How I EXPOSED Jew, Ron Unz, of (relatively) popular "Unz Review"

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Reality: Is Objective, Determined, CYCLIC, In Accord With Spengler, "Decline of West"
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 19)

Harbinger, buddy: note reality is (a) OBJECTIVE (Aristotle), (b) determined (strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), (c) CYCLIC, in accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West."

Christians follow the objective reality, foundation of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6); Jews are SUBJECTIVISTS, following the "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah in "Oral Law Tradition" (Gosp. MARK 7:9 & 13). See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Note extreme subjectivism holds reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. So thou see, Judaism/Talmudism is Satanism, Jews following a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, making them leaders of gentile subjectivists/Satanists even though greatly out-numbered by the goyim. Of course, there are Jews, more and less, by degrees, in accord w. the tenets of their religion/philosophy--many might disagree they're satanists.

So when gentile civilization remains rational, the gentiles thrive, Jews and Satanists suffer. As the gentiles at first thrive, they soon enough become hubristic and corrupt, pretending they're like God, w. "free" will, pretending to moralism and non-existent "good-evil"; the Jews and other subjectivists now begin to take advantage of this putrid, moronic hubris, and establish, for example, the central-bank, fiat-currency criminal-enterprise (legalized counterfeiting--see; use their search engine), and soon the former civilization becomes hell-on-earth for victims of empire, Jews and Satanists now thriving evermore.

So thou see: it's a CYCLIC relationship in strict accord w. DETERMINIST factors and nature of the objective reality. Note Jews actually perform a certain socio-biologic function, exterminating the excess population of gentiles, Jews much like a disease, like plague, typhus, and leprosy--I'm sure Jews think we gentiles are similar, eh?

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 93, Harbinger says:
February 25, 2019 at 6:50 pm GMT • 500 Words

You know, I’m just still trying to let all of this sink in. The Jews are lining themselves up for intense universal hatred when they are actively punishing people for disagreeing in Israeli murder of Palestinian men, women and children.
Are they mad?
Can they not understand that this is going to lead to a very probably chaotic future, where attacks on Jews and synagogues will explode?

This, somewhat, makes me wonder if all this is being done to deliberately create even more universal hatred of Jews, if that’s at all possible, as the first commenter Renoman notes. Either that or the Jews truly do believe they can bring in their world, communist state and start shooting non Jews, because they dare to disagree in their views, beliefs and actions whether at home or abroad.

It’s really incredibly hard not to loathe Jews. “But it’s not all the Jews, it’s only some Jews……blah….blah…..blah…” is the usual rhetoric we hear. One would think, that with the Jews being such a small population, those in control would be only a fraction and therefore one would expect an overwhelming backlash from ‘ordinary’ Jews and their condemnation of the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians would be prominent.
It, however, isn’t. In fact we don’t hear a peep from them, well, only a very small minority of Orthodox, anti Israeli Jews in NYC now an again, but as a collective, the majority of Jews remain blissfully silent on any condemnation of Israeli behaviour towards Palestinians.

This is really only going to go one of two ways – hell on earth for non Jews or hell on earth for the Jews. Either the people are going to wake up and stop the Jews from attaining their world, communist state, or else they’ll just sit back, chase the money, watch their indoctrination on TV and Hollywood and settle into the technological prison that’s being built around them, becoming incredibly more ignorant than they already are, fatter, with a chip in their arm that tells them what to do, what to buy and how to think, as well as switching off their money supply if they disagree with the status quo.

Absolute madness. Then again, Orwell did mention all of this, but then it wasn’t prophecy, merely putting down in book form what he had been told in his various meetings with NGO’s and globalist bankers. Orwell was not a man of the people. His job was to program society into accepting the future being built for them. You don’t work in the Ministry of Truth, as a propagandist for the BBC, telling lies about Germany and then have an epiphany realizing everything you did in the past was wrong. He was a socialist, ultimately believing in the state authority over the individual.

---------------Unz deleted my entry, just above, so I wrote up this, below-copied, but didn't post-------------------

(Apollonian, 25 Feb 19)

Ho ho hoh oho, what's problem, Unz, thou cowardly little kike punk?--ho ho ho ho--can't stand a little free speech and truth to effect thou are satanic little defender of thy fellow kikes, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho

But don't worry, Unz, after all is said and done, golly, but if folks can't figure-out what a stinking little Jew thou really are after reading thy "Open Ltr to Alt-right," they're not too bright, are they?--and they deserve what they get, eh?

And those are the people who LOVE "Unz Review," eh?--ho ho ho ho ho--the brainless suckers who think thou are such a great guy (even though thou are kike filth, hoh o ho ho), and gee whiz, but there are "good" kikes--like Ron Unz, for example, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho ho.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz: Defender Of Jews And Satanism, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 26 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"The entire Unz Forum needs to be put in a nuclear-proof time capsule, so that if any of our children and grandchildren survive zionist predations, they can have access to the antidote to the propaganda our generation has stewed in for all its life."</blockquote> Grace: thou NEVER learns, so how can, and why should, anyone take thy idiotic statements (as in thy quotation) seriously? UNZ IS JEW, he relates w. Jews, favors Jews, serves Jews, thou poorest of fools.

What does one get on "Unz Review"?--just Jew-serving, Jew-friendly lies and temporizations--WHAT else would thou expect fm Unz, the Jew?

I explain and expound the REAL problem and circumstances: massive and growing Satanism thriving, expanding, and steadily killing as we speak, the people poisoned and mass-murdered six-ways to Sunday, by means, just for example, of poison vaccines and prescription drugs, the drug corporations given license by means of monopolies and monopolizations, these monopolies feeding one another, drugs monopoly feeding the Jews-media monopolies and corporations--all determined by the leading criminal monopoly at the top, the central-bank of issue, US Federal Reserve, etc., literally legalized counterfeiting (see for expo) steadily destroying (inflating) the currency, as we see and experience, financing the never-ending wars for Israel. Then of course, there's obvious satanic monument to Satanism, Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

Unz the Jew will not allow, and steadily, consistently CENSORS my expositions against this criminal system of monopolies and mass-murder being waged upon poor fools, like thou, Grace, who pretends Unz is against this Jew-friendly, Jew-serving criminal system of Satanist mass-murder.

Observe all the Jew-friendly trolls and liars Unz brings and allows on--and when I dispute these Jew liars, like "corvinus," "incitatus," and others, Unz DELETES and censors my notes, leaving the Jew liars standing. If any of my notes are published and then disputed by these Jew-friendly liars, Unz publishes them, but deletes and CENSORS my rejoinders--this is his consistent, Jew-serving policy, demonstrated time and again, most of my un-compromising notes being censored/deleted.

For Satanism, like human sinfulness, cannot be always and everywhere exterminated, and will always arise fm time to time, but Judaism, the most popular (ironic as may seem) and practical Satanism CAN be exterminated, but Unz will not allow, and always works to CENSOR my exposition upon Judaism, Judaism AS Satanism, including ESPECIALLY what exactly Satanism is, basically, and how it always starts out--(extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, idea that reality is created by mentality/consciousness, the subject then as God, the creator--Satanism by definition.

