Golly gee, but genocide is soooooooooooo easy when doing it to poor, stupid, brainless scum who don't believe in conspiracy theory, morons


Guest Columnist

Top Experts Warn of Massive Death Wave Among Vaxxed​

Hunter Fielding April 22, 2024

Link: https://newsaddicts.com/top-experts-warn-massive-death-wave-among-vaxxed/?utm_source=mailpoet/


Several of the world’s leading virologists and immunologists have issued a grim warning of a looming massive death wave that will wipe out most of the Covid-vaccinated population.
It used to be that vaccine “hesitancy” and “skepticism” amounted from concerns about all the toxins used to manufacture them, including mercury, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate, and genetically modified blood cells from aborted babies, monkeys, and other animals.
Now, those fears pale in comparison to the scientific proof that COVID-19 jabs are causing a tsunami of health casualties across the globe, including deadly vascular clots, turbo cancers, VAIDS, spontaneous miscarriages, and sudden adult death syndrome (SADS).
A world-leading Belgian virologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, predicts a tsunami of deaths will occur within the herd of Covid-jabbed sheeple around the globe due to the billions of spike proteins they have in their blood and organs.

This mass-casualty event has already begun, and it will pick up steam very soon when the “monster” Covid variants gain momentum.
The medical industrial complex will surely call it “Long Covid,” but it should be called Long-Vax-Syndrome.
According to research conducted in several studies, spike proteins can remain in human immune cells for a year to 15 months following vaccination, and this is for people who never even contracted the virus, so to call it “Long Covid” is misinformation.
What happens is the spike proteins bind to blood vessels, causing endotheliitis, vascular inflammation, and severely compromised immune systems.

This in turn sets up Covid-vaxxed humans for a massive tsunami of death, including a surge of cancers that end with a “hyper-acute wave,” according to virologists.
Should this Covid-vaxxed death tsunami occur, hospitals will become completely overwhelmed, almost overnight, and society as we know it will fall to pieces.
As another election approaches, mainstream media and the vaccine industrial complex have a plan.
We are now seeing the words “bird flu” take over fake news.
The origin is in Texas, and this may be the new “bat soup” that prepares the world for the next scamdemic.
Of course, the Biden Regime is acting worried, saying a dairy farmer caught bird flu from a cow, and it’s the worst strain of bird flu in the history of the entire world, a hundred times deadlier than the Fauci Flu.

How could they know this? They don’t.
The CDC, Centers for Disease Continuance, is saying the bird flu virus has mutated (sounds familiar), and this allows it to spread much more easily.
Hopefully, farmers in Texas won’t climb aboard cruise ships and head to Italy and China.
Now the WHO is jumping on the bird flu bandwagon, issuing statements to support the WHO World Order, also known as WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, a pandemic “response measure” that has the whole world giving up all their rights and becoming slaves of the New World Order.
In essence, it’s just another psyop.
The Bird Flu scare is just another viral “red flag” the vaccine industrial complex runs up the plandemic flag pole every year to year-and-a-half to scare everyone into taking some new deadly jab.
Will they introduce the sequel to Swine flu, Zika, Anthrax and Ebola too?
Get your phone cameras and video ready to record all the drop box smurfs delivering millions of falsified “mail-in” ballots that are pre-marked for Biden, the senile girl-hair-sniffing freak in DC who supports open borders, staged infrastructure-crushing events, and plandemics.
This could be the final election for POTUS (President of the uprooted states) of Amerika.
Disease “X” is coming to a face diaper near you.

WEF Admits Pandemic Was a Hoax to Eliminate Cash​

Hunter FieldingMay 5, 2024

Link: https://newsaddicts.com/wef-admits-pandemic-hoax-eliminate-cash/?utm_source=mailpoet/

[vid at site link, above]


The World Economic Forum (WEF) has admitted that the Covid pandemic was a globalist hoax that sought to eliminate cash and force the public to accept central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and digital IDs.
The WEF revealed that the global pandemic was merely a step toward ushering in the organization’s plan for a worldwide “cashless society.”
Interstingly, globalists have revealed that the coming single digital currency will have two tiers.
There will be one CBDC system for the general public to use and another that only global elites, corporations, and politicians will be able to access.

The WEF “globalism caravan” was in Saudi Arabia late last month.
During one of the WEF “special meeting” panels, global elites heard about the plan to force “behavioral population lessons” during the Covid pandemic.
Specifically, regarding the current push to introduce a single global CBDC for all citizens around the world.
The pandemic itself may have done a sudden “disappearing act” about two years ago – but it’s clearly seen by some as paving the way for a host of other things.

One – the vast majority of people responded to extreme movement and activity restrictions that profoundly affected their lives, plus vaccines – without basically any resistance.
And this by no means went unnoticed.
And that has clearly emboldened a certain class of policy-makers to make further assumptions, about other controversial policies (like CBDCs).
Central Bank of Bahrain governor Khalid Humaidan discussed plans for eliminating physical cash while speaking at the WEF’s “Special Meeting on Global Collaboration, Growth and Energy Development” on Sunday.
During a panel discussion, titled “Open Forum: The Digital Currencies’ Opportunity in the Middle East,” Humaidan told WEF elites that the goal of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is to replace cash with “100% digital” payments.
He revealed that the pandemic was part of the plan to rapidly advance that goal.

