Millions of white girls in suburban and rural area




Yggdrasil- says:

Millions of white girls in suburban and rural areas

are going on AFDC while their skin-head boyfriends
camp with them at night.

There is no way our masters are going to use

the tax dollars at their disposal to finance the creation

of Dr. Pierce's 10 million man army 20 years from now!

It is one thing to fool 40% of Euro-Americans

who have jobs and pay taxes into believing they can <
get something out of the system.

It is quite another to subsidize the creation of a

dangerous subculture with real dollars.

J*ws just don't make those kinds of mistakes.

Ways can be found within the bureaucracy to continue

welfare to blacks.

Hence Hillary Clinton's campaign to "fix" welfare reform.


I dimly recall quite a fuss back in 1959 (I was quite young then) about Jack Kennedy and the question of "dual loyalty." The media declared
loudly and publicly that many people questioned whether
Kennedy owed his first allegiance to the United States,
or to the Vatican.

Even at the tender age of 12, this desce
ndant of Cromwell's
round-heads thought concern about loyalty to the Pope
a bit overblown.

The Pope seemed a "lord spiritual" in every respect, lacking any of the normal appurtenances
of a
"lord temporal," such as a standing army. Indeed, if one listened to the Pope or any of his Bishops, it was awfully hard to discern any worldly objective which a president of that faith might entertain that conflict with the worldly interests of the United States.

After all, the Vatican did not receive $5 billions per year in aid from the U.S. Treasury.

Indeed, it was hard to understand why a Catholic should be treated differently fro
m a Methodist or Presbyterian.
Kennedy's religion (or lack thereof) seemed far more relevant to the question of his character and the kinds of moral values that might weigh in his decisions. The temporal interests of Rome seemed a bit distant.

Further, conspiracies cannot be concealed for long, and there was no hard ev
idence of any such thing by the Catholic Church.

Not so with the J*ws!

There clearly is at least one international conspiracy, and it is run directly by the State of Israel.

is a sh
ort quote from the book "By Way of Deception" by Victor Ostrovsky (St. Martin's, 1990), formerly a Colonel in the Israeli intelligence service "Mossad."

Beginning on page 86:

"The next day Ran S. delivered a lecture on the sayanim, a unique and important part of the Mossad's operation.
Sayanim - assistants - must be 100 percent Jewish. They live abroad, and though they are not lsraeli citizens, many are reached through their relatives in Israel. An Israeli with a
ative in England, for example, might be asked to write a letter saying the person bearing the letter represents an organization whose main goal is to help save Jewish people in the diaspora. Could the British relative help in any way?

"There are thousands of sayanim ar
ound the world. In London alone, there are about 2,000 who are active, and another 5,000 on the list. They fulfill many different roles. A car sayan, for example, running a rental agency, could help
the Mossad
rent a car without having to complete the usual documentation. An apartment sayan would find accommodation without raising suspicions, a bank sayan could get you money if you needed it in the middle of the night, a doctor sayan would treat a bullet wound without reporting it to the police, and so on. The idea is to have a
pool of people available when needed who can provide services but will keep quiet about them out of loyalty to the cause. They are paid only costs."

Continuing on page 87

"Suppose during an operatio
n a katsa suddenly had to come up with an electronics store as a cover. A call to a sayan in that business could bring 50 television sets, 200 VCRs - whatever was needed - from his warehouse to your building, and in next to no time, you'd have a store with &
#036;3 or
$4 million worth of stock in it."

"Since most Mossad activity is in Europe, it may be preferable to have a business address in North America. So, there ar
e address sayan
im and telephone sayanim. If a katsa has to give out an address or a phone number, he can use the sayan's. And if the sayan gets a letter or a phone call, he will know immediately how to proceed. Some business sayanim have a bank of 20 operators answering phones, typing letters, faxing messages, all a front for the Mossad."

And on page 88:

"Katsas in the stations are in charge of the sayanim, and most active sayanim will be visited by a katsa once every three months or so, which for the katsa usually means between two and four face-to-face meetings a
day with sayanim, along with numerous telephone conversations. The system allows the Mossad to work with a skeleton staff. That's why, for example, a KGB station would employ about 100 people, while a comparable Mossad station
would need only six or seven."

On page 221, Ostrovsky gives an example of what a Sayan can be expected to do for Israel's Mossad:

"The Mossad already had
considerable inform
ation about the Exocet, thanks in part to a sayan who worked at Aerospatiale and had passed along details. They had also conducted a small operation, sending a team to break into the plant accompanied by a missile expert flown in from Israel for the occasion. He was taken into the plant "with handles," and materials brought to him for his expert opinion. His task was to determine what they should photograph. The team spent four and a half hours inside the plant before leaving without a trace."

It is a crime, a felony, for a civilian to participate in spying operations in this manner.

's Mossad is exposing tens of thousands of J*ws around the world to considerable legal risk, and the sayanim, being sophisticated business people, surely know this. If that is so, then why
does this system work? Why is the risk acceptable?

Here is Ostrovsky's answer from Page 87:

"One thing you know for sure is that even if a Jewish person
knows it is the Mossad
, he might not agree to work with you-but he won't turn you in. You have at your disposal a non-risk recruitment system that actually gives you a pool of millions of Jewish people to tap from outside your own borders. It's much easier to operate with what is available on the spot, and sayanim offer incredible practical support everywhere."

Now one might suggest that, for example, Great Britain could use a similar system and recruit among WASPS around the world. But they don't, because they can't. It takes an extraordinary degree of racial solidarity and racial motivation for such a "non-risk recruitment system" to work proper
ly. Remember, all of these activities are spying, with long prison terms if caught. Americans of English, Irish and Italian ancestry may have some resid
ual loyalties to the old "mother country." But this residue is nothing like the racial solidarity of the J*ws. Such racial feelings are so strong and so pervas
ive among J*ws that the Mos
sad knew in advance that their recruitment system was "non-risk." Britain, Ireland, Italy and the Vatican know better than to try.

While it may be true that Americans of English, Irish and Italian ancestry have dual loyalties, these white gentile dual loyalties are nothing like the degree of race-based loyalty possessed by the overwhelming majority of J*ws. You have it on the authority of Mossad!

Ostrovsky explains, beginning at the bottom of page 122:

"We took the Brits seriously, but everyone in the building used to say they were probably deluded because of "the b*tch." That's what they always called Margaret Thatcher inside the Mossad. They had her
tagged as an anti-Semite. There was one simple question asked when anything
happened: "Is it good for
the J*ws or not?" Forget about policies, or anything else. That was the only thing that counted, and depending on the answer, people were called anti-Semites
, whether deservedly or not.&qu

The problem is that J*ws _do not_ have dual loyalties!

90% of J*ws have a single loyalty. The loyalty is not necessarily to Israel, but to the welfare and power of J*ws generally. That is the only thing that matters. The only question that ever gets asked is; "How will this affect J*ws?" No other interests are taken into account at all!

Indeed a corollary of "dual loyalty" is the goyish notion that if you sacrifice to help others, they will reciprocate. If someone helps J*ws, there should be a reward.

European gentiles assume that comity and reciprocity are inherent in the psychological makeup of all humanity. Not so, according to Ostrovsky (page 231):

"The relationship between the
Mossad and Danish intelligence is so intimate as to be indecent
. But it's not the Mossad's virtue that is compromised by the arrangement; it's Denmark's. And that's because the Danish are under the
mistaken impression that because t
hey saved a lot of J*ws in World War II, the Israelis are grateful and they can trust the Mossad."

No matter what you do for J*ws and no matter how assiduously you toady to their interests, they will never respect yours.

That explains why destructive welfare state policies thrive despite 40 years of soaring black illegitimacy rates and the deepening destruction of the black family and community in America. Does the policy harm blacks! Of course! But that is irrelevant. Welfare dependence has created a block that votes 90% for candidates friendly to the welfare state and to Israel. Would blacks be better off as tradesmen and entrepreneurs with stable families? Of course, but then there would be no easy way to control their votes. The hopeless dependen
cy of most blacks increases the political powe
r of J*ws. That is why the policy continues.