I further expound how Jews then lead and dominate the general Satanism by means of their signature COLLECTIVISM and "group-think" applied thereto, the gentile subjectivists/Satanists willingly following Jew leadership, even though Jews are vastly out-numbered.

Unz may SEEM to publish random, platitudinous anti-Semitism (as in the worthless, pointless babbling btwn "chuck orloski" and his buddies, including "Jacques Sheete"), but not a SERIOUS anti-Semitism which begins w. accurate definitions, as w. my exposition. Thou are a shallow-minded fool, Grace, an example as to how and why Satanism prospers and thrives, protected as it is by Unz, the Jew, defender of Jews and Satanism.

"Unz Review" is NOTHING but Jew-friendly, Jew-serving, and satanic psy-ops, Grace, but thou aren't bright enough to grasp--thou are a sad commentary upon the prospects of gentile survivability--it doesn't look good for the West and gentiles, if thou are any indication.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 745, Grace Poole says:
February 26, 2019 at 8:48 pm GMT

Top quality information.

The entire Unz Forum needs to be put in a nuclear-proof time capsule, so that if any of our children and grandchildren survive zionist predations, they can have access to the antidote to the propaganda our generation has stewed in for all its life.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Studying The Jew, Part 2: The Case Of "Corvinus," Another "Smart" Jew, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 17 Feb 19)

Well folks, I already, a few days ago, analyzed Jew Ron Unz, though he deleted/censored the analysis like he does most of my entries; today, I'll analyze his little Jew buddy, "corvinus," who, typical Jew, imagines he creates reality, ho ho ho ho ho.

And note the chutzpah of this little Jew monkey, "corvinus," who has the gall to respond and tell others, "it's only thy opinion," in his smarmy, Jewwy fashion, this as he lies and insists he's not Jew, telling us, in one case, in the "holocaustianity" page, still up here on Unz Review, that he's Polish, Dutch, and German. But in another case, back in 2010, "corvinus" told people he was of "Irish" descent, ho ho ho.

And don't doubt, Unz knows all about his little Jew buddy, "corvinus." If one cks, one sees "corvinus" has had a glorious record of lying here on Unz Review, w. nearly 8,000 comments, over 1.2 MILLION words!--ho ho ho ho ho oho.

And one must marvel at "Unz Review" psy-ops racket--WHO ELSE could print and publish all these ostensive "anti-Semitic" articles and journalism?--BUT THE JEW, Ron Unz?--it's his little "gimmick" by which he gets all the attention, eh? And Ron Unz is the BIGGEST TROLL on the site, like his publishing duplicate postings by "Thomm" moron who has already had his idiot posting well and thoroughly answered and analyzed by literally DOZENS of gentiles and "white trashonalists," ho ho ho ho.

So what now is the "thing" about "corvinus"?--he imagines (evidently) he's "gentile," or that he persuades anyone, when it's only quite plain he's Jew. And this dumb Jew, "corvinus," imagines gentiles can't use simple inductive logic for manifest conclusion he's Jew--he could ONLY be a Jew, the way he acts, thinks, and expresses his moronic self--a dumb Jew he truly is, too, not even capable of keeping his lies straight, ho ho ho ho.

So my good comrades, I trust thou see the psy-ops going on here, Unz the big troll, censoring and deleting genuine commentary, scientific observation, and analysis, while selectively publishing this transparently stupid Jew liar w. all the chutzpah, "corvinus." One can't be sure the exact plan or purpose of Unz the big troll, but perhaps it's just a general exercise in the usual Jew contempt and confutation, involving dis-info and inflection of discussion, debate, dialectic.

Certainly the Jews want to know what we gentiles know, how we're thinking, and they like to see how easily they can confuse and distort particular issues. Most important is to grasp the huge lie and mis-representation by this typical Jew, Unz, that he's interested in "freedom of speech," etc.--it's really the very opposite, necessarily. And another thing most telling and informative would be to see the number of comment entries versus the number we see that's actually published. Who is it Unz censors the MOST?--that's probably a good expositionist, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho
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Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz: Mere Typical Jew Liar, Psy-Ops Op, Nothing More
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 19)

Unz: We both know (and there are un-doubtedly many others too) thou are just another Jew--just another liar. And thou have already reached thy "Peter Principle" level of incompetence because thou are determined to defending Jews and the system of lies, lying, and criminality which promotes Jews, this epitomized at the top by the criminal-enterprise of central-banking and fiat-currency system (see for expo on central-bank), literally legalized counterfeiting, which plainly rules and defines the entire culture, which criminal culture dominates the world, soon to being horribly destroyed--as it surely deserves to be, all in accord w. satanic Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

Thou are NOT in favor of either (a) truth, or (b) free speech and expression--this is plain by thy consistent censorship of my expositions on the real root of the cultural problems, among other things thou do, like the deliberate injection of thy trollery and agents thereof. All thou wants is CONTINUATION of the same old Jew hegemony, such as it is--at same time as pretending to complain about it, ho ho ho oho--quite clever, I'm sure thou thinks.

But I'm SURE thy fellow Jews are impressed at thy amazing chutzpah.

And don't forget people can read thy own writing and expositions to confirm thy typical hatred of humanity and gentiles as expressed soooo eloquently and clearly in thy "Open Ltr to Alt-Right," whence thou can't even DEFINE what "alt-right" is, ho ho ho ho oho.

Thy obvious "gimmick" is thy publishing the ostensive anti-semitic articles and columns, while then grossly and HEAVILY manipulating, by means of extensive, thorough-going CENSORSHIP and deleting, in the comments section. Thou simply strives to pretending thou Jews are like normal humans, even "white," as other non-Jew folk. Thou REFUSES to allow any exposition why/how Jews are unique, TOTALLY un-like others, for after all, thou DON'T WANT competition for thy Judaic ruling status and position, such as it is.

And note I've suggested and demanded thou publishes the number, per article, of submissions to comments pages vs. the already noted number of published--because then people will get excellent idea of thy intensive CENSORSHIP--thou dares not allow that number to be known for obvious reasons.

Thou allows only platitudinous and hackneyed complaints about Jews which typically rolls off thy backs like water off a rain-coat--as Goebbels noted 80 yrs ago. At same time thou features known, consistent, plain liars like thy Jew buddies "corvinus" and "incitatus," and other trolls, like sandal-wearing "Fatima," allegedly fm Spain.

So thou have gotten as far now, for practical purposes regarding publication and readership "success," as thou will ever get as things continue degenerating, culturally and economically, and consistently getting worse. Thou can be proud as thou will ever be for achieving whatever thou imagines it's possible to do for fooling the stupid, over-populated goyim, but it's not going to get substantially better--do thou really imagine thou have "succeeded"?

For all thou have done is to playing thy own corrupt little mind-game of the psychotic, lying Jew who imagines he's fooled the goyim once again--when in reality all thou have really done is to imitate and emulate thy fellow Jew monsters and criminals for the usual, typical dis-info, agit-prop. and lies. Thou should be satisfied, not so proud, and don't fail to append thy signature "LOL" at the tail end of this comment of mine if thou decides to mock the gentiles, by publishing a glimmer of truth, as such mocking thou love to doing, eh?--like the typical psychopath. Ho ho ho ho ho.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jews, Like Unz, Are As Jews Do, Never Forget
(Apollonian, 3 Feb 19)

Miggle: Unz (like Cook, or even Shamir) is a Jew who voluntarily self-identifies as a Jew, Jews defined, never forget, as Talmudists (see, and for expo)--or those genetically related. No decent person calls himself Jew--no more than if one volunteers that they're psychopaths or child-molesters. And like there are no good psychopaths, there are no good Jews. Q.E.D., get a clue.

And never doubt, Unz lies just like a Jew--he constantly, consistently, intensively CENSORS and deletes my postings and entries, for example, here in the effort to remove, for further example, the simplest exposition of PHILOSOPHY of Christianity--he desperately, obsessively wants to pretend Christianity is mere "religion" and nothing else, and that thus such "religion" is worthless and negligible. Same goes for Unz's attitude regarding Judaism--Unz works to distract, divert, and to COVER IT ALL UP. Unz practices such censorship intensively--and lies about it.

To prove such intensive censorship, practiced soooo religiously by and like Unz's it would be most telling and revealing to have a simple count of how many entries and attempted postings are submitted per article/thread versus how many are actually PUBLISHED (which number for the latter we already have). The number of submissions would demonstrate my pt. perfectly. There's no doubt number of submissions (like mine) is quite high.

Unz practices this intensive CENSORSHIP, as he does, for purpose of inflecting, manipulating, contriving, and distorting the discussion/debate. Again, the simplest way to prove this censorship is to note the number of submissions versus what's actually published.

And "miggle," thou poor creature, I DON'T say, as thou alleges, <blockquote>"...every Jew is evil...."</blockquote> WHY are thou sooooo stupid? For in an objective, determined (absolute cause-effect; no perfectly "free" will) reality there's no such thing as "evil" or "good," which are for children and dogs, the purpose, for humans, being to inducing inferiority/guilt -complex, a mere tool for psychologic manipulation--which works so well for lower-intelligence types, like thou, evidently.

Jews do best they can, like anyone else, and simply fulfill a socio-biologic function to removing the excess over-population of gentiles, as we see. Thus we note glyphosate poisoning is EVERYWHERE and in practically everything. Thus we see the powers are bringing-in 5G micro-wave poisoning systems. Thus we see the monopolizing corps. pushing poison prescription drugs and vaccines, etc.

Soon enough, as the gentiles are exterminated, in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030, the remaining Jews will begin to double-crossing one another, like we see, evidently, the "Zionist" "neo-cons" did to the previously dominant "atheist-leftist," "globalist" Jews, and perhaps then, the remaining gentiles who survive might be able to begin civilization again, eh? Try to getting a brain, miggle--at least a few brain-cells.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

# 20, Miggle says:
February 3, 2019 at 9:51 am GMT • 200 Words

I don’t think an anti-Jewish rave like yours, Apollonian, apparently saying every Jew is evil, gets us anywhere. Cook has been doing magnificent work. One important example is his Stolen Babies, Israel’s Darkest Secret which exposes the intrinsic Jewish hatred of Semites, even of the few Jews who are genuine Semites. Jews who are Semites are an existential threat to Israel.

And Ron Unz has been doing magnificent work, obviously; much of it exposing Judaism for what it is.

Aim your yells at the intrinsic evil of Judaism itself, superstitions and a hate-cultivating gang that knows convincing Jews to hate non-Jews is their only hope. Distinguish between what Israel Shamir calls the Core, the intrinsically evil, totalitarian gang, and what he calls the Rim, humane humans who have the misfortune of being Jews. He also makes a relevant distinction between Jews and the Jews. The Jews are bad, without doubt; Jews ain’t necessarily so.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Endless Jewwy Lies And Liars For Dumb Suckers And Goyim
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

Jew "TKK" lies and says the following: <blockquote>"There are many Jews in US state and federal prison.

"There are poor Jews.

"There are many Jews who are not successful. Indeed, dunces and drug addicts."</blockquote> "TKK," typical kike (and "dunce"), thus, as above-quoted, pretends to be stating facts, but it's just a mantra, a recitation of mere mythic "article of faith," and "talking pts."

(a) "[M]any Jews in US state and fed prisons"?--but HOW many, exactly?--or at least roughly. For one EASILY bets there are VERY FEW, far, far fewer than percentages of any other ethnicities--so isn't this significant? "TKK" wants to pretend he's settled the issue w. his lies and lying.

(b) "[P]oor Jews"?--well there are probably only two of them, right?--ho ho ho ho--which then allows "TKK" to pretend to the plural. Again, it's easy bet there are far, far few poor kikes by percentages than others--and there are significant reasons for this which "TKK" doesn't want to get into for obvious reasons, as his mantra of talking pt.s would fall flat and be exposed as the lies and lying they really are.

(c) "Unsuccessful Jews"?--but "unsuccessful at what, exactly?--after all, everyone is going to fail in the end, right? And Jews, by definition, by religion (to which all Jews by race are ultimately loyal to as they profess "Jew" as race--like Unz, our editor), are collectively co-equal to God, esp. in relation to gentiles who are mere species of animals, according to the rabbis and Talmud.

And all these pt.s here I make are easily demonstrated in fact and logic by reference to the obvious facts of politics and economics, esp. in way of money and banking, dominated by central-banking and fiat-currency (see for expo) criminal enterprises (mere legalized counterfeiting), the West, formerly Christian (hence rational, Christ understood as TRUTH, first and most), now in "Decline...," according to Oswald Spengler, this gross "decline" easily demonstrated and proven, beginning w. Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy which is active, working, and quite evident--poison vaccines, poison drugs, poison "chem-trails," poison GMO foods and other poison food additives, and fluoridated (poison) water supplies, etc., etc.

And what then are the factors of this general (CYCLIC) "Decline of the West"?--this is what Unz the Jew editor doesn't want to being known and detailed or analyzed, Unz mere Jew-serving, Jew-friendly, Jew-oriented operator (psy-ops) determined to obfuscate, confuse, deflect, and manipulating the discussion and dialectic, pretending he's "contributing" to anything "positive" regarding actual problems, ho o ho ho ho ho--and even having many of the gentile morons here, who actually complain about Jews, agreeing Unz is soooooooooooooooo wonderful, ho ho ho hoo ho.

And it's easy thing for Unz to simply deleting and CENSORING any serious commentary and analysis, like my own, leaving in the fools, goons, and suckers who merely complain w. the usual empty platitudes which roll of the backs of Jews like water off a raincoat, as Goebbels noted. Additionally Unz interjects the moronic "trollery" of such as "Thomm," and fellow Jew liars like "corvinus," and "incitatus," among yet other Jew liars--Unz actually the biggest troll of his own website, hoh o ho ho ho ho.

Kirkpatrick asks, "what will Conservatism Inc. do?"--well, WHAT actually CAN possibly be done?--after all, it's probably quite Jew friendly itself, accepting the inflated, proliferated currency, created out of nothing, etc. And long as that insidious currency machine (the central-bank) remains in operation and business, it will continue to doing the usual severe damage until the very "end-times" warned of by "Book of Revelations."