Humaidan told WEF’s Riyadh “Digital Currencies” panel that his country is working to get rid of cash altogether.
He said they will soon replace it with digitally centralized, (therefore almost perfectly controlled and tracked) CBDCs.
Many governments around the world are alos preparing to do the exact same.
Nevertheless, Humaidan for some reason “went there” and actually made the link between what some theorists see as “the great social experiment” – namely, the pandemic – and how it has opened the path for, effectively, corralling billions of people into a certain pattern of thinking and acting.
Humaidan had an interesting take on what “control over cash” means – according to him, central banks were previously “very much in control with all aspects of cash.”
And now – “We’re comfortable to the point where the private sector plays a big role in the printing of the cash, in the distribution of the cash, and with the private sector we use interest rates to manage the supply of cash.”
That’s how the pioneers in the space now feel comfortable speaking, and – how about this take on “state-private sector collusion.”
This aspect is not something the US public is even aware of now – thinking instead of how that collusion affects social media accounts, etc.
Meanwhile, we also have Humaidan saying that CBDCs might shortly undergo a rebranding.
“The central bank will have a role, but at some point in time – the same way we don’t call it ‘central bank cash’ – we’re probably going to stop calling it central bank digital currency.”
As for why any of this clearly marketing and spinning would succeed, faced with an informed and critical thinking public – this central bank chief was clear he thought the ground has been tested with the pandemic, and the precedent (apparently) permanently reliably set:
“There’s less use of cash,” said Humaidan.
“The transition to fully digital is not going to be a stretch…
“People are used to it…
“Its adoption rates increased because of COVID.
“There is very little resistance.”

WATCH: [ck site link, above top]

Top Professor Testifies: Covid Pandemic Was a Hoax​

Frank BergmanMay 9, 2024 - 12:54 pm

Link: https://slaynews.com/news/top-professor-testifies-covid-pandemic-hoax/?utm_source=mailpoet/

[vid at site link, above]


A globally esteemed professor has given an explosive testimony during a federal government hearing in Germany to warn that the Covid pandemic was a hoax.
Prof. Stefan Homburg testified before top officials that the COVID-19 pandemic did not begin in 2020 as the world has been led to believe.
While addressing the Corona Symposium in the Bundestag, Homburg explained that the coronavirus did emerge in 2019.
However, he said that it simply took the place of regular influenza and the virus was no more severe.
The world-renowned German professor cited data showing no increase in mortality rates during 2020, the first pandemic year.

Yet, data shows that deaths only started increasing in 2021, after the Covid mRNA shots were rolled out for public use.
Homburg told the federal government hearing that mortality rates started skyrocketing from 2021 onward because the injections are killing people, not the virus.
During his bombshell testimony, Homburg asserted that the pandemic was a hoax that sought to scare people into accepting the dangerous mRNA shots.
He told the hearing that reports of soaring Covid deaths were “not true,” noting that there were no more “sick people and deaths than usual.”

“There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021,” the professor testified.
“Corona came, influenza disappeared.
“Age-standardised mortality was not higher in 2020 than usual.
“Mortality only increased since 2021 [just after the “vaccine” roll-out started],” Homburg noted.

“The idea of a ‘pandemic’ arose exclusively from new types of mass testing… [which] led the public to believe that there were more sick people and deaths than usual, which was not true.
“One must also ask whether the measures [masks, lockdowns, vax mandates, etc] were really intended to prevent infection, which they clearly did not, or rather served the purpose of breaking down vaccine hesitancy.”

WATCH: [see site link, above, top]

The news comes as a growing number of experts and whistleblowers continue to speak out.

As Slay News reported earlier, a medical industry whistleblower issued a second statement this week about the devastating side effects of the Covid mRNA shots.
The whistleblower, Zowe Smith, revealed that vaccinated hospital patients are “dying within hours” after receiving the injections.
Smith is a medical coder, auditor, educator, and manager who is tasked with recording hospital deaths.
Slay News reported late last month on Smith’s first explosive whistleblowing statement.

She warned the public that Covid mRNA shots are causing people to “die so horrifically” and “so quickly” after they received the injections.
Smith revealed that doctors were forced to euthanize patients due to the severity of their injuries.
She noted that hospitals and medical professionals were simply not prepared for the wave of sudden deaths, heart attacks, organ failure, and now cancers among the vaccinated population that followed since the Covid shots were rolled out to the public in early 2021.
“I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections,” Smith revealed.

“It was insane, I’ve never seen anything like that.
“The worst of them, they called it sepsis, but it was like instant multi-organ failure.
“Like, within hours patients would die of liver, lung, kidney… failure [all at once]…”
“Some of the records…[from the] emergency crew that found them [the injection victims], it’s like their body tried to reject everything,” she added.
“[In] some of these cases, their family would be there 30 minutes before, and then within an hour they’re dead.”