There is no comity, reciprocity or sense of obligation (dual loyalty) that causes J*ws to mod
erate their attack on America's bla
cks. Now you might ask why Clinton, the "best friend Israel has ever had at the White House," would sign welfare reform. The answer is the same. The white illegitimacy rate has reached 25%. Millions of white girls in suburban and rural areas are going on AFDC while their skin-head boyfriends camp with them at night. There is
no way our masters are going to use the tax dollars at their disposal to finance the creation of Dr. Pierce's 10 million man army 20 years from now!

It is one thing to fool 40% of Euro-Americans who have jobs and pay taxes into believing they can get something out of the system. It is quite another to subsidize the creation of a dangerous subculture with real dollars. J*ws just don't make those kinds of mistakes. Ways can be found within the burea
ucracy to continue welfare
to blacks. Hence Hillary Clinton's campaign to "fix" welfare reform.

A classic illustration of this phenomenon comes
from a book entitled "Special Tasks&qu
ot; (Little-Brown, 1994, 1995) written by Pavel Sudoplatov and his son Anatoly.

Lieutenant General Pavel Sudoplatov was Joseph Stalin's NKVD director in charge of stealing atomic secrets. He reported directly to Beria.

From page 172:

"The most vital information for developing the first Soviet atomic bomb came from scientists engaged in the Manhattan Project to build the American Atomic Bomb - Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, and Leo Szilard."

Robert Oppenheimer was the director in charge of the Manhattan project.

From page 186-87:

"When it became clear that the atomic project was a heavily guarded, top-secret American priority, Eitingon and I suggested that we use our networks of illegals as couriers for our sources of information. Vassili Zarubin, our Washington
rezident, instructed Kheif
etz to divorce all
intelligence operations from the American Communist party, which we knew would be c
losely watched by the FBI, and to have Oppenhei
mer sever all contacts with Communists and left-wingers."

On page 188:

"In 1943, a world-famous actor of the Moscow Yiddish State Art Theatre, Solomon Mikhoels, together with well -known yiddish poet Itzik Feffer, toured the United States on behalf of the Jewish Antifascist Committee. Before their departure, Beria instructed Mikhoels and Feffer to emphasize the great Jewish contribution to science and culture in the Soviet Union. Their assignment was to raise money and convince American public opinion that Soviet anti-semitism had been crushed as a result of Stalin's policies. Kheifetz made sure that the message they brought was conveyed to Oppenheimer. Kheifetz said that Oppenheimer, the son of a German-Jewish immigrant, was deeply moved by the information that a secure place for J*ws in the Soviet Unio
n was guaranteed. They discussed Stalin
's plans to set up a Jewish autonomous republic in the Crimea after the war was w
on against facism."

Beria understood t
he psychology of unitary loyalty perfectly!

Continuing on page 189:

"In developing Oppenheimer as a source, Vassili Zarubin's wife, Elizabeth, was essential. She hardly appeared foreign in the United States. Her manner was so natural and sociable that she immediately made friends. Slim, with dark eyes, she had the classic Semitic beauty that attracted both
men and women, and she was one of the most successful agent recruiters, establishing her own illegal network of Jewish refugees from Poland, and recruiting one of Szilard's secretaries, who provided technical data."

Oppenheimer's rationale was "fear that the Germans might produce the first atomic bomb." But all he had to do to beat the Germans to the punch was to build the bomb for America. And indeed, that would have been
the natural result of "dual loyalties." He could have helped J*ws and remained loya
l to America at the sa
me time.

But then helping America was not in th
e calculus at all. As Beria understood perfectly, he was concerned only with one unitary question; "How does this affect J*ws?" And the answer was that just as organizing the blacks and browns to vote their antagonistic racial interests is critical to maintaining Jewish power over whites in the 1990's, giving the atomic secrets to Russia was the one way to reduce the power of whites in America in the 1940s and 50s.
Oppenheimer's naive view (prior to the creation of the Israeli State) was that a nuclear armed Russia would provide one more possible haven for J*ws with the power to protect them.

The goyim in our OSS (the forerunner of the CIA) would have assumed "dual loyalty" and concluded that Oppenheimer presented no security risk.

They were dead wrong, as Beria clearly understood.

So n
ow the question becomes: - How many sayanim does it take to "occupy America"?