For note there's NO serious anti-Semitism actually tolerated or discussed here--it's always rebutted by the notorious platitude: "one can't judge all kikes by just a few or just one of them," and nothing further is allowed, anything to genuine contrary DELETED AND CENSORED, suckers--which the morons utterly fail to realize.

So only after many, many more gentiles have been killed off will the Jews and satanists at the top more seriously fall-out w. one another, having lost soooo many "shabat goyim," the top masterminds suspecting one another of the typical double-crossing, as of Stalin and Trotsky, only then allowing the remaining gentile survivors to even beginning to organize a genuine revolt w. any chances of success. Presently, things in "Decline of the West," are pretty hopeless, and Unz and fellow Jews just like to hear what we pathetic gentiles are thinking about.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 70, TKK says:
March 2, 2019 at 4:37 am GMT

There are many Jews in US state and federal prison.

There are poor Jews.

There are many Jews who are not successful. Indeed, dunces and drug addicts.
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Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz Needs To Preserve His "Credibility" For (Ho Ho Ho) "Anti-Semitism"--A Delicate Feat For Jews, Truly
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

Hey Unz: thou need to think about thy credibility, sucker. After all, if thou pretends to presenting these "anti-Semitic" articles thou features, then don't thou need some serious anti-semites and anti-Semitism in the comments pages?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. Yes, thou really do need (real) anti-Semitism for serious credibility, but then thou would have to worry about MOSSAD, eh?--ho ho oho ho ho oho ho

As it is, thou are evermore just a joke, having reached thy "Peter Principle" level of incompetence, for anyone can just copy thy soft-wear format innovations, such as they are. Thou Jews are on the outs, like Israel. For many people are evermore hip to thou criminals and lying morons, thou Jews being most organized criminals and Satanists, eh?--ho ho hoho hoho ho.

Thou Jews have to think-up some new lies, eh?--but first, thou need the (real) anti-Semitism to have an idea as to what to be lying about, right?

For that's what's happening Unzie--people are evermore and inexorably homing-in on SATANISM, sucker--that's what's destroying Western civilization, founded upon Christ and TRUTH--and thou Jews are at the very center of that Satanism--is that some great enlightenment? And there's NO SOLUTION to thy Satanist problem for thou Jews, buddy. Like I say, thou have now and lately hit the ceiling for thy pretend anti-Semitism--the "Peter Principle."

So what are thou going to do?--ho ho ho oh ho ho ho. Of course, war and warfare is thou Jews easy solution to everything, eh? A serious nuclear exchange, say w. China, would eliminate a good part of the population, the hated goyim, but ask thyself, Unz--are thou enough part of the top layer of master-minds to be able to avoid the fate of the poor people and goyim left exposed on the surface?--not able to access the underground bunkers? And HOW LONG will thou have to stay in those bunkers?--see the problems thou face?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.

So, as I note, thou needs serious anti-Semitism just to preserve thy dwindling credibility, Jew, and that's thy everlasting problem, isn't it?--ho ho ho ho ho ho.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jew "Success": Perpetual War Within CYCLIC "Decline Of West," Descent Into Satanism
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 19)

Aaron: thou are just the latest Jewwy troll whom the troll-master for this site, Unz, has selectively, as always, introduced to his interesting web-site which features the truly notable innovation of "anti-Semitic" articles--but then w. very strange sort of comments pages w. so few serious anti-semites like myself, most of my entry-submissions, so far, being deleted and censored by typical, predictable Jew, Unz--and SOOO MANY trolls of various sorts (like "Obwandiyag," ho hoh oho), like thyself; thou are just another.

As always, thou Jews are liars, but thy sort of Jewwy lying is interesting, so breezy and up-beat--and so brainlessly moronic. Thou say, <blockquote>"But there is no mystery as to why Jews are successful. Whites who are successful display the same traits. [Oh sure--the "whites" just suck-along, eh?--"success," ho ho ho.]

The formula for success is universal."</blockquote> For there is no lasting "success," Jew; in the end we all lose and fail--we grow old, feeble, and DIE. Life sucks, for LIFE IS WAR, according to our greatest white-men and sages, Homer, Plato, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and Darwin among so many others too, and at the end is inevitable death. And "success" then is generally connected w. warfare--"success" is success in warfare.

That success in war then sets-up subsequent empire of a favorable legal-system which benefits the victorious race--for a while--which all is a determinist, CYCLIC process, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And surely greatest, most poignant verification of my statements here is thy state of Israel, eh?--no better example of mass-murder by Jews for Jews, not to mention lying and propaganda--which prop. and lies have soooo brilliantly be-dazzled the very stupidest and over-populated, so-called "Christians," the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics among the "evangelicals."

But thou say thou are not "religious"?--no more than Unz, eh? But Jew, thy "religion" is no diff. fm that PHILOSOPHY of subjectivism which, for Jews, includes the "midrash" (interpretation) method and "Oral Law Tradition" of the Talmud, which Talmud itself is mere manual, along w. "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," of "successful" warfare against gentiles. See,, and for expo.

And there's "no mystery" how and why thou Jews are "successful" because thou prosecute thy Talmudic warfare soooo successfully as "Decline of the West" has now become nearly blatantly SATANIC--extreme subjectivism by which reality is held as product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition, including now Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy.

And as soooo many gentiles have become satanic (extreme subjectivism) in the present CYCLIC "decline" phase, thou Jews move among them w. ease, Jews most COLLECTIVIST, hence most organized, hence dominating and leading more numerous, but less-well organized gentile subjectivists/satanists.

Thus Western culture is dominated and ruled by a criminal-enterprise called "central-banking" (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, which is run, headed, and prosecuted by Satanists and Jews, ESPECIALLY Jews, as Judaism IS Satanism (extreme subjectivism). And since fiat-currency is potentially INFINITE, thou Jews simply buy everyone and everything--this is thy Jewwy formula for "success," sucker, a thriving, continuing criminal enterprise and prosecution of Talmudic war against gentiles, just as the "Protocols...," describes.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 271, AaronB says:
March 8, 2019 at 10:08 pm GMT • 100 Words

That’s a fair point. Ambition and success come at a steep psychological price.

You are perfectly in your rights to not wish to pay that price.

But there is no mystery as to why Jews are successful. Whites who are successful display the same traits.

The formula for success is universal.

The problem is that you cannot completely abandon ambition and striving for success, and hope to survive. You will be enslaved by others who are willing to pay the psychological price, as history shows.

So its better to man up, face the world as it is, and do what needs to be done.

Individuals who are tired of the game may go be hermits in the mountains, but a community that tires of the game is in danger in of becoming enslaved.

Those are just the facts of life, whether we like them or not.
Below-copied by ap submitted, miraculously published, at comments,

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Devilish Trolling, Censorship By Unz, Promoting Satanism
(Apollonian, 11 Mar 19)

Folks: imagine the frustration of a genuine anti-Semite, like myself, who has to endure the moronic trolling of these various idiots, like "one born brainless," and lately "Fran Taubman," which "Franny" baby is not only a troll, but palpably touched in the head w. schizoid dis-order (dis-connected fm reality, un-able to distinguish concretes fm abstracts), "Druid" (who's actually a muzzy), and this latest Jew moron, "Jesse."

I deliver serious, substantial anti-Semitism--just ck my gem at # 62, above--and yet MOST of my entries are deleted/CENSORED by the lying kike who lies and pretends he's against censorship.

Of course, this heavy trolling we get is because of Unz himself, the big troll-master who wants to treat his anti-Semitic articles and comments pages in this moronic fashion. What a racket Unz is running w. all the anti-Semitic articles he features--could a gentile do this so successfully without being heavily attacked by SPLC?

And the rest of these so-called "commentators"--how weak and insipid for their repetitive nit-picking of Jews and mis-representations of the real case against Jews. Worst of these idiots are the ones who say, "thou can't condemn all Jews just because of a few." For all Jews are Satanists, ipso-facto, or most horrendous dupes thereto, regardless whether they pretend they're not "religious." Satanism is NOT mere "religion," and there's NOTHING "mystic" about it (see below paragraph).

For I seriously submit Judaism/Talmudism should be OUTLAWED and totally, thoroughly exterminated, those calling themselves "Jews" put into concentration camps, separated by sex, and watched carefully till they die out. Generations of gentile descendents centuries fm now will joyously celebrate a holiday for extermination of Judaism.

For note Judaism is SATANISM, pure and simple. And we'll never be able to exterminate sin itself, as that's nature of human. We can't even exterminate general Satanism, as that's simple extreme subjectivism, holding mentality/consciousness is source of reality, making subject into God--Satanism, by definition.

BUT we CAN exterminate Judaism, as I note, mere specific form of Satanism now so grossly elaborated, Jews practicing a COLLECTIVIST "group-think," most committed, dedicated, organized, thus dominating the more isolated, un-organized gentile subjectivists and Satanists. Observe further, those putrid, disgusting dupes and "useful idiots," the Judeo-Christians (JC--see and for expo), heretics, who support terror-state of Israel--up to at least 40 million strong in Jew S A--they need re-education camps themselves, and if they don't learn and become anti-semites, then into the camps they must go.

In a certain, insidious way, too much attn. has been focused upon Judaism which then obscures the larger satanic problem, Jews ALWAYS the leaders, dominating and manipulating the gentile Satanists and subjectivists, even though out-numbered by the gentile subjectivists/satanists.

Did thou observe the Demon-rats in US Congress recently, who want to give vote to illegal invaders?--TREASON, pure and simple--not to mention Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE official policy of world gov. dictatorship--all this is masked by the rampant Satanism which goes practically un-challenged, even un-observed, but always LED (and financed) by Jews at the top and front. So exterminating Judaism itself is BRILLIANT way of striking at Satanism in general--but isn't discussed nearly enough due to satanic gate-keepers like Unz, distracting people by means of these stupid trolls, like "Fran."
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Giraldi Just Continues Bleating, Repetitively, Fruitlessly
(Apollonian, 12 Mar 19)

Once again, and as I noted before (though it was censored/deleted by Unz, like MOST of my typical anti-semitic entries--so I simply published it elsewhere) Giraldi FAILS, though he does fairly good job otherwise, pt-ing out the OBVIOUS hypocrisy and blatant treason of the Jews--he just doesn't call it "treason." Then again, knowing Jews, it's un-realistic to expect them to be loyal to anything other than satansim and Israel.

For there's OBVIOUS reason for the treason and Israel-first policies of a horrifically stupid USA, now the Jew S A, and that's the CENTRAL-BANK criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting--it just keeps pumping-out nearly ENDLESS fiat-currency, suckers (see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms). Hence the central-bank ABSOLUTELY determines campaign-contributions, fools. For WHO do thou think controls central-bank, suckers?--is it the thou-know-whos?--WHO ELSE?

So Giraldi needs to figure-out (a) NOTHING WILL CHANGE without getting rid of the central-bank criminal enterprise. (b) Fiat currency is a fraud as it is endlessly replicated/proliferated ("inflation"), thus devaluating the currency units, defrauding and despoiling the stupid, over-populated goons, called, "the people." Only REAL MONEY (commodity-based), like gold/silver, will break the power of Jews (not just "Zionists"--as they all work together) and satanists.

Further, Jew S A is HOPELESS--it won't and can't change it's necessarily self-destructive and suicidal, imperialist course of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. So patriots MUST make use of NULLIFICATION and secession in accord w. states-rights principle--see for expo.

Finally, note it's significant that Jews and cohorts operate within a larger context, the plain and blatant Satanism which prevails evermore, including the destruction of philosophy and science founded upon the objective, hence determined reality (absolute cause-effect) whence there's no "good-evil" or perfectly "free" human will.

And this Satanism is extreme subjectivism, holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, creator of reality--Satanism, by definition. What's original pretext of Satanism/subjectivism?--it's that obsession to pretend to "good"--which "good" doesn't exist in a determined reality, though the kids are taught such "good" and virtue-signaling incessantly--why the state wants to steal and control kids, forcing them into gov. "edjumacation," etc., fm ever earlier ages.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Franny-Baby: Typical Jew--Satanist (Extreme Subjectivist) To Core
(Apollonian, 13 Mar 19)

Grace: Franny-baby is simply the typical Jew-Satanist, exactly as I describe and exposit in the Atzmon comments page. Ron Unz is no essentially diff, ruthless and determined to defend Satanism/subjectivism in general (a), as well as (b) Jews too, including everything Jews stand for, including their panoply of strategic lies, lying--the exception, evidently, being holohoax.

Observe the complex of psychosis of Franny-baby--I noted her basic SCHIZOIDAL complex right-off, early in comments (for Atzmon). Notice also, Unz doesn't hesitate to publish the psycho while at same time deleting/censoring most of my comments, ho ho oh ho.

What a racket--Unz publishes all these anti-Semitic articles, thus setting himself apart as he does--BUT then look at his comments page, filled w. Jews and insipid non-Jews, always so quick to defend Jew "individuals" who "shouldn't be condemned just because they're Jews" (hence Satanists, Talmudists, etc.)--all of it most carefully censored to achieve Unz's purpose for manipulating/distorting the discussion and commentary.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 240, Grace Poole says:
March 13, 2019 at 12:09 pm GMT • 100 Words

You [Fran Taubman] would have made a good Einsatzgruppen commando.

No, not really.
Many German soldiers, and einsatzgruppen, had consciences.
Isn’t it part of the holocaust fable that many German soldiers could not take the stress of shooting people close-up, so more impersonal means of mass killing — gas chambers, foot-operated head-bashing machines — had to be devised?

Fran Taubman is simple psychopathic scum.
Don’t give a monster like Fran and its ilk the mask of drama.
It’s a monstrosity, a distortion of humanity.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Renfro": Ignorant Peasant
(Apollonian, 14 Mar 19)

Renfro: thou ignorant puke. If culture is at issue, then so is literature, ignorant little piss-ant punk. And don't forget it's Unz the Jew who inflicts the troll(s) "anon" who tell their stupid lies, giving their mis-quotations, so it's legitimate for us to correct the record regarding the cultural implications of the literature, thou brainless, ignorant scum.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 402, renfro says:
March 14, 2019 at 11:42 pm GMT

Take your religious discussion else where.
This site is not for bible classes.

