Global warming is not happening

Trump expected to pull out of Paris climate deal
By Mark Moore
May 31, 2017 | 8:19am | Updated

President Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accords, a White House official told the Associated Press on Wednesday.

But the official said there may be “caveats in the language” that Trump will use when he makes the announcement to open the possibility that the decision isn’t final, the wire service reported.

Trump met with Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt on Tuesday and he and a small team of advisers are working out the details of when and how the US would step away from the agreement intended to curb carbon emissions worldwide, the news website Axios reported.

Pruitt and the team are considering either a full, formal withdrawal – a process that could take three years – or clean break.

Trump had been telling confidants over the past week that he was going to pull out of the deal, a conclusion that was reinforced by a letter he received from 22 Republican senators, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, urging him to ditch it.

But he was also lobbied by a number of corporations, including energy firms like Exxon Mobil, to stick with the landmark deal.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the former head of Exxon Mobil, urged Trump to keep a “seat at the table,” and Republican Sen. Miss Lindsey Graham said withdrawing “would be taken as a statement that climate change is not a problem, not real.” :p

The 2015 accord, signed on by 195 nations and brokered by former President Obama, was a point of contention between Trump and the leaders of the Group of Seven leaders last week during their summit in Italy.

Trump, who in the past has called climate change a “hoax,” refused to say whether he would remain in the agreement, leading German Chancellor Angela Merkel to remark: “The whole discussion about climate has been difficult, or rather very unsatisfactory.” :D
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Goldman Sachs CEO’s first-ever tweet slams Trump’s climate decision
By Kevin Dugan
June 1, 2017 | 6:57pm


Lloyd Blankfein
Getty Images

Goldman Sachs CEO (((Lloyd Blankfein))) is hot under the beanie about President Trump’s decision on Thursday to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.

Blankfein, in a tweet, called the White House move “a setback for the environment and the kyke pocketbook.”

It was the first-ever tweet for the banking heavyweight. With the tweet, Blankfein became the most high-profile Wall Street figure to come out against Trump’s decision to exit the Paris climate deal.

“Today’s decision is a setback for the environment and for the US’s leadership position in the world. #ParisAgreement,” Blankfein wrote in his maiden tweet.

A (((Goldman))) spokesman confirmed that the tweet was sent by the CEO.

Blankfein’s support for the climate agreement seems to echo that of (((Gary Cohn))), the former Goldman president who left for a job as Trump’s economic adviser.

Late last month, Cohn — who is seen as more moderate than hard-core nationalists :rolleyes: like Steve Bannon — said that Trump’s view on the Paris treaty was “evolving.”

This isn’t the first time that the normally soft-spoken Blankfein has come out against the president’s policies.

In January, Blankfein blasted Trump’s initial Muslim ban, saying in a voice mail left on the phones of all Goldman employees that it was “not a policy we support.”
That guy looks like a Jew. Since he is the chosen one, he should be able to explain this:

There is no greenhouse gas on the moon. Why is the daytime temperature 224 degrees Fahrenheit. (hot enough to boil water under STP)

bonus points: STP means standard temperature and pressure: 273.15K @ 1 bar

Research Team Slams Global Warming Data In New Report: "Not Reality... Totally Inconsistent With Credible Temperature Data"
by Tyler Durden
Jul 15, 2017 9:00 PM
Authored by Mac Slavo via,

As world leaders, namely in the European Union, attack President Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement which would have saddled Americans with billions upon billions of dollars in debt and economic losses, a new bombshell report that analyzed Global Average Surface Temperature (GAST) data produced by NASA, the NOAA and HADLEY proves the President was right on target with his refusal to be a part of the new initiative.

According to the report, which has been peer reviewed by administrators, scientists and researchers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), and several of America’s leading universities, the data is completely bunk:

In this research report, the most important surface data adjustment issues are identified and past changes in the previously reported historical data are quantified. It was found that each new version of GAST has nearly always exhibited a steeper warming linear trend over its entire history. And, it was nearly always accomplished by systematically removing the previously existing cyclical temperature pattern. This was true for all three entities providing GAST data measurement, NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU.

As a result, this research sought to validate the current estimates of GAST using the best available relevant data. This included the best documented and understood data sets from the U.S. and elsewhere as well as global data from satellites that provide far more extensive global coverage and are not contaminated by bad siting and urbanization impacts. Satellite data integrity also benefits from having cross checks with Balloon data.

The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.

Finally, since GAST data set validity is a necessary condition for EPA’s GHG/CO2 Endangerment Finding, it too is invalidated by these research findings. (Full Abstract Report)

Of course, this won’t stop global climate normalcy deniers from saying it’s all one big conspiracy to destroy the earth. They’ll naturally argue that data adjustments to the temperatures need to be made for a variety of reasons, which is something the report doesn’t dispute. What it does show, however, is that these “adjustments” always prove to be to the upside. Always warmer, never cooler:

While the notion that some “adjustments” to historical data might need to be made is not challenged, logically it would be expected that such historical temperature data adjustments would sometimes raise these temperatures, and sometimes lower them. This situation would mean that the impact of such adjustments on the temperature trend line slope is uncertain. However, each new version of GAST has nearly always exhibited a steeper warming linear trend over its entire history.

In short: The evidence has been falsified.

Karl Denninger sums it up succinctly:

It is therefore quite-clear that the data has been intentionally tampered with.

Since this has formed the basis for plans to steal literal trillions of dollars and has already resulted in the forced extraction of hundreds of billions in aggregate for motorists and industry this quite-clearly constitutes the largest economic fraud ever perpetrated in the world.

I call for the indictment and prosecution of every person and organization involved, asset-stripping all of them to their literal underwear.

The real data looks something like this:



And the establishment, along with their fanatical global warming myrmidons, continue to push the need for massive, costly initiatives to reduce green house gases and global temperatures to “normal” levels.

The problem, of course, is that there is no global warming according to the above referenced report.

