In Milwaukee, "The streets don’t give. The streets take."



Milwaukee County's 100th homicide of 2022, 14-year-old girl killed
Published June 14, 2022 5:24AM
Milwaukee police are looking for the person who shot and killed a 14-year-old girl Monday night near 81st and Villard. Tomorrow Brumfield was supposed to graduate from eighth grade Tuesday.
MILWAUKEE - Milwaukee police are looking for the person who shot and killed a 14-year-old girl Monday night, June 13 near 81st and Villard hours before she was to graduate from eighth grade.
Tomorrow Brumfield's mother said the 14-year-old was smart, strong and assertive. She wanted to go to Harvard. Instead, the 53rd Street School student was killed before going to high school.
"Tomorrow was like, the best breath of fresh air you can have," said Akpan Blake, Brumfield's uncle. "She wasn’t a bad kid. She was always polite. Very respectful to her mother, her grandmother, to me, her little sisters. Just all around a great kid."
Blake learned through a phone call Monday that his great-niece had been killed.
"I’m tired of it," said Blake. "I’m tired of it."
The medical examiner's report says Brumfield was shot in a bedroom, but she didn't live at the home where the crime occurred.
At last check, Milwaukee police said no arrests have been made, but they know who they are looking for.
"It’s impacting the world," said Blake."It’s not just here. It’s impacting the world."
Blake said something needs to be done about the violence.
Brumfield's death marks the 100th homicide in Milwaukee County in 2022.
"The streets don’t give. The streets take, and they just took my great-niece," said Blake.
Brumfield's future ended less than 12 hours before her chance to walk in graduation.
Police have not released any details about what led up to the shooting.