---------------------My, just above, essay was CENSORED/deleted, so I sent this, below-copied (which was also censored)----------------

Just WHAT Exactly IS Unz "Site" For, Anyway?--Think About It
(Apollonian, 14 Mar 19)

"Renfro" says: <blockquote>"This site is not for bible classes."</blockquote> Well, WHAT do thou think this Jew's site IS "for," sucker? Is Unz a Jew?--so then this site is for the good of Jew, isn't it?--necessarily--why/how wouldn't it be? So observe:

(a) Unz publishes all these "anti-Semitic" articles, right?--which NO ONE else does or would do--any gentile doing it would be attacked immediately, lose paypal and other financial svcs, etc. So we know and confirm it's Jew-serving, Jew-oriented dicatatorship we live in, right there.

(b) BUT these "comments-pages"--are these nearly so "anti-Semitic"?--not at all; in fact it's on the contrary, for which comments Unz censors thoroughly, intensively, ferociously, contrary to his typical Jew lies.

(c) And fact remains that "Bible" is EXTREMELY important and CRUCIAL cultural document w. absolutely most earth-shattering implications for culture and politics--which ignorant scum like "renfro" wants to ignore.

Note all the Jewwy trolls Unz makes sure to publish, including "corvinus," the pathological liar who's been caught lying several times, by several people--but hey, Unz loves him, "corvinus" having had over a million words (!) published by his Jew buddy, Unzie.

No genuine anti-Semitism goes through Unz comments pages, except for the usual platitudes, under special circumstances, in which Unz the Jew thereby expresses his contempt for the goyim--like when he published my complaints once, and then appended the "LOL" at the end--mocking the goyim, suckers.

So Unz finds-out what the gentiles are talking about and HOW thus they can be most easily confuted and manipulated--he thus sees, for example, how many stupid puke there are who keep insisting all Jews shouldn't be blamed for the actions of one or a few--which is NOT the way to conduct warfare, which consists in "KILLING THEM ALL--and letting the Lord choose the good ones."

But warfare is INEVITABLE, evermore ratcheted upwards as evermore morons among the gentiles are expended, the survivors realizing they're losing UNLESS they react more vigorously, more straight-forwardly in manner of most serious warfare.

Besides, I get my anti-Semitic essays published elsewhere, exposing such as Unz--and the goyim suck-alongs like "renfro," who pretend Unz and Jews are soooooo "wunnerful."
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Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Renfro Out To Lunch For Sociologic Break-Down, Psych Analysis
(Apollonian, 15 Mar 19)

Renfro: thou are the usual moron, a gross, brainless weakling, sucking-along w. Unz the Jew, whom thou calls, "Ron," who has nothing but contempt for goyim fool like thou, ho hoh o ho. And thou grossly under-estimates the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) "evangelicals," who seem to be at least around ~ 40 million strong, depending upon the particular issue in question (abortion, gun-control, trans-gender adoption of kids, etc.).

Sociologically, the sides will be (a) strong Christians one one hand vs. (b) the Satanists, led by Jews, on the other, both of these relatively small minorities, the rest mostly "un-decideds" of various degrees in the over-whelmingly large middle. Nothing dramatic will happen till a serious famine, perhaps mixed w. plague (bio-weapon), sweeps the population, dummy.

Satanists will have the usual establishment advantages--finance, communications, police, lawyers, judges, etc. Jews will be solidly united w. only very few not strongly among leadership and cadre of Satanists; including the "non-religious" (atheist) Jews, there's probably 10 to 15 million of them--get a brain. And there's no essential diff. btwn Jews and Zionists, ding-bat.

Thou are just an idiot for thy moronic estimates of numbers--long as the finances hold, Satanists will be dominant as they will intimidate the "un-decideds" in the middle, who will fear to stand w. Christian patriots, fool--no diff. than it is now, and has been for yrs now.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 7, renfro says:
March 15, 2019 at 4:52 am GMT • 100 Words
@Twinkle twinkle

I could support most of their platform.

But again…blacks should leave the black identity out of their peace/reform movement and whites should leave white identity out of their peace/reform movement.(if they ever get one)

ALL identities….. leave your identity out of it and join together…..193 million whites, 48 million blacks, 57 million hispanics…..vr…..500 Congess criminal members, 3 million Zionist (half the Jew population) and 7 million evangelicals.

We have the numbers , we could win easy peasy.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

[My posting has now been pulled-down by the stupid kike, Unz, but not before it got a couple of replies which the kike actually went ahead and printed, ho ho ho ho]

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"RobinG": Gate-Keeping Whore For Jews
(Apollonian, 16 Mar 19)

No "Art," the dumbass: I say it's this moronic "RobinG" who's the troll, pretending "Unz Review," run by the obvious Jew, Unz, is genuine forum for truth-telling and exposition--after all, it features "Art," the moron, who pretends he's "Christian," but literally doesn't know even the FIRST thing about Christianity--which is it's worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies, lying, and liars (JOHN 8:44).

So HOW can there be any such thing as "truth," artie, buddy?--it would have to be because reality is OBJECTIVE (created by God the Father), the necessary basis of any such "truth" that means anything, Christ being "logos" (the sign). Jews on the anti-thematic other hand, by definition, uphold "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" (interpretation), Torah meaning nothing but what rabbis (hence Talmud) say, reality being merely subjective. See,, and for best expo.

"RobinG" then is the real psy-op op pretending there are "good" Jews, like Unz, like there are good psychopaths and child-molesters, who lies like typical Jew, pretending he's for "free-speech" as he constantly, furiously censors and deletes my honest anti-Semitic exposition (and who knows how many others too), and rather features pathological liars, like "corvinus," and other stinking Jewwy trolls, not to mention fools like "RobinG" who imagines she's gate-keeper.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 476, RobinG says:
March 17, 2019 at 1:41 am GMT

This fake ‘cowboy’ is the psy-op.
Who knows what it’s trying to provoke. Nothing good.
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Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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-----------------"Cowboy" answered above by me, below-copied----------------

# 482, Cowboy says:
March 17, 2019 at 8:02 am GMT • 100 Words

Thanks for that, Apollonian.

How often do you have comments deleted? I would say that I have had close to 10 blocked, or at least they never showed up. I cannot be certain that they were blocked. I don’t allow cookies so once I “publish” I just have to hope it shows up. It is very annoying, especially when one puts time and effort into creating a good comment.

It would be courteous and respectful for whoever is moderating to acknowledge that they have blocked a comment and provide some kind of justification. Some moderator sometimes will insert a message into a poor comment, and they often hide things behind the MORE. It would seem that the moderator could breifly explain why the comment was not allowed, then hide it behind the more.

------------------below by ap in response to above by "Cowboy"----------------

Jews, Including Unz: Terrified By, Allergic To TRUTH
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 19)

Cowboy: MOST of my comments are deleted/censored by the kike, Unz--why?--because they're genuine, substantial anti-Semitic expositions which speak truth about Jews and simple fact they're Satanists, liars, etc., like Unz, as Unz never fails to demonstrate as he lies and says he's for free speech and expression, ho ho ho o ho oho.

Observe, Unz publishes all these anti-Semitic articles--do thou think a gentile could do it so easily?--hoho ho ho ho ho. But then look at the comments pages--nothing but "weak tea" and platitudes by these wussies pretending there are "good" Jews--and this is aside fm HEAVY salting w. Jew and other trolls as thou see.

But the wise KNOW the Jew is as Jew does, and Unz is Jew all the way, w. capital "J," never doubt. Unz thus wants to "manage," manipulate, affect, and distort the comments to effect there are "good" Jews like there are "good" psychopaths and Satanists, and one can't and shouldn't judge all Jews by one or a few--but this, of course, isn't the way to wage war, and it isn't appropriate to meaning of "Jew" (Satanist and anti-Christ).

------------below by "Art" in response to my previous, above-copied----------

# 481, Art says:
March 17, 2019 at 6:20 am GMT • 100 Words

No “Art,” the dumbass: I say it’s this moronic “RobinG” who’s the troll, pretending “Unz Review,” run by the obvious Jew, Unz, is genuine forum for truth-telling and exposition–after all, it features “Art,” the moron, who pretends he’s “Christian,” but literally doesn’t know even the FIRST thing about Christianity–which is it’s worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies, lying, and liars (JOHN 8:44).

Hmm — that is ONE sentence –man-o-man you need a crowd source collection to get you a new modern word processor. One that will go tilt, when it sees something like that disjointed monster.

Please get that done.

Think Peace — Art
• LOL: apollonian
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Ingenious, Insidious Unz Review Technique--Which Fools Morons So Well, So Easily
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 19)

Cowboy: thou say, <blockquote>"In his comment Apollonian did dress down Ron Unz and, and he [with-] held no punches. I think that was a mistake, Ron does provide a wonderful service for us to vent our fury."</blockquote> "Mistake"?--I simply TELL THE TRUTH, that's all, and that's never a "mistake." Unz is Jew, and like all Jews, Unz hates truth, is terrified of, and allergic to truth, never doubt--he greatly fears simplest philosophic analysis of Christian anti-Semitism and Talmudic anti-humanity, just for one thing.

And not only does Unz hate truth, like typical Jew, but he hates the free expression towards any truth or finding or leading to any truth. Unz LIES when he says he's for freedom of speech, PERIOD--like the typical Jew liar, never doubt.

Thou merely need look at what Unz does: (a) First, he prints all these "anti-Semitic" articles and columns which attracts many viewers--an interesting ploy as he's Jew himself.

(b) But observe: does Unz get much if any criticism fm Jews?--NONE that I can see, though he must rec. many private e-mails, and surely sends many back as to how he's working it all--but we can SEE FOR OURSELVES how he's working it.

(c) For observe further: regardless the anti-Semitic content of the articles he publishes, such as they are, LOOK at the comments--are they equally anti-Semitic?--NO, the comments are nearly all Jew-friendly and Jew-serving, pretending there are "good" Jews, like there are "good" psychopaths, "good" Satanists, "good" child-molesters. And observe further the morons, half-asses, and weaklings among commenters--the only ones allowed to be published by Unz the Jew--nearly all agree that, golly gee, one can't and shouldn't judge all Jews by one or a few.

I rather say that Jews are Jews, hence they should be judged as to what it is they endorse as Jews, the "non-religious," like Unz pretends to be, ALWAYS deferring, defending, and sucking-up to the religious (hence Talmudist/Pharisaic, by definition), which is anti-Christ (hence anti-TRUTH, opposed to the objective reality as standard for truth), anti-humanity, and anti-reason, etc.--Jews are Satanists (extreme subjectivists), by definition, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator, Satanism by definition. Simply ck,, and for best Talmudic expo.

And in this subjectivism, Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, don't forget, colluding most closely and cohesively, w. most effective "group-think," most dedicated, committed, and organized, making them dominant, the leaders and rulers among Satanists who then intimidate the rest of the population, especially effective in a corrupt and degenerate "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, as we see.

(d) Further, note that not only are the comments practically all half-baked, cowards, weaklings, and suck-ups to Jews, but observe all the Jew-friendly, Jew-serving, and outright Jew trolls who are allowed to tell their typical palpable lies, like the moronic holohoax--THIS is what thou get in the Unz comments pages which are carefully, intensively, and ferociously screened and censored by the Jew, Unz--contrary to his lies to effect he hardly does any "moderating"--lies and lying through and through--typical Jew.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 493, Cowboy says:
March 17, 2019 at 6:28 pm GMT • 100 Words

Irony? Should Irony be scary? In his comment Apollonian did dress down Ron Unz and, and he held no punches. I think that was a mistake, Ron does provide a wonderful service for us to vent our fury.

From the NZ blog I linked to is a local guy discussing this pathetic theater.

At 12min he confirms that there had been rehearsals going on. The guy was using police issued armor and police issued weapons. It is quite interesting, I am listening to it now

# 492, Rurik says:
March 17, 2019 at 6:10 pm GMT

Thanks for that, Apollonian.

How often do you have comments deleted?

it looks like the comment you’re replying to was deleted

how’s that for irony?
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Activity, Purpose Of Unz Review Analyzed
(Apollonian, 18 Mar 19)

"Corvinus," the (obvious) Jew who insists, like typical lying Jew determined not to blow his (non-existent) "cover," he's not (Jew), tells us, <blockquote>"“If you were paying attention, Corvy, you’d know that Unz readership has been rapidly growing the last few years.”

"Generally as an echo chamber. is nothing jew, I mean, new. It’s the same sentiments being shared by a particular segment of our population since the 1950’s. That group now has the ability to network nationally and internationally."</blockquote> Well, it doesn't matter if Unz "readership" "grows" or not, fact is "Unz Review" is usual, typical Jewwy psy-ops meant to be Jew-oriented, Jew-serving, and Jew-friendly, by Unz the typical, lying Jew operator, working for Jews and psychotic, satanic purposes of Jews.

(a) Unz lies when he says he's for "free speech and expression"--and his gross censorship of the comments pages of "Unz Review" is proof. Of course, Unz the typical Jew liar wants "free speech" for himself, and "freedom" to censor the comments pages so as to manipulate, distort, and deflect the discussion in a Jew-friendly, Jew-serving way. Thus Unz Review is actually, in genuine, profound way, w. only few exceptions, mere collection and meeting place for various trolls.

Unz also lies when he pretends he's "light" on the "moderation"--Unz is deliberately, purposefully heavy, consistent, and ferocious for his "moderation" and censorship, without slightest doubt--which I can personally verify conclusively for all the censorship done to my own comments.

(b) Unz's "gimmick," which is actually rather notable, is simply the collection of "anti-Semitic" articles brought together, which such collection is done by no other, Jew or gentile, but the psy-ops is in the COMMENTS pages which is HEAVILY "edited" and censored by the Jewwy operator, Unz, for Jew-serving and Jew-friendly purposes.

(c) Thus Unz allows only wussies and weaklings, among the gentiles, to be published in comments pages who write the usual, typical, Jew-serving idiocy and platitudes regarding ideas (1) not all Jews (satanic psychopaths) are "bad," and (2) All Jews shouldn't be judged by one or a few--when fact is all Jews are Jews, who defend Jews and express loyalty thereto (by even calling themselves "Jews"), Jews being demonstrable Satanists and leaders thereof, given the simple philosophy of Satanism (extreme subjectivism, etc.) and the verifiable tenets of Judaism, easily referenced.