Moreover, none of those supporting the Paris Climate Agreement and other initiatives have any idea what these behemoth regulations will actually do to curb climate change, as evidenced by the following video of Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine, who despite his best efforts, can’t seem to figure out exactly how these agreements actually lower temperatures and help Americans:

Successful Cover-up and Lack of Accountability in Climate Deception
Guest Blogger / 2 days ago July 30, 2017
Guest opinion: Dr. Tim Ball

The headline for the Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) Newsletter says, “Europe’s Green Utopians Pay Price for Green Energy Folly.” Europe is not alone. All nations who accepted the claims of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suffered the same fate. But it is not just the financial cost. Sadly, the true cost is hard to estimate because it is impossible to measure the emotional costs to people losing their jobs, their homes, and their communities. What makes these costs even more egregious is that they were completely unnecessary. My earlier comment that,

“The Kyoto Protocol is a political solution to a non-existent problem without scientific justification,”

applies to the entire political response to the AGW deception. The people pay the costs of the deliberate deception, while the scientists and politicians who orchestrated it walk away well rewarded for their crimes. As Dostoevsky wrote, it is “Crime and Punishment.”

Probably beyond any other frustration in today’s world is the complete lack of accountability and punishment of any person other than ordinary citizens at the bottom of the economic and social ladder. The political power elite and those they often use and sometimes protect are rarely brought to justice. Nowhere is that truer than in the complete and deliberate deception that humans are causing global warming perpetrated by the establishment. It is undoubtedly an original, longest lasting, and possibly largest, example of “fake news;” that is information designed to misinform with a false narrative.

It was “fake news” in the structure and procedures designed to produce a specific scientific result, but it went further. Maurice Strong and the gang at the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) built in mechanisms to restrict their discovery and exposure. As Elaine Dewar wrote in “Cloak of Green,”

“He (Strong) could raise his own money from whomever he liked, appoint anyone he wanted, control the agenda.”

A major part of this control included the creation of a separate (IPCC) group to produce a Summary for Policymakers (SPM). They limited and distorted what was examined by Working Group 1, The Physical Science Basis to human causes of climate change, but that meant their Report identified all the limitations of data, method, computer models, and analysis. They knew that very few people, especially those who understood the science and the limitations, would read the Science Report. Besides it was easy to marginalize the few by labelling them as skeptics, deniers, or paid shills of the energy industry. However, the more important goal was to present an alarmist message cloaked in certainty and to make sure it received all the attention from the media and environmental groups. They achieved this by releasing the SPM months before the Science report in a very heavily promoted press conference. David Wojick, an IPCC expert reviewer, explained

Glaring omissions are only glaring to experts, so the “policymakers”—including the press and the public—who read the SPM will not realize they are being told only one side of a story. But the scientists who drafted the SPM know the truth, as revealed by the sometimes artful way they conceal it.

What is systematically omitted from the SPM are precisely the uncertainties and positive counter evidence that might negate the human interference theory. Instead of assessing these objections, the Summary confidently asserts just those findings that support its case. In short, this is advocacy, not assessment.

They continued and maintained the deception despite the debacle of the hockey stick. It was a big story among the small group who knew what was going on. We foolishly thought that all this would change after the leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) appeared in 2009. Many of us thought this was the undoing of the deception. How could they survive the disclosure that Mosher and Fuller summarized as follows?

•Actively worked to evade (Steve) Mcintyre’s Freedom of Information requests, deleting emails, documents, and even climate data

•Tried to corrupt the peer-review principles that are the mainstay of modern science, reviewing each other’s’ work, sabotaging efforts of opponents trying to publish their own work, and threatening editors of journals who didn’t bow to their demands

•Changed the shape of their own data in materials shown to politicians charged with changing the shape of our world, ‘hiding the decline’ that showed their data could not be trusted.

Even if only half these charges are true, they are activities that would and should have resulted in academic, scientific, and legal censure, and even criminal charges.

But we are talking about politics here, and the spin doctors moved in to limit the damage. The University of East Anglia, which defended the CRU actions from the start, hired Neil Wallis of Outside Organization. University spokesperson Trevor Davies said they hired him because it was a “reputation management” problem that they don’t handle well. Instead, they chose to become part of the political cover-up. In fact, universities are more adept than most at cover up.

The favorite defensive cover-up vehicles for politicians are commissions of inquiry. Most people think they are good things because it implies the politicians are sidelined. In fact, they are the ideal weapon because the politician is off the hook but obtains much more power and control. All questions are eliminated by the answer that they cannot say anything until the inquiry is complete. The politician then works with bureaucrats to define the terms and set the limits on the inquiry. They knew how to do this in climatology because it is precisely how they organized and orchestrated the IPCC. The objective is to cover-up, and the CRU emails that undermined the IPCC was a classic example. They appointed five commissions of inquiry, all designed to misdirect, mislead. They were aided and abetted by the honed skills of academic institutions that are incestuous systems with the prisoners running the prison and the wardens being promoted prisoners to protect themselves at all costs. Even the media supporters expected some action. George Monbiot of The Guardian acknowledged the seriousness of the problem.

It’s no use pretending that this isn’t a major blow. The emails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging. I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I’m dismayed and deeply shaken by them. Yes, the messages were obtained illegally. Yes, all of us say things in emails that would be excruciating if made public. Yes, some of the comments have been taken out of context. But there are some messages that require no spin to make them look bad. There appears to be evidence here of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released, and even to destroy material that was subject to a freedom of information request.

Worse still, some of the emails suggest efforts to prevent the publication of work by climate sceptics, or to keep it out of a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I believe that the head of the unit, Phil Jones, should now resign. Some of the data discussed in the emails should be re-analysed.

Jones resigned briefly but was soon reinstated; meanwhile, he conveniently ‘lost’ the relevant data. To my knowledge, there has been no official “re-analysis” of the data. Monbiot continued,

“Why was CRU’s response to this issue such a total car crash?”

He partially justified the action by writing,

“Climate sceptics have lied, obscured and cheated for years.”

However, he tempered that by taking the high ground.

“That’s why we climate rationalists must uphold the highest standards of science.”

In the Foreword to Andrew Montford’s analysis, Lord Turnbull supported Monbiot’s list when he wrote,

•that scientists at the CRU had failed to give a full and fair view to policymakers and the IPCC of all the evidence available to them;

•that they deliberately obstructed access to data and methods to those taking different viewpoints for themselves;

•that they failed to comply with Freedom of Information requirements;

•that they sought to influence the review panels of journals in order to prevent rival scientific evidence from being published.

Only four of the five inquiries, three in the UK and one in the US produced reports. They were:

1.The UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee.

