
Either way this biological fact is irrefutable.
The 'history' being passed around has to be false.