Klan Offshoot targets Australia



Offshoot targets Australia - "WHAT ELSE WE HAVE IN OZ?"



Unwelcome presence ... Toowoomba, Cairns and Rockhampton have been targeted by white supremacists looking to drum up support for local groups

Offshoot targets Australia

By Simon Kearney

MAY 07, 2007


THREE Australian cities have been targeted by offshoots of the Ku Klux Klan over recent months in an apparent recruiting drive by white supremacists.

Toowoomba was targeted first by leaflets that asked people to become a klansman or klanswoman in March.

Shortly afterwa
rds, Cairns was targeted and then Rockhampton, last month, by a different group, Storm Front.

In Toowoomba and Cairns the pamphlets promoted the US-based White Legion Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Its website has an Australian page featuring propaganda presented as fact about African and Asian immigration, Aboriginal crime, the homosexuality agenda and - an old favourite - Jewish influence in the media.

Queensland Attorney-General Kerry Shine, a Toowoomba MP, referred the pamphlets to the state's Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Susan Booth.

"Toowoomba is a very tolerant city," Mr Shine told The Australian when the KKK first struck.

"I believe any form of racial vilification is abhorrent."

B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Commission executive officer Manny Waks said the Storm Front flyers in Rockhampton called for "real" Australians to join white supremacist movements and to fight against crimes allegedly committed by ethnic groups.

Mr Waks said the leafl
et drops indicated a recruitment drive. "It is outrageous that in this time and age the KKK and Storm Front are still active in our tolerant and peaceful country," he said.

"No Australian should be affiliated in any way, shape or form with these vile, racist groups. We must ensure that the impressionable youth does not get influenced by these racists to join its minuscule ranks."

The Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commission said that the leaflets incited hatred and provoked people to harm others. Queensland Police have also investigated each of the leaflet drops.

"There is no doubt that the KKK and Storm Front are at best on the fringe of Australian society, but it is always concerning to see any activity coming from such quarters," Mr Waks said.

"It is a reminder that blatant racism still exists in our multicultural Australia and that we must remain vigilant and be willing to take swift action to combat such individuals and organisations when the need arises."