Nazi rally on Yorktown Battlefield a success


Senior Editor
Nazi rally, counter-demonstration held on battlefield

Nazi rally, counter-demonstration held on battlefield


YORKTOWN, Va. -- Fewer than 150 American Nazis and their supporters waved flags bearing swastikas as they rallied on a field Saturday for speeches punctuated by shouts of "Sieg Heil," as some 500 counter-demonstrators gathered on a field 250 yards away.

A few of the counter-demonstrators shouted slogans opposing the Nazi message, but most of them were with a Messianic Jewish congregation who prayed, sang and danced. A second counter-demonstration with music bearing messages of peace was hel
d about a half-mile away.

All of the demonstrating groups were separated by individual iron fences and police said no on
e was arrested.

The Nazi group said it was gathering on the Yorktown Battlefield to honor George Washington and other founding fathers whom they claim held separatist and anti-Semitic views. That position is disputed by most historians.

"This is sacred ground," said Jeff Schoep of Minneapolis, Commander of the National Socialist Movement.

Bill White, of Roanoke, a spokesman for the Nazi group, said about one-third of those at the rally were members of NSM, which bills itself as the largest Nazi party in the United States. Members at the rally wore Nazi uniforms with swastika armbands. Others in the group included a few members of the Ku Klux Klan dressed in bright blue, as well as skinhead groups.

One group of about 30 counter-demonstrators, Anti-Racist Action, marched in carrying a pink and red banner with black lettering that said, "Sm
ash racism now."

"All we want to do today is to get as close as we can and let them know they're not welcome to organize anywhere," said Rob Conner, o
f Philadelphia.

He said members had come from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina.

A smaller group carrying signs bearing such slogans as "Death to fascism," would identify themselves only as militant anti-racists from Washington, D.C. Their anti-Nazi shouts were too far away to be heard at the NSM rally.

Schoep said his group wanted to be closer to the counter-demonstrators so that members of the public could hear their message, but police barred the groups from interacting.

The U.S. Park Police said 15 law enforcement agencies were involved in maintaining security at the event. A helicopter circled the field continuously throughout the two-hour rallies.

"Today was a successful day at maintaining peace in the national park," said Sgt. Scott Fear, of the U.S.
Park Police, based in Washington, D.C.

At the peaceful rally across from the NSM, several people held Israeli flags and signs such as, "Let all you do be done in love," from the Bible.

"We said after the
Holocaust, 'never again,"' said Rabbi Eric Carlson of congregation Zion's Sake in Newport News, which organized that rally.

Among the observers who weren't part of any group was Richard Luzinski, 59, who said he recently moved to Williamsburg from a very diverse community in Queens, New York.

Barry and Crystal Royal, a couple in their 20s from Elizabeth City, N.C., encountered the demonstrators as they tried to tour the park on Saturday.

"It's kind of frightening when you see Nazis jump out of a car in front of you," Barry Royal said.

Hecklers showed up to counter the Nazis' message when the NSM held a rally last September at Valley Forge, Pa.

The NSM had wanted Saturday's rally to be on the spot
where the British army surrendered to Washington to end the siege of Yorktown _ and the Revolutionary War--on Oct. 19, 1781. Much of the park can be used by outside groups, but Mike Litterst, a spokesman for the National Park Service based at Yorktown, said Surrender Field has always be
en off-limits.

The park was open to the public Saturday but Litterst said park officials had discouraged tourists from visiting during the rally.


The reporter is anti-White, so I have deliberately not edited any part of this story as a example of the one-sidedness of the zionist press. I'm sick and tired of the way the Nazis are portrayed as evil and the as holy. What a bunch of the press keeps dishing out to the Amerikan sheeple.

All ranting aside, looks like they had a good turnout!