2.The Oxburgh Inquiry appointed and directed by the University of East Anglia (UEA).

3.The Muir Russell Inquiry, technically The Independent Climate Change Emails Review (ICCER),

4.The Penn State Inquiry.

Here is a summary of these investigations itemizing the distinct pattern I recognize from personal experience with politically appointed commissions of inquiry.

· The people appointed to the inquiries were either compromised through conflict or had little knowledge of climatology or the IPCC process.

•They did not have clearly defined objectives and failed to achieve any they publicized.

•Interviews were limited to the accused.

•Experts who knew what went on and how it was done, that is understood what the emails were saying, were not interviewed.

•Validity of the science and the results obtained as published in the IPCC Reports were not examined, yet the deceptions were to cover these problems. This was particularly egregious for the Oxburgh Inquiry that ignored specific instructions to examine the science.

•All investigations were seriously inadequate in major portions to essentially negate their findings. It appears these inadequacies were deliberate to avoid exposure of the truth. They all examined only one limited side of the issues, so it was like hearing only half of a conversation and what you hear is preselected.

All the panels failed to reflect Hans Von Storch’s admonition.

“We have to take a self-critical view of what happened. Nothing ought to be swept under the carpet. Some of the Inquiries – like – in the UK – did exactly the latter. They blew an opportunity to restore trust.”

The truth is they all did the latter. Fred Pearce, also of The Guardian noted,

“Secrecy was the order of the day at CRU. “We find that there has been a consistent pattern of failing to display the proper degree of openness,” says the report. That criticism applied not just to Jones and his team at CRU. It applied equally to the university itself, which may have been embarrassed to find itself in the dock as much as the scientists on whom it asked Russell to sit in judgment.”

Clive Crook, a Senior editor at The Atlantic, wrote,

The Penn State inquiry exonerating Michael Mann – the paleoclimatologist who came up with the hockey stick – would be difficult to parody. Three of four allegations are dismissed out of hand at the outset: the inquiry announces that, for lack of credible evidence, it will not even investigate them. (At this, MIT’s Richard Lindzen tells the committee, “It’s thoroughly amazing. I mean these issues are explicitly stated in the emails. I’m wondering what’s going on?” The report continues: “The Investigatory Committee did not respond to Dr. Lindzen’s statement. Instead his attention was directed to the fourth allegation.”) Moving on, the report then says, in effect, that Mann is a distinguished scholar, a successful raiser of research funding, a man admired by his peers- so any allegation of academic impropriety must be false.

Later Crook wrote;

“I had hoped, not very confidently, that the various Climategate inquiries would be severe. This would have been a first step towards restoring confidence in the scientific consensus. But no, the reports make things worse. At best they are mealy-mouthed apologies; at worst they are patently incompetent and even wilfully wrong. The climate-science establishment, of which these inquiries have chosen to make themselves a part, seems entirely incapable of understanding, let alone repairing, the harm it has done to its own cause.”

George Monbiot wrote,

But the deniers’ campaign of lies, grotesque as it is, does not justify secrecy and suppression on the part of climate scientists. Far from it: it means that they must distinguish themselves from their opponents in every way. No one has been as badly let down by the revelations in these emails as those of us who have championed the science. We should be the first to demand that it is unimpeachable, not the last.

In fact, they were far from “unimpeachable,” as they remained silent or participated in the orchestrated cover-up. The entire corruption of climate science orchestrated through the IPCC, national weather offices, and government agencies like NASA GISS continue. Many of the people involved at CRU and other agencies cite the five commissions of inquiry as proof of their innocence.

I am unaware of any person who has been held accountable in any way for the biggest deliberate deception in history that has created completely unnecessary social and economic upheaval and wasted trillions of dollars. None of this is surprising because a lack of accountability is a pandemic among all politicians and the power elite. It parallels the destructive change in thinking associated with the belief that a person only broke the law if they got caught. Crime without punishment is no longer crime.

Climate Madness & Keeping Warm as the World Cools
By Dr. Mark Sircus
August 21, 2017


As it gets colder, the elite owned media and Al Gore are turning up the heat trying to roast the world with their naked lies. Every prediction Gore has made has been wrong. The most recent attacks of the climate boogeymen went like this: (Associated Press)

A federal climate report says the United States is already feeling the effects of climate change, with temperatures rising dramatically over the last four decades. That’s according to The New York Times, which acquired a draft copy of the report by scientists from 13 federal agencies. The report says extreme heat waves have become more common and extreme cold waves less common since the 1980s. (Proving that these 13 agencies and the entire federal government is proving to be unworthy of our trust.)

It says emissions of greenhouse gases will affect the degree to which global temperatures continue to rise — a claim President Donald Trump and some members of his cabinet have disputed. (Basic science and actually temperature reports agree with Trump) Scientists in the US Army were disagreeing with manmade global warming way back in 2008. All 13 of these governmental agencies seem to have forgotten all about the sun.

Did you know, July Was the 2nd Hottest Month in Recorded History. You believe that? Do you trust your governmental organizations? It still is heresy to stand up anywhere in the world and suggest it that climate change is not only not manmade but also cooling instead of warming.

Trump is just about the only politician in the world with the courage to stand up to all the lies about climate change. I would stop publishing so many essays on climate change if the press would let up on their global warming fraud but when I see their bold face lies an indignation arises in my belly. Even Trump dare not say a word more about climate change because they, the owners of all the mass media, would drown him, which they do anyway every day.

In Montréal, Quebec, Canada, we had a July 2017 without any tropical heat day (30 C+), which is a first since 1992. February 2015 was the coldest February ever here with an average 24 hours temp of -15 C, which is 7.5 C below normal and the 2nd coldest month ever – all months included. This year we had the coldest July in Montreal in 25 years but media ignores it as it does the truth of just about everything important these days.

Armstrong Economics writes, “They are calling this in the Year without an Arctic Summer. The Greenland Ice Sheet is gaining near record amounts of ice this year. Very little melting has occurred this summer, which is about to start coming to an end. Europe has been unusually cool once again after last year ice wiped out crops all the way down into Spain creating shortages of vegetables. With the sun activity declining and the North Pole reversing direction in 2000 heading toward Europe rather than Canada, things are not exactly supporting the Global Warming crowd.”