(d) Along w. the gentiles, among whom there are many Jew-friendly "trolls," then there are the numerous Jew trolls themselves, like "corvinus," telling his Jew-serving, Jew-friendly lies, all the while psychotically insisting he's not Jew himself. "Corvinus" will now programmatically lie and insist again he's not Jew--as if this continued lying somehow changes things or accomplishes anything but to verify he's downright pathological--like all Jews (Satanists--there are other Satanists, as among goyim, but Jews are a particular group of them, Satanists, w. distinct techniques and traits).

(e) So the purpose of "Unz Review" is essentially to corroborate the stupidity of the goyim who are published, as only the stupid, Jew-friendly, Jew-serving gentiles are regularly published (like "Jacques Sheete" and his buddies--which they don't have the wit to suspect). Thus "Unz Review" merely keeps the Jew readership up w. the dumb gentiles and their typical stupidity, confirming the Jews for their prejudices about gentiles and techniques of lying, "spinning," deflecting, and deceiving--especially deceiving themselves (Jews), such consummate liars are Jews.

So "corvinus" is actually verified after all: "Unz Review" is indeed, and amounts to just an elaborated "echo chamber." And this essay of mine, here, may not be published by Unz, but that's okay--it'll be published just somewhere else, hoh o ho ho, and gentiles will see better what's actually going on. "Unz Review" needs and merits exposure for what it really is, and deserves requisite analysis for the typical Jewwy hubris as of Unz and his stable of trolls, like the pathological psycho, "corvinus," for example.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 319, Corvinus says:
March 19, 2019 at 2:10 am GMT • 300 Words

“If you were paying attention, Corvy, you’d know that Unz readership has been rapidly growing the last few years.”

Generally as an echo chamber. is nothing jew, I mean, new. It’s the same sentiments being shared by a particular segment of our population since the 1950’s. That group now has the ability to network nationally and internationally.

“Gimmedats and free stuff? You got to be kidding me? A straight white male getting gimmedats and free stuff?”

It’s called context. Europeans got all the spoils by way of jackbooting across continents. It’s in their DNA.

“Why, you yourself in a previous comment indicated it is up to the people to decide whether they wish to embrace a globalist future or re-embrace our nationalist past.”

Indeed, although you assume it is one or the other. Perhaps people who are making up their own minds disagree with the two choices you offer.

“This is true–These two groups were deemed utterly incapable of comprehending Anglo-Saxon governmental traditions.”

So how on earth is the Alt Right going to get new recruits with the clear anti-white attitudes that you harbor?

“When the doors to immigration are reopened after a moratorium is lifted, if the American people chose to restore the Immigration Act of 1924 or that of 1952 makes little difference to me.”

IF, not when. And assuredly it would make a major difference to you with your apparent disdain for Eastern and Southern Europeans.

“The Frankfurt School and the Cultural Marxism ideology the developed and promoted are as real…”


“Europe is facing the same dangers as America. The battleground is the entire West.”

Except most Americans do not view themselves as “Westerners”.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Judaism--Not Just Israel--Must Be Exterminated
(Apollonian, 20 Mar 19)

"Elite..." says, <blockquote>"As I say. Israel has a right to exist."</blockquote> What?--so the oracle declares a decree fm God?--and annunciates in "elite's" usual pompous manner, golly gee, but enough has been now said upon the matter, eh?--"elite" has said so. So there's just the basic stupidity of such moronic question-begging, at get-go--such is the characteristic satanic mental process.

And fact is Israel is just a bunch of squatters and illegal aliens, not to mention criminals and mass-murderers, pretending w. help of Jew S A and other deluded, brain-washed, Jew-dominated serfs (like "elite..."), as of EU, France, Britain (corrupted governments), et al.

But most of all, not only Israel, but no "Jews" of any sort has any right to exist, period--no more than psychopathic murderers have any right to exist, for that's what Jews are--Satanists, Satanism founded upon extreme subjectivism, making themselves God, Jews' Satanist crimes and murders well-known throughout hist., etc.

Thus even if human sin and Satanism in general (extreme subjectivism) cannot be exterminated, JUDAISM CAN BE exterminated, for sure. And all Jews, including Ronnie-boy Unz (who lies like a dog), merely need be interned, separated by sex, and watched carefully till they die-out. And generations fm now people will celebrate the day the last Jew died, a great holiday for victory of humanity against Satanism--it has to happen if humanity is to survive, suckers.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

# 124, EliteCommInc. says:
March 19, 2019 at 9:31 pm GMT

My list is certainly incomplete . . .

As I say. Israel has a right to exist. They have a right to self defense. But should be held accountable for crossing the line.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Just LOOK And Observe What's Really Going On At Unz Review, Fools
(Apollonian, 22 Mar 19)

Jack **** (for brains) says, <blockquote>"...and remember that trolling isn’t well tolerated here."</blockquote> Jack, buddy, think again--"trolling" is ALL one gets here at Unz Review, run by the kike, Unz, the lead, master troll. WHY do thou think Unz admits he's kike?--is it because he's LOYAL to kikes?

So Unz wants to pretend there are decent Jews who are humans like anyone else--which is impossible--Unz the lying Jew who carefully, scrupulously, ferociously, intensively censors and deletes against anyone not pretending there are "good Jews," and that Unz doesn't censor or "moderate" but "lightly," ho ho ho ho.

And WHY Jackie, buddy, do thou think thou get published?--Unz loves thou, doesn't he? Thou are being played, sucker--think. Don't forget all the Jew trolls telling their idiot, typical, never-ending lies and lying who find their way here. There is NO serious, genuine anti-Semitism saying what Jews are (Satanists), what Satanism is (extreme subjectivism, at root).

All Unz does is try to blur what Jews are, what their top leaders are really involved in--and what all the rest of the Jews go along with, soooo cheerfully, and which they, like Unz, work to cover-up, confuse, and mis-represent. It's always Jews lying, attacking, thou morons defending, always on the defense, eh?--haven't thou ever noticed?

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 47, jacques sheete says:
March 21, 2019 at 10:17 am GMT

You made some claims, now attempt to substantiate them. Try reading the article while yer at it and remember that trolling isn’t well tolerated here.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Psycho Can't Grasp Equivocation Fallacy
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

As I've striven to explain to thou numerous times, most often being censored/deleted by our TYPICAL Jew editor, the word "Jew" in thy quotation is surely an EQUIVOCATION error, confused w. Judeans, supposed descendents of the Israelites of the Old Test. who first discussed the concept of "salvation."

But of course, and as we've noted, thou are too psychotically obsessed to grasp the concept, it being OBVIOUS that the proper ref. could NOT be to Pharisees who killed Christ, thinking they'd killed truth itself (or at least Christ's understanding and expression of it--like Unz tries so hard to do in these comments pages).

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# 63, Anon[283] • Disclaimer says:
March 24, 2019 at 1:47 pm GMT

Q: What is the only thing that can save the people, according to Christianity?
A: Jews! “We worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.” (John 4:22)