Message On Your Keyboard or X-Files?

Gary Smith

One of the bad elements among Christians today is quick recognition they've been trained to accept when new or unusual discoveries are demonstrated to them.

For instance, two-thousand years ago if someone drew a fish in the sand as a demonstration of a Christian connection in The Way (the Christian way) they'd have been recognised and accepted. In our times it is likely for someone to describe the fish as Pisces fish and the drawer into astrology!!! I know this because most of the time this kind of thing happens over a little demonstration of numbers and the PC keyboard.

If I were to tell the reader that there was a US Federal military unit called the Eighth Corp. back in 1861 with an "8" within a six-pointed star and their non-MS keyboard has an 8 key with such a star then there seems to be a disconnect for some. When God gives inspiration to Christians they build churches
as a good work. Others do little things like drawing the fish as a sign of devotion.

Well, hang on because below is a keyboard layout that a gambling man would give odds on though I don't do gambling myself--be it Wall Street or the lottery.

Without more delay here is the legend for the non-MS keyboard.