Is Madeline
[Kerbel] Albright (nominee for Se
cretary of State) a Sayan?

Is William Cohen (nominee for Secretary of Defense) a Sayan?

Is William Berger (nominee for National Security Agency chief) a Sayan?

Is Anthony Lake (nominee to head CIA) a Sayan?

Is Robert Rubin (secretary of Treasury) a Sayan?

Is Alan Greenspan (chairman of the Federal Reserve) a Sayan?

Are these reasonable questions to ask?

In truth, of course, it is somewhat unlikely that these people, by far the most powerful group in the United States, would agree to spend their time schlepping TV sets for Mossad, or divulging secrets. They can do far more to serve Jewish interests by guiding U.S. economic, diplomatic and defense
policies to serve Israel and Jewish interests than they ever could through risky behaviors like divulging classified data.

In fact, these people are in a far bet
ter position to put pressure on Israel than Israel is to put pressure them.

Are the people n
amed above capable of articulating U.S. interests (as opposed t
Jewish interests) on an intellectual level?

Of course! Quite skillfully, in fact!

Are they capable of _acting_ upon those interests (our interests)?

That is a much tougher question. For a majority, it appears that the answer is clearly "no" if Jewish interests might also be involved. The psychological and emotional ties within the group are so strong, and they are so powerfully alienated from the white gentile majority that their decisions and actions will never match their words. Just as Oppenheimer's actions failed to square with his words.

Clinton's cabinet and the media moguls who control him are likely to have their own strong views on the question "Is it good for J*ws, or not?" And they are not likely to take orders from Israel. Does that mean there is no "conspiracy&#3

Other than the publicly documented spying and extortion operations run by the St
ate of Israel, there probably isn't one. Rather, what we have i
s an obsessive concern for the interests of J*ws a
nd a psychological inability to represent the interests of others that is shared by such an overwhelming majority of J*ws, that their uncoordinated actions appear pre-planned.

Colonel Ostrovsky notes in "By way of Deception" that Israel and its supporters have a concept of the relation between media and government that is powerfully at odds with our own Anglo-Saxon tradition that inspired the First Amendment.

From page 290:

"As usual in these affairs, the journalism fraternity in Israel knew about the operation all along-or at least, they knew what the Mossad and the prime minister's office wanted them to know - but they agreed to withhold the story until they were given leave to print it. There is a committee of
editors, called the Vaudat Orchim, of all the
major media outlets in Israel that meets regularly with government officials for ba
ckground briefing on current events. Israeli television is government c
ontrolled, as is all but one rogue radio station, so that broadcasting is ne
ver a problem to

The Jewish - SDS flirtation with "free speech" at Berkeley in the 1960's was a temporary romance of convenience. Culturally, they are more comfortable with a "Vaudat Orchim" and controlled news.

Is Laurence Tisch (CEO of CBS,) a Sayan? Vaudat Orchim?

Is Robert Sarnoff (RCA and NBC) a Sayan? Vaudat Orchim?

How about Jeff Zuker (executive producer of NBC Nightly news)?

Is Jeff Sagansky (head of CBS entertainment division) a Sayan? A member of a Vaudat Orchim?

Is Stuart Bloomberg (head of entertainment programming at ABC) a Sayan? How about Vaudat Orchim?

Is Brandon Tartikoff (Paramount Pictures) a Sayan? Vaudat Orchim?

Is Gerald Levin (Time Warner Communications)
a Sayan? Perhaps part of a Vaudat Orchim?

Is Michael D. Eisner (Wal
t Disney Co.) a Sayan? Or a Vaudat Orchim member?

Is Martin S. Davi
s (Paramount Communications) a Sayan? Or a Vaudat Orchim, perhaps?

Is Peter Chernin (20th Century Fox Film Corp.) a Sayan? Vaudat Orchim

How about Sandy Grushow (Fox Entertainment)? Sayan? Vaudat Orchim?

Is Peter Guber (Columbia Pictures Entertainment) a Sayan? Vaudat Orchim?

Is Sumner Redstone [Murray Rothstein] (Viacom, MTV, Nickelodeon) a Sayan? A Vaudat Orchim?

Is Lew Wasserman (MCA Inc.) a Sayan? Vaudat Orchim?

