
Klan's fliers surface in Durham
Anne Blythe, Staff Writer

Fliers similar to ones found in Chapel Hill driveways last month turned up Friday morning in Durham.

Residents in the Hope Valley Farm neighborhood found fliers wrapped around old News & Observer pages. "The King Holiday -- A National Day of Disgrace!" was pasted across the top of the flier in bold type.

Beneath it were addresses for a post office box and Web site for the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas.

Disparaging statements about Martin Luther King Jr. covered the sheet of paper.In Chapel Hill last month, fliers depicting a young girl and a puppy by a Christmas tree were wrapped around glossy ads and months-old News & Observer pages in the hist

oric Cameron-McCauley streets neighborhood.

"We wish the best for you and

your family throughout the New Year, Merry Christmas," the fliers said.

The Klan's Arkansas address, phone number and Web site were listed below the holiday wishes.

Pastor Thomas Robb, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan's national director, said then that his group often distributes fliers at this time of year. The group sends flier designs to members and encourages them to print up fliers, wrap them around old newspaper sheets to add weight so they don't blow away, and leave the bundles in lawns or driveways.

Durham police did not respond to inquiries about whether anyone had filed complaints about the fliers.

The flier distribution was in a neighborhood near one of the Durham cross burnings late last May.