Lower temperatures than usual east of the Rockies. The Weather Channel reports that Sunday morning saw record breaking lows in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana. Cooler temperatures are predicted to span much of the eastern part of the United States throughout the month of August.

One of the most powerful women in Christianity, US Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, told the Guardian that climate change denial amounts to denying God’s gift of knowledge. That would be true if there was no special meaning attached to climate change like manmade global warming. The Pope has weighted in also on the side of this gigantic fraud as well. Therefore, no matter how cold it gets our minds are supposed to pretend how warm it is getting.

‘Rare’ early freeze in Russia. In Magadan such frosts usually do not begin earlier than the third week of August. “In the central regions of the Magadan region, such early frosts are rare.” Expected to freeze to -3°C. In the central areas on July 31. In the village of Pechora the temperature fell to 1.3 ° C on August 8, a new cold record.

Some people believe in pink elephants and often swallow anything they are told and then cannot listen to anything that conflicts with their installed belief system. We see that in religion and we see it now in science and forever politics. Those out there who believe that last year was the warmest year in living memory but did you know that NASA climate scientists, who made the claim, were only 38 per cent sure this was true. How sure are you?

First ‘summer-less’ July in Denmark in 38 years. A ‘summer day’, which is defined as any day in which temperatures top 25C (77F) at least somewhere in Denmark. According to the Danish Meteorology Institute (DMI), July is likely to end without reaching 77F anywhere in the country. If that prediction holds up, it will mark the first time that Danes will have suffered through a summer-less July in nearly four decades.

It is a sick joke this global warming business. A lot of hot air has been coming out of humans. We know where this mental disease started, with Al Gore, one that made him a very rich man. According to many people the earth is warming rapidly, the sun does not exist in terms of having an effect on planet earth, and the increasing volcanic activity is not paid any attention so all that volcanic stuff that goes high into the atmosphere will not be playing its traditional cooling effect.

In the United States, summers are getting much colder. Every single metric shows that summer maximum temperatures are cooling in the US, and that heatwaves are becoming shorter, less intense and covering a smaller area. Climate scientists say the exact opposite of the data, because they are consultants being paid to push the global warming scam.


There is one thing that global warming folks have right and that is the diminishing use of coal-fired plants because they are dirty (pollution) and because politicians and scientists just cannot get it together to see that it is the huge tonnage of mercury coming out of coal-fired plants every day, which is damming the earth.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology caught erasing cold temperatures. “Amazing, the power of the media. Lance Pidgeon and Jennifer Marohasy have been watching the automatic weather stations record very cold temperatures, and then astonished when those same readings either got entered into our national raw database as warmer, or simply disappeared. The BOM apparently has a filter set so that super cold temperatures need to be manually checked. Yet the filter is set so high, in Thredbo’s case, nearly five whole degrees warmer than temperatures already recorded.”


There is nothing funny about climate change especially when that change is cooling. Civilization is not prepared to withstand increasing cold. With warmer weather, agricultural sectors increase but in the cold things get hard. The “little ice ages,” that revolve around various natural cycles, tend to kill off more humans than other natural disasters. Cultures around the world have failed as cold prevents farmers from harvesting enough grain to feed their cities. During past “little ice ages,” humans also suffered rampant epidemics of diseases such as cholera and bubonic plague.

According to Dr. Richard Lindzen from MIT the earth goes through natural periods of global warming and cooling. Natural means human activity has little or nothing to do with these cycles. According to Dr. Lindzen, the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are problematic and limited because they are based on computer models, which Lindzen says are “generally recognized as experimental tools whose relation to the real world is questionable.”

It is good to remember that Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s top business advisor went public in May 2015 claiming climate change was a ruse encouraged by the United Nations to create a new authoritarian world order under its control. Maurice Newman, chairperson of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council, said the real agenda was “concentrated political authority. Global warming is the hook”.

The Washington Times puts it this way, “The U.S. government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn’t matter. In the final analysis, it is no more meaningful to calculate an average temperature for a whole planet than it is to calculate the average telephone number in the Washington D.C. phone book. Temperature, like viscosity and density, and of course phone numbers, is not something that can be meaningfully averaged. “Global temperature” does not exist.”

Scientists warn that the Earth is just 15 years away from experiencing a “mini ice age” — something that has not happened in 300 years. Researchers in the U.K. created a new model of the Sun’s solar cycles that allows them to make extremely accurate predictions of changes in solar activity like never before.

Solar cycles typically last 11 years and during that time, the north and south magnetic poles flip. It looks a lot like a heartbeat when graphed out. We are currently in Cycle 24.

The solar scientists say that the latest model shows the Sun’s magnetic waves will become offset in Cycle 25, which peaks in 2022. Then, in Cycle 26, solar activity will fall by 60 per cent.

Personal Note: Surviving and keeping warm, as the world gets colder is going to be a challenge. The cost of keeping a house warm is going to increase and that is a problem as the world, and just about everyone in it are going to run out of money. I began writing about global cooling in 2009 many years before someone sent me a Biomat, which I totally love. I live in Brazil where no one has heating for his or her house so it is a delight to have an answer, for an issue, I have been writing about for years.

Delingpole: One Last Time – Hurricane Harvey Had Nothing Whatsoever to Do with ‘Climate Change’
by James Delingpole
30 Aug 20171,406

All week some of the very worst people in climate activism have been trying to make political mileage out of Hurricane Harvey.

They range from the inevitable Naomi Klein…

NOW IS EXACTLY the time to talk about climate change, and all the other systemic injustices — from racial profiling to economic austerity — that turn disasters like Harvey into human catastrophes.

…and the inevitable Michael “Hide the Decline” Mann…

Climate change worsened the impact of Hurricane Harvey.

…to whichever disgruntled, anti-Trump, predictably left-wing NOAA employee runs the @altnoaa Twitter account:

What all these blowhard charlatans have in common is that they are all talking drivel. They are, as the EPA rightly says, attempting “to politicize an ongoing tragedy.”

As scientists – or, in Klein’s case, people with pretensions to having scientific evidence on their side – they really ought to know better than to pin man-made climate change on a natural meteorological event which has nothing whatsoever to do with man-made climate change.

So why do they do it? Because for climate alarmists every major weather event – especially ones that cause millions of dollars of damage to property and claim human lives – is never really a disaster or even a crisis but a heaven-sent opportunity to promote their alarmist narrative.

This is what Al Gore has just done in his box office flop An Inconvenient Sequel. He has collected lots of dramatic footage of floods, hurricanes, typhoons and so on and tried to conflate all this photogenic weather disaster porn with man-made climate change.

It’s what Klein, Mann, Kerry Emmanuel of MIT, Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute, Eric Holthaus, have been doing all this week with their “climate change kinda sorta caused Hurricane Harvey” claims. They know that almost no one among the readership of the left-wing publications for which they write is going to question their (fake) science because what they’re saying accords with one of the main tenets of the green religion: everything that goes wrong with the weather must be man’s fault – but most especially it’s the fault of Donald Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Meanwhile, one last time, here’s a reality check courtesy of actual weather data recorded by proper scientists from the days when scientists did actual science.

First, Hurricane Harvey is remarkable precisely because it is such a rare event. It comes at the end of a prolonged hurricane drought:

Second, the intensity of the rainfall was caused by the coincidence of two meteorological anomalies, neither of which is the result of “climate change”. They are, as former NASA scientist Roy Spencer notes:

1) A strong tropical cyclone, with access to abundant moisture evaporated off the Gulf of Mexico, and

2) Little movement by the cyclone.

As he explains in more detail here, this is most definitely a chance occurrence not a climate change event.

Third, the claim that climate change/global warming is responsible – as the alarmists keep telling us – for more flooding, more rainfall is an absolute and total lie.

Here, with the evidence, is the trusty Paul Homewood.

Check out this chart of record US rainfall:


Note that none at all has occurred since 1981.


Take particular note of the four records in Texas:
•Galveston 1871 – 3.95” in 15 minutes
•Woodward Ranch 1935 – 15.0” in 2 hours
•Thrall 1921 – 36.4” in 18 hours
•Alvin 1979 – 43” in 24 hours

Storm Harvey never got anywhere near these sort of totals.

The same, Homewood goes on to demonstrate, is true of the global rainfall record. (Just in case any alarmists want to play the “never mind the US, what about Bangladesh” game). Even the most recent rainfall record was set as long ago as 1980.

Fourth, and finally, of course Houston is going to be prone to flooding. Always has been. Again, we must thank Paul Homewood for pointing out what ought to be obvious with any understanding of local history. Here is what Harris County Flood Control District’s website has to say:

Flooded from the Beginning

When the Allen brothers founded Houston in 1836, they established the town at the confluence of Buffalo and White Oak Bayous. Shortly thereafter, every structure in the new settlement flooded. Early settlers documented that after heavy rains, their wagon trips west through the prairie involved days of walking through knee-deep water.


The Rains Kept Coming

Harris County suffered through 16 major floods from 1836 to 1936, some of which crested at more than 40 feet, turning downtown Houston streets into raging rivers. After the tremendously destructive floods of 1929 and 1935, however, citizens clamoured for solutions. Estimated property damage in 1929 was $1.4 million, a staggering sum at the time. Losses more than doubled in 1935, when seven people were killed and the Port of Houston was crippled for months – its docks submerged, its channel clogged with tons of mud and wreckage, its railroad tracks uprooted. Twenty-five blocks of the downtown business district were inundated, as well as 100 residential blocks. If ever there was a county in need of flood assistance, this was it.

Hang your heads in shame, warmists. History, science and climate are NOT on your side.

Soros Paid Al Gore MILLIONS To Push ‘Aggressive US Action’ On Global Warming
Michael Bastasch
10:08 AM 08/17/2016

Liberal billionaire George Soros gave former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental group millions of dollars over three years to create a “political space for aggressive U.S. action” on global warming, according to leaked documents.

A document published by DC Leaks shows Soros, a Hungarian-born liberal financier, wanted his nonprofit Open Society Institute (OSI) to do more to support global warming policies in the U.S. That included budgeting $10 million in annual support to Gore’s climate group over three years.

“U.S. Programs Global Warming Grants U.S. Programs became engaged on the global warming issue about four years ago, at George Soros’s suggestion,” reads a leaked OSI memo.

“There has been a budget of $11 million for global warming grants in the U.S. Programs budget for the last several years,” the memo reads. “This budget item captures George Soros’s commitment of $10 million per year for three years to Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, which conducts public education on the climate issue in pursuit of creating political space for aggressive U.S. action in line with what scientists say is necessary to put our
nation on a path to reducing its outsize carbon dioxide emissions.”

It’s unclear what year the memo was sent, but the Gore co-founded Alliance for Climate Protection (ACP) was established in 2006 and lasted until it became The Climate Reality Project in July 2011. In 2008, the Alliance launched a $300 million campaign to encourage “Americans to push for aggressive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,” The Washington Post reported.

ACP got $10 million from the Open Society Institute (OSI) in 2008, according to the nonprofit’s tax filings. OSI handed over another $5 million to ACP in 2009, according to tax filings. The investigative reporting group ProPublica keeps a database that has OSI tax returns from 2000 to 2013. TheDCNF could not find other years where OSI gave money to ACP.

OSI is primarily a grant-making nonprofit that hands out millions of dollars every year to mostly left-wing causes. Now called the Open Society Foundations, Soros’s nonprofit has handed out more than $13 billion over the last three decades.

OSI didn’t only plan to fund Gore’s climate group to promote global warming policies in the U.S., OSI also planned on giving millions of dollars to spur the “youth climate movement.”

“This budget item also allows for the renewal of U.S. Programs’ long-standing support of the Energy Action Coalition, which is the lead organizer of the youth climate movement in the U.S., the memo reads.

“We are also including a placeholder for an additional $2 million, pending discussion about and development of OSI’s global warming agenda,” the memo reads. “There is a memo from Nancy Youman in the strategic plans binder that recommends pathways forward for OSI on the climate issue – in the U.S., as well as in other parts of the Open Society Network.”