Is Ron Nessen (MBS radio news) a Sayan? - or a Vaudat Orchim?

How about Samuel and Donald Newhouse (31newspapers, 12 broadcast stations, 87 cable systems, Parade, New Yorker, Vogue, Mademoiselle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Bride's, Gentlemen's Quarterly, Self, House & Garden, etc.)?


Is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger (New York Times, 33 additional papers, 7 radio and TV
broadcasters a cable company and three book publishers) a Sayan? A Va
udat Orchim?

Is Katherine Meyer Graham (Washington Post, Newsweek) a Sa
yan? A Vaudat Orchim?

Is Peter Kann (Dow Jones & Co, Wall Street journal) a Sayan? A Vaudat Orchim?

How about Mortimer B. Zuckerman (newspaper, U.S. News &World Repor
t, Atlantic Monthly)?

Sayan? Vaudat Orchim?

Do these people, and dozens more in similar positions meet to discuss how to manage the news? Again, the truth is probably not. Why?

Simple. They already know what messages must be censored and what events are newsworthy. They already know what to cover and what to leave on the cutting room floor. Except on rarest occasions, they do not need to be told what to do.

Each of these men will have his own passionately held convictions about what kinds of news and entertainment for goyim will best serve Jewish interests. These are not the type of men who would obediently follow instructions from Isre
al. But then the deep racial paranoia and the intense loathin
g of Christianity that is taught to most J*ws as children at the dinner table ensur
es that many J*ws will pursue careers in media (such careers are "good for
J*ws") and will know what to do when they get to the top of a network. They generally do not need to be told!

And that, gentl
emen, is the significance of "unitary racial loyalty" that exists among 90% of this world's J*ws.

Pat Buchanan once referred to Capitol Hill as "Israeli Occupied Territory."

Can we justifiably say that we live in "Occupied America?"

No need to make up your minds yet.

Might as well wait for parts two and three
of the "Occupied America" series.

Then you can be the judge!


Yggdrasil- continues


In part one of this "Occupied America" series, we discussed the network of Sayanim; tens of thousands of J*ws throughout the world who assist Israel's Mossad in gathering intelligence.

We saw how most gentiles view this activity as a sign of "dual loyalty," in that J*ws will have a loyalty to their native countries and to Israel, and that the loyalty to Israel is what prompts them to serve as Sayanim.

However, if you think about it, "dual loyalties" would create considerable risk for Mossad. It would be impossibl
for them to know in advance the strength of the "non-Israel" loyalty, and whether it might be strong enough to cause J*ws they approach to turn agents in. (All of this activity is a serious felony in

virtually all countries in which it takes place).

However, Victor Ostrovsky, author of "By Way of Deception"
quite candidly states that the existence of millions of J*ws outside the borders of Israel gives Mossad a "non-risk recruitment tool:"

"One thing you know for sure is that even if a Jewish person knows it is the Mossad, he might not agree to work with you - but he won't turn you in. You have at your disposal a non-risk recruitment system that actually gives you a pool of millions of Jewish people to tap from outside your own borders."

Now for this system to be "non-risk" these millions of J*ws around the world must have only a single loyalty - loyalty to J*ws and their interests. In the words of Ostrovsky:

"There wa
s one simple question asked when anything happened: "Is it good for the J*ws or not?" Forget about policies, or anything else. That was the only thing that counted ... "

As an exa
of how this unitary or "single loyalty" works, we then examined the case of Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Manhattan Project, and father of the American atomic bomb, who passed atomic s
ecrets to Russia.

Finally, the prior post listed all of those eligible to be Sayanim in cabinet level positions in our government, and at the very top of all of our major mass media, thus setting forth a prima facie case that America is, in fact, occupied by an alien power. The means, motive and opportunity clearly exist, as does the corpus delicti of a decaying and rudderless America..

In this installment, we are going to examine the heavily armed Jewish groups established and run by retired Mossad officers throughout the world, as a means of examining the question whether this is "Occupi
ed America."

From "By Way of Deception" (St. Martins, 1990) Page 291:

"Arbel's department was responsible for setting up Jewish defense groups, called &qu
s," or misgerot, all over the world, now including some parts of the United States, where anti-semitism is regarded as a threat. Often people with particular skills, such as doctors, are on reserve and
called in for short periods to help
with these frames. Normally, heads of the stations for the frames in the various countries are retired Mossad workers. The job is widely regarded as a sort of bonus for faithful service, a tshupar, the idea being that they've got all this expertise, why not use

"The main job is to help the leaders of Jewish communities outside Israel plan for their own security. Part of this is done through the hets w-keshet, or "bow and arrow," Israel's paramilitary youth brigades. While all Israeli youths, boys and girls, belong to this &q
uot;eduday noar ivry," or "battalion of Hebrew youth," often youths from other countries are brought over to spend the summer learning about security, picking up such skil
ls as comple
ting obstacle courses, pitching tents, and learning how to use a sniper rifle and Uzi assault rifle. Still others learn upgraded security skills, such as how to build a slick, for hiding weapons or documents, when and how to do security checks, as well as the fundamentals of investigati
on and intelligence gathering.

"Any use of the frames other than for self-protection has never been approved by any government official, although Mossad officials all know of such use. Thus, Yitzhak Shamir knew, but Peres, never a Mossad man, would not have known, even though he was prime minister. Israel does not
sell the weapons directly to these foreign frames, but it does provide arms indirectly in a round-about arrangement with known arms dealers.

"The Mossad does not see these frames as information
gatherers, although the station heads know from experience that the shortest route to getting praise is by supplying useful information. Many of the youths trained at the summer
camps in Israel
later become Sayanim, and it
certainly provides a strong group of willing helpers, well trained, undaunted by the lingo, who have already shown the ability to take chances...."

Page 140:

"We were now also learning about Tsafririm and the "frames" set up as a defense mechanism by J*ws aroun
d the world. In this area we had a problem, or at least some of us did. I just couldn't agree with this concept of having guard groups everywhere. I thought frames in England, for
example, where kids learn how to build slicks for their weapons to protect their synagogues, were more dangerous than beneficial to the Jewish community. I brought up the argument that even if a group of people had been oppressed, with attempts made to exterminate them - as with the J*ws - they had no right to
act obstructively in democratic countries. I could understand this happening in Chile or Argentina, or any other country where people disappear off the streets, but not
in England or France
or Belgium.

"The fact that there are antisemitic groups, whether real or imaginary, is definitely not an excuse, because if you look into Israel's own backyard, you'll see anti-Palestinian groups. Did this mean we thought the Palestinians therefore had the right to store weapons and organize vigilante groups? Or would we c
all them terrorists?"

Let's summarize:

Israel maintains armed groups within our borders.

These groups are run by agents of a foreign power. (retired Mossad officers).

Jewish youths from all over the world are flown to Israel to learn how to use machine guns and sniper rifles.

Once in Israel, these youths receive this training as part of the "battalions of Hebrew youth," Israel's version of the Hitler Yungend.

el smuggles full-automatic weapons to these groups through arms dealers.

Retired Mossad agents supervise this activity and keep them out of trouble.
br>Three conditions must
obtain before we can conclude that a country is "occupied" by a foreign power. These three conditions or symptoms of occupation must be clear.

First, the occupier must hold commanding positions in the government and in the media.

Second, the occupied police forces follow the agenda of the occupiers and ignore the illegal acts of occupation.

Third, the occupier must control th
e electoral process and exact tribute from the occupied.

Maintaining armed cells throughout the Western world under the direction of foreign agents is profoundly illegal. Our FBI certainly knows about these Misgerot or "frames" but they do nothing about them.

No informants, no infiltrators, no arrests, no armed confrontations - nothing!

Nothing, that is, except deafening silence.

It is obviously not an enforcement priority.

Only the spy Pollard was apprehended and then only because Pollard was completely out of control.
His copying of classified d
ocuments was so prodigious as to become an embarrassment to his Israeli handlers.

His discovery, as well as the revelations of Ostrovsky, had absolutely zero effect on our FBI. The only reasonable inferences to be drawn from these facts are:

That the FBI already knew who it works for;

That only a small number of people who read books would find out about these disclosures; and

That the people the FBI work for would re
main in power, and that no change in enforcement policy is necessary.

