Freemasonry and Judaism ...



By eating the forbidden fruit, Lucifer promised: "Your eyes will be open and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:5)

This means that man will define what is good and evil.

God is Good. When man makes himself God, good becomes whatever the most powerful man or group wants. Good becomes evil and evil becomes good. This is happening today.

There were a lot of groups who wanted to be God but some conservatives believe our anti culture can be traced to the
ewish view of their "chosenness."
Originally J*ws had a conception of God as a Universal Moral Force in the universe. (This is the Judaism I identify with.)

Apparently in 79 BC there
was a Civil War and the Pharisees were victorious. They proclaimed the supremacy of the Babylon
ian Talmud over the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament.)

The Talmud teaches that the J*ws are chosen by God to lead mankind. In practice this makes them God and gives them the right to redefine reality. It has made them Luciferians. In the words of Harold Rosenthal, "Most J*ws do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer...and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive." (

According to the author "Rabi": "Christianity is essentially preoccupied with the individual salvation of man. Judaism only contemplates the salvation of the Hous
e of Israel, which alone can permit the salvation of seventy nations of the universe." (Anatomie du Judasime Francaise, pp.203-204)

Thus the Pharisees rejected Christ because he taught tha
t God is Love and all men are equal in the sight of God.

"The advent of Christ was a national catastrophe for the Jewish people, especially for the le
aders. writes Leon de Poncins. "Until then they alone had been the Sons of the Covenant; they had been its sole high priests and beneficiaries.... "

De Poncins continues: "The irreducible antagonism with which Judaism has opposed Christianity for 2000 years is the key and mainspring of modern subversion...[The J*w] championed reason against the mythical world of the spirit ...he was the doctor of unbelief; all those who were mentally in revolt came to him either secretly or in broad daylight..." (Judaism and the Vatican, pp.111-113.)