The Incestuous Nature of the IPCC Reports
Anthony Watts / 1 day ago October 7, 2017
Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball

In a thought-provoking and reasoned commentary that asks the question, “Is climate change controversy good for science? Craig Idso examines a comparison between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Non-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) Reports. (Disclosure: I contributed material to the NIPCC Report). Idso’s article is a review and analysis of an article with the same title in Scientometrics, Jankó et al. (2017). Idso wrote,

Another interesting finding is seen in their examination of who each organization was citing. In-text analysis of the IPCC’s AR5 report revealed that 19 out of the 20 most frequently cited authors in that report were directly involved in the compilation of it. And though the remaining person, J. Hansen, was not officially involved in producing AR5, he participated in the production of at least one prior IPCC report (Third Assessment) as a Contributing Author. Similar analysis of the AR4 report revealed that 14 out of the 16 most frequently cited IPCC authors were involved with the writing of that report. Yet, here again, the remaining two individuals were directly involved in the production of the IPCC’s preceding Third Assessment Report. Such findings indicate the IPCC report authors are most intent on citing their own work, thereby promoting their own interests and findings above the work of others.

Just as Idso did with revealing Janko et al’s conclusion, I am going to save the denouement to the end.

This type of incest is no surprise to many involved in academia. One of the few intelligent things Prince Philip is reported to have said is that universities are the only truly incestuous organizations in our society. Almost everybody teaching in a university is a product of one. For the most part, they run the university by controlling the Senates, so you have the prisoners effectively running the prisons. Most university Presidents and Deans are promoted prisoners. There are many examples of non-academic presidents and department chairs who were pushed out by the academics in a pattern reminiscent of the politicians of the swamp rejecting the non-politician Trump. It is almost inevitable that any group will reject any person they consider not qualified to do the job. The qualifications used for this decision are the ones they created and protect. If you hire somebody who is ‘unqualified’ and it turns out they can do as good or even a better job, then your qualifications and control are undermined. You can add the IPCC to the list.

Everybody on the IPCC Report production, that is the actual research and written documents is selected and appointed by their home nations weather offices. This was the procedure set up by Maurice Strong through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) using the UN agency the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which is comprised of the bureaucrats and scientists at every national weather office. As Richard Lindzen, atmospheric physicist and Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said,

IPCC’s emphasis, however, isn’t on getting qualified scientists, but on getting representatives from over 100 countries, said Lindzen. The truth is only a handful of countries do quality climate research. Most of the so-called experts served merely to pad the numbers.

It is no small matter that routine weather service functionaries from New Zealand to Tanzania are referred to as ‘the world’s leading climate scientists.’ It should come as no surprise that they will be determinedly supportive of the process.

Another problem with politically driven research and the incestuous nature of academia and the IPCC is that they ignore any rules or information, especially criticism that doesn’t fit the agenda. Again, Lindzen identified the problem,

The IPCC claims its report is peer-reviewed, which simply isn’t true, Lindzen said. Under true peer-review, he explained, a panel of reviewers must accept a study before it can be published in a scientific journal. If the reviewers have objections, the author must answer them or change the article to take reviewers’ objections into account.

Under the IPCC review process, by contrast, the authors are at liberty to ignore criticisms. After having his review comments ignored by the IPCC in 1990 and 1995, Lindzen asked to have his name removed from the list of reviewers. The group refused.

Some argue that after early criticisms by Lindzen, Vincent Gray and others, the IPCC instituted a system of review by outsiders. The Janko et al study illustrates that it is a farce introduced purely to claim they are responding. It is the nature of incestuous groups that resolutions of problems are internal and rarely effectively implemented.

The Denouement.

Idso’s analysis provides a perfect example of Lindzen’s critique. In the conflict between Michael Mann’s ‘hockey stick’ research and the analysis of its inadequacies by McIntyre and McKitrick, two congressional committees combined to investigate. This became known as the Barton Committee and was a joint effort between the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. Letters were sent to IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri, National Science Foundation Director Arden Bement, Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley and Malcolm Hughes. It directed the three scientists to provide data and methods and computer codes used to achieve their results.

The politicians knew they would be flummoxed by the science and statistics, so they empaneled an independent group of specialists to investigate and provide a report to assist their conclusions. This group became identified as the Wegman Report after its chairperson Edward Wegman of George Mason University.

In its Recommendations to the Barton Committee and thereby presumably to any future IPCC Report Wegman wrote,

Recommendation 1. Especially when massive amounts of public monies and human lives are at stake, academic work should have a more intense level of scrutiny and review. It is especially the case that authors of policy-related documents like the IPCC report, Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis, should not be the same people as those that constructed the academic papers.

The IPCC paid no attention as Janko et al., identified, and Idso underlined. They are another incestuous group following the academic tradition.
Miss Watson’s nigger, Jim, had a hair-ball as big as your fist, which had been took out of the fourth stomach of an ox, and he used to do magic with it. He said there was a spirit inside of it, and it knowed everything.


Huckleberry Fin
Mark Twain

New U.S. climate report at odds with Trump policy

The report reinforced years of research that shows human activity was the main reason temperatures have soared in the past century.
11/03/2017 02:51 PM EDT
Updated 11/03/2017 05:16 PM EDT
A sweeping new U.S. government report concludes that humans have pushed global temperatures to the highest level seen by modern civilization, defying the Trump administration’s pronouncements that climate change is a hoax or based on unsettled science.
The report, produced by 13 agencies as part of the congressionally required National Climate Assessment, reinforced years of research that shows human activity was the main reason temperatures have soared in the past century — and they are likely to keep climbing, boosting sea levels and threatening environmental disasters.
The report contradicts President Donald Trump's rejection of climate science, his plan to withdraw the U.S. from a global pact to fight climate change and his moves to unwind a slate of policies put in place under former President Barack Obama to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“Foremost, we conclude based on extensive evidence, that it is extremely likely that human activities are the dominant causes of global warming,” said David Fahey, one of the lead authors. “For the warming over the last century, there is no convincing alternative explanation for the warming observed."
However, the White House stuck to its stance that climate "has changed and is always changing,” and it pointed to portions of the report about the uncertainty around the Earth’s sensitivity to greenhouse gas emissions.
White House spokesman Raj Shah said in a statement that the Trump administration “supports rigorous scientific analysis and debate,” and the U.S. will continue to promote access to “affordable and reliable energy needed to grow economically,” support technology and infrastructure that reduce emissions and “enable us to address future risks, including climate related risks.”
Fahey, a scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told reporters on a conference call that he saw no attempt to influence the report by the Trump administration.
Arnold Switch-Nigger Calls on Climate Fags to change tactics

Arnold Switch-Nigger Calls on Climate Fags to change tactics

You better not have a system that is dependent on an absence of fraud.
Warren Buffet

Schwarzenegger calls on climate activists to change methods

Movie star and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wants environmental activists to give more attention to immediate health hazards like air and water pollution.
Schwarzenegger spoke Sunday at a global climate meeting in Bonn, Germany, where diplomats from around the world are discussing implementing the Paris climate accord.
He said: “It’s time we wake up and talk about what really matters: 25,000 people dying every day because of pollution.”
Schwarzenegger also criticized the environmental community for “missing the point” with its messaging on global warming.
He said: “People do not focus as much on 2 degrees energy increases in temperatures or increases in sea levels rising.”
Schwarzenegger thinks calling attention to concrete issues, like “so many people having problems with cancer and kids with asthma,” is a better approach.


