Maori artist cut in half; mum & white trash mates distraught

Have these Maorie scum EVER contributed anything WORTHY of emulation in a Civilized society? I don't think so. They continue their TNB when the world is dying, so tough on them! 14.88!
Have these Maorie scum EVER contributed anything WORTHY of emulation in a Civilized society? I don't think so. They continue their TNB when the world is dying, so tough on them! 14.88!

The answer is no! In this story the news gets even more interesting. Our defunct and drawn tagger was his mother's sole carer! In other words, that is how he made his money. The Australian Government paid him to look after his mother who herself is on some benefit for being "disabled" or some such. At least one his out of the way - although I'm pretty sure the Government once more forked up for the funeral.
The answer is no! In this story the news gets even more interesting. Our defunct and drawn tagger was his mother's sole carer! In other words, that is how he made his money. The Australian Government paid him to look after his mother who herself is on some benefit for being "disabled" or some such. At least one his out of the way - although I'm pretty sure the Government once more forked up for the funeral.

My city was still somewhat of a Whitetopia when I moved there but has since become muddied by jigs, beaners and other muds and it's a Whitetopia in Memoriam for the most part. Fortunately most of the muds don't live in the city itself but are from other nearby places. Still, seeing these largely mud hordes with their chinaman eyes is very disturbing at best. Both "our" jiggaboos, beaners and "your" Maories and Samoolies have those kind of eyes as well as their innate low intelligence and savagery mixed with cowardice and sheer cruelty to their own, to Whites and to animals of course. And we can thank the jooz for all the refusegees we have and you have to deal with.
