National Socialist or Communist regimes


There are many attributes that are true of either National Socialist or Communist regimes. Here are a few that immediately come to mind.
  • Opposition to Christianity. Quasi-religious worship of leaders. Strong tendency to develop a Personality Cult.
  • Totalitarianism, extreme militarism, and fanatical opposition to 'bourgeois' liberal values. Profound misanthropy. Ultra-statism. Opposition to capitalism.
  • Often finds fertile ground in rootless urban areas where faith and family have substantially disintegrated. Often associated with 'environmentalist' causes that in fact represent alienation from nature and/or rural life (i.e., veganism, anti-smoking, opposition to hunting, etc).
  • Fascination with rituals, uniforms and 'theatrics'. Politicized fantasism.
    Utopian visions (i.e. "New Man," "New Nation," "New Order").
  • Obs
    ession with conspiracies; paranoid tendencies.
  • Pathologization of political dissent
  • General orientation against "the West."