Looking for Any Excuse to Pin Degrees on Niggers





Following through

Colleges step up efforts to improve retention and graduation rates of black male students.

Jenel Few
912.652.0326 l jenel.few@savannahnow.com

Colleges have begun to recruit at middle schools, revive football programs and even offer macho degree programs to attract black male students. But keeping them there takes even more work.

Just 14 percent of 18- and 19-year-old black males in the United States enroll in college. Many of them never make it to

Only 13 percent of black men in this country age 25 and older have bachelor's degrees, according to the U.S. Census. College graduates are less likely to be involved in crime, but mor
e likely to vote, make civic contributions and enjoy a higher sta
ndard of living.

The University System of Georgia has created a black male initiative to enroll more black male students, strengthen them academically and retain them until they are prepared to graduate.

"The numbers aren't where they need to be statewide for African-American males," said Georgia Southern University dean of students Georj Lewis . "Georgia Southern's retention was good in 2002-2003, but we need to look at graduating them."

Part of the problem is that the black males who enroll in college don't progress to the next grade level and graduate as quickly as their peers. Many black males drop out before graduation day. For example, Georgia S
outhern University's 1998 freshman class of full-time, non-remedial students included 137 black males, 176 black females, 646 white males and 628 white females.

The vast majority of that clas
s returned for a second year in 1999, but only 18 black males had passed enough classes to return as sophomores; 58 percent we
re still classified as freshmen.

By fall 2000, their third year, seven percent of the black males were still freshmen, 47 percent had earned sophomore status and just 6 percent had progressed into their junior year on schedule.

In their fourth year, one black female, six white females and three of the white males graduated. None of the black males graduated.

By fall 2003, only 48 of the 137 black male students had earned a degree in six years and all but 12 percent had left school.

A Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange study of students who didn't graduate after six years found that 51 percent left after the first year of college, 27 pe
rcent left after the second year, and 22 percent left in the third year or later. Work, finances and family issues have the greatest impact on retention and black males typically come from lower-inc
ome families. Many work to help support their families and finance their education.

The University System of Georgia has funded several re
tention programs, which are beginning to pay off. But because so few black males are enrolled, losing just a few has a huge impact.

Tony Rouse, a 22-year-old Georgia Southern University senior from Martinez, is majoring in both biology and marketing. He plans to graduate at the end of his fifth year.

"My friends and I are still here because we're involved in lots of things," Rouse said.

In addition to his jobs in the admissions office and at a pizza restaurant, Rouse is a campus tour guide and marketing coordinator for campus activities.

He said the black males who drop out of school, usually disconnect from campus activity and a
cademics first.

"It's like self-destruction almost," Rouse said. "Freshman year my roommate dropped out of all of his classes. He would just sit there in the room. It w
as bad."

According to Savannah State University's dean of enrollment management Judith Edwin, early on black male students develop doubts about higher education's ability to elevate their so
cial and economic status. So those who do enroll in college are easily distracted. "We're fighting that," Edwin said.

Savannah State has received state and federal funding to improve retention. Officials have created programs designed to create a positive campus environment for black males and quality academic advisement that will provide them with consistent and clear direction.

Both Savannah State and Georgia Southern universities have programs that prepare at-risk students for the transition to college, and both are planning programs that will pair black male college athletes with
teen boys. The goal is to provide mentorship and college preparation for the teens, as well as engage the college students and strengthen their interests in academics and community service.<b
"There is so much beyond getting enrolled in college," Lewis said. "Once they're on campus you have to engage them. Those students who seem to be overly busy and overly involved tend to do better."


Where does it end?
How many billions of dollars must be wasted?

Why can't they see the pink elephant in the room?

By their own admissions, n-ggers can't make it in college despite their best efforts.

We recruit and groom them from birth, give them everything associated with success free of charge, lower standards, make exceptions, hire tutors, water down the curricula, create flimsy and worthless degree programs, make it someone's full time job to wipe their academic noses, allow them to take up space in the class
room for decades if necessary, create an environment where professors are suspect and scutinized when n-ggers aren't GIVEN passing grades ...............

All that time spent bl
aming evil racism for HOLDING THEM BACK. (BWAAAAhaaaahaaa)

It finally comes full circle..........

No matter how extensive the advantages allotted, they're still n-ggers!
They have no place in a White education system.
They have nothing of value to offer, and are a ge
neral obstacle to OUR children's progress.

The solution is to train them for a trade that is not

so highly skilled they cannot master it or jeapordize

the public safety with poorly done work.

While they can support themselves we must set up

a seperate nation for them and train them for all they

need to run their own nation.

Then put up a very high fence and leave them

alone to learn or disntegrate.

There are WIHTE guys and women that want to go

to college and there is NO MONEY to help them.:no2:


NOT FOR WHITES ! :steamin:

To get black negro males to graduate and have a shiny BS degree to hang on their wall, there must be easier paths to the degree.

I suggest the following:

Freshman requirements: be able to find and read Sunday comic strips
Sophmore requirements: able to find all ESPN and music channels on a 500 channel TV
Junior requirements: demonstrate proficiency at break dancing
Senior requirements: dribble a basketball for 5 minutes

See, it is so easy. There will be smelly caps and gowns everywhere.

Originally posted by Panhead Bob@Sep 28 2004, 08:12 AM
To get black negro males to graduate and have a shiny BS degree to hang on their wall, there must be easier paths to the degree.

I suggest the following:

Freshman requirements: be able to find and read Sunday comic strips
Sophmore requirements: able to find all ESPN and music channels on a 500 channel TV
Junior requirements: demonstrate proficiency at break dancing
Senior requirements: dribble a basketball for 5 min

See, it is so easy. There will be smelly caps and gowns everywhere.
Very good stuff Panhead!!!

I w
ould add to that if a nigger is interested in a graduate degree:

Masters Degree: Go five minutes without making reference to "muh dick"

PH.D It won't matter because none of them will make it past the
requirement for the Master's Degree


Professor of Spookology
Department Chairman, Dept. of Africoon and Africoon-Americoon Studies

Originally posted by Gman+Sep 30 2004, 12:19 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Gman @ Sep 30 2004, 12:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Panhead Bob@Sep 28 2004, 08:12 AM
To get Vandal kneegrow males to graduate and have a shiny BS degree to hang on their wall, there must be easier paths to the degree.

I suggest the following:

Freshman requirements: be abl
to find and read Sunday comic strips
Sophmore requirements: able to find all ESPN and music channels on a 500 channel TV
Junior requirements: demonstrate proficiency at break dancing
Senior requir
ements: dribble a basketball for 5 minutes while drinking a foty oz. malt likker.

See, it is so easy. There will be smelly caps and gowns everywhere.
Very good stuff Panhead!!!

I would add to that i
f a nigger is interested in a graduate degree:

Masters Degree: Go five minutes without making reference to "muh dick"

PH.D It won't matter because none of them will make it past the
requirement for the Master's Degree!!!!!


Professor of Spookology
Department Chairman, Dept. of Africoon and Africoon-Americoon Studies </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--Quot
Gman and Panhead Bob, you both crack me up! I especially like the title Professor of Spookology Department Chairman, Dept. of Africoon and Africoon-Americoon Studies!

As for me, I
study Vandalobabookari primatology and mental pathology. I am a VnD in Vandalobabookariology and Vandalonegritude as well! :tongue: