Ho ho: Roger Waters of Pink Floyd refers to Jew "elephant in room"--kikess calls him "nazi"


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Ho ho: Roger Waters of Pink Floyd refers to Jew "elephant in room"--kikess calls him "nazi"

Not Just Another Brick In The Wall: Pink Floyd's Roger Waters Decries The Dominance Of Israeli And Jewish Lobbies As The "Elephant In The Room"

Link: http://whitereference.blogspot.com/2012/10/not-just-another-brick-in-wall-pink.html

Those who've been around for a while may be familiar with the rock group Pink Floyd. One of their most famous songs from the rock opera "The Wall" talked about how our education system turns people into "just another brick in the wall" (listen to the segment HERE).

Well, it turns out that band member Roger Waters is definitely not just another "brick in the wall" when it comes to Jewish supremacism. On Saturday October 6th, 2012, the Russell Tribunal on Palestine was holding court in New York City. While there are some unsavory anti-White characters such as Cynthia McKinney and Angela Davis on this tribunal, Pink Floyd's Roger Waters, who's been a longtime critic of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, was also present. After the British journalist and anti-Israel activist Ben White spoke out against ethnic cleansing by Israel since 1948, Waters spoke up:

"Sitting here as we are New York City, it's hard to ignore the elephant in the room -- this elephant being the unfathomable influence in the corridors of power of the Israeli and Jewish lobbies."

Elephant in the room? Has Roger Waters been reading Dr. David Duke or Stormfront? That's the same phrase Dr. Duke and others have used in describing Jewish supremacism in America.

After the session concluded, Wall Street Journal reporter Sohrab Ahamri caught up with Waters and asked him the tribunal wasn't hearing an Israeli perspective. "That's not what it's for," Waters said. "It is a people's tribunal and we do invite the other side to attend." Ahamri then asked Waters if he thought perhaps there ought to be a Russell Tribunal on Syria to hold the Assad regime to account for killing some 30,000 Syrian citizens? "I'm not part of the hierarchy of the Russell Tribunal," Waters responded. "I've been invited to take part in the Russell Tribunal on Palestine as a juror, so there's no way I can answer that question because I just do not know." Later, Waters said he was also against the Assad regime.

As expected, neocon Jewish blogger Debbie Schlussel has her panties in a twist. In this October 11th post, Schlussel hysterically labels Roger Waters a "Nazi" and a "Jew-hater", describing his views as "insane rantings", and writing "if you spend a single penny on this aging cretin from the drug-induced ’70s, you are supporting his neo-Nazi bigotry against Jews in America". In a September 2010 post, Schlussel also reveals that the Anti-Defamation League took him to task for using imagery long associated with stereotypes about Jews and money as part of a segment of his 2010-2011 “The Wall Live” Tour which criticized Israel’s West Bank security fence.

However, Schlussel's hyberbolic rantings have earned her criticism from other neocon pundits. Schlussel has publicly feuded with both Michelle Malkin and Sean Hannity, who she nicknamed Sean Vannity. In April 2006, VNN Forum webmaster Alex Linder also expressed considerable amusement at Schlussel's preoccupation with the famous Sharon Stone Basic Instinct crotch shot; Schlussel posted about Stone on March 29th, 2006, and despite her professed revulsion for the crotch shot, made sure she posted a picture of it (for "academic research" only, of course). If Debbie Schlussel was a storm, she'd be 95 percent wind and 5 percent rain.

Posted by Anchorage Activist at 3:51 PM