She revealed that so many vaxxed patients were arriving with severe side effects to the Covid mRNA injections that doctors started to euthanize them to “stop it.”
“[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they…kinda had to be put down,” she revealed.
As Slay News reported last week, a leading immunology expert is now warning everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”
The alert was issued by Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill.

Prof. Cahill has over 25 years of expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development, and automation.
Not only does Cahill think the shots are dangerous, but she warns that they will eventually kill everybody who has received one or more doses.
During an interview, Cahill explains how mRNA in the injections harms all recipients and acts like a ticking time bomb in the Covid-vaccinated.
After explaining how the shots impact human health, Cahill made this following chilling prediction:
“Everybody who has an mRNA injection will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”

READ MORE – Renowned Scientist: All Covid-Vaxxed ‘Will Die in 3 to 5 Years’ [ck site link, above, top]

Top Doctor: Covid Shots Have ‘Highest Kill Rate in History’​

Frank BergmanMay 10, 2024 - 12:54 pm

Link: https://slaynews.com/news/top-doctor-covid-shots-highest-kill-rate-history/

[see vid at site link, above]


Leading OBGYN physician Dr. James Thorp has issued a statement to warn about the alarming statistics that governments, health officials, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and the corporate media are all trying to keep hidden from the public.
In an explosive new whistleblowing interview with Infowars founder Alex Jones, Dr. Thorp provides bombshell data proving that Covid mRNA shots have the “highest kill rate in history.”
“This is the most lethal and injurious drug ever rolled out,” Thorp asserted.
“And if you calculate the injured-to-kill ratio, it’s unprecedented in warfare and medicine.”
Thorp revealed that during the first ten weeks of the Covid shot rollout in early 2021, “there were 42,086 casualties.”

He noted that those casualties included 1,223 people who were killed by the injection.
However, the data was suppressed and the mass vaccination push continued.
“If you calculate the injure-to-kill ratio, it’s unprecedented in warfare and medicine,” Thorp notes.
He later notes that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates stated in 2010 that “this is going to be the decade of the vaccine.”

“This whole plandemic was actually rolled out for political purposes to disrupt the election, number one.
“And number two, the ultimate goal was to roll out this highly dangerous mRNA platform and this was the way to do it.
“By the way, [the mRNA platform] was shown to be lethal in all studies in the last 20 years.”
“They all knew this,” Jones said.

WATCH: [ck site link, above, top]

Last week, Thorp called on members of the public to fight back against those who pressure them to take the vaccines.
In a viral statement posted on X, Thorp urged attorneys to step up and take legal action against institutions that pushed the Covid mRNA injections onto pregnant women and babies.

He declared that the shots were “dangerous” and medical institutions should be held to account for the harm they caused.
In a lengthy thread on X, Thorp explained that many hospitals signed “secret, unethical, and likely illegal” cooperative agreements with Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration to push the shots onto “the most vulnerable patients.”
He argues that lawyers should bring lawsuits against Biden’s Health and Human Services (HHS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for forcing the Covid shots.
Such lawsuits “may result in extraordinarily large medical malpractice verdicts of $100 million or more,” Thorp asserts.

He continues by laying out a legal framework for attorneys to file lawsuits.

The warning from Thorp comes after Slay News recently reported on newly emerged official data exposing the devasting impact of the Covid injections on pregnant women and their unborn children.
Official government data has emerged that shows that a staggering number of pregnant women suffered miscarriages and other reproductive ailments after they received a Covid mRNA shot.

Two sets of data have revealed that both the Canadian and U.S. governments were aware of the harm caused to pregnant women but kept the information hidden from the public while pushing the “safe and effective” narrative.
A Canadian government database was exposed in a new report showing an explosion of horrific side effects among expectant mothers who received the mRNA injections.
Additionally, U.S. federal agencies were also aware of the dangers that the Covid injections posed to pregnant women since the shots were rolled out for public use in early 2021.
Pfizer had desperately attempted to cover up the adverse effects of its experimental Covid mRNA vaccines on fertility and newborns.
There’s a section in the Pfizer documents showing that 80 percent of pregnant women suffered miscarriages after receiving the mRNA shot.

Meanwhile, experts have been raising the alarm over a warning about the mRNA injections from a leading scientist.
As Slay News reported, Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill, a world-renowned immunology expert, issued an explosive warning to the public that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”
Prof. Cahill has over 25 years of expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development, and automation.
Since the Covid mRNA shots were rolled out in early 2021, Cahill has been sounding the alarm about the devastating impact they will have on public health.

Not only does Cahill think the shots are dangerous, but she warns that they will eventually kill everybody who has received one or more doses.
During an interview, Cahill explains how mRNA in the injections harms all recipients and acts like a ticking time bomb in the Covid-vaccinated.
After explaining how the shots impact human health, Cahill made this following chilling prediction:
“Everybody who has an mRNA injection will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”

READ MORE – Renowned Scientist: All Covid-Vaxxed ‘Will Die in 3 to 5 Years’ [see site link, above, top]