Another Arctic blast poised to usher in 2018
By Faith Eherts, AccuWeather meteorologist
December 27, 2017, 2:44:18 PM EST

Brutally cold weather will soon be refreshed as another bout of arctic air dives through the United States.

The new frigid blast will make its way from the northern Plains to the eastern and southern U.S. Sunday into Monday.

Although arctic air is expected to ease later in the week, any relief will be minimal and short lived.

Temperatures in Minneapolis are forecast to fail to exceed zero F over the weekend.

“Bitterly cold arctic air will settle in across a large swath of the U.S. as we turn the calendar from 2017 to 2018,” said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Dan Pydynowski.


“People will really need to bundle up if they are heading out Sunday night for New Year's Eve celebrations in places like Chicago, for example, where the high will be 15 F on Sunday, around 15 degrees below normal,” he warned.

Cities as far south as Nashville and Atlanta will experience temperatures over 20 degrees Fahrenheit below average by the end of the weekend, where high temperatures are expected to remain below 30 F.

Frigid weather is expected to reach the Big Apple just in time to chill those visiting Times Square, though the record low of minus 4 F from 1918 will not be challenged.

“It could be near 11 F in Times Square when the ball drops on Sunday night in New York City, with AccuWeather RealFeel® Temperatures below zero,” Pydynowski said.

At that level the temperature may be within the top two lowest since records have been maintained in the 1800s. In 1962, the temperature at midnight on New Year's Eve was 11. The only lower midnight temperature at the brink of the new year was in 1917, when it was 1 F in Midtown Manhattan.

These conditions will be dangerously cold, especially for those spending many hours outdoors overnight across the majority of the eastern two-thirds of the country.

Consuming alcoholic beverages increases the risk of hypothermia, if not alert and properly dressed, according to the Mayo Clinic.

In Atlanta and Chicago, it will be the coldest New Year's Eve since welcoming in 2010, when the temperature bottomed out at 29 and 5 F, respectively.

“People will need to bundle up with all their winter gear in order to stay warm,” said Pydynowski.

From Minneapolis to New York City, nation faces frigid New Year’s Eve and start to 2018
By Jason Samenow
December 27 at 4:10 PM 

Relentless and punishing, repeated blasts of cold air will continue surging into the Lower 48 through the first week of the New Year. Only the western United States will be spared.

This cold is likely to be the nation’s most extreme since February 2015 and, over a long duration, will produce dangerously low temperatures and wind chills over large portions of both the central and eastern United States.

Temperature some 15 to 30 degrees lower than normal will grip much of the eastern two-thirds of the nation up to seven to 10 more days. Some parts of the north central United States could see temperatures an astonishing 40 to 50 degrees colder than normal this weekend.


Temperature difference from normal as forecast by GFS model Thursday through Tuesday.

These temperatures, compared to normal, will be the coldest in the world.

The bitter chill first arrived around Christmas Eve and has only dug in, becoming more frigid over time, breaking records in some areas of the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes:
•Chicago’s high temperature on Tuesday of 5 degrees tied the record for the coldest maximum temperature on Dec. 26.
•Detroit tied the daily record low for Dec. 27 of minus-4 Wednesday, previously set in 1925.
•International Falls, the so-called icebox of the nation, plummeted to minus-36 Wednesday, breaking the previous record of minus-32 for the date. Its high the previous day was only minus-12, tying the coldest maximum temperature on record for Dec. 26.

A few small towns in northern Minnesota were as cold as minus-40 degrees Wednesday morning.

As this cold air spilled over the Great Lakes, it generated incredible snowfall, including 65 inches in Erie, shattering the Pennsylvania two-day snowfall record, and up to 62 inches in Oswego County, N.Y.

The piercing cold over the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes is pouring into the Northeast, where the National Weather Service predicts record-cold high temperatures Thursday. Highs are only expected to reach 10 to 15 degrees in Boston, about 20 in New York and 25 in Washington.

The final week of the year in Boston is shaping up to be about the coldest in recorded history.

The pinnacle of this unforgiving cold snap is likely to occur between this weekend and the first few days of the New Year, progressing from the Dakotas to the Northeast. On Saturday, some parts of eastern Montana, the Dakotas and northern Minnesota may see air temperatures crash to minus-40 degrees, and wind chills to minus-50 or lower. High temperatures may not exceed minus-10 Saturday, which would threaten some records.

On Saturday and Sunday, Minneapolis is forecast to have highs of only about minus-5, with lows near minus-15. Wind chills will be considerably colder. Chicago may see its highs stuck in the single digits both Saturday and New Year’s Day.

In the East, 2018 may start off even colder than the close of 2017. The American and European model predict New York City will ring in the New Year with an air temperature near 10 degrees and wind chills of zero to minus-5. This would rank among the coldest ball drops in the Big Apple in recorded history. The last time it was so cold was in 1962; 1917 marked the coldest ball drop, when the air temperature was a mere 1 degree.

Subzero wind chills are likely to cover enormous territory New Year’s Day — extending as far as south as Oklahoma, Arkansas and the central Appalachians.


Wind chill forecast from GFS model at 7 a.m New Year’s Day.

Just how cold will your city be? Here is the European modeling system’s (ensemble mean) forecast for the coldest day between Dec. 30 and Jan. 2:
•Minneapolis: Sunday. High: Minus-4, low: minus-18
•Milwaukee: Monday. High: 7, low: minus-2
•St. Louis: Monday. High: 14, low: 0
•Oklahoma City: Monday. High: 23, low: 13
•Dallas: Monday. High: 32, low: 23
•Chicago: Monday. High: 5, low: minus-9
•Detroit: Monday. High: 10, low: minus-11
•Cleveland: Monday. High: 9, low: 1
•Indianapolis: Monday. High: 6, low: minus-10
•Memphis: Monday. High: 26, low: 14
•Boston: Monday. High: 8, low: minus-3
•New York: Monday. High: 16, low: 5
•Pittsburgh: Monday. High: 15, low: 2
•Washington: Monday. High: 21, low: 12
•Raleigh, N.C.: Tuesday. High: 28, low: 16
•Atlanta: Tuesday. High: 32, low: 18

Note that while we are confident it will be extremely cold, forecasts are likely to change some over the coming days. Models have tended to predict somewhat colder temperatures than reality this year at long lead times. But even if these predicted temperatures are a little colder :rolleyes: than what actually materializes, it will still be bone-chilling cold.

As the first week of the New Year progresses, the intensity of the cold may ease some, but temperatures are forecast to remain well below normal in the central and eastern United States.

Erie, Pennsylvania, buried under record snowfall
By Jon Herskovitz
December 27, 2017

(Reuters) - A storm that has dumped more than 65 inches (165 cms) of snow this week on Erie, Pennsylvania, is expected to slightly taper off on Wednesday after leaving drifts that buried cars, paralyzed the area and made the county declare an emergency.

But the respite for Erie, a city of about 100,000 in northwest Pennsylvania on the shores of Lake Erie, is expected to be short-lived, with a fresh round of winter storms coming Thursday night predicted to bring as much as 10 inches more snow, forecasters said.

"This is a crippling snow event," said Zach Sefcovic, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Cleveland.

"They are no strangers to snow in that part of the state, but this much snow in that short a time is just unprecedented," he said in a telephone interview.

Large parts of the United States were gripped by freezing weather, with an area stretching from Montana to Maine expected to see temperatures below 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12.2 degrees Celsius) early on Thursday, the National Weather Service said.

The winter blast in Erie was caused by cold Arctic air moving over the lake, which had relatively mild water temperatures, forecasters said.

The storm broke a 59-year-old record for a two-day snowfall in Pennsylvania, topping the 44 inches that fell in 1958. Erie County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper issued a temporary disaster emergency declaration that mobilized resources to help the area.

Pictures of residents on social media showed drifts reaching beyond window-levels in houses and people clearing paths through chest-high accumulations.

"Out of Doritos. Family is arguing. Dogs are getting ornery. It’s been 3 days since my last chicken wing. We are out of whiskey,” wrote Nicole Massari on her Instagram account @theworldaroundnikki, along with a video showing her Pennsylvania home surrounded by snow.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf deployed 21 Pennsylvania National Guard troops along with some all-terrain military vehicles to the region on Tuesday to help residents dig out and transport emergency responders around the area.

Erie resident Brian Sheridan on Wednesday posted a photo on social media showing the top of his mail box peeking out underneath a mound of snow. In a caption, he wrote: "At this point, it just might be easier to put a hold on our mail until spring."

Trump mocks ‘good old Global Warming’ as cold spell hits US
By Joe Tacopino
December 28, 2017 | 7:34pm | Updated


President Trump mocked the science behind climate change in a tweet Thursday night that claimed the frigid East Coast could actually use more global warming.

“In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record,” Trump noted about the freezing temperatures in New York and other cities. :D

“Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!”

The weather forecasts for New York City have temperatures expected to be below freezing into the New Year.

Also in the tweet, the president was apparently referring to the non-binding Paris Accord — which his administration said the US was pulling out of earlier this year.

Trump’s claim that the agreement will cost “TRILLIONS” apparently comes from a conservative Heritage Foundation. Their estimate was $2.5 trillion over a 20-year period.

Here comes the fake news:

However, another estimate called the cost “modest” and added that delaying any action would actually cost the US more money in the long run.

Piercing cold blast to feel subzero in central, northeastern US in time for 2018
By Alex Sosnowski, AccuWeather senior meteorologist
December 30, 2017, 1:47:37 PM EST

Cold air rivaling that of the past 100 years for late December and early January will make it painful to be outdoors and may lead to damage in the central and northeastern Unites States.

AccuWeather RealFeel® Temperatures are projected to be below zero over much of the Northeast and well below zero in much of the Midwest.

In the coming days, RealFeel temperatures 5 to 20 degrees below zero will be common. in the northern tier, RealFeel temperatures may dip as low as 30 to 40 degrees below zero.


Most low temperature records from the northern and central Plains to the mid-Atlantic and New England are likely to remain in tact.

However, in terms of the level of cold, actual temperatures in many locations will be in the lower 5 percentile for all years on record for late December and early January, according to the National Weather Service.

Standout years for record cold in the Northeast at this point in the season were in 1880-81 and 1917-18. In the Midwest, the years 1967-68 and 1973-74 left a mark with subzero F cold.

"While the level of cold will vary from one day to the next, indications are that the frigid weather will linger through the first week of January in the Central and Eastern states," according to AccuWeather Long-Range Meteorologist Max Vido.


"It may not be until toward the second or third week of the month before many areas get above the freezing mark for a time," Vido said.

There is also the chance the severe cold may help spin up a storm on the coast during the first week of 2018.

The severity and persistence of the cold blast may take a huge toll on the homeless population.

Energy demands will skyrocket. Household heating budgets may take a huge hit.

Consuming alcoholic beverages increases the risk of hypothermia, if not alert and properly dressed.

Be sure to check on young children and the elderly as they are more prone to having serious health issues in these conditions.

When traveling, be sure to bring along blankets, knitted hats and gloves in case your vehicle becomes disabled.

Elevated risk of water damage from burst pipes

In addition to health concerns, the severe, penetrating cold may cause pipes and water mains to burst.

Be sure to promptly report persistently running water through yards and streets to the local water authority or the police if unsure.

A simple matter of opening cabinet doors and removing a few ceiling tiles may be enough to prevent costly damage in poorly heated and insulated areas. Property owners that will be away for a length of time may want to allow water to drip from faucets in the coldest rooms.

Under no circumstances should property owners attempt to thaw pipes with an open flame due to the risk of starting a fire.

Never leave space heaters unattended and only use in an open area away from furniture, rugs and clothes.