It is ironic. The Soviet Union used the Communist party to spy in America back in the 1940's and 1950's. But they never dared flout U.S. law by arming the communist cells they controlled. Israel's activity is so absolutely and shockingly brazen that it leaves one breathless. The lack of response fr
om our own law enforcement agencies is stunningly silent testimony to the reason why Israel and its U.S. loyalists can openly ignore our laws.

Indeed, it is similar in ma
ny ways to the scene at Florence and Normandy during the Los Angeles riots. As Reginald Denny was having his brains beat out, a dozen armed police in three cars slowly and quietly backed away from the intersection. It was all captured on camera.

The message was clear. You white citizens are on your own! Do not expect us to protect you, even when we have the clear and overwhelming power to do so.

Message understood, boys!

What we get instead i
s Feinstein in the Senate and Schumer in the House ranting about how "uncomfortable" they feel living in a country in which people have guns, and trying to convince the middle class to be uncomfortable also. Their discomfort with people owning guns is clearly selective. No mention of the Misgerot, with their fully automatic (and clearly illegal) Uzi's.
J*ws owning guns is comforting - gentiles owning guns is not!

Our FBI follows the Schumer - Feinstein agenda by assigning tho
usands of agents to monitor anti-gov
ernment types. They send out hundreds of informants and provocateurs hoping to talk unsophisticated whites into selling guns or exploding bombs on their own property.

Not surprisingly, they are occasionally successful.

They have enough success that the press is supplied with lurid stories about militias and bombs so that middle class Euro-America will think that the anti-government opposition is physically dangerous and threatening to them.

It is a happy marriage of law-en
forcement with news management. They are new at this game, so occasionally they will make public relations mistakes, as with the Waco assault and the killing of Vickie Weaver. But supervisors are reprimanded and reassigned until more media savvy types can be found to replace them.

The fact that our FBI has never busted a Sayan or a Misgero
t gives you a pretty clear idea of who they work for. It is a necessary pre-condition of "occupied" status.

apparently their masters are not happy w
ith mere obedience and loyal service. They demand degradation and humiliation as well.

Several years ago, our FBI was assigned the task of monitoring and analyzing "hate crimes." In an article published by USA Today on Feb. 4, 1996 the FBI announced its statistics. There were 7947 hate crimes. 41% of the hate crimes were "intimidation." Another 23% were vandalism or spray painting.


Our FBI has been assigned the task of monitoring name-calling.

Shouting an epithet at someone from
across the street has become a "hate crime" in these United States of the Offended. And of course the graffiti that graces much of our urban landscape in these United States of the Offended has also become a "hate crime" if it contains politically incorrect thoughts or lands on a syn

Our FBI has been reduced to Kindergarten hall monitors ever on the alert for politically incorrect insults

There are 5 million assaults (unla
wful beatings) committed each year in the United States. Blacks commit 7.2 times more interracial assaults than whites. When you correct for the fact that blacks comprise 12% of the population, it is 50 times more likely that a black will assault a white than it is for a white to assault a black.

So apparently, assigning the FBI the job of monitoring and gathering statistics on name calling and politically incorrect midnight artistry provides the media with the basicfeedstock required to convince the soccer moms that it is the poor whites with anti-government vi
ews who are the dangerous criminals.

At the same time, of course, the Bureau of Justice Statistics has decided to stop gathering data on the race of crime perpetrators and victims. Too much grist for the Internet!

An occupying power will seek to degrade those wh
o obey its command. Like mandatory "sensitivity training," making the FBI cross dress as Ms. Manners is
an important psychological tool and an important
emblem of power. It is a way of letting every agent know unmistakably who is in charge.

And so, perhaps, the FBI must accept its Ms. Manners - hall monitor role at the same time it serves up press
conferences about statistically rare violations by rural militias. Never a nod to policing Israel's spying Sayanim or busting its illegally armed Misgerot. And of course, stopping the vast wave of real crime that engulfs our cities and makes them unsafe for the Soccer Moms to enter at night simply is not part of the agenda at all.

No matter how humbly the boys in the FBI shuffl
e, it will never be enough.

Having fun in Occupied America?
