History: Who actually bombed USS Cole back in 2000?--it was ISRAEL, stupid--who else?


Guest Columnist
Did Israel Bomb the U.S.S. Cole? It Looks Like It

Link: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=23860

Posted By: billym
Date: Sunday, 6-Oct-2002 16:36:20 Breaking story, from What Really Happened....

Did Israel Bomb the U.S.S. Cole? It Looks Like It
All of America, Muslims and non-Muslims have grieved for the innocent Americans killed in the attack on the USS Cole. An important Muslims cleric in Detroit, MI explained that Muslims fight only combatants, not innocents. This brings us to something strange and very important in our report to you.

Some disturbing new information has come from some of our confidential sources in Washington, DC; it appears that the bomb making materials used in the bomb, known as D 4, that blew a hole in the U.S.S. Cole could only have come from the U.S. or from Israel.

This has alarmed the FBI and its director, Mr. Louis Freeh. Various bomb experts in the CIA have raised new questions about the Mossad (Israeli’s Secret Service). Once expert on counter-terrorism and espionage told our reporter that Israel killed its own ambassador to London, England in l982 in order to use that as a pretext to attack Lebanon.

There have been other incidents this source disclosed but he could only speak of them off the record. As he said, “It’s part of an old game, you do something that appears to come from an enemy, in order to make that alleged enemy look worse; in this case, Israel may have done it to make the Muslims and Arabs look bad, especially in light of the warming American-Yemen relationship.” Thus, there are some intelligence sources that are starting to have questions about the people involved in the bombing.

Further questions have been raised because the two men mentioned, “looked like Arabs” but there papers were false—another Mossad move that has been used to blame others in the past. The CIA agent explained that many Jews, especially those Sephardic Jews who grew up in the Middle East, look like Arabs; thus, they would be perfect for such a mission.

Our reporters in Washington, DC will stay on top of this story so that we may get to the bottom of what now appears to be a very interesting and perhaps explosive situation. It may very well be that Israel was behind the bombing of the USS Cole and not Islamic militants—especially since no Muslim group has claimed responsibility or wanted credit for this dastardly act.