Negro beats crap out of white granny

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter

Before negro attack

After negro attack

Great-Grandmother Escapes Death

An 81-year-old Mendenhall woman has survived an attack that almost took her life. She was brutally beaten during a robbery last night.

This brave great-grandmother is lucky to be alive.

"I thought he was going to kill me," said 81-year-old Kristine Everett.</b

Everett narrowly escaped death after a man forced his way into her home Saturday night.

"He took my head and slammed it against the concrete walk and kicked my face," said Ever


The Mendenhall police said that a man entered Everett's home about 1:30 a.m. after picking the front lock.

"He saw that she had seen him and he w
ent through the kitchen parlor house. And she tried to leave and he attacked her from behind and pushed her down on the pavement," said Mendenhall Police Chief Arthur Walker.

Everett was able to escape to a neighbors house about 300 yards away. She had severe injuries to her face and several broken ribs.

Police describe the suspect as a tall, slender black man wearing a baseball cap. He was also wearing black clothing - a black jacket, dark pants, and a white tshirt. Police have one person in custody. They took fingerprints and are still investigating.

Everett's family doesn't under
stand what kind of person would do this...and all the man took was her purse.

"She (Everett) made sure that she always locked her doors, had chairs against them," said Vanc
e Dy
9;s brother. Everett has lived alone since last June, but until now has never feared for her safety.

"Se would never have known in time to call 911 or whatever had their been some type of al
arm," said Dyess.

Now Everett and her family are staying close.

"I'm praying all the time. I pray to god to make this man see what he was doing and if it was the right thing," said Everett.

If you have any information please contact the Mendenhall police department at 601-847-2641.

Her family doesn't understand what kind of person would do this? G*d Da*mit sheeple, wake up and smell the negro!


"Her family doesn't understand what kind of person would do this"!!!!

When will our race wake up and see the primate race for what it is?? This is classic negritude. n-ggers will attack the weak, young, aged, any victim that offers little or no resistance is prey for their pathetic race of n-gger apes. If you see a n-gger coming into your house, realize your life is in immediate danger and act accordingly. The use of lethal force has been authorized!!!!!!


Originally posted by Gman@Apr 19 2004, 01:14 PM
"Her family doesn't understand what kind of person would do this"!!!!

When will our race wake up and see the primate race for what it is??â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š  This is classic negritude.â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š  n-ggers will attack the weak, young, aged, any victim that offers little or no resistance is prey for their pathetic race of n-gger apes.â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š  If you see a n-gger coming into your house, realize your life is in immediate danger and act ac
ordingly.â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š  The use of lethal force has been authorized!!!!!!â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š 

Every time somebody slips ups and uses the word n-gger in public, the coons go wild calling for an apology, an apology that they never accept, and the head of the person who said it. I have yet to hear anybody of the negro persuasion apologize to any white person for the murder and mayhem they inflict up
on us. Go figure.


Originally posted by Gman@Apr 19 2004, 03:14 AM
"Her family doesn't understand what kind of person would do this"!?!?!

When will our White race wake up and see the primate race for what it is?? This is classic negritude. Vandal n-ggers will attack the weak, young, aged, any victim that offers little or no resistance is prey for their pathetic race of Vandalobabookari apes. If you see a Vandal n-gger coming into your house, realize your life is in immediate danger and act acc
rdingly. The use of lethal force has been authorized!!!!!! You may fire at will!!!

Gman </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd

br> I hope that the police will have the decency to rough up that Vandal n-gger a lot before they take him to jail! His ape mammy should have put a bottle of spermicide up her colon after engaging in
anal sex with her "man"!!!

Sundays and Mondays are usually pretty light on negritude. This morning I had found only one article, the one about the n-gger graveyard, in newspapers. About half way through the TV news I view, I found this. I almost lost my breakfast.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to have to do a better job of informing the public about n-ggers. One would think this would be a simple matter, as we are telling the truth, but it's not as simple as one would assume. On occasion, I get into heated discussions about n-ggers and many white people try to shut me up. I ask them. What's the percentage of n-ggers in America? They don't know. I ask them, who commits more murders white
or blacks. They always say whites because there are more whites. WRONG! I ask them who makes up the largest group on the welfare rolls, whites or blacks? As in the case of homicide, they always say

tes be
cause there are more whites than blacks. I ask them, are 12th grade n-ggers smarter than 8th grade whites? Sure they are, they always say, they are in the 12th grade. WRONG! These stupid white sheeple have been fed propaganda their whole lives and won't even bother to look at the FACTS. They think they know everything already. When I tell them the truth, they don't believe it. I usually keep a copy of the 'dot gov' web pages that speak the truth about n-ggers. I give them a copy. It usually winds up on the floor. They don't want to be confused with the facts. The only thing that can turn these white sheeple around is a good unhealthy dose of Typical n-gger Behavior.

Now, who am I to tell any white person living in Jackson Mississippi about n-ggers?

One would think they would have it all figured out by now. But they don't. The ones in the know left a long time ago or are armed, the others either want to be there or are too poor to lea
s would hav
e been a much
better story had granny blown that n-gger's head off with a 12 guage.


Now, who am I to tell any white person living in Jackson Mississippi about n-ggers?â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š  One would think they would have it all figured out by now. But they don't. The ones in the know left a long time ago or are armed, the others either want to be there or are too poor to leave. This would have been a much better story had granny blown that Vandal n-gger's head off with a 12 gauge shotgun blast.

Damn gun control and the Lord
ebuke the gun grabbers which prevented people like that poor old lady from defending herself from that Vandalobabookari!

What did I say?

Crazy, racist slant colors crime stats

The National Alliance was just trying to be informative when a couple of weeks ago, members spread fliers throughout northwest Denver, letting residents know that "Crime: It's a Black Thang."

I guess they thought it was clever to use a line that was popularized on T-shirts two decades ago: "It's a black thang. You wouldn't understand."

It figures that people who want nothing to do with bl
cks would be a little out of touch on the latest commercial catchphrase.

The one-page sheet that the group left on doorsteps listed stats about crimes that black people commit.

It's their
of warning White People - I'm capitalizing the W, just the way the group likes it - to stay away from blacks.

Similarly, on their website, they
warn of the destruction of America by Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, gays, non-European immigrants, Catholics and - oh, let's not forget the J*ws. Most of their website is dedicated to railing against J*ws and their supposed control of the media.

They call all of the above-listed people enemies who are standing in the way of "Aryan renewal."

While most people may cringe when they hear that rhetoric, this flier was different.

It didn't have the trademark terms that let people know, off the bat, that it's put out by Crazy, Paranoid, Racist White People.

Instead, the stats are just laid out, design
ed to make people scared. Fear can motivate the rational to be irrational.

First on their list was the thing that scares people most: murder.

They say that 57 percent of all peopl
e a
sted for mu
rder in 2002 were black. The source is the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, compiled from stats provided by police departments throughout the country.

I won't get into racial
profiling, wrongful arrests, or the fact that many police departments don't even send in their stats to the FBI. According to the FBI, only about 17,000 law enforcement agencies contribute data - fewer than half of the 36,000 municipalities listed by the Census Bureau.

While it's true that a disproportionate number of black men are arrested in connection with murder, it's also true that often it's not one black man killing one person. It's often several arrested for the single crime, especially in drug-related murders, criminologists say. That skews the stats in a big way.

The fact is that of the 15,813 murders reported to the FBI in 2002, nearly a third were committed by someone of an unknown race. In another third of the cases, a white person was
with t
he crime, and in th
e remaining third it was someone black.

The real correlating factor isn't race, though. It's poverty.

Since there are a disproportionate number of African-Americans, Latinos and N
ative Americans living in poverty, their crime rates are disproportionate.

(Latinos were not tabulated separately but placed in the white or black categories depending on how each police department saw fit. Everyone else was put in the "other" category.)

What the National Alliance should know, if they are reading these crime reports thoroughly, is that blacks tend to kill blacks and whites tend to kill whites.

The percentage of black-on-white murders in 2000, the most recent year the FBI stats are available, was 8 percent. Nearly all of the rest of th
e murders of whites were committed by other whites.

So if the National Alliance wants to be truly informative, it should tell whites to watch out for other whites
- especial
ly white pe
ople they already know.

In 2000, there were just 328 homicides in which the victim was white and the perpetrator was a stranger who was black.

People have more to fear from their spouses than from a black stranger. In 2000, 610 wives an
d 133 husbands were murdered.

So if the National Alliance is really concerned with the safety of whites, it should really be telling them not to cheat on their husband because he may go ballistic.

But we know this isn't about preservation. It's about creating fear.

The folks who run the West Virginia-based National Alliance for Crazy, Paranoid, Racist White People wouldn't return my calls. After all, I'm the enemy standing in the way of Aryan renewal. So I don't know what's motivating them.

But here's a crime s
tat that you won't be hearing from them: Blacks are disproportionately attacked by whites during hate crimes, in which the motivating factor was simply raci
al bias.

Sixty-seven pe
rcent of hate crime victims in 2002
were black. The majority of those who attacked them were white.

But that doesn't scare me. I know there are very few Crazy, Paranoid, Racist White People in our country. The vast majority are intelligent and open-minded That's because being hateful is
n't a "white thang."

It's a disturbed-person thang.

Cindy RodrÃԚ ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š­guez's column appears Mondays and Fridays.

Cindy the Spic is making excuses for n-ggers! Cindy, get the hell out of my country, you ignorant puta! Poverty doesn't cause crime, crime causes poverty. Tell me, Cindy, how does murdering somebody increase your annual income?


vrelrace.gif' bord
er='0' alt='user posted image' />


Homicide trends in the U.S. : Trends by race

In 2000, there were just 328 homicides in which the victim was white and the perpetrator was a stranger who was black.

Go the the Bureau of Justice link and click on the last chart.

Cindy apparently fails to mention that in 2000 there were only 94 homicides in which the v
ctim was black and the perp was a stranger who was white. What about that Cindy? You stupid puta! Vaya a la mierda, pendeja!


TNB said-
Cindy the Spic is making excuses for n-ggers! Cindy, get the hell out of my country, you ignorant puta! Poverty doesn't cause crime, crime causes poverty. Tell me, Cindy, how does murdering somebody increase your annual income?

Not 'ignorant', Tyrone: lying, pushy NON-White political, and prevaricating.

I believe this is also her with a little less powder on her face- third r
w, first photo- an affirmative action Harvard grad? She's pretty smart, the way she jimmies those numbers.

Originally posted by No 1965 Chain Immigrants@Apr 19 2004, 04:25 PM
TNB said-
Cindy the Spic is making excuses for n-ggers! Cindy, get the hell out of my country, you ignorant puta! Poverty doesn't cause crime, crime causes poverty. Tell me, Cindy, how does murdering somebody increase your a
nual income?

Not 'ignorant', Tyrone: lying, pushy NON-White political, and prevaricating.

I believe this is a

her with a little less powder on her face- third row, first photo- an affirmative action Harvard grad? She's pretty smart, the way she jimmies those numbers.
What am I suppose to say? "Funny, she doesn't look Jewish?" Chain, you're right. Cindy t
he puta knows what she's doing. I think I got it figured out, maybe, sorta. The NA is trying to deliver flyers door to door, to reach the average guy, who may not have a computer or know how to use it even if he had it. The Denver Post article is going to r
each this very same guy. Now, who is this average guy going to believe, some flyer left on his doorstep or The Denver Post?

Right now, my feeling is this, and this may change one day.
ht n
ow, I don&#
39;t care about the average guy who can't access or use a computer. In this day and age, if you can't read and write or perhaps you don't like to or even want to read and write, I can't use you. If the average joe wants to be the propaganda tool of the Denver Post et al, I'll concede it, because I have no use for him. All of Cindy the puta's arguments can be shown to be misrepresentations of the statistics in question. It's easy to refute the puta on the internet, but very hard to do it using flyers. Even if the NA were
dumb enough to try to do this, average joe would look at the 12 page document and say, I ain't reading this sh*t.

Maybe somebody should email the article about granny getting her face kicked in to Cindy the puta.


Right TB

but cindy would have an excuse that blames the Granny

I had trouble reading the article.

This is why I see that we need communities for WHITE women,

children and elders to live peacefully if we are to breed and raise


Men will have to form volunteer militias and patrol corps so we have

eyes watching at all times.


Little Europes all over the country.

Our own militia, money, farming, maunfactory to meet what we

need and a bit left over for trade with our kind.

Ithaca NY formed their own city BANK ten years ago and are doing very

well cutting uncle sam and th
fed out as much as possible.

Some cities and towns in Ariz and Tex are doing the same.

There will be more and more Grannys.

There are plenty we do not hear about.

The e

white woman is the first choice victim as

she is not expected to fight

I dont go out much at night except in my own car and

only areas where I know I am safe.

I am short, WHITE, and grey haired.


I am not allowed to have a weapon to protect my tiny self

from a 6' or bigger , 200# or more n i gg er.

I am to curtail my life and leave MY STREETS to the apes.

He is to have total freedom at taxpayers expense.

He can come and go wherever he pleases and commit mayhem.

I , who hurt no one and help wherever I can,

must tip toe and look over my shoulder in the land my ANCESTORS built.

When do we ORGANIZE and take back what is ours?

Create our own spaces and blo
ck them out.

Keep our ethics and raise our kids to stay away from them

and their valueless belief systems.

The window is closing FAST !

Somewhere a G
y or
Gramps is
being beaten right now.....

When I first read Jared Taylors "The Color Of Crime" , almost five years ago, it truly was had me in disbelief that Mexican invaders were counted as whites when state's sent their crime numbers to the J.D... This started under Ms. Janet the Lesbo,she and the white haters she placed in the J.D. did all they could to see that NO white straight males were hired.. No amount of voting is going to fix this mess. I am so tired of cases like the one recently in Portland Oregon where a 14 year old white red headed girl is terrorized, raped, and murdered, and the Congoid beast was paroled after only 7 years for doing 4 white teen age girls and had tied bags around their heads
and made the girls think he was going to kill them, so he could get off on these girl begging for their lives. NOW the parents of the murdered 14 year girl, begs the judge, and jury not to hang him! Whi


are truly as a group who are suffering from some kind of Mass Stockholm sydrome...

I am short, WHITE, and grey haired.


I am not allowed to have a weapon to protect my tiny self

from a 6' or bigger , 200# or more n i gg er.

I am to curtail my life and leave MY STREETS to the apes.

He is to have total freedom at taxpayers expense.

He can come and go wherever he pleases and commit mayhem.

I , who hurt no one and help wherever I can,

must tip toe and look over my shoulder in the land my ANCESTORS built.

Buy a handgun, learn to use it. It is better to be judged by 12 than to be buried by six.


Thanks TNB but I cant get a handgun here.

I'm WHITE and dont hang wif de boyz.

Also if I got caught with it I would have to do a LOT of YEARS.

No, I will , as most people like me do, stay home more and more

and choose carefully where we can go.

I dont do night clubs anyway ( sowed my oats long ago)

and restaurants are so expensive now I forego.

IF a big IF I could get a handgun, I would have a problem how to keep

as there are people in my home daily.

Years ago I was NRA trained and an excellent shooter.

But I must bide till I can move from here.

Wish I could plan for that day.... :(

I am too old to do time and we have a hardnosed DA


o would throw all his books at a WHITE woman with a record. :angry:

If a firearm isn't an option, how about pepper spray? It's generally very potent though non-lethal (unfortunately). A stun-gun may be viable too and most can incapacitate an attacker swiftly. Just thought I'd throw my two cents in on this.

Thanks anyway for your input,

but when my Dad was alive he sent me a stun gun.


it does not work thru clothing

it has no effect on goon high on drugs and/or adrenalin

one must be close to threat to use it

the threat will simply grab victim and throw away the stun gun.

Stun guns are illegal.

I have a bust for posession on my record from years ago.

Pepper spray has all the same problems.

The ONLY safe protection is a lage bore hand gun.

In NYS a very dangerous choice.

I have misdemeanor convictions and would be put away for a

long time.

Even clean people get in a BI
hassle if caught with guns.

NYS is J*w run from Manhattan to Albany.

Terrifying attack abruptly ends

When 81-year-old Christine Everett is released from Simpson General Hospital, she won't be returning to the white, wood-frame house with the rocking chairs on the front porch on U.S. 49.

A Sunday morning burglar who attacked Everett is causing her to leave her home of 25 years.

"She'll never spend another night in that house," her daughter, Brenda Sheffield, said. "She doesn't realize the feeling of fear she'll have going back into that house."

Police believe robbery w
s the motive in the attack on Everett, officer Angie Montgomery said.

Everett's purse containing cash, credit cards and checks were stolen.

Two people arrested have been released after the

libis checked out, police said.

Everett was attacked about 1:30 a.m. Sun
day when she went to investigate suspicious sounds in her house. She said she saw that a chair she placed beneath the doorknob of the front door was gone and the door was ajar. Then, she spotted a man walking toward the kitchen.

"He saw me, and I broke to run," Everett said Monday. "He took off and caught me."

The man swung Everett around and squeezed her, breaking four of her ribs, she said. Everett tried to run up the concrete walk in front of her house to get help when the man caught up to her again.

"He grabbed me, put my head between his hands and slammed my head into the concrete," she said.

The man then kicked her. The terrifying attack stopped suddenly
, she said, after she silently prayed, " 'Lord, speak to this man and let him know if he's doing the right thing." '

The man almost immediately dropped his arms and
ed i
nto the ho
use, she said.

Everett was able to run to the house of a neighbor, who called police and an ambulance.

Everett said she didnt get a good look at her attacker.

Sheffield said her mother's eyes were swollen shut and she was bleeding from the mouth following the attack.

By Monday afternoon, the swelling had subsided a bit from her badly bruised face.

Everett, who has lived alone since her husband died in June 2003, wasn't certain when she would be released from the hospital. When released, she will be staying with relatives, her daughter said.

Click the link at top for photo!


ALL ELDERLY FOLK should be living with extended family.

They should have duties to keep from feeling like a burden

and contact with other Elderly soas not to feel alienated.

This is proper for our FOLK to handle the Elder problems.

Just as we need to provide home and succor for orphaned

WHITE children in extended families so they feel loved

and comforted and not alienated.

When a person FEELS ALIENATED they become open to

the entrance of J*w demons into the place where the SOUL DWELLS.

Once the J*w demons get into a person, its hard to bring them

SPIRITUALY home again.

If they are safe, they cannot
e seduced by the J*w hatred.

They cant be attacked or molested.

They maintain their SPIRITUAL integrity and are able to contribute

to the common good and not be a drain due to


attitudes or behaviors stemming from fears and insec


resurrection of ARYAN FOLK and the physical survival of our progeny.

And makse for fun birthday